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Dear Geert - I have always looked forward to all of your important updates and applaud all of the efforts that you have done to try to keep the public informed. You have my sincere and ongoing gratitude for everything you have done and continue to do which may feel like a thankless task however many like myself understand and appreciate the enormous personal and professional sacrifices you have made and the persistent drive required to keep going.

Many, many thanks again,

Warmest regards, PMc

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Why would GVB cease making informative videos?!

MANY of us greatly value his credentialed and sincere input!


You are one of the very few genuine, truth-telling philanthropists remaining out there. PLEASE stay in this arena; you have support in the public!

Far more, I dare say, than Robert Malone, who continues to profit from working both sides of deadly vaccine propaganda.


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He seems like a nice man but he's talking like he doesn't know that covid was never isolated and the pharmaceutical companies had the "scamdemic" planned years ago. He totally ignores new information. Despite his credentials which don't say much because being in the machine, makes it hard for them to see the machine. But he's not interested in finding out anything new, he is fully invested in his years of training. So if someone isn't up to snuff on the latest information, everything they say must be taken with a grain of salt.

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I have been working in a nursing home for many years before the scamdemic and unfortunately was a total zombie until 12 hours after my second dose of warpspeed bioweapon nearly killed me. I still had a long way to go but it definitely scared me enough to know I had been poisoned. The deal was sealed only after my cat died (a violent stroke-like death) 3 days after her rabies shot. I don’t understand why I chose to get her vaxxed as I was already accepting my new anti vaxxer label. Well, that warpspeeded me down the rabbit holes and the #1 lesson I have learned is trust no one.

ALL vaccines are poison. ALL pHARMaceuticals are poison. ALL products sold to us by industrial corporations are poison. ALL doctors are drug pushers, they’re not allowed to push health. Even I’m part of the problem (as an lvn in a nursing home)albeit lower on the totem pole I’m still “following orders”. It’s been a bitter pill.

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What are you saying? I don't understand.

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New information shows that viruses have never been seen and that they cannot live outside the body and that they emerge when live tissue is diseased. They are like the cleanup crew, the garbage men. They do not cause disease. And there's a whole lot of new medicine frameworks like German New Medicine and Terrain Theory which medical professionals don't even know about. Our bodies are nothing like what we have learned. And then there is other very clear evidence (provided by Dr David Martin) that the C19 vaccine is a bioweapon and was planned way back in 2002/3. He found this out through patents, he's a patents lawyer and everyone needs to watch at least one of his videos as he's been coming out with clear information and evidence about all this. Dr Stephen Lanka has come out and shown that virology is a fraudulent profession and several other doctors such as Sam and Mark Bailey whom you should listen to. I can provide links if you need.

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Denise, there may be some truth in what you're saying about 'no virus' and terrain theory, etc. But there is also evidence on the other side, too. Dr. Richard Fleming showed a series of extremely high magnification SEM (scanning electron microscope) photos of what sure looked like a virus (a ball-shaped 'thing' with spikes on it) in his July 2021 slide presentation called Event 2021. Have you seen it? It's fairly early in the presentation, maybe a half-hour in, approximately. Viruses are too small to be seen under a light microscope, but SEM's are several orders of magnitude higher in magnification. Also, as Dr. Fleming pointed out, his friend and colleague Luc Montagnier, published the genome of SARS-CoV-2 from a virus sample (not a computer). Montagnier won the Nobel Prize for isolating and publishing the HIV genome in the 1980's, so I would think he knows how to do that kind of work. I personally reached out to Dr. Fleming by email to verify whether the chain of custody of the virus sample was known, to ensure that the SEM photos and the genome were indeed from SARS-CoV-2 and he said "yes." Montagnier had access to hundreds of COVID patients to obtain samples of the virus because his colleague in Marseille, France, Dr. Didier Raoult, was running a very advanced COVID treatment and research center and was treating hundreds of COVID patients early in the pandemic with various early treatment medications like hydroxychloroquine, zinc, etc. Maybe that's where Montagnier got his samples, I don't know for sure. Another thing is that normally in a pandemic, there's one strain that spreads through a population until herd immunity is reached and then it's over. Geert predicted that due to mass vaccination in the midst of the pandemic, new variants would be generated, and that's exactly what happened: Wuhan, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, eta, iota, kappa, omicron, zeta, and mu. As to his opinion being biased from his work on vaccines, when you look at the cost he's paid professionally, and his willingness to stand alone in his opinions, his integrity is beyond reproach. Yes, he does believe vaccines have been important in controlling disease outbreaks. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong about that, but he's entitled to his professional opinion. When you say "he's not interested in finding out anything new", you could not be more wrong. That's all he's been doing - using his vast technical knowledge and experience to develop a new theory of the evolutionary selective pressures on the virus due to mass vaccination in the midst of a pandemic, analyzing the effect on the immune systems of the vaccinees, etc. This mass vaccination in the midst of a pandemic has never happened before in history, and he is perhaps the only one in the world who has a correct theory on it. His colleagues have told him privately that they agree with his scientific analysis, but they are too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs and reputations. Keep an open mind. There is more than one side to this issue. Time will tell.

