Goal: Our newsletter aims at providing regular updates on the science and the truth behind the current pandemic. We are dedicated to bringing the real science to the table and sharing how the truth invalidates the current narrative, for which scientific evidence is now increasingly lacking. We’ll provide an update on a (semi-)weekly basis, on Mondays and/or Fridays. We sincerely hope this newsletter will contribute to raising awareness about the consequences of human intervention in this pandemic, particularly of mass vaccination, from both an individual and public health perspective.
1. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine: Role of Exosomes in False-Positive Covid-19 PCR Tests
“We find that PCR testing data for the second and following wavesof COVID-19 pandemic indicate that these waves are mainly artefactsof false-positive results.”
2. Exploring the Links Between SARS-CoV-2, Covid ‘Vaccines’, HIV, and Immune Deficiency
“There is emerging evidence of the existence of a form ofvaccine-induced immune suppression that could be referred to asVAIDS, although the mechanisms may be variable between individualsand are still not clear. Among them is innate immune erosion, T celldisturbances and autoimmunity, but there may also be specifictargeting of CD4 T cells by the gp120 insert in the SARS-CoV-2 spikeprotein. This may even be of greater concern in the case of covid-19mRNA and adenoviral vector ‘vaccines’ that generated spikeprotein within the body which may then be exposed over weeks if notmonths.”
3. Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data
Themost recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of2021, according to the analysisof financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower, Edward Dowd.
4. NYC Health Commissioner WantsMasks for Kids Under 5 Indefinitely
“Ithink it’s indefinite at this point,’ Dr. Ashwin Vasan saidFriday during a COVID-19 briefing in Queens. ‘People who have triedto predict what’s going to happen in the future in this pandemichave repeatedly found egg on their face, as they say, and I’m notgoing to do that here today.”
5. US Predicts Increase in Covid Cases Due to New BA.2 Variant
“U.S.health experts are warning an emerging, highly contagious Covidomicron variant, called BA.2, could soon lead to another uptick indomestic coronavirus cases.”
My greatest concern now is; how long do spike protein continue to be produced within the vaccinated. I sincerely hope this is examined, and of course, findings shared in public. The vaccinated have a right to know this.
I read regarding the Omicron BA.2 from Israel… almost all cases are now of the BA.2. They indicated they required no treatment, as the symptoms were very mild. Low grade temp, some muscle aches.. not much. The article stated, an increase in transmission was not noted… However, Fauci and His Gang, cannot let a great “Cough” go to waste. Just in time for midterm elections I am sure. TY for your updates Sir.