Thank you Dr Geert for sharing this. What a wonderful explanation.

I wish I could share this information with my kids as they are parents now.

They are rejecting any and all information that I provide to them and as of this day

I am "banned" by my youngest daughter's husband, from visiting or engaging with the grand children. We live in a dystopian world

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I’m in the same boat, Rosemary, with my adult children but the way I deal with it is I just don’t ever bring up the topic...they know I’m unvaccinated and they think that that’s weird and I spend a lot of time concerning myself with what the future is going to look like for them...

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Excellent and encouraging advice.

We are "banned" and have not heard a peep since April of this year from my youngest and her controlling husband.

I thought years ago we were growing and "evolving" more intelligent as humans, but I see that the current breed are closed minded, lazy and over fed in both mind and body. So little useful food or knowledge

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Your daughter and her husband may be captured by the phenomenon called Mass Formation. If so, one of the prerequisites for being captured in this way was a prevailing sense of "free-floating anxiety, frustration, and aggression", often stemming from the broad-based uncertainties of today's world. An uncertain world is surely anxiety producing for me when I think about raising kids. You're not quite sure what the anxiety is all about, but it makes you vulnerable to "official" narratives that (falsely) serve to alleviate that anxiety. In this case the message, constantly reinforced over mass media, is that covid is the source of all your anxiety and vaccination is the way to fix it.

People in the grip of Mass Formation are suffering a kind of hypnosis, where the official narrative takes over their attention and anyone not aligned with that narrative must be considered "the enemy". In other words, they are victims of having been unable to make sense of all the craziness happening in the world and feeling anxious and frustrated about it. Unfortunately, people in this state cannot be woken up. The only thing you can do is honestly and gently express the truth as you see it, without belaboring the point. They very likely will not wake up, but it may help keep them from going deeper. See any video involving Mattias Desmet for details on Mass Formation.

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how terrible to be that uninformed as it could damage the grand-kids, shorten their lives, and deprive them for no rational reason from the attention of their grandparent.

July 14, 2022. All About Autophagy and Clearing Spike Protein: FLCCC Weekly Update (July 13, 2022) https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/weekly_webinar_July12:d

July 18, 2022. How to Poison a Population Without Them Knowing — Dr. Michael Yeadon


July 18, 2022. Where and How to Protect your Children from Mandated COVID Vaccines.


July 18, 2022. Data Reveals Higher Mortality Rate for New Omicron Variants in Vaccinated + Boosted —Dr. Paul Marik


I put friends and family on a private BCC email list and send them scientific opinions and articles and data. I hope that has changed from minds

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Try to give them some helpful information. I love to tell people "Check out the "I-Recover: Post Vaccination" protocol at flccc.net if/when you start having issues"

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Loved ones who are blinded to the truth- you don't have to mention the cause if they're opposed to hearing it- but send them articles on famous young people dying suddenly of cardiac issues. That's one thing I've done and it's helped. I just send a TMZ clip and say "wow! 31 yrs old & he died of a heart attack? That's crazy!". Or some 40 yr old physically fit person who died in their sleep and say "Another young person just dies suddenly?"

Now it's all adding up in their heads.

**When you don't mention that you think it's these things, they can't be upset with you because you never SAID it.

When they make the association- it's their own brain that connected the dots.

That's what I've done and I think it's helped.

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That's truly sad. Your son-in-law doesn't know how he has damaged his and his children's lives by that action. He will find out. My aunt doesn't talk to me anymore because I disparaged Fauxi. Also, she is certifiably insane. Sometimes people have to be let go in our lives for a certain time period. This is needed so they can learn and we can learn from the experience. Sometimes people never come back, but it is all for the good.

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Dr.Vanden Bossche, Very grateful for these explanations. We haven’t had grand rounds in our hospital in the last few years due to Covid crap. Very little intelligent discussions with any medical staff. I am starved for information and discussions. Thank you !!

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Regarding A2 and A3, I think Geert is saying the mRNA Vaccine will train innate Abs to focus on SC2-like antigens. Therefore, other antigens can increase infectiousness. Wouldn’t the mRNA jab schedule also exhaust immune system response as resources are constrained?

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Jul 19, 2022
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As I understand it, the non-neutralizing antibodies attach to places on the spike protein that are preserved from variant to variant. Once generated (and possibly boosted) they stand ready to jump in when confronted by the virus once again. That's "immune imprinting". Because the neutralizing antibodies no longer attach to the receptor binding domain (RBD), the non-neutralizing antibodies are able to coat the virus and, in the process, change the shape of the spike protein. This change happens to make the RBD more accessible to ACE2 receptors, thus increasing infectivity. This is the antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) part.

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Hi could someone please direct me to this study in the NEJM. “Covid Booster SignificantlyDelays End of Infection.”