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A thoughtful comment but did you ask Dr Fleming to show proof that the chain of custody of the virus sample was known, to ensure that the SEM photos and the genome were indeed from SARS-CoV-2? You didn't just go by his word of "yes", surely? Because that's not exactly research. I hope you listen to Dr Sam Bailey's explanation on what they see in the electron microscope - it is not an isolated organism, they put a plethora of other substances into the sample and mix it up and come out with what they show as the spike protein. It's a bit of a cartoon but in the end all these characters have a vested interest in not finding out about terrain theory because it would render medical science as we know it a fraud. And nobody in it wants that to happen. That's why the term "terrain theory" is not even familiar to "scientists" and you'd think they should at least know what that theory is let alone not even know who the person was who originated it. It's a lack of information that they are totally either oblivious to or pretend to be so that the years of work they put in will not render all that investment in it as moot. That's really what I say is going on. Waiting for time to tell endangers everyone because they are planning another fako pandemico and what you don't know can and will, be used against you.

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It's true that Dr Fleming's word is just that - his word. It's not evidence in a court of law about the chain of custody, so yes, I would have preferred a more in-depth answer. But the SEM photos were of a whole virus-like thing, a spherical ball with spikes coming out all around it, not just a spike protein, as you mentioned in Sam Bailey's photos. Look at it and let me know what you think it is. I agree with you that the mainstream medical establishment is wedded to the germ theory orthodoxy, and they should entertain other ideas. But I don't think there's any evidence linking Dr. Fleming to that battle. He's old enough and wealthy enough to be enjoying his retirement, but he wrote a book about SARS-CoV-2 as a bio weapon program because of the crimes against humanity that were taking place. In his lectures and in his book he discusses the criminal behavior behind the whole pandemic, he doesn't fight the virus vs. no virus battle. His goal is to get one or more of the states attorneys general to bring criminal indictments against the people behind the pandemic. I trust you would agree with that, right? So let's work together on what we agree upon and on the lives and economies and freedoms being destroyed, and put our disagreements on the back burner.

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I am not indicting Dr Fleming, I don't even know him I'm simply replying to the argument that getting a yes from someone is not doing research. And when someone says their opinion if they don't say why then they're being disingenuous or superior like "just take my word for it". We need to be much more astute than that. As for him writing the book, why did he not tackle the complaint that covid has not been isolated? And why is the experimental status of the mRNA vaccine barely mentioned? So let me get this straight - they are using people who believe in a virus to take the bioweapon and the fact this is all experimental is said so rarely it wouldn't be hard to miss that. You are the lab rats. Why is everyone ok with this and arguing about what shape a purported virus has? What point going to a court of law when the law is a fallacy? And what percentage of cases get satisfaction? Tossing a coin would be more fair and a whole lot less expensive. But when it comes to the truth, we all need to talk. Why is nothing mentioned about Antoine Bechamp who was a contemporary of Louis Pasteur whom we hear about all the time and he wasn't a doctor or a scientist but Bechamp was? Hey, can you tell me that?

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I never claimed I did "the research". I just reported what he said - that's all I had the power to do. I never claimed it proved the virus was real. I just said there are knowledgeable scientists out there with other points of view, and that believe the virus is real and claim to have shown that. I never said I knew the truth with certainty, so I never made any false claims or did any incomplete research, or just took anyone's word for it. I just reported what I heard, that's all. I was just saying there are other opinions out there. I am still learning. I still have an open mind. Yes, it's important whether there's a virus or not - fine - I'm all for having that debate and trying to settle it. If the terrain theory is proven correct, then hurray! I'll be the biggest cheerleader - I'm FINE with that! I'm not against that! But right now, today, I think it's more important to try to prosecute the people that unleashed "something" on mankind. Even if there never was any virus or bacteria at all, if it was just based on bogus PCR testing, and it was just a regular flu, it doesn't matter - someone lied to the public about a dangerous disease and wreaked havoc on society, illegally taking away people's constitutional rights and doing immense criminal harm. You may feel legal action is pointless, but I applaud lawyers and scientists like Dr. Fleming and Dr. Vanden Bossche and many others who are trying to do the right thing, whether they succeed or not.

