As an ob/gyn , I really appreciate Dr. Plothe ‘s discussion. His discussion mirrors what I have seen the last 21/2 years. For me, the amount of miscarriages, infertility,heavy menses ( requiring blood transfusions),stillbirths and abruptions …. Stand out the most. Thank you for these articles and for addressing animal reservoirs. 🤗

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Thanks Dr. Vanden Bossche 😊

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Are any of these patients aware of the problems they are having potentially stemming from the mRNA jabs?

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Interestingly, Truth 101, there have only been a few. What these people say privately than publically may be interesting. Most do not want to say out loud the jab caused the stillbirth. It’s part of the lunacy. Look at how many folks are on substack sites trying to read the truth or make sense of this lunacy. Many however, including family and friends are of differing opinions and dividing each other. It was a divisive tactic used by these scum overlords. Sorry I went off on a tangent but some days are worse than others. What a psyops this has turned into. 🥲❤️‍🩹

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Sad. (and SADS too.) I keep hearing that "the tide is turning" and the "pendulum is swinging." I think that is correct but it's so imperceptible right now that it's hard to perceive it. This has been such "well" executed evil with so many willing to assist and/or look the other way.

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Most pro-vaxxers cannot be convinced of anything no matter how many doctor statements, gov't data analysis, or studies you show them. A closed mind will never let in good ideas. Only 2-3 people I have seen on Substack have mentioned they regret getting the jab.

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Evidence of mass formation, in my opinion.

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All this fearmongering about swine flu, Monkeypox, Covid 19, you name it...just no. It’s ludicrous. Stop it.

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The thought that the Australian Medical Professionals Society could release a statement such as this one and immediate action is not taken to halt the 'vaccine' inoculations is astounding. All sense of normalcy is lost.

Geert is the reason that my entire family and I remain 'unvaxxed', as thankfully I came across his first warning video so long ago. I did my utmost best by passing it along hastily....

I'm sure it has been most disturbing and upsetting for him to see how many acted recklessly out of sheer terror.

Nothing motivates like fear !

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Same for me. When Del Bigtree interviewed Geert and he explained with a drawing about specific and non specific antibodies he had my attention.

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That's cuz the injections are safe for everyone but pregnant women! Even though there was zero long term testing done.

It's magic

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Suppose Geert's prediction of reinvolvement of the lungs comes true and omicron becomes much more virulent. I expect the level of fear in the public would ramp up again and I worry that people will flock to (ill advisedly) get the new multivalent boosters.

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Agree....I worry about that too. In fact, those who went for the booster will definitely think it's a good idea to go for the new flu/omicron shot Moderna just devised right in time for flu season.

I am more afraid of the Government enforcing we take that whether we want to or not ! They have proven they have all the power to do so. The Canadian Govt. is building large 'voluntary isolation centers' !! Emergency Law has been reinstated here.

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Well my morning coffee was really tasty and quite refreshing today. That's a small positive I suppose.

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Yes, make a mental point of appreciating the small pleasures throughout the day.

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Exactly. I start my morning with gratitude for everything both great and small.

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Good start to the day. Also makes a good end to the day. 🙂

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Most definitely! 🙌💜🙌

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Also to all the bees pollenating the berry blossoms ..."Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I catch myself in gratitude in nature. It keeps sanity existent - to me. I harvested some gojis today. Big bumble bees abounded. ;) Gotta catch the good. It still exists. We NEED it.

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YESSSSS! Much love to the hard working humble bumbles!!! 🐝

Nature truly is grounding mind healing. My daily walks keep me uplifted and feeling genuinely alive and so thankful for my enduring health. 🦋🐞🌸🌻🌞🌈🌾🍄🍃🌱🌿 Definitely a sanity saver fer sure! 🤪💗

Oh my! I'm addicted to dried goji berries but they're crazy 'spensive. That's awesome that you can pick 'em fresh and local!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!🙂

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I got a couple of different variety goji bushes (mail ordered) years ago and they thrive in my zone 5 yard. They spread like crazy! Can be rather invasive even., like raspberries can be. Also, they have thorns too. "Boundaries" to be respected. Nature is such a gift. Always something to discover and so soothing. A true lifesaver. This year, my compost offered volunteer lemon plants (I potted) , an eggplant, some jalapenos, and loads of cantaloupes. Surprise surprise! Love it! I think this is turning into a garden gratitude blog! Nature blessings abound!

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Nummy nummy! That's so awesome! Your inspiration and happiness with nature uplifts me too! 👏👏👏

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So glad to hear that!🙏Nature has lifted me out of desperate depression and grief so many times. Still does. Even just closing eyes and recalling favorite wilderness places vividly can be so soothing. Thank goodness for this ever present remedy!😌

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Mmmmm coffeeee!

I picked fresh blackberries today for my homemade blackberry scones. 😇

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I bought another case of shells for my rifle this morning (just kidding - I already have 10 cases of ammo... overkill)

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Sweet! 👍 I really want to learn how to use a gun...for the zombie situation.

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That sounds amazing!

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They are lumpy and bumpy and odd colored [okay, UGLY lmao] but they taste delish. Gilded with vanilla glaze and they are pure sin. =0))

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For me blackberries make the best tasting jam because they are not overly sweet.

