Dear Geert - I have always looked forward to all of your important updates and applaud all of the efforts that you have done to try to keep the public informed. You have my sincere and ongoing gratitude for everything you have done and continue to do which may feel like a thankless task however many like myself understand and appreciate the enormous personal and professional sacrifices you have made and the persistent drive required to keep going.

Many, many thanks again,

Warmest regards, PMc

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Why would GVB cease making informative videos?!

MANY of us greatly value his credentialed and sincere input!


You are one of the very few genuine, truth-telling philanthropists remaining out there. PLEASE stay in this arena; you have support in the public!

Far more, I dare say, than Robert Malone, who continues to profit from working both sides of deadly vaccine propaganda.


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He seems like a nice man but he's talking like he doesn't know that covid was never isolated and the pharmaceutical companies had the "scamdemic" planned years ago. He totally ignores new information. Despite his credentials which don't say much because being in the machine, makes it hard for them to see the machine. But he's not interested in finding out anything new, he is fully invested in his years of training. So if someone isn't up to snuff on the latest information, everything they say must be taken with a grain of salt.

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I have been working in a nursing home for many years before the scamdemic and unfortunately was a total zombie until 12 hours after my second dose of warpspeed bioweapon nearly killed me. I still had a long way to go but it definitely scared me enough to know I had been poisoned. The deal was sealed only after my cat died (a violent stroke-like death) 3 days after her rabies shot. I don’t understand why I chose to get her vaxxed as I was already accepting my new anti vaxxer label. Well, that warpspeeded me down the rabbit holes and the #1 lesson I have learned is trust no one.

ALL vaccines are poison. ALL pHARMaceuticals are poison. ALL products sold to us by industrial corporations are poison. ALL doctors are drug pushers, they’re not allowed to push health. Even I’m part of the problem (as an lvn in a nursing home)albeit lower on the totem pole I’m still “following orders”. It’s been a bitter pill.

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What are you saying? I don't understand.

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New information shows that viruses have never been seen and that they cannot live outside the body and that they emerge when live tissue is diseased. They are like the cleanup crew, the garbage men. They do not cause disease. And there's a whole lot of new medicine frameworks like German New Medicine and Terrain Theory which medical professionals don't even know about. Our bodies are nothing like what we have learned. And then there is other very clear evidence (provided by Dr David Martin) that the C19 vaccine is a bioweapon and was planned way back in 2002/3. He found this out through patents, he's a patents lawyer and everyone needs to watch at least one of his videos as he's been coming out with clear information and evidence about all this. Dr Stephen Lanka has come out and shown that virology is a fraudulent profession and several other doctors such as Sam and Mark Bailey whom you should listen to. I can provide links if you need.

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Denise, there may be some truth in what you're saying about 'no virus' and terrain theory, etc. But there is also evidence on the other side, too. Dr. Richard Fleming showed a series of extremely high magnification SEM (scanning electron microscope) photos of what sure looked like a virus (a ball-shaped 'thing' with spikes on it) in his July 2021 slide presentation called Event 2021. Have you seen it? It's fairly early in the presentation, maybe a half-hour in, approximately. Viruses are too small to be seen under a light microscope, but SEM's are several orders of magnitude higher in magnification. Also, as Dr. Fleming pointed out, his friend and colleague Luc Montagnier, published the genome of SARS-CoV-2 from a virus sample (not a computer). Montagnier won the Nobel Prize for isolating and publishing the HIV genome in the 1980's, so I would think he knows how to do that kind of work. I personally reached out to Dr. Fleming by email to verify whether the chain of custody of the virus sample was known, to ensure that the SEM photos and the genome were indeed from SARS-CoV-2 and he said "yes." Montagnier had access to hundreds of COVID patients to obtain samples of the virus because his colleague in Marseille, France, Dr. Didier Raoult, was running a very advanced COVID treatment and research center and was treating hundreds of COVID patients early in the pandemic with various early treatment medications like hydroxychloroquine, zinc, etc. Maybe that's where Montagnier got his samples, I don't know for sure. Another thing is that normally in a pandemic, there's one strain that spreads through a population until herd immunity is reached and then it's over. Geert predicted that due to mass vaccination in the midst of the pandemic, new variants would be generated, and that's exactly what happened: Wuhan, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, eta, iota, kappa, omicron, zeta, and mu. As to his opinion being biased from his work on vaccines, when you look at the cost he's paid professionally, and his willingness to stand alone in his opinions, his integrity is beyond reproach. Yes, he does believe vaccines have been important in controlling disease outbreaks. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong about that, but he's entitled to his professional opinion. When you say "he's not interested in finding out anything new", you could not be more wrong. That's all he's been doing - using his vast technical knowledge and experience to develop a new theory of the evolutionary selective pressures on the virus due to mass vaccination in the midst of a pandemic, analyzing the effect on the immune systems of the vaccinees, etc. This mass vaccination in the midst of a pandemic has never happened before in history, and he is perhaps the only one in the world who has a correct theory on it. His colleagues have told him privately that they agree with his scientific analysis, but they are too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs and reputations. Keep an open mind. There is more than one side to this issue. Time will tell.