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I have read Dr. Fleming’s book, GVB’s book, Dr. Thomas Cowan’s book (germ theory explanation applied to Covid) Karen Kingston’s substack on the whole pandemic stemming from nanotech synthetic biology, etc. As well as Turtle’s All the Way Down vaccine Science and Myth.

While germ theory is compelling in some regards, I have yet to find an author who can fully explain all aspects of what we observe in every day life with illness backed by proof the other way. For example, small particulate matter (air pollution) may be what is actually causing someone to be ill, but no one is measuring/studying it in a meaningful way that I can find to show how this could be the cause of respiratory illness vs a “virus”. At the end if the day, a lot of germ theory goes down the path of looking at exosomes (cell death debris) and saying that these particles are one and the same as a viral particle. So something caused cell to die, upon death it releases this exosome - germ theory says this is to warn other cells, viral theory says the particle is a virus and then it goes to other cells and causes more death. Both look at a tiny particle but interpret it very differently.

As with everything, it gets way more complicated, a lot of exosome research is fairly new and these small particles can act in many different ways, it’s not black and white at all.

Regardless, at some point, you have to look at a wider point of view and to me, “viral” or not, something small is being observed, a particle with spikes, and people like GVB seem to have a handle on how and why it mutates and changes over time, observing its changes over time. On the germ theory side, it seems just like everlasting cries of “viruses aren’t real.” Maybe they aren’t, but like Shakespeare famously wrote in Romeo and Juliet, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” - whether a virus or a circulating toxin that causes cells to release “exosomes” - there is something that can be studied - it is tiny and the structure is well documented...as well as the cascades that happen as it circulates in the body.

Personally, I don’t think it helps in a meaningful way to approach the work of scientists such as GVB as flawed or invalid because of germ theory. Germ theory still has the same hurdles and obstacles to jump over (if not more) to give a full explanation of what caused illness, (is it a germ or particulate matter, nanotech, emf, etc) how individuals and populations respond to the cause of said illness, (immunity and herd immunity) and how to explain that the small particle found in humans (exosome, nanotech, or viral) is changing over time. Virologist will look at this as immune response putting pressure on the virus to mutate. I’m not sure how germ theorists would explain the mutations. Not saying they don’t gave an explanation, but broadly I have only heard them state that the viral tests are all flawed so viruses are fiction. But that for me is a big problem - germ theory could be correct, and likely is in many regards, but on a quantitative level - how does it explain observable mutations in the small particles most call “viruses” that are observable?

For the time being, I prefer to read people like GVB who understand these tiny particles, their effects on the human body, and care less about what they name them until there is compelling evidence to do so.

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What you are doing is defending the ego of the man, (that doesn't mean he has an ego) it's just the thing you're doing, the psychological thing that a lot of women do, I observe) So let's get our mind off that level and call him and everyone to give substance to what they say, let alone advise. There is no need to defend the man himself, I'm talking about why he doesn't mention AT ALL these questions many people have now about viruses. He doesn't even bring them up! Why the total silence? It reminds me so much of the silence over geoengineering or child pedophilia - they both have in common that they say nothing - I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, about the subject that we're all buzzing about, you know, the people he says he cares about. He is an expert, so why doesn't he even allude to Bechamp who as I stated, was the real scientist of Louis Pasteur's time (LP was the "inventor" of germ theory) Yes there is so much more to the story so why is the same story only ever told? Don't you feel you should be more curious? It's not to downgrade the good doctor - it's to wake him up, like everyone else, we need to talk about everything that isn't talked about. Silence is the safeguard of scoundrels, just remember that. If speaking about obvious discrepancies gets attacked, then you're saying you give experts a pass. It can still be done cordially. But it doesn't have to because you can't be half-pregnant with free speech. What I am miffed about is that they NEVER mention, let alone address, these important holes in their theory. He doesn't address that other substances are added to the fake "isolation" of viruses. Knowing there are other substances in the sample, changes the truth of the results so that it is not "isolation", how could it be? Don't get tied up trying to defend the person's dignity. If we want to live in a world of truth, then every person's dignity must rest on honesty. I cannot understand how these "experts" have not heard of terrain theory or that they mention nothing about it if they have. It is ULTRA relevant. Think how many people could be healthier.

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Just to clarify, as I think you have written it backwards, unless I misunderstood. Germ theory is the one that promotes 'viruses'. Terrain theory is the one that says 'viruses' don't exist.