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I totally agree. They almost have some umami magic going on!

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I appreciate your point about the focus on "animal reservoirs!!!"

Leave the animals alone! And stay out of bat caves, good way to get rabies. Absent real wildlife management for real reasons (plenty of reasons - in CA too many cougars, they will run out of deer to eat; clear excessive wasting disease, marauding, and so forth, then cull; otherwise handle for range health, hunting, fishing, let the wildlife biologists work.) Keep the kill-everything-pets-and-stock-too-WEF-and-billionaires-away!

I am concerned about the "tests" they are using for avian flu. The farmers know if they have it in their flocks pretty quick, because there are dead birds. Coming out to "test" and declare is dicey as hell.

Pcr tests have been deliberately misused and they are doing it now. Makes me very angry.

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Types of biological warfare.

1) Targeted. As in the use of an infectious agent to poison a specific VIP or a few members. Examples could be tetanus toxin, Anthrax or a weaponized rabies strain.

2) Local. Targeting a specific area like a village or city. This can be achieved by anthrax spores, use of animal vectors like rats (plague) or infecting water supplies with waterborne pathogens.

3) Pandemic/epidemic. Requires a fast spreading virus or bacteria ideally respiratory but could also be spread via fluids and or contact. This method is not ideal as it puts those who release the agent and their troops at increased risk. Smallpox, influenza, measles etc

4) Agricultural. Forget the people. Destroy their crops and livestock instead.

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Here is a possible scenario related to biological warfare Type #3:

Suppose there were a cabal of ultra-rich and powerful people who believe that only they know how to solve today's crises. Let's call them the billionaire oligarchs. Maybe they belong to a group like the WEF. Suppose further that they have actually convinced themselves, rightly or wrongly, that climate change is both real and advanced enough that nothing in the realm of traditional economics, individual behavior, or democratic cooperation can be done to avoid total calamity. What might they do?

They might decide that the best way for them to: 1) reduce the worldwide use of natural resources, 2) reduce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and 3) still maintain their oligarchic control over the unwashed masses, is to drastically reduce the global population by means of a pandemic or two.

To exert tight enough control over what would surely become a chaotic downsizing of civilization they might work to establish strict totalitarian rule in combination with mass electronic surveillance, all enforced by both militarized police and the kind of finance-based social control that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could provide. Are we seeing moves in those directions? Strict authoritarian mandates during the pandemic? Freezing of bank accounts in Canada? Digital Yuan in China? Flagrant censorship on social media? The phenomenon of Mass Formation at work, taking us along a path to totalitarianism?

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In todays, Wed 31Aug 9am, news.com.au Now under Court and Law. A group of Aussie antivaxers who tried to sue the state and federal government have been slugged with a $214,023 legal costs after the case was thrown out of court. Cienna Knowles, was non consensually 2x vaxed resulting in hospitalisation as a consequence of adverse effects and blood clots. This reminds me of the Fauci torture “experiments” on Beagles where the the Beagle’s vocal chords were cut to stop the cries and screams. I never really knew what depravity was until I read this.

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Omg the evil has no limits 😥

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Doctors sometimes have more personality abnormalities than the average person.

In Japan, during World War II, doctors at Kyushu University performed vivisections of prisoners of war. Decades ago, a professor at Sapporo Medical University performed a heart transplant even though the safety of the transplant was unclear, and the patient died a year or two later.

Looking at the history of this pseudo-vaccine, I wondered if this man, Fauci, had a personality disorder.

I thought, but there seems to be evidence of its cruelty

Fauci = Putin or Putin = Fauci

In terms of the number of people already killed, Fauci > Putin

Around the spring of last year, the bogus VAERS statistics were quite abnormal compared to past vaccines.

Despite the abnormally high number of deaths and injuries after vaccination

Biden didn't let Fauci quit.


I wonder if that's what it means.

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Oh the web they weave, those public health rascals. Best advice, do/believe exactly the opposite of what they claim/recommend.

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People just keep taking chemo shots, over and over, and they don't even have cancer. Yet. Maybe the culling of the herd is darwinism in action.

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No doubt deaths are in the millions at this point.

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They seem to be really looking for that “asymptomatic” spread thing again!! Really kick up the fear! Even though and thankfully this is pretty benign.

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 Certificate of Achievement: Surviving the Greatest Psychological Fear Campaign in Human History


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Seems like they're grasping at straws at this point, throwing so many sicknesses out there. It's like a toddler throwing a tantrum because we aren't paying enough attention to them.

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Thank you, Geert,

Your models have been right on.

Thanks, please don't stop.

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Getting even worse in America now. Google actively working with Government to suppress. ::


Thank you sir for your work in the direction of humanity not Governments. 👍🌎

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Thankyou very much for this article! We have to hope that the world Wakes up to the reality of what the jab has done to so many people !

We chose not to have the jab after researching as much as we could at the time about the effects it would have on our bodies! We are so glad that we stood against the tide !

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Geert, this may be of interest:

BREAKING! New Fatal Respiratory Disease That Causes Bilateral Pneumonia Detected In Argentina Amidst Speculations A New Recombinant Virus Has Emerged!


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