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A thoughtful comment but did you ask Dr Fleming to show proof that the chain of custody of the virus sample was known, to ensure that the SEM photos and the genome were indeed from SARS-CoV-2? You didn't just go by his word of "yes", surely? Because that's not exactly research. I hope you listen to Dr Sam Bailey's explanation on what they see in the electron microscope - it is not an isolated organism, they put a plethora of other substances into the sample and mix it up and come out with what they show as the spike protein. It's a bit of a cartoon but in the end all these characters have a vested interest in not finding out about terrain theory because it would render medical science as we know it a fraud. And nobody in it wants that to happen. That's why the term "terrain theory" is not even familiar to "scientists" and you'd think they should at least know what that theory is let alone not even know who the person was who originated it. It's a lack of information that they are totally either oblivious to or pretend to be so that the years of work they put in will not render all that investment in it as moot. That's really what I say is going on. Waiting for time to tell endangers everyone because they are planning another fako pandemico and what you don't know can and will, be used against you.

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It's true that Dr Fleming's word is just that - his word. It's not evidence in a court of law about the chain of custody, so yes, I would have preferred a more in-depth answer. But the SEM photos were of a whole virus-like thing, a spherical ball with spikes coming out all around it, not just a spike protein, as you mentioned in Sam Bailey's photos. Look at it and let me know what you think it is. I agree with you that the mainstream medical establishment is wedded to the germ theory orthodoxy, and they should entertain other ideas. But I don't think there's any evidence linking Dr. Fleming to that battle. He's old enough and wealthy enough to be enjoying his retirement, but he wrote a book about SARS-CoV-2 as a bio weapon program because of the crimes against humanity that were taking place. In his lectures and in his book he discusses the criminal behavior behind the whole pandemic, he doesn't fight the virus vs. no virus battle. His goal is to get one or more of the states attorneys general to bring criminal indictments against the people behind the pandemic. I trust you would agree with that, right? So let's work together on what we agree upon and on the lives and economies and freedoms being destroyed, and put our disagreements on the back burner.

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I believe what you’re saying as far as viruses have not been isolated but I believe (I’m not a scientist) viruses are already a part of our terrain, not contagious. We are electrical beings and have been hacked a long time ago and convinced contagion is real. It’s not. But frequencies are. Think 5G for one example out of many many many more ways to hijack our biofrequncies. Look up wide body area networks on NIH or cdc. They’ve been doing this to us since the 60’s. Corona virus is man made tech and most of us manage to survive despite it but I think we are getting sicker because the grid is getting more intense.

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Hi Denise, I put my reply to you in the wrong place - please see my new post. Thanks.

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Denise is right, 'SARs Co-V-2' has never been isolated, anywhere in the world. In fact, no virus has ever been isolated. If that were not true, then how did German microbiologist Stefan Lanka, despite every effort from the opposing side, WIN the court case, demonstrating measles 'virus' could not be shown to exist? Part of the problem is that in 'virology' terms, the word 'isolate' means entirely the opposite of what it means in general parlance, that is 'to separate from'. In virology, the muck they look at under the microscope contains (generally) several animals species nucleic acids, along with cellular toxins, resulting in diseased cells of only God know what. This, to a virologist, is an isolated virus. This, to a thinking, logical person, is nothing of the sort. The exact same result can be obtained without invoking a 'virus'. Another problem is that the so-called 'virus' is indistinguishable from an exosome, a waste product that is regularly exited from cells. Even if anything other than what we already call an exosome was identified, then how exactly can we tell the difference between the viral nucleic acid, and the monkey nucleic acid, or cow nucleic acid, or for that matter aborted fetal nucleic acid....? Viruses were created purely to allow for injectable poisons.

It is disappointing that several attempts have been made by the likes of Drs Bailey, Masse, Kaufman and others to debate the existence of viruses and put it to bed, and are met with silence. That silence should be deafening. Particularly to those who saw through the Covid vaccine scam. Unfortunately people have allowed themselves to believe 'authorities' and 'experts' that are evidently nonetheless extremely human, and too invested in their own 'life achievements' to open themselves to the truth..

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Preach! 🙌🏼

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the pseudo mRNA doesn't live either outside the body....

but it'll sure cause a problem inside the cells for some people.

i see the replication competent viral particle the same as the pseudo mRNA...

that is one of the reasons i didn't get the jab.... i didn't want my cells making the spike protein....

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Can't help wondering if you've been vaccinated Denise...

