I just saw a paper yesterday, but too many substacks to find it, that found unvaccinated people who had been in close contact with covid-active-symptomatic people, but did not get covid themselves, had memory B and T cells for covid 19. Keep up a healthy diet, get plenty of sunshine and supplement vitamin D, and who knows, you may get away with it.
The lunatics are running the PharmAsylum and the blind Sheeple are acting as militant tyrants unaware that they themselves are in fact victims of grievous 'medical' crimes against humanity.
Thanks!! We are trying to find more and more people that read and understand your helpful and wise advice in Colombia, our country. We appreciate your effort very much. We use an early simple treatment very similar to the flu and no one in the company or family has been in hospital, ICU, or dead due to this virus infection in 20 months.
In addition, from a herd immunity standpoint. If I am unvaccinated, I am contributing to herd immunity from future variants if still uninfected. This is why I am against the concept of advancing future susceptibility through vaccination or purposeful natural infection because it will just give the current circulating virus another router without a password to amplify and repeat the signal that will further erode the capacity of others to withstand an ever present ever increasing viral load.
If all succumb to some form of adaptive immunity through vaccination or infection, I pray for our new borns because they will be challenged repeatedly with extremely transmissible and immune evasive viruses the moment they are born and this will allow crackpot immunologists to recommend mass vaccination of new borns with a strain from almost neolithic era from an evolutionary standpoint.
Of course, your individual heath matters, but once you know that it's fine. Understand, that vaccinating or needlessly getting infected adds pressure on the virus to break through the innate immunity of those not yet challenged. See graphic of infectious virus at same viral load.
However, there was a dataset that did show the viral cultures are more infectious on average at the same CT value from Wisconsin which was mysteriously deleted from the website two days after I posted it in Vejon Health's Malone Vanden Bossche panel discussion on Viral load.
By the way, this is not a theory, this is already happening because we vaccinated 5-11 year olds and pregnant women. A new born is primed with an antigen it will never see, and the 5-11 year old cohort will provide plenty of opportunities for the virus to learn to re-infect parents and other children who have a younger and different immune system that it hasn't yet learned to penetrate. Give it enough time and chances, and we are all doomed.
See this story (can't verify but could be true) of pregnant vaccinated mom with covid. Delivered early and her own child infected within 2 hours at the hospital. Perhaps due to fully boosted hospital staff likely carrying plenty of virus to spread around. What a nightmare. Really. This will increase in frequency if we don't stop surrendering to the virus and fear.
Dr. Vanden Bossche, it seems there is pretty good evidence that supports the position of Sars-CoV-2 never having been legitimately isolated, proven to cause a new disease, etc.
For example, it appears that many freedom of information requests have confirmed that most (if not all) agencies, like the CDC, FDA, state and local health departments and so forth, have confirmed that they have never held samples, nor sequenced or otherwise experimented with the Sars-CoV-2 virus themselves.
It would also appear that the entire world just accepted at face value the CCP's "uploading" of what would appear to be a synthetic genome sequence that doesn't actually exist in nature as being the "cause" of a new disease.
A disease that many suggest is simply a rebranding of symptoms and syndromes to support this whole authoritarian effort/takeover.
How it could have seemed like a good idea to anyone to just take the CCP's word for it is beyond me but that does in fact seem to be what occurred does it not?
That sequence appears to have then been used across the board to churn out the highly suspect PCR tests that have now been relegated to being little more than junk. Worthless junk that cannot even differentiate between influenza and covid even by their own admission and even if we were to concede that they were useful in any way whatsoever in the first place.
THEN, they also apparently used this genome sequencing to spin up the manufacture of "vaccines" without Pfizer, Moderna, OR J&J ever having possessed or sequenced the Sars-CoV-2 virus independently themselves, which one might think would be a requirement just as a matter of even pretending to adhere to any modicum of quality control.
How do you see all of this?
I hope I'm getting across a proper question here by attempting to piece together in my layman's terms these various circumstances and wondering how you might respond?
I do hope you might be so gracious as to reply if you get the chance.
Thanks for the info. That's an interesting document. I read the whole thing. Gotta love how much secrecy is involved in what should otherwise be "unclassified" settings and domains.
Lots of compartmentalization. Makes for an opportunity to piece together harmless efforts into something nefarious without the individual contributors even being aware of the harm they are contributing to.
So unfortunately it still remains unclear if or when any of the entities involved, other than the CCP of course, actually had in their possession samples of Sars-CoV-2 virus that they experimented with and sequenced themselves.
It would seem we always end up back at square one which implicitly requires us to believe that all involved, including our governments, militaries, security services, medical professionals, and all of academia, just simply took the CCP's word for it.
