1. Yet Another Curveball in the COVID Mutation Nightmare?
From Geert: This is the best piece of ‘scientific’ propaganda I’ve seen to make people believe that the dramatic evolution of the virus is not driven by population-level S-directed immune pressure caused by mass vaccination with S-based vaccines!
2. “Anger” at Plans to Roll Back Covid Vaccines to Under-11s in England
“Subject to further clarification, on-going eligibility in 2022/23, after the one off-programme, is expected to be for children in the academic years where children are aged 11 or 12 years.”
3. A First: Avian Influenza Detected in American Dolphin
From Geert: I predict that the cases in mammalian species (including humans) will grow over winter. In addition, I am not sure whether spill-over cases of avian flu (or enzootic flu in general) always cause disease. I recently posted an article on my website postulating that the immune response in highly vaccinated populations could render monkeypox virus, but also enzootic flu, largely asymptomatic. In that case, symptomatic cases in humans and other mammalian species would only point to the tip of the iceberg. I must say, though, that I don't feel very reassured by the statement made in this press release:
"The virus has some features that make further study and follow-up on mammalian cases important, but the virus does not currently contain the features we know are required for transmission between humans and likely other mammalian hosts." "In addition, the recent discovery of HPAIV in a porpoise in Sweden almost certainly suggests that the Florida dolphin finding isn't a one-off, unique event".
How can we say that the virus has some 'features' that prevent transmission between humans and other mammalian species if we have no clue about potential asymptomatic transmission. It has recently been reported that the rapid and widespread dissemination of Monkeypox virus (in highly vaccinated countries!) was also rooted in asymptomatic transmission....
4. Second Person in the U.S. Dies After Contracting Monkeypox
From Geert: I am very worried about the monkeypox (MP) vaccination strategy. Vaccination of substantial cohorts is only going to increase the rate of asymptomatic infections. As explained in a previous contribution of mine (on my website), this is likely to result in natural selection of more infectious immune escape variants in vaccinees (this particularly applies to non-replicating vaccines, which are the ones currently used). Higher infection rates lead to higher morbidity rates, which simply increase the part of the population that exerts immune pressure on viral infectiousness (and therefore promotes immune escape).
So, we may end up with circulating MP virus that no longer matches the vaccinal antibodies very well. This implies an increased risk for vaccinees to contract antibody-dependent enhancement of disease. It’s not just a theoretical assumption (see link attached): " Significant mutation in the monkeypox virus that resulted in at least three infected Californians who were initially given "false negative results". That's why I am strongly advising against getting yourself vaccinated against MP‼
5. Breakthrough Antibody Discovery Could Mean End to Covid Vaccines
From Geert: This is not taking into account the type of mutations one can reasonably expect to occur in the next generation of 'more virulent' variants. I have been predicting that the latter will primarily use changes in their glycosylation to overcome population-level immune pressure currently exerted on viral virulence. It's highly unlikely that the miraculous monoclonals will even be able to reach the critical neutralizing sites within spike protein. The keyword is 'steric hindrance'. One of the key roles of glycans grafted on viral proteins is to hide/ mask vulnerable domains!
6. Governor Declares NY Polio Emergency After Tests Show Virus in Long Island Wastewater
“The governor’s emergency order aims to bolster the state’s vaccination effort by making it easier for parents to get children vaccinated without needing to see a doctor. Now, pharmacists, paramedics and midwives will be able to dispense the vaccine, too.”
We are living in an era of bioterrorism and the vast majority of the population is completely ignorant to what is going on. It feels like this is just never going to end. Will they ever leave us alone?
Many thanks, Geert. But as Pete and others below point out, it would be helpful if you can translate the “take-away” point in plain language. Analogies and comparisons in everyday life are the best, especially if they are visual. The concepts here are too complex for most non-experts to understand.
Again, thanks for all you are doing in this fight!