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I appreciate your point about the focus on "animal reservoirs!!!"

Leave the animals alone! And stay out of bat caves, good way to get rabies. Absent real wildlife management for real reasons (plenty of reasons - in CA too many cougars, they will run out of deer to eat; clear excessive wasting disease, marauding, and so forth, then cull; otherwise handle for range health, hunting, fishing, let the wildlife biologists work.) Keep the kill-everything-pets-and-stock-too-WEF-and-billionaires-away!

I am concerned about the "tests" they are using for avian flu. The farmers know if they have it in their flocks pretty quick, because there are dead birds. Coming out to "test" and declare is dicey as hell.

Pcr tests have been deliberately misused and they are doing it now. Makes me very angry.

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Types of biological warfare.

1) Targeted. As in the use of an infectious agent to poison a specific VIP or a few members. Examples could be tetanus toxin, Anthrax or a weaponized rabies strain.

2) Local. Targeting a specific area like a village or city. This can be achieved by anthrax spores, use of animal vectors like rats (plague) or infecting water supplies with waterborne pathogens.

3) Pandemic/epidemic. Requires a fast spreading virus or bacteria ideally respiratory but could also be spread via fluids and or contact. This method is not ideal as it puts those who release the agent and their troops at increased risk. Smallpox, influenza, measles etc

4) Agricultural. Forget the people. Destroy their crops and livestock instead.

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Here is a possible scenario related to biological warfare Type #3:

Suppose there were a cabal of ultra-rich and powerful people who believe that only they know how to solve today's crises. Let's call them the billionaire oligarchs. Maybe they belong to a group like the WEF. Suppose further that they have actually convinced themselves, rightly or wrongly, that climate change is both real and advanced enough that nothing in the realm of traditional economics, individual behavior, or democratic cooperation can be done to avoid total calamity. What might they do?

They might decide that the best way for them to: 1) reduce the worldwide use of natural resources, 2) reduce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and 3) still maintain their oligarchic control over the unwashed masses, is to drastically reduce the global population by means of a pandemic or two.

To exert tight enough control over what would surely become a chaotic downsizing of civilization they might work to establish strict totalitarian rule in combination with mass electronic surveillance, all enforced by both militarized police and the kind of finance-based social control that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could provide. Are we seeing moves in those directions? Strict authoritarian mandates during the pandemic? Freezing of bank accounts in Canada? Digital Yuan in China? Flagrant censorship on social media? The phenomenon of Mass Formation at work, taking us along a path to totalitarianism?

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