Either that or if you go high enough up the food chain those that are "in on it" have power and sway over all nations, including China.
There was a paper that suggested vaccinated individuals carry a 251x higher viral load (with delta variant) in their nose. That seems like an absurd number; too high to pass the sniff test (no pun intended), but could there be some truth to vaccinated individuals being more infectious to the unvaccinated?
And same for partially vaccinated infecting other partially vaccinated more or better than any other group.
This suggests the real susceptibility is homologous immune status rather than heterologous immune status. In simpler terms- people in similar immunological situation or developmental stage in their pandemic evolution likely are easy targets for the virus to target because they have fewer differences between their immune responses to overcome in order to infect.
It was a comparison of unvaccinated healthcare workers infected with original Wuhan strain in early 2020 vs Delta variant in June when healthcare workers were fully vaccinated with AZ. The comparison was not with contemporaneous delta variant in unvaccinated in Vietnam.
However, there was a dataset that did show the viral cultures are more infectious on average at the same CT value from Wisconsin which was mysteriously deleted from the website two days after I posted it in Vejon Health's Malone Vanden Bossche panel discussion on Viral load.
My graphic showing higher infectious growth at same viral load from original dataset: https://ibb.co/cygjCpH
My husband had the three Pfizer jabs. I refuse to get them. After each of his jabs, maybe two weeks later, I spot(went through menopause 15 years ago) and I have burst capillaries on my forearms and it feels like ants are running under my skin. I think of him as bio hazard hubby. He has become pro mandatory jabs so I call him a fascist. He has had 4 opérations since the jabs, all because of hematomas around his testicles, which turned black at one point. I ventilate the apartment all the time. I insist he wears a condom. I keep getting slightly ill for a day or two and then I feel fine. I think he is exposing me to his hell and it's strengthening my innate immune system.
Hi Geert and thank you. I hope that you might be able to shed some light on a question I have been pondering.
I have often wondered why if the spike protein was the target why this could not be synthesized and injected directly without the mRNA deliver mechanism?
It seems to me that mRNA is an unregulated biological process where as direct protein introduction would mean that the dose can be controlled (safer) and the immune system would still be exposed the antigen.
I think that might be what inactivated virus vaccines do like they’ve used in China and India ( can’t recall both their names, Covaxin is one). Inject a small piece of the inactivated virus and you mount a so-so immune response in the case of coronaviruses. Better side effect profile I believe, than these mRNA and viral vectored DNA vaccines have.
This is exactly what Novavax is designed to do - deliver a set amount of premanufactured spike protein so your body does not need to produce it directly. I am pretty darn sure this means Novavax will be safer overall, but it might still have issues with ADE or immune evasion. Novavax may be available in the US in 2022.
If Novax is only the spike then fully agree OAS and immune evasion would continue to be an issue. However if it is a attenuated complete virus it should give something more akin to naturally acquired immunity.
It would depend. Imagine someone with a poor immune response to spike due to being sub clinically infected, it might overwhelm them as it's all that spike at once while their body was fighting covid, it might kill them.
Would be good to know if the vaccinated can become un-vaccinated. acknowledging that vaccine strength wanes over time, anyone know at what point, if any, they do become un-vaccinated?
Hi, I am an otherwise healthy, athletic 23-year-old male who took the J&J shot on September 27th because covid vaccination was required for a job I was applying for. I was already aware of many of the problems with these vaccines, but figured the chance of an adverse reaction was still low. Shortly after, I noticed a sudden, palpable decrease in my physical endurance (e.g. getting easily winded while jogging at what would normally be an easy pace for me). Said decrease has been persistent ever since. I have also experienced mild, intermittent chest discomfort. Within the last month, I had a few tests done for heart issues which all came back normal. I am about to be tested for blood clotting, though my doctors doubt I have a clotting issue. What do you think could be causing this?
I just saw a paper yesterday, but too many substacks to find it, that found unvaccinated people who had been in close contact with covid-active-symptomatic people, but did not get covid themselves, had memory B and T cells for covid 19. Keep up a healthy diet, get plenty of sunshine and supplement vitamin D, and who knows, you may get away with it.
Ha so we get antibodies against the vaxxed! That’s how we can stand so strong!
The control group may be the only hope for humanity.
And they are increasingly acting unhinged and purging the control group so that we can descend into hell on boosters faster than the speed of light.
The lunatics are running the PharmAsylum and the blind Sheeple are acting as militant tyrants unaware that they themselves are in fact victims of grievous 'medical' crimes against humanity.
Thanks!! We are trying to find more and more people that read and understand your helpful and wise advice in Colombia, our country. We appreciate your effort very much. We use an early simple treatment very similar to the flu and no one in the company or family has been in hospital, ICU, or dead due to this virus infection in 20 months.