It is extremely important whether these particles come from outside the body (virus) or inside the body (exosome - signaling particle). Why? Because the concept of 'virus' and 'viral contagion' is being used by our overlords and government to fearmonger and control the populace and inject into the populace whatever they see fit. Without 'viruses' that could no longer occur...

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I believe what you’re saying as far as viruses have not been isolated but I believe (I’m not a scientist) viruses are already a part of our terrain, not contagious. We are electrical beings and have been hacked a long time ago and convinced contagion is real. It’s not. But frequencies are. Think 5G for one example out of many many many more ways to hijack our biofrequncies. Look up wide body area networks on NIH or cdc. They’ve been doing this to us since the 60’s. Corona virus is man made tech and most of us manage to survive despite it but I think we are getting sicker because the grid is getting more intense.

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Hi Denise, I put my reply to you in the wrong place - please see my new post. Thanks.

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Denise is right, 'SARs Co-V-2' has never been isolated, anywhere in the world. In fact, no virus has ever been isolated. If that were not true, then how did German microbiologist Stefan Lanka, despite every effort from the opposing side, WIN the court case, demonstrating measles 'virus' could not be shown to exist? Part of the problem is that in 'virology' terms, the word 'isolate' means entirely the opposite of what it means in general parlance, that is 'to separate from'. In virology, the muck they look at under the microscope contains (generally) several animals species nucleic acids, along with cellular toxins, resulting in diseased cells of only God know what. This, to a virologist, is an isolated virus. This, to a thinking, logical person, is nothing of the sort. The exact same result can be obtained without invoking a 'virus'. Another problem is that the so-called 'virus' is indistinguishable from an exosome, a waste product that is regularly exited from cells. Even if anything other than what we already call an exosome was identified, then how exactly can we tell the difference between the viral nucleic acid, and the monkey nucleic acid, or cow nucleic acid, or for that matter aborted fetal nucleic acid....? Viruses were created purely to allow for injectable poisons.

It is disappointing that several attempts have been made by the likes of Drs Bailey, Masse, Kaufman and others to debate the existence of viruses and put it to bed, and are met with silence. That silence should be deafening. Particularly to those who saw through the Covid vaccine scam. Unfortunately people have allowed themselves to believe 'authorities' and 'experts' that are evidently nonetheless extremely human, and too invested in their own 'life achievements' to open themselves to the truth..

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Preach! 🙌🏼

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the pseudo mRNA doesn't live either outside the body....

but it'll sure cause a problem inside the cells for some people.

i see the replication competent viral particle the same as the pseudo mRNA...

that is one of the reasons i didn't get the jab.... i didn't want my cells making the spike protein....

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Can't help wondering if you've been vaccinated Denise...

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Absolutely not. I saw it the day of covid and knew even before covid happened that they would use vaccines as a method of depopulation, for weakening, killing and sterilizing the population. But these looney toones also want to inject every living thing with mRNA technology. They are poisoning everything we depend upon. But really they are not doing it - we are. They only make the mandates and the laws, which would be nothing if people ignored them. It is up to us to stop paying them, stopped buying their products and stopped obeying their mandates. Just don't do it. People are too scared. But they could team up with a truth buddy and agree to getting off the system in ways that they can. This state of affairs doesn't have to be, except for the workers who do the work that is actually destroying humankind. It's all because of a paycheck.

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No dear... it's all because the antichrist is setting up the world to take the mark of the beast. This is all about spiritual warfare. Satan desperately wants to steal, kill and destroy as many souls as possible in his quest to cause God as much grief as possible.

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Why would god want to set us up?

