Also to all the bees pollenating the berry blossoms ..."Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I catch myself in gratitude in nature. It keeps sanity existent - to me. I harvested some gojis today. Big bumble bees abounded. ;) Gotta catch the good. It still exists. We NEED it.
Also to all the bees pollenating the berry blossoms ..."Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I catch myself in gratitude in nature. It keeps sanity existent - to me. I harvested some gojis today. Big bumble bees abounded. ;) Gotta catch the good. It still exists. We NEED it.
YESSSSS! Much love to the hard working humble bumbles!!! 🐝
Nature truly is grounding mind healing. My daily walks keep me uplifted and feeling genuinely alive and so thankful for my enduring health. 🦋🐞🌸🌻🌞🌈🌾🍄🍃🌱🌿 Definitely a sanity saver fer sure! 🤪💗
Oh my! I'm addicted to dried goji berries but they're crazy 'spensive. That's awesome that you can pick 'em fresh and local!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!🙂
I got a couple of different variety goji bushes (mail ordered) years ago and they thrive in my zone 5 yard. They spread like crazy! Can be rather invasive even., like raspberries can be. Also, they have thorns too. "Boundaries" to be respected. Nature is such a gift. Always something to discover and so soothing. A true lifesaver. This year, my compost offered volunteer lemon plants (I potted) , an eggplant, some jalapenos, and loads of cantaloupes. Surprise surprise! Love it! I think this is turning into a garden gratitude blog! Nature blessings abound!
So glad to hear that!🙏Nature has lifted me out of desperate depression and grief so many times. Still does. Even just closing eyes and recalling favorite wilderness places vividly can be so soothing. Thank goodness for this ever present remedy!😌
Also to all the bees pollenating the berry blossoms ..."Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I catch myself in gratitude in nature. It keeps sanity existent - to me. I harvested some gojis today. Big bumble bees abounded. ;) Gotta catch the good. It still exists. We NEED it.
YESSSSS! Much love to the hard working humble bumbles!!! 🐝
Nature truly is grounding mind healing. My daily walks keep me uplifted and feeling genuinely alive and so thankful for my enduring health. 🦋🐞🌸🌻🌞🌈🌾🍄🍃🌱🌿 Definitely a sanity saver fer sure! 🤪💗
Oh my! I'm addicted to dried goji berries but they're crazy 'spensive. That's awesome that you can pick 'em fresh and local!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!🙂
I got a couple of different variety goji bushes (mail ordered) years ago and they thrive in my zone 5 yard. They spread like crazy! Can be rather invasive even., like raspberries can be. Also, they have thorns too. "Boundaries" to be respected. Nature is such a gift. Always something to discover and so soothing. A true lifesaver. This year, my compost offered volunteer lemon plants (I potted) , an eggplant, some jalapenos, and loads of cantaloupes. Surprise surprise! Love it! I think this is turning into a garden gratitude blog! Nature blessings abound!
Nummy nummy! That's so awesome! Your inspiration and happiness with nature uplifts me too! 👏👏👏
So glad to hear that!🙏Nature has lifted me out of desperate depression and grief so many times. Still does. Even just closing eyes and recalling favorite wilderness places vividly can be so soothing. Thank goodness for this ever present remedy!😌