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Soon the world will be stripped of everything....food, water...peace.

God in His Mercy welcomes all who cry out to Him. He will protect those who seek Him and want Him.

But the antichrist will offer a solution to the coming destitution...at the price of your eternal soul. Once you take the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead, you will no longer have the ability to be saved. Your " will "

will be completely surrendered to the enemy of your soul...and he will never give it back. You will no longer have the " will " to choose Christ...

" Seek the Lord while He is to be found..." Isaiah 55 : 6

I'm praying for you Denise...that you will come to know His tender Mercies.

God bless you my dear..

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I say F him for sure then. So you have to do all that to suit this deranged narcissist? Wait till you find out that the satanists wrote all that tripe. Sorry to have to break it to you but we need to drop superstitions and progress in our evolvement. You are the source but were led to think the source was outside of you. But of course we all are the source, so there's that.

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Saying we are the source is like trying to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. We can never be the source. Imperfection cannot reach perfection on its own, just as a portrait can not step out of the painting. The greatest lie ever told was that man does not need God. And man believed it. It is still being told. And man is still believing it. Kind of like those scientists and the virus...this is the lie man WANTS to believe. That man wants to be greater than God doesn't make God the narcissist.

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What it comes down to is Faith.

Faith is God's gift to us. Without His gift, we couldn't believe in Him....

To quote Mother Teresa..

" For those who believe, no explanation is necessary.

For those who don't believe, no explanation will suffice.."

We have a duty to seek Out God.

We have a duty to open ourselves up to receive His tender gift of Faith in Him and His goodness...

that we might " taste and see the goodness of the Lord.."

And for those who can't believe in this beauteous bounty, we must pray for them that they will have an experience of God's love. For someone once prayed for us at some point when we walked in darkness and misery...

Faith will enable us even to be tortured and die for love of God and our neighbor....

Being able to suffer and die well is proof of God's existence, because without His assistance we couldn't endure it..

I'm praying Denise comes to know God's love..!

Blessings to all..!

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Not everyone sees it that way. God is a superstition, something men wrote and of course used their own imagine in creating it. How can anyone create on there own? Where is Mrs God? Or mother god? The idea of worship is a sickness - by worshiping, one enslaves themselves. Yes we are the source each of us because nobody can live or die for you, nobody can live their life for you. You are on your own journey, you are the on with your unique coordinates. The bible and all religions come from fear of the unknown, fear of death. Funny thing is when one dies one simply goes back to where they came from before they were conceived in matter. The fear stops us from activating our human abilities, it is the blockage to our amazing potentials. It was cooked up to keep us down, keep us under.

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The mark will be given to those who first bow down for the image of the beast, it is written in Revelation. I hear a lot of people talking about taking the mark of the beast, but I never see anyone discussing what the image is people bow down to first. there is a preliminary action required for those who receive the mark, namely the bowing before the image. What would be that image in your scenario of the taking of the mark?.

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Hello GB...

When we bow down and worship someone, we obey them without rebellion. In Revelation 13 it says " The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God....it began to curse God, His Name , the place where He lives and all those who live in heaven " Rev. 13: 5-6

I believe this will be one of the ways the beast will identify himself. he will also identify himself through his persecution of God's people. Long before people are commanded to take the mark of the beast , they will be in obedience to him and following him. People will not just take the mark of the beast because they are forced out of necessity (hunger and thirst),

but because of like mindedness. They will agree (or at least be complacently numb) to his curses directed towards God , His kingdom and His people. They will also be complacent to the beast persecuting God's people.

I've read prophecy that identifies tv and computers as being the image the second beast breathes life into. Perhaps the artificial intelligence that is rapidly advancing on the scene may also fall into this category.

And these 3 examples seem perfectly reasonable. We know what these " images " are so often promoting idolatry ...violence...impurity of the basest kind...hatred of neighbour...gossip...deception...envy...disobedience towards parents and mocking God's Holy Name and the Day of rest. In fact, they are often promoting the anti-gospel.

The beast has been using these devices to seduce God's people for decades. He offers a cornucopia of filthy pleasure and says there are no consequences or punishment. he seeks to entice us away from our sorrowful journey home to God. Because of Adam's fall, we are compelled to " work out our salvation in fear and trembling"

Philippians 2:12

We fall, as Christ did on the way of the Cross, and then we stumble to our feet with His help to carry on to our death to sin, on the Cross God provides us with.

Want proof GB...?

Look at the laws of the land we live in...

Abortion is legal ( killing unborn children )

Euthanasia is legal ( killing everybody )

Homosexual behaviour is legal ( a sin that cries to heaven for justice )

Sexualizing and corrupting children is legal

( better we should be cast into the sea with a stone tied around our neck...Matthew 18: 6 )

Work on Sunday is legal ( rebellion against the 4th Commandment )

Abandoning the old in nursing homes (rebellion against the 5th Commandment)

Humanity to a great degree is already fulfilling chapter 13 of Revelation. It is obeying and worshipping the beast. The next step is the coming mark of the beast. he will only seek to place his mark on what he already owns.

Our best defence from being deceived by the enemy of our souls is to keep God's Holy Commandments. And if we've strayed or compromised for any reason...to repent. To bow low before the Lord and beg mercy. And He will show it to us. Let us not fear what is coming. He will take care of us. If famine and pestilence and earthly sorrows persist, He will provide for us as He did for Noah and his family and Moses and his people as they crossed the desert. If we must die for our faith in Christ, He will enable us. We must not fear. We must pray to be prepared for what's coming and have great courage. Our reward will be great...!

God bless you GB...many blessings for you as you persevere. My prayers for you...!

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You have given me a lot to think about. And even if I don't agree with everything you write, most of it resonates with me. Thank you for taking the time to reply so extensively.

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