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Great question! God is not setting us up. What's happening in geopolitics is that proud, ambitious, and rich members of occult secret societies are building a New World Order (Great Reset, world government, technocracy, 1984, Brave New World, Age of Aquarius, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, or whatever you want to call it). This has always been the dream of mankind, to mistrust God and believe that there's knowledge of enlightenment and fulfillment that God is hiding from us, so man's goal is to attain it himself, on his own, without consulting his Creator, who knows everything and loves every person. Adam and Eve believed this, but it reached its first major expression after the flood of Noah when Nimrod build a city and a tower - The Tower of Babel. It was man's idea to do that, not God's. God said to Noah and his sons to fill the earth, and that they didn't have to be afraid of the wild animals, and that there would be plenty of food and drink and everything they needed. But instead of believing God they doubted Him, just like Adam and Eve. Nimrod, the world leader at that time, had the people congregate in one place to build a great city, so they could protect themselves, to build a tower to reach to the heavens so they could gain wisdom and predict the future from the stars instead of asking God (this is where we get astrology, palm-reading, and fortune-telling). God remarked about this movement that "nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them", (Genesis 11:6), which sounds exactly like Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, et al, who are executing Agenda 2030 to create a completely man-made, engineered, managed, and controlled society, and literally do anything they want to do: live forever, have AI and transhuman slaves to work for them, etc. God interrupted the building of the Tower of Babel so that He could start a new line of people of faith in Him, to write down the Bible and give birth to the Savior Jesus, who would redeem anybody who put their faith in Him. They would be called by God to leave aside the dream of a New World Order and instead love God and follow Him. Ever since then, rebuilding the Tower of Babel has been the dream of every civilization: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. This is why there are pyramids, pagodas, ziggurats, and various other towers in every civilization. Rome never fell. That is still the empire of today. One could say it ended when the reign of the Caesars ended, but the Holy Roman Empire kept it going. The Holy Roman Empire ended but the New World Order picked things up from there (creating the UN, BIS, WTO, WEF, World Court, and a lot of other global governance institutions). Now that God's people have preached the Gospel over just about the whole world, the Jews are back in Israel getting ready to say "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord", just as Jesus said they would, when He descends back down onto the Mount of Olives, just like the angel said He would do in fulfillment of the prophet Zechariah. The technology exists to make everyone have some sort of control system (mark of the beast) in order to "buy or sell", which is likely to be CBDC's plus a subcutaneous digital ID or phone app for the time being. The world government system is being built, so individual nation states are quickly becoming a thing of the past. A great apostasy is happening (falling away from following God) and the world is degenerating in so many ways: morally, criminally, ecologically, psychologically, etc. Totalitarian systems like censorship and social credit scores are being put in place to persecute anyone that doesn't go along with the governing narratives. The main targets of this have always been Christians and Jews who are true believers in God and will not compromise. In 1930's Germany it was the Confessing Church led by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemoller who refused to be part of the official Nazi-approved churches. Christians are not afraid to say no to tyranny because they know they already have eternal life so they can afford to follow their consciences, to not deny Christ, to call out evil, and refuse to comply with tyrannical orders. Most non-Christians, with some notable exceptions, and nominal Christians (Christians in name only) will be too afraid to resist the tyranny, so they can be bribed and will go along. So, finally, to answer your question, God lets man choose whether to trust Him (God) or to doubt Him and build a New World Order. He allows Satan to sow seeds of doubt in man, ideas like atheism, evolution, socialism, Gnosticism, joining secret societies, all sorts of false religions and philosophies. God also preserves the truth alongside the lies, in every age, through the Bible and the witness of Christian believers. That's what all of history is about: God is asking of all men (and women): Do you believe me or not? We are living just before the climax of history and the return of Jesus Christ, and when He comes back, the fate of everyone's choice - to believe God or to doubt Him - will be sealed for all time.

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What if I said to you that is just a story. And a story I personally believe was written by "the bloodlines". No they are not a rock group but a long line of wealth that has taken by stealth almost all of humanity's labor and resources. It's soon to be all. They wrote the bible to infiltrate the man's psyche's to fulfill that longing for something beyond himself, because he finds himself and harmonious life deficient. So drama has to be instilled. Worse of all it is a Satanic cult that uses humans to outsource their own ability to choose by fearing some mythical tyrant that will forever punish you if you don't heel.