Thank you. And it's actually somewhat comforting to know that family members even pressure someone with your knowledge and expertise!
In addition, from a herd immunity standpoint. If I am unvaccinated, I am contributing to herd immunity from future variants if still uninfected. This is why I am against the concept of advancing future susceptibility through vaccination or purposeful natural infection because it will just give the current circulating virus another router without a password to amplify and repeat the signal that will further erode the capacity of others to withstand an ever present ever increasing viral load.
If all succumb to some form of adaptive immunity through vaccination or infection, I pray for our new borns because they will be challenged repeatedly with extremely transmissible and immune evasive viruses the moment they are born and this will allow crackpot immunologists to recommend mass vaccination of new borns with a strain from almost neolithic era from an evolutionary standpoint.
Of course, your individual heath matters, but once you know that it's fine. Understand, that vaccinating or needlessly getting infected adds pressure on the virus to break through the innate immunity of those not yet challenged. See graphic of infectious virus at same viral load.
Altered and manipulated dataset from still online after September 30 study https://go.wisc.edu/p22l16
However, there was a dataset that did show the viral cultures are more infectious on average at the same CT value from Wisconsin which was mysteriously deleted from the website two days after I posted it in Vejon Health's Malone Vanden Bossche panel discussion on Viral load.
By the way, this is not a theory, this is already happening because we vaccinated 5-11 year olds and pregnant women. A new born is primed with an antigen it will never see, and the 5-11 year old cohort will provide plenty of opportunities for the virus to learn to re-infect parents and other children who have a younger and different immune system that it hasn't yet learned to penetrate. Give it enough time and chances, and we are all doomed.
See this story (can't verify but could be true) of pregnant vaccinated mom with covid. Delivered early and her own child infected within 2 hours at the hospital. Perhaps due to fully boosted hospital staff likely carrying plenty of virus to spread around. What a nightmare. Really. This will increase in frequency if we don't stop surrendering to the virus and fear.
Thank you Dr VanDen Bossche. I am grateful for your shared knowledge.
You are asking us to act immediately, but how can we do this all the time if we wake up feeling a little bit bad.
I know symptoms are not your thing, but what treatments would be fine for covid or the common cold that we do not need to run to the doctor??
A family nurse knows of a nursing mother who got the jab, and had her baby die. I think the evidence of spike shedding will come out.
Dr. Vanden Bossche, it seems there is pretty good evidence that supports the position of Sars-CoV-2 never having been legitimately isolated, proven to cause a new disease, etc.
For example, it appears that many freedom of information requests have confirmed that most (if not all) agencies, like the CDC, FDA, state and local health departments and so forth, have confirmed that they have never held samples, nor sequenced or otherwise experimented with the Sars-CoV-2 virus themselves.
It would also appear that the entire world just accepted at face value the CCP's "uploading" of what would appear to be a synthetic genome sequence that doesn't actually exist in nature as being the "cause" of a new disease.
A disease that many suggest is simply a rebranding of symptoms and syndromes to support this whole authoritarian effort/takeover.
How it could have seemed like a good idea to anyone to just take the CCP's word for it is beyond me but that does in fact seem to be what occurred does it not?
That sequence appears to have then been used across the board to churn out the highly suspect PCR tests that have now been relegated to being little more than junk. Worthless junk that cannot even differentiate between influenza and covid even by their own admission and even if we were to concede that they were useful in any way whatsoever in the first place.
THEN, they also apparently used this genome sequencing to spin up the manufacture of "vaccines" without Pfizer, Moderna, OR J&J ever having possessed or sequenced the Sars-CoV-2 virus independently themselves, which one might think would be a requirement just as a matter of even pretending to adhere to any modicum of quality control.
How do you see all of this?
I hope I'm getting across a proper question here by attempting to piece together in my layman's terms these various circumstances and wondering how you might respond?
I do hope you might be so gracious as to reply if you get the chance.
Thank you so much for all you do! - Lamar
So long as there are vaccines to promote. The spread will continue
I am sorry but that doesn't answer anything I've asked about. Thanks for replying though.
Thanks for the info. That's an interesting document. I read the whole thing. Gotta love how much secrecy is involved in what should otherwise be "unclassified" settings and domains.
Lots of compartmentalization. Makes for an opportunity to piece together harmless efforts into something nefarious without the individual contributors even being aware of the harm they are contributing to.
So unfortunately it still remains unclear if or when any of the entities involved, other than the CCP of course, actually had in their possession samples of Sars-CoV-2 virus that they experimented with and sequenced themselves.
