My greatest concern now is; how long do spike protein continue to be produced within the vaccinated. I sincerely hope this is examined, and of course, findings shared in public. The vaccinated have a right to know this.

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I read regarding the Omicron BA.2 from Israel… almost all cases are now of the BA.2. They indicated they required no treatment, as the symptoms were very mild. Low grade temp, some muscle aches.. not much. The article stated, an increase in transmission was not noted… However, Fauci and His Gang, cannot let a great “Cough” go to waste. Just in time for midterm elections I am sure. TY for your updates Sir.

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Will we get a scariant in time for Easter? I couldn’t fly at Christmas as the relatives we were seeing had omicron. They were all jabbed snd boosted. They had better hurry so they can ramp up the pandemic porn.

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I saw Fauci make a comment today about a variant that was increasing…. You know it will be deadly to the Easter Rabbits…🤷🏼‍♀️

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Dr F&cky needs to go away. When I see him I wonder what Satan saw in him. Oh yeah, his long history of mass murder.

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Number 5, warning of a new surge with a new variant, is especially interesting in light of item 1 that speaks of the finding that surges after the initial outbreak were primarily artifacts of false positive PCR tests. I imagine Fauci will drive the next scare with yet more false positives and there will be plenty of suckers for it who, even two years in, haven't learned a thing.

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Item 1 is a preprint that seems to offer strong analytical arguments (from people outside the world of microbiology?) for the perverse effects of PCR testing, including the helpful new acronyms of MDSCV (MisDiagnosis of SARS Coronavirus 2) and FPMCCT (False-Positive Multiplication by Compulsory Contact Testing). On the face of it, a paper that so clearly questions the prevailing narratives (as described explicitly in the paper itself) is going to have trouble with being peer-reviewed by those enmeshed in those narratives. It is described as submitted by The Lancet in November of last year, but there seems to be no published commentary on it, although lots of people seem to have read it. Is commentary prohibited before peer-review?

If the authors' arguments are correct, they would seem to undermine the case for permanent vaccination regimes to respond to ongoing new variants that would seem to underpin the business cases of large pharma companies. This seems to be a different argument for stopping vaccination than Geert's arguments to stop vaccination in order to avoid creating vaccine-proof variants. Does Geert have a view about the paper, and in particular the suggested mechanism of exosomes? I would be interested to know.

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Would think you should see a trivial scaling of case counts with tests, especially by now? They also admit at end they couldnt demonstrate MDSCV clinically. They assume the FPMCCT was obvious to the reader, but that was not to me — guessing testing + contact tracing makes a sort of virtual outbreak? P(false positive) high enough, so then patient 0 makes more through testing of contacts, who each make more… sort of a testing contageon I guess? Not clear to me how an outbreak rolls over and case counts decrease then…

But yes would love to see some critical peer review of that one!

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Here in Australia, it’s no longer possible to scale tests and cases, as around half the ‘cases’ are from Rapid Antigen Tests (Rats). Positive results are reported mandatorily but there is no record of number of tests conducted. (Conspiracy theorists might interpret this as a ploy to keep the numbers up, especially as RATs have markedly higher false positive rates.) Correlations of tests and cases are not easily interpreted however, including direction of any causality.

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If you had the shot would that make you test positive?

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I am looking forward to reading your paper you are working on, Dr. Vanden Bossche. When will you post it?

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Dr. Vanden Bossche,

Thank you for your continued posting and analysis of information and data throughout this pandemic.

I read your October article "What if Israel fails the Stress Test" with great interest, in which the health minister of Israel predicted that the first boosters would reduce cases to zero for about six months, while you predicted that the cases would plateau at a higher level than before and then spike dramatically after only a couple of months. Of course, you were correct and your hand-drawn graph was spot-on with what actually occurred.

I have since followed the daily cases (rate per million) in Israel and it appears that the dramatic spike that occurred in late December/early January has been dropping (fourth booster effect?) but appears to now be leveling off at a much, much higher plateau, and perhaps starting to increase again. This is interesting because the plateau level is so much higher than ever before (600 cases per million) and the plateau/valley appears to be of shorter duration than before - it's only been leveled-off for about a month as opposed to a two month plateau/valley previously.