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Organized religion can rightfully be accused of what you say - instilling fear in people and extorting money from them. But that in no way represents the teachings of the Bible itself. Jesus ended all that greedy system when he overturned the money changers in the Temple and said He was the final sacrifice for sins, that from now on the people were completely free of the law, free from religious obligation, they had their own direct line to God through the one mediator, Jesus. They were completely forgiven for all sins, past, present, and future, that there was absolutely no condemnation, that God was for them, on their side, that His yoke was easy and His burden light. That's good news, not something to be afraid of. If someone's ignorant enough not to read the Bible and instead believes some greedy religious authorities who want to take all their money, then too bad for them. I'm not one of them. The Bible teaches the opposite. The Bible couldn't have been written by people of wealth who wanted to steal from humanity, because the people who wrote it were ordinary men, mostly poor or working class: shepherds, fishermen, farmers, and tradesmen. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, and David were shepherds. Peter, Andrew, John, and James were fishermen. Jesus was a carpenter. Jesus purposely said things He knew were considered blasphemous to the Jewish religious leaders and would get himself crucified. Does someone who knowingly gets himself crucified, believing that through that act God the Father will forgive all people their sins just for believing that God is really that good and wants to declare them "not guilty" even though they are, does that sound like someone who represents a tyrant who wants to strike fear in people? Why would Jesus suffer like that? Not only Jesus but nearly all the Old Testament Prophets and New Testament apostles were martyred for their beliefs and their actions. If their aim was to steal the wealth of humanity, they certainly didn't do a very good job - they got themselves killed. Many of the early believers in Christ, for the first 300 years or so especially, were martyred. This is history - they were thrown to the lions in the Roman Coliseum and killed in other brutal ways. It's only when the Church partnered with the state, the early Church with Constantine, the Popes with the Kings of Europe, that's when both sides helped each other out: the Kings made the people go to Church in exchange for the church making the people obey the Kings. The people of the Bible, the Protestant reformers and other Christians outside the official Roman Catholic Church, the founders of America, and many others, routinely stood up to tyranny, often paying with their lives. In the Bible's book of Samuel, Samuel writes that God told him to tell the people not to choose to be ruled by a king like the surrounding nations, because the king would become a selfish and greedy tyrant, robbing from the people. So, you see, the Bible advocates self-government and freedom from tyranny. God gave Moses a new government after the slavery of Egypt, consisting of a republic of laws, which applied to everyone equally. No one was above the law. Judges were appointed to decide cases, judges that could not be bribed. This is the same system that America followed in setting up our own republic. Different laws, but the same idea. No one is above the law - it applies to everyone. The law only restricted people from harming their neighbor. There were no laws taking money from people to create welfare systems or corporate subsidies or foreign aid or retirement programs or medical programs or any of the foolish programs government does today. There were no lobbyists bribing politicians because the politicians had no power to do them any favors. Just as America, though far from perfect, has the most free system of government in history - a republic of laws, the Bible also gave Israel the most free system of government up to that time - a republic of laws. Over and over again in the Bible, people called out the government for its tyranny, and resisted it, and this is praised in the Bible. The Hebrew midwives refused to kill newborn males at the order of Pharaoh. Elijah confronted Ahab and Jezebel for their wickedness. Daniel refused to bow down to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, and was put in a lion's den. The three young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego also refused the king's order and were put into a fiery furnace to die. Joseph and Mary fled from King Herod's command to slaughter the newborn males in and around Bethlehem, in direct defiance of the king's order. John the Baptist confronted King Herod's adulterous relationship with Herod's brother's wife. Jesus called Herod a "fox". Peter and John refused to stop preaching the Gospel when ordered to do so by the Jewish authorities. Christians refused to call Caesar Lord. We have to get our picture of God from the Bible, not from the culture around us. God is perfect, as you can see from how awesome creation is, but we have all messed up. We have hurt ourselves and others. God loves us (because He's perfect) and has a way of dealing with our sins so He can have the relationship with us He's always wanted. His way is to pay our sin debt for us, because we can't. And that's only the beginning of what He does. He puts His Holy Spirit in us to make us actually able to love others unconditionally, something humans are incapable of doing on their own except parents their own children. Well, we are God's children. If we're smart, we'll accept that anyone smart enough to create the whole universe probably knows what He's doing, and we'll try to see things His way. Why fight Him? That's a losing bet. Once you understand Him, you'll see His goodness, too. Yes, it takes working through it, wrestling with parts of the Bible. Life takes effort, but God gave us a brain for that purpose. People have been fed a pack of lies about how mean God is and how He wants to rule us like a tyrant. None of that is true - that's just what people say. We have to get red-pilled from all those lies about God, just the same as we need to get red-pilled from all the other lies we're told, like germ theory (I knew you'd like that), 9/11 was a total surprise carried out by 19 Arab hijackers, Building 7 collapsed in free-fall because of fire, we didn't know in advance about the Pearl Harbor attack, the universe was created from nothing all by itself, the DNA code just wrote itself little by little until life just happened by accident, vaccines save us from deadly disease, the government wants to help you, Oswald killed JFK, Sirhan killed RFK, the US was at war with Communism and Nazism, etc. I've been red-pilled about everything I can think of. I don't believe anything that any official narrative says. In fact, the Bible is right about that too. It says that Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would worship him. So all the kingdoms belong to Satan. Makes perfect sense. The Liar-in-Chief, Satan, is in charge of all the nations and spreads his lies all through them. You may be red-pilled, too, about a lot of things, I don't know. But until you've been red-pilled on the Bible and God, you've missed taking the most important red-pill of all. You think we should "find ourselves and harmonious life" sufficient, that we shouldn't need a God to find meaning and satisfaction in life. No one wants to die. If you're real with yourself, you'll admit that. The Bible says that death is our biggest enemy, and that Jesus conquered it. He proved it by His resurrection, which has historical validity, perhaps not proof, but enough for a reasonable person to believe it actually happened. If God created the universe when there was no time, space, matter, or energy before that, then that is the miracle of all miracles and everything in the Bible is mere child's play. If there is a God so perfect as to create the universe, I don't know about you, but I'm not at all surprised to find out He made a way to conquer death for us. I want that, and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it's reasonable to believe it's true. I've looked into it in depth, and I believe it is. There's even a good website containing all the good reasons why Christianity is true, called reasonablefaith.com.