It would seem we always end up back at square one which implicitly requires us to believe that all involved, including our governments, militaries, security services, medical professionals, and all of academia, just simply took the CCP's word for it.
Either that or if you go high enough up the food chain those that are "in on it" have power and sway over all nations, including China.
There was a paper that suggested vaccinated individuals carry a 251x higher viral load (with delta variant) in their nose. That seems like an absurd number; too high to pass the sniff test (no pun intended), but could there be some truth to vaccinated individuals being more infectious to the unvaccinated?
Keeping all things constant, they found vaccinated got infected with delta at 250% the rate as Unvaccinated.
Dutch household secondary attack rate study found 1.16x enhanced transmission between fully vaccinated index and contact.
And same for partially vaccinated infecting other partially vaccinated more or better than any other group.
This suggests the real susceptibility is homologous immune status rather than heterologous immune status. In simpler terms- people in similar immunological situation or developmental stage in their pandemic evolution likely are easy targets for the virus to target because they have fewer differences between their immune responses to overcome in order to infect.
It was a comparison of unvaccinated healthcare workers infected with original Wuhan strain in early 2020 vs Delta variant in June when healthcare workers were fully vaccinated with AZ. The comparison was not with contemporaneous delta variant in unvaccinated in Vietnam.
However, there was a dataset that did show the viral cultures are more infectious on average at the same CT value from Wisconsin which was mysteriously deleted from the website two days after I posted it in Vejon Health's Malone Vanden Bossche panel discussion on Viral load.
My graphic showing higher infectious growth at same viral load from original dataset: https://ibb.co/cygjCpH
Altered and manipulated dataset from still online after September 30 study https://go.wisc.edu/p22l16
My husband had the three Pfizer jabs. I refuse to get them. After each of his jabs, maybe two weeks later, I spot(went through menopause 15 years ago) and I have burst capillaries on my forearms and it feels like ants are running under my skin. I think of him as bio hazard hubby. He has become pro mandatory jabs so I call him a fascist. He has had 4 opérations since the jabs, all because of hematomas around his testicles, which turned black at one point. I ventilate the apartment all the time. I insist he wears a condom. I keep getting slightly ill for a day or two and then I feel fine. I think he is exposing me to his hell and it's strengthening my innate immune system.
It is so refreshing to see valid advice from an honest scientist who has the best interest of humankind in mind. I’m very grateful.
Thank you Geert.
Hi Geert and thank you. I hope that you might be able to shed some light on a question I have been pondering.
I have often wondered why if the spike protein was the target why this could not be synthesized and injected directly without the mRNA deliver mechanism?
It seems to me that mRNA is an unregulated biological process where as direct protein introduction would mean that the dose can be controlled (safer) and the immune system would still be exposed the antigen.
I think that might be what inactivated virus vaccines do like they’ve used in China and India ( can’t recall both their names, Covaxin is one). Inject a small piece of the inactivated virus and you mount a so-so immune response in the case of coronaviruses. Better side effect profile I believe, than these mRNA and viral vectored DNA vaccines have.
This is exactly what Novavax is designed to do - deliver a set amount of premanufactured spike protein so your body does not need to produce it directly. I am pretty darn sure this means Novavax will be safer overall, but it might still have issues with ADE or immune evasion. Novavax may be available in the US in 2022.
If Novax is only the spike then fully agree OAS and immune evasion would continue to be an issue. However if it is a attenuated complete virus it should give something more akin to naturally acquired immunity.
Yes, but there still may be an issue with ADE even with a vaccine targeting the complete virus, from what I've read.
"this means Novavax will be safer overall",
It would depend. Imagine someone with a poor immune response to spike due to being sub clinically infected, it might overwhelm them as it's all that spike at once while their body was fighting covid, it might kill them.
Roller? I'd like to know more if you have a link.
Would be good to know if the vaccinated can become un-vaccinated. acknowledging that vaccine strength wanes over time, anyone know at what point, if any, they do become un-vaccinated?
Hi, I am an otherwise healthy, athletic 23-year-old male who took the J&J shot on September 27th because covid vaccination was required for a job I was applying for. I was already aware of many of the problems with these vaccines, but figured the chance of an adverse reaction was still low. Shortly after, I noticed a sudden, palpable decrease in my physical endurance (e.g. getting easily winded while jogging at what would normally be an easy pace for me). Said decrease has been persistent ever since. I have also experienced mild, intermittent chest discomfort. Within the last month, I had a few tests done for heart issues which all came back normal. I am about to be tested for blood clotting, though my doctors doubt I have a clotting issue. What do you think could be causing this?
Get the d dimer test. You are very, very likely experiencing thrombosis.