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Absolutely not. I saw it the day of covid and knew even before covid happened that they would use vaccines as a method of depopulation, for weakening, killing and sterilizing the population. But these looney toones also want to inject every living thing with mRNA technology. They are poisoning everything we depend upon. But really they are not doing it - we are. They only make the mandates and the laws, which would be nothing if people ignored them. It is up to us to stop paying them, stopped buying their products and stopped obeying their mandates. Just don't do it. People are too scared. But they could team up with a truth buddy and agree to getting off the system in ways that they can. This state of affairs doesn't have to be, except for the workers who do the work that is actually destroying humankind. It's all because of a paycheck.

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No dear... it's all because the antichrist is setting up the world to take the mark of the beast. This is all about spiritual warfare. Satan desperately wants to steal, kill and destroy as many souls as possible in his quest to cause God as much grief as possible.

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A paycheck is pretty important, deprived of that you cannot feed yourself or your children...If churches really did their job they would have fed the masses who resisted instead of aggrandizing their pastors with multiple riches...There would have been some collective citizen response things might have been different, but our citizens are only interested in social media, selfies and deluding themselves. Jesus said feed the hungry, we will not even do this in America but will demand you take a "free" Poison vax in order to keep your job. There is no such thing as community spirit in the U.S. it is every man for himself...Now the government is fast at work to reduce the population to pave the way for AI bots doing your job. So do you have a supportive community ready to support you in the next onslaught? Get busy the lives you save may be your own family, the government is not here to help but to destroy.

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Thanks for your response. I'm checking for information in re doctors you mention.

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You may want to start with Dr Sam Bailey who explains it all very clearly:


And this explanation about virology being a fraud:


There is plenty more which you may find too.

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I hope Geert will take notice. It is a huge mind shift to discover this information.

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Thank you. I will check these.

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Wasn't the issue with "viruses" that it couldn't be proven that they caused disease? Didn't Montagnier come out in the last few years and admit he that what he isolated as HIV didn't actually cause the symptoms HIV e.g illness?

I know there's a video clip of him saying so but I've ingested so much information in the last three years my 61 yeah old brain simply can't get through the old file cabinet like it used to. Doing Internet search......

While I look here is a brief clip in which Kary Mullis says HIV was a fraud.


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Geert has sounded the alarm and his predictions sadly have been spot on. His demeanor is humble and it's incredible you state he isn't interested in learning anything new?!?!? Pretty brazen of you.

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You mistake my calling him out on mistakes as being a personal slur which it is not. He still needs to answer why he completely, and utterly, ignores terrain theory.

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Then don’t subscribe to his substack.

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Seems like you did not grasp the point of his message.. it’s not important if the “virus” was isolated or not... the initial disease burnt out a while back... those that caught any part of it or variant without received the man made concoction designed to steal your immune system and possibly life will not succumb.. it is those that actually got the jab more than twice...(not a placebo)who are walking around with a time bomb inside them ... this is what we are seeing now.. in lots of ways...

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It is extremely important whether or not a virus exists. Critical. While people continue to believe 'viruses' exist, they can be scared into being injected with poison. Once the virus lie falls, so does the ritual poisoning.

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He just doesn't want to speak on the conspiracy theories. He wants to stay focused on the virus.

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God protect you Geert.

I was fortunate enough to heed your early warnings. I can see the strain you are under because of your honesty.

You have probably saved many peoples health. God Speed.

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GVB will remain in my prayers.

May a hedge of protection safeguard him.

Truth wins.

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Thank you for being an island in a sea of ignorance, Dr. Bossche. May kindness and blessings find your countenance in the days ahead!

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Thank you Geert. You have done all that could be done. You have been a fantastic educator. I do hope that this will not be the last we see of you. With extraordinary appreciation, Mark Chłapowski

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Thank you once again Dr Bossche for sharing this important information and message kind regards and best wishes Paul 🙏

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Sincere thanks Geert, your advice is so appreciated and your tireless effort to educate means everything to your audience. Bless you.

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Thank you so much for all that you have done and said to expose the biggest corruption against we the people. I, personally, have so very much respect for you. Thank you again Sir.

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Heartfelt Thank you GVB! It has already started to happen where I live and practice. I will always believe there is nefarious intent . Never ever vaccinate a pregnant woman without real clinical trials . 🙏😘

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Only the guilty seek to erase evidence. Consciousness of guilt doesn’t afflict the guileless innocent.

These DEMONS have burned a bridge with this sinister, indiscriminate kill.

Confident that they have a blank check, that they’ll evade legal fallout, there is now no venue—no method of bodily exposure!—that remains trustworthy.

No vaccines.

No medicines.

No food or drink.

No personal or household consumer products.

Even outdoor air is up for grabs.

Infants, children, and pregnant women are the incontrovertible tell.

“Nefarious intent” is too charitably understated!