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I would say that you would benefit from Dialectical Thinking: two things can be true at the same time.

Ari has laid out one set of statements, AND it is true that there are families of wealthy and ruthless individuals who "want it all". They are capricious, hollow, and psychopathic.

AND none of them wrote the Bible. It isn't FEAR that drives people to God, it's LOVE that draws them in. "The evil bloodlines wrote the Bible" lie ascribes an omnipotence to evil people that is neither accurate nor helpful. None of these fleshly parasites was capable of writing about love, nor would have the capacity to create anything outside of themselves. They are haters and destroyers, and they are mere puppets themselves.

Evil entities and evil people are attracted to melodrama; loving people are attracted to harmony and a living and loving God provides it.

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Soon the world will be stripped of everything....food, water...peace.

God in His Mercy welcomes all who cry out to Him. He will protect those who seek Him and want Him.

But the antichrist will offer a solution to the coming destitution...at the price of your eternal soul. Once you take the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead, you will no longer have the ability to be saved. Your " will "

will be completely surrendered to the enemy of your soul...and he will never give it back. You will no longer have the " will " to choose Christ...

" Seek the Lord while He is to be found..." Isaiah 55 : 6

I'm praying for you Denise...that you will come to know His tender Mercies.

God bless you my dear..

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I say F him for sure then. So you have to do all that to suit this deranged narcissist? Wait till you find out that the satanists wrote all that tripe. Sorry to have to break it to you but we need to drop superstitions and progress in our evolvement. You are the source but were led to think the source was outside of you. But of course we all are the source, so there's that.

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Saying we are the source is like trying to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. We can never be the source. Imperfection cannot reach perfection on its own, just as a portrait can not step out of the painting. The greatest lie ever told was that man does not need God. And man believed it. It is still being told. And man is still believing it. Kind of like those scientists and the virus...this is the lie man WANTS to believe. That man wants to be greater than God doesn't make God the narcissist.

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The mark will be given to those who first bow down for the image of the beast, it is written in Revelation. I hear a lot of people talking about taking the mark of the beast, but I never see anyone discussing what the image is people bow down to first. there is a preliminary action required for those who receive the mark, namely the bowing before the image. What would be that image in your scenario of the taking of the mark?.

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Hello GB...

When we bow down and worship someone, we obey them without rebellion. In Revelation 13 it says " The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God....it began to curse God, His Name , the place where He lives and all those who live in heaven " Rev. 13: 5-6

I believe this will be one of the ways the beast will identify himself. he will also identify himself through his persecution of God's people. Long before people are commanded to take the mark of the beast , they will be in obedience to him and following him. People will not just take the mark of the beast because they are forced out of necessity (hunger and thirst),

but because of like mindedness. They will agree (or at least be complacently numb) to his curses directed towards God , His kingdom and His people. They will also be complacent to the beast persecuting God's people.

I've read prophecy that identifies tv and computers as being the image the second beast breathes life into. Perhaps the artificial intelligence that is rapidly advancing on the scene may also fall into this category.

And these 3 examples seem perfectly reasonable. We know what these " images " are so often promoting idolatry ...violence...impurity of the basest kind...hatred of neighbour...gossip...deception...envy...disobedience towards parents and mocking God's Holy Name and the Day of rest. In fact, they are often promoting the anti-gospel.

The beast has been using these devices to seduce God's people for decades. He offers a cornucopia of filthy pleasure and says there are no consequences or punishment. he seeks to entice us away from our sorrowful journey home to God. Because of Adam's fall, we are compelled to " work out our salvation in fear and trembling"

Philippians 2:12

We fall, as Christ did on the way of the Cross, and then we stumble to our feet with His help to carry on to our death to sin, on the Cross God provides us with.

Want proof GB...?

Look at the laws of the land we live in...