If you could provide any insight as to what that current Israel data is showing us, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Thank you for sharing these important articles. The Corporate Media is entirely complicit in this sham perpetrated upon the world.

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Dr. VandenBossche, I am concerned. Are these injections self-spreading? It is starting to be talked about by some publicly now. This would be a world wide disaster.

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Dr. Bossche, What do you make of the 1000 daily COVID deaths in the US (from an omicron max of 2500) even with cases down below 30K (from an omicron max of 800K) and hospitalizations at 21K (from an omicron peak of 150K, per the NYTimes)? These people cannot be dying via the traditional route of getting progressively sicker over 2 weeks.

If they had ADE, we would expect the daily deaths in January to be stratospheric, not the 2500 claimed. As far as I can tell, that means most of these deaths are people that died of "vaccine" adverse events, and then tested positive for COVID. Does anyone have reports from the hospitals or any sense if this is right?

And if this is the case, why aren't other countries reporting a similar phenomena? I understand the US pays a "bounty" to hospitals for patients that die of COVID, but I wouldn't think that would work for people that are dead on arrival.

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I’m shocked that The Lancet would publish the damning PCR study. But I guess “they” are covering their tracks?

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It is not yet published; it is a preprint.

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Yes, thanks. I saw that as I read more.

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As I understand it, that 84% increase in excess mortality for ages 25 through 44 is non-covid deaths. I wish that data could be laid out clearly, how many of people that age died from covid and how many did not.

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That is what they are seeing. Right around the time the working folks were under mandate threats to keep their jobs. It’s the jabs. It’s the jabs. It’s the jabs. They are killing people. Wake up!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah I agree, and I'd like the data to back it up.

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Though I think it’s mostly from the jabs, there would also be suicides and drug overdoses in this group. Plus some Covid deaths. Less likely to die from delayed medical care, as this group is pretty young, ie healthy.

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I borrowed data from www.USmortality.com for the analysis I've got below. This is from my substack, which includes an chart. I have tried to track the source of the USmortality excess death numbers, but haven't found them yet.

For 2020:

25-45 year olds had 9,031 COVID deaths, and 37,334 “excess” deaths (including COVID deaths), so there were 28,303 extra deaths from overdoses, suicides, untreated/less treated/late treated medical problems, accidents, homicides, and COVID deaths that didn’t get marked as COVID deaths. We wouldn’t expect many of that last group.

There are VERY roughly 80 million people in this age cohort. So 28,303 extra deaths works out to around 0.35 deaths per thousand above and beyond what’s expected. That’s in a fairly young group of people, in a first world nation. They were locked down a lot of the time, so they shouldn’t have been getting in more accidents than usual. Overdoses and suicides would have been up a little, but 1 out of 3000? Over and above what we had the previous few years?

So, on to 2021. For this age group, there are 23,998 COVID deaths. “Excess” deaths are 65,565, which includes those marked COVID. So that leaves 41,567 excess deaths not due to COVID.

Is it fair to assume that “excess” deaths not due to “vaccine” adverse events or COVID would be similar to 2021? If so, we would have 41,567 - 28,303 =13,264 “vaccine” related deaths in 2021. Call it 13,000, but it could be anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 in reality.

And we still have 1 out of 3000 fairly young people dying deaths of despair over and beyond what was normal in recent years.

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Ahhh, ask and you shall receive! Thank you. 😍

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I haven't seen any recent comment by Dr Bossche on the current SC2 scenario. Many are saying Omicron and its variants are the end of the pandemic. Has Geert commented on this? And have the scientists determined how Omicron evolved as it appeared out of nowhere?

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This is his most recent interview where he mentions a new paper he is preparing to release: https://covexit.com/anniversary-interview/

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Those 4 Part interviews are from

one year ago.

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That first article is fascinating. I would sure like to see your thoughts on it.

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