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Could you explain a bit more what you are seeing? I assume you mean the autoimmune illnesses?

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The effect on women's health, menstruation, and fertility is all in the Pfizer documents at Naomi Wolf's Daily Clout. There are over 70 reports so far, and more coming out all the time. The Pfizer trials excluded pregnant women and instructed everyone not to have sex for a period of time, yet they released the vaccine to everyone, pregnant or not, having sex or not. The six month follow-up data on the vaccine showed worse outcomes than the placebo (control) group 21 dead vs 17, yet they said everything's fine and released it, and then destroyed the control group by giving them the vaccine also, contrary to the clinical trial protocol, which called for a three year study period of treatment group and control group. Huge crimes against humanity. When all is said and done, between the research to develop the deadly virus, the transfer of the technology to China, with a known history of lab leaks, denial of early treatment, lockdowns and supply chain disruptions putting over 130 million people at risk of starvation just by summer 2021, per Stanford's Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, the vaccine adverse events, hospitalizations, disabilities, and deaths, the auto-immune diseases, cancers, infertility, miscarriages, spontaneous abortions, etc., this is worse than all the people killed, tortured, and jailed under communism in the 20th century, under WWI, WWII, the Holocaust, etc. Worse than all of it put together. And their control system is still in place. The governments haven't admitted anything, changed anything, learned anything. It will happen again and again until they reach their desired population level of around one billion people. They still have about 7 billion people to kill off somehow. Not only by pandemics, but by denying them oil and gas, cost of living increases, poverty, starvation, disease, nuclear war, attacks on the male-female nuclear family, etc.

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Covid positivity has returned in the emergency department, just like GVB said , more jabs more issues… this isn’t fall yet .

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Epoch Times ran a piece recently on direct correlation(among health care employees):

Increased shots, increased hospitalization.

May I ask by what method the ER is determining Covid positivity?

Thanks in advance...

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Not just autoimmune but respiratory illness as well and cardiac deaths

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I hope we will hear from you again once your predictions come to fruition. We will all need to hear your voice then than ever before. Until then, may you be healthy, happy, secure, and above all, content that you did all you could- because you have! Thank you.

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thank you for all the information you have given us who will listen.

PLEASE do not STOP putting out this information!

We need voices like you to keep sounding the alarm.

God be with you. Blessings

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“Cry, Trojans, cry! lend me ten thousand eyes,

And I will fill them with prophetic tears.”

Everyone fears Cassandra. But we will not forget your wisdom. Thank you for your persistent efforts !

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Will we end with justice, madness, or extinction?

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If I could understand there were justice anywhere, you’d surely have a trifecta.

The genetic modifications make the last a certainty.

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God has the final Word. Scripture makes clear that not all of mankind falls victim.

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Mankind can't escape its curse, can it...

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The final chapter answers that.

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Noah’s family survives

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God’s family survives.

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Geert, like some mentioned earlier, it was your voice among only a very few others, that early on warned us about the dangers we were facing. I am thankful that I heeded your warning from the early days and it was people like you, and Dr. Zelenko, and a few other brave souls, who saved countless people from making a poor choice and opened our eyes to what was really going on around us. God bless you and thank you for everything you’ve done!

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Things will be pretty dire here in New Zealand then where we were in lockdown in our biggest city until 90 percent of us were double jabbed with Pfizer. Only a handful of people had caught it before then because the borders were closed.

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Same in Victoria Straya!- GVB has been my 'authority 'since the madness began.

Blessings to all! ( we know what has occurred- hard as h&lll to explain to our 'circle'.

They know we know but turn away as 'it' it just too hideous!

Ready to battle! ( Have had enough of the BS) Peace to all in this!

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I am living in Melbourne (longest locked up city in the world). Thanking people like Geert and others who tirelessly stood up and told the truth and sacrificed their reputation and careers.... ! Forever thankful<3

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Jul 11, 2023
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wow... Maybe you are right. I heard several times that it was the most locked-up city in the world. But maybe it is incorrect. We were locked up 270 days (take and give 5)

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We still have a 7 day compulsory stay at home if you have covid in NZ but we weren’t allowed to go to work etc until 90 percent of Auckland was double jabbed

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Kia Ora! The biggest bs ever!!!

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I agree fellow kiwi. A small consolation. They didn’t get 90 percent of us. I live in a small town and I know for a fact there were nurses putting themselves on the line to administer saline shots instead of the real poison. Stay positive!

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Please do not make this your last message to us. You are one of the few lifelines we have left. Do not abandon us like the rest of society has.

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AMEN, Robin!

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Thank you sir, for helping us to understand this phenomena. Please do NOT stop your communications. You are reaching and helping more people than you realise.

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May you find time now to relax and enjoy a clear conscience. The world thanks you for your persistent clarion call. Please return to us when the situation becomes as you have described to guide us. Memories are short. We need your help ❤️

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