We are living in an era of bioterrorism and the vast majority of the population is completely ignorant to what is going on. It feels like this is just never going to end. Will they ever leave us alone?

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Many thanks, Geert. But as Pete and others below point out, it would be helpful if you can translate the “take-away” point in plain language. Analogies and comparisons in everyday life are the best, especially if they are visual. The concepts here are too complex for most non-experts to understand.

Again, thanks for all you are doing in this fight!

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Thanks Geert much appreciated this timely information 👍👍

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What these few years have proved regarding vaccines is that they simply don't work against viruses. It actually worsens outcomes overall in society than help mitigate the virus in any way. Time we all say enough.

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Thanks for posting some comments as well.

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I have seen on a few substacks a new study that if you had a natural Covid infection and then were vaccinated it basically wipes out your natural immunity. Does anyone know if you then get naturally reinfected - meaning you took the vaccine and then got Covid do you now have natural immunity against the entirety of the virus or does the vaccine still supersede natural infection?

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ANYWHERE ON PLANET EARTH! Stay Alive and Well Naturally!

I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

1. The Achilles Heel of this jargon-soup propaganda is virology, thus all "viral" testing. The alleged viral DNA, from which a match gene sequence is selected, is always a fake DNA molecule spuriously assembled from a soup of DNA fragments and other debris, from various species of life, including human and bacterial genes, by a spurious virology computer model.

2. So the medical assault and genocide of pre-pubescent children restarts in Autumn, as I and others suspected it may. Only gutless/mass-formation, negligent parents will allow this, after seeing the shocking effects upon children and adults from the earlier rounds of "C19 vaccinations".

3. Of course, testing for fragments of model faked DNA will show positive results in other species of life, because of shared genes.

4. It's probably flu, whatever that really is. Most/all autumn/winter diseases are symptom events triggered by colder weather and/or by seasonal fluctuations in natural EMF. Those who didn't survive were obviously already too unhealthy to survive. The images are meaningless, because they don't show isolates, or state any reliable replication testing of only the alleged isolates.

5. Virology and immunology frequently contradict, including internally, but anything which stops vaccination is great, even if it is based upon BS.

6. "Polio" is obviously a fake disease. It's so damned obvious that the two major outbreaks were caused by pesticides, including DDT! The "Polio" injury and the death rate in the UK was significantly higher in areas with "Polio" vaccination than in areas without "Polio" vaccination, and will likely repeat with any new "Polio" vaccinations!

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2 monkypox deaths must make it an epidemic for sheeple. A new experimental vaccine will be out in 4 weeks. "Trust the science."

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I saw a couple the other night that I haven't seen in about 8 years. Back then, they could have easily been featured as or with top of the line best-looking people in Hollywood. They now look as if they've aged 30 years. I know they are vx'd to the max and have the means to afford any additional help to 'look' much younger. It's so sad. Their demeanor was also a bit melancholy. Maybe they've been through some personal hell that aided but I'm seeing too many coincidences in this type of reality.

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MP UK is using reduced vaccine doses for Preventing MP transmission

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Hopefully the dolphins fight that virus off. 🐬

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"Young Leaders" are Getting us Killed (despite skinny jeans and wokeness)


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