Dr John Patchett

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In this longitudinal cohort of participants, most of whom had symptomatic, nonsevere Covid-19 infection, the viral decay kinetics were similar with omicron infection and delta infection. Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.


Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (BA.1) Infection


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Thanks for this, the actual paper confirms what I thought and that it is the same study Dr Sayeed Mobeen discussed on his podcast channel on YouTube. Very interesting indeed and he explains it wonderfully by breaking down the paper and summarising it in more digestible chunks.

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Thank you for posting this Dr. I hadn't heard of him. After watching his podcast interviewing another Dr. with his patients on the BA 5 was reassuring to hear. Seems all roads so far leading down the path of a healthy microbiome foundation.

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Is this a case of reactivation of latent viruses potentially due to immune suppression?

Or is this a new push to get more public support for vaccine passports?

Or is this just a freak unexpected incident?

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This is actually a case of vaccine derived polio. Not sure why the linked article states that the person is unvaccinated


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Can you please speak in English instead of in language to your peers.

If we don't understand what your saying, your not answering any questions effectively to your key audience.

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Yes. We need something like this “interpretation” that Jonathan Weissman did of Dr. Vanden Bossche’s ADE hypotheses.


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Your friend's first question contains an inaccurate statement: "Is this simply because it is a localized injection that doesn't replicate/spread throughout other tissues and organs?"

The covid vaccines leave spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles throughout your body. The bio-distribution study Dr Bridle obtained from a Japanese FOIA in May 2021 shows it and so do the documents released under court order by the lawsuit filed by phmpt.org

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Dr.Geert is providing us with cientific means ,to fight this awesome family war .......

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Thanks Geert a timely update for us us keep up the good work thanks

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The spike vaccines (mRNA and DNA) are "replicating", ie they cause host cells to make lots more spikes. Why doesnt this count?

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Jul 19, 2022
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It sure seems to make alot of spikes and hang around much longer than expected (8 weeks in one study i saw).

I wonder what will happen when they start using the new self-amplifying RNA that Jessica Rose mentioned recently https://jessicar.substack.com/p/when-you-hear-bnt162c2-run-dont-walk

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Dr. GVB…. I noticed men get sicker than non- menopauseal women, do you think progesterone/ estrogen play a role in mechanism of disease ?

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Oooo! I know this one! Seems testosterone makes Covid worse. There was even a suggesting in the FLCCC protocols last year (don't know if it is still recommended...) that an optional component for high risk male patients was a week's worth of hormone blockers to ease the disease's severity.

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Yes bald obese men due to 5-DHT !

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Post menopausal women don’t do as well with Covid and possibly the oophorectomized women too. So I think progesterone/ estrogen should be studied because of its protection.

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I have been following you from the beginning of Covid and greatly appreciate everything you have done. You are our hero. Do you have the same opinion about the Novavax S protein vaccine? Safety? Efficacy? Contribute to the problem of vaccinating during a pandemic? I know you are very busy so any guidance you can offer will appreciated.

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Dr. McCullough has reviewed Novavax in the podcast above. This shot also causes myocarditis and blood clots, but since fewer doses have been given, less is known about it. None of the available injections are safe or medically necessary at this point. The best approach is early treatment, and having the “OTC bundle” of vitamins D and C, zinc, quercetin, famotidine, and material for antiseptic nasal washes, all handy and ready to go in case someone in the house gets sick.

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Heart inflammation is a not-insignificant problem with Novavax. So I vote no.

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This is a wonderfully clear explanation; maybe you can let folks at TIME know why these do not work the same way as the traditional vaccine models they cite with their boosters forever pitch. So many errors in their claims it jumps out even as a Geert follower aware of OAS, ADE etc.

"The primary series of vaccines kick-starts the immune response by engaging lymphocytes, white blood cells that detect specific features of the pathogen to expand in numbers and become instructed to eliminate the pathogen. Most of these cells disappear over time, except for a small subset of cells that are kept by the body for future use.

These “memory cells” are responsible for long-lasting immunity against a given pathogen. What boosters do is stimulate these memory lymphocytes to quickly expand in numbers and to produce even more effective defenders. The booster also selects for B cells that can secrete antibodies that are even better at binding and blocking virus infection and spread.

The primary series can be thought of as the high school for lymphocytes, where naïve cells receive basic instructions to learn about the pathogen. Boosters are like a college where lymphocytes are further educated to become more skilled and mature, to fight off future infections. Periodically, these college graduates need refreshers by more booster doses given later in life. This is the case for all vaccines. Booster doses provide the immune system the education it needs to prevent severe diseases from infections.

COVID-19 vaccines also need booster doses for the same reasons. We need to educate, maintain, and improve T and B cell responses to prevent severe disease. Boosters provide significant benefits to people who received the primary series in preventing hospitalization and death. "


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