Abortion is legal ( killing unborn children )

Euthanasia is legal ( killing everybody )

Homosexual behaviour is legal ( a sin that cries to heaven for justice )

Sexualizing and corrupting children is legal

( better we should be cast into the sea with a stone tied around our neck...Matthew 18: 6 )

Work on Sunday is legal ( rebellion against the 4th Commandment )

Abandoning the old in nursing homes (rebellion against the 5th Commandment)

Humanity to a great degree is already fulfilling chapter 13 of Revelation. It is obeying and worshipping the beast. The next step is the coming mark of the beast. he will only seek to place his mark on what he already owns.

Our best defence from being deceived by the enemy of our souls is to keep God's Holy Commandments. And if we've strayed or compromised for any reason...to repent. To bow low before the Lord and beg mercy. And He will show it to us. Let us not fear what is coming. He will take care of us. If famine and pestilence and earthly sorrows persist, He will provide for us as He did for Noah and his family and Moses and his people as they crossed the desert. If we must die for our faith in Christ, He will enable us. We must not fear. We must pray to be prepared for what's coming and have great courage. Our reward will be great...!

God bless you GB...many blessings for you as you persevere. My prayers for you...!

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A paycheck is pretty important, deprived of that you cannot feed yourself or your children...If churches really did their job they would have fed the masses who resisted instead of aggrandizing their pastors with multiple riches...There would have been some collective citizen response things might have been different, but our citizens are only interested in social media, selfies and deluding themselves. Jesus said feed the hungry, we will not even do this in America but will demand you take a "free" Poison vax in order to keep your job. There is no such thing as community spirit in the U.S. it is every man for himself...Now the government is fast at work to reduce the population to pave the way for AI bots doing your job. So do you have a supportive community ready to support you in the next onslaught? Get busy the lives you save may be your own family, the government is not here to help but to destroy.

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Thanks for your response. I'm checking for information in re doctors you mention.

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You may want to start with Dr Sam Bailey who explains it all very clearly:


And this explanation about virology being a fraud:


There is plenty more which you may find too.

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I hope Geert will take notice. It is a huge mind shift to discover this information.

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You seem to assume that's the end of the debate. My own view is that there are pathogens such as bacteria and viruses but their effects depend on the genetics of the host and the 'terrain' the host is in. I found the rumble video confused and in some ways setting up paper tigers to burn down. However you view the effects of sars-cov-2 many many variants have been sequenced. No one says it is easy to isolate (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8007326/) but we don't need perfection to see something is there and begin to see structure. If there are competing hypotheses let's see how their predictions survive the reality of future events. Geert has worked with these ideas for decades and clearly thinks for himself. There must be a lot right in what he says.

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I tend to think viruses ARE bacteria that change form. And they are not something to kill for crying out loud! They are what cleans up dead cells. It is preposterous to kill these organisms but the terrain the medical industry (I say industry and not medical science because there is no science in it) is in needs to change. It needs to take consideration of the environment, nutrition, sanitation, and genetics but that too is a branch of science that has left out a whole slew of layers - genetics are driven by more things than just ancestors - they are driven by thought and emotion as well. $cience is crumbling, it is not science when money is involved. Like Geert, he is biased to give only certain information because everything he has lived for will be turned into an almost zero. Will he even engage in this discussion about terrain theory and covid being unidentified to this day? Or will he going on speaking like there is no dispute that covid exists? Let's see...

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Thank you. I will check these.

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Wasn't the issue with "viruses" that it couldn't be proven that they caused disease? Didn't Montagnier come out in the last few years and admit he that what he isolated as HIV didn't actually cause the symptoms HIV e.g illness?

I know there's a video clip of him saying so but I've ingested so much information in the last three years my 61 yeah old brain simply can't get through the old file cabinet like it used to. Doing Internet search......

While I look here is a brief clip in which Kary Mullis says HIV was a fraud.


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Geert has sounded the alarm and his predictions sadly have been spot on. His demeanor is humble and it's incredible you state he isn't interested in learning anything new?!?!? Pretty brazen of you.

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You mistake my calling him out on mistakes as being a personal slur which it is not. He still needs to answer why he completely, and utterly, ignores terrain theory.

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Then don’t subscribe to his substack.

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Seems like you did not grasp the point of his message.. it’s not important if the “virus” was isolated or not... the initial disease burnt out a while back... those that caught any part of it or variant without received the man made concoction designed to steal your immune system and possibly life will not succumb.. it is those that actually got the jab more than twice...(not a placebo)who are walking around with a time bomb inside them ... this is what we are seeing now.. in lots of ways...

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It is extremely important whether or not a virus exists. Critical. While people continue to believe 'viruses' exist, they can be scared into being injected with poison. Once the virus lie falls, so does the ritual poisoning.

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He just doesn't want to speak on the conspiracy theories. He wants to stay focused on the virus.

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