My mom died of turbo cancer in 2022. I was her caregiver.

My mom was tortured. She suffered in unimaginable ways.

My mom was the victim of an attack. The weapon was the bio weapon that is called “covid-19 vaccine.” The medical system is complicit. Those who control the medical system are criminal.

My mom was murdered - but she was not beaten. Her spirit remains strong in the arms of God.

The aim of this war is not to kill people. People were always going to die. The aim is to destroy spirits. The goal is to destroy heaven, itself.

This is her story:


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I'm so sorry you and your mom went through this. Praying for you.🙏

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Apr 3Edited

I am so worried about this. Not for myself but for my sister, her partner and my small circle of friends. Virtually all took the jabs here in 95% first jab Wales. By the third jab there was still 75% uptake. I even heard yesterday that a 94 yr old man - his daughter apparently is one of the UK's top cancer professors of medicine - went for his NINTH jab. Yep, they have started giving out the 9th jab to the over 70's.

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Not much any of us can do. I feel the same way. I have told both my sons (in general terms) what "may" happen even though I know it is going to happen. I have told them what they need to do to survive. I will provide anti-virals for them when the immune escape virus begins to infect the planet. I know enough enough about this to be pretty convincing to at least my boys. This virus will be highly contagious and spread like wild fire. From what Geert (and others) have talked about, all vaccinated folks need to take anti-virals every day. And it makes sense to me, that isolating from everyone for a time period would be a good idea. This will burn itself out and disappear as it runs out of hosts to kill. Herd immunity will be established but the cost will be millions (maybe billions) of lives.

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Do you mind sharing where you are getting antivirals? I need a more affordable source

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Antivirals, are we talking about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine?

Not sure if we can even get this in Canada…

These options from India & Mexico, I wonder about quality control…should I?

I am not vaxxed but my husband has had 2 Pfizer in 2021…he thinks he dodged a bullet, and I think I have been shedded on, so it makes me worry…I’m about to turn 60, he is about to turn 70…

My twin brother in another city has had about 7 shots, I asked him the other day how many and it sounds like he lost track. His wife in the background spewed out, that they have never had C19 either, so she is thinking they are so smart…

I had a positive PCR test result in Jan 2021…that prompted me to avoid the shots & thank goodness I was able to make that decision…this was the point in time that I started the deep dive and of course have not looked back…🧐😉

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I have the same question- what anti-virals? I think of IVM as a great "off label" drug that is used as an anti-parasitic for River Blindness in Africa. Plus is Something truly Safe and Effective for Covid! I got mine from AllDayChemist in India.

Valacyclovir is an anti viral we used at my medical center for herpes and shingles.

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I have ordered IVM twice from AllDayChemist in India. It took about a month to get it.

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India, Mexico options are widely available. Stocking up now makes sense.

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Indiamart. Takes 2 weeks.

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I've ordered from this pharmacy several times, they're in Tennessee and their Ivermectin is compounded onsite.

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Ziverdo Kit Store online. Used several times.

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Indiamart works well. Quality good imho.

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People are not made to be locked down. Healthy people will have to go out to get food, if there is any, potable water, will help their dying neighbors etc. not possible my friend...ie, worldwide lockdown. Those who are healthy will try to keep supply chains going but there won't be enough of those people

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My homeopathic MD said 2000mg daily of Tumeric is something you can take if you don't have access to Ivermectin.

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Here is something that is close to ivermectin: zinc taken together with Quercitin. But there is a herb that seems to be just as powerful as ivermectin: it's Artemisia Annua. It's available in three forms: dried herb, tincture and capsules.

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Refreshing to hear someone recommending zinc, quercitin and a herb, instead of pharma's drugs.

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There is so much more then one can take to prevent covid or treat it. One of the reader is a father who has two sons who are vaccinated. His genuine love for his sons, touched me very much. I need to find his post, because I would like to write the protocol that I used for myself and my family to treat covid. What I used was a combination of healing herbs, vitamins, supliments and mushrooms such as cordyceps ( to protect the lungs) and Reishi( to protect the heart).

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Certainly can not hurt! I'm going to turn into a supplement at this point! 🤣 I just wish years ago when I got on an enzyme kick I hadn't listened to whatever reported they would eventually teach your body to not break down anything by itself! My MD said that's absolutely not true! I should have listened to my body! I KNEW I wasn't breaking down protein before even the internet and search engines. Crazy how I honestly feel I knew as much back then as I do now! With goo goo controlling everything we see we aren't getting true information now! I even use Brave. You still get whatever it is goo goo wants you to see first! 👹

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The masses will continue to take pharma's drugs as long as they continue to go to MDs.

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The flccc recommends kalonji/black seed (Nigella sativa) if you can't access ivermectin.

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Oh that's good to know! That's actually an additional ingredient in one of my supplements I believe.

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Early in the ‘pandemic’ I got covid-19. I got quite sick, so I started experimenting with Artemisia Annua, Artemisinin, Zinc, Vitamin C powder, and Cinchona Bark. My N=1:

- I took vitamin C till bowel intolerance as a measuring stick. I needed 200grams per day to reach bowel intolerance. Every 2 hours, I sipped on 1/10 of this during 2 hours (I added mixed lemon sirup, water and the vitamin C powder).

- Adding zinc, reduced this to 50grams in total (5 grams every two hours).

- Removing zinc, increased the vitamin C demand again after 1 day.

- Artemesia and Artemisinin both reduced my fever, but not my vitamin C demand.

- Adding zinc again lowered the vitamin C demand to 40 grams per day (distributed over 4 grams every 2 hours)

- I ordered Ivermectin, but it was confiscated by the Dutch Custom authorities (they acted just like the nazi collaborators in WW2).

- So, I added Cinchona Bark. I used 3 grams per day to brew 1 liter for a of tea for whole day. I took 1/4 of it every 4 hours.

Now the banger: within 1 day, tge vitamin C demand dropped to 20 grams, so I stopped for 2 days with Cinchona Bark. My vitamin C demand rose again over 2 days.

Started to take Cinchona Bark again, and after three days, all seemed normal. I added 2 more days of Bark, zinc, and Artemisinin. That was all what it took for me.

Of course I did my due diligence, I tried to be on the careful side wrt. the Cinchona Bark amount. For a year afterwards, I used Bark tea made of two grams per day during maximum three days when I feld sick again (with fever). I stopped doing that after that year.

I mingled with as many people as possible to train my immune system. While friends and family got, and get sick all the time, most of them jabbed, the modt I got was a sniff.

Again, my N=1 experience.

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At the end of last year I wrote a short piece of fiction about what may happen when the immune escape virus starts to kill. I think you might enjoy looking into this possible future. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/an-excerpt-from-the-second-dark-age-009?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios

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Sir, did you see the news about major New BA.2.75 spotted in France, it has major mutations.

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No.... send me a link if you got one

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I'm only able to hint at the idea that we need to prepare for sickness and how we will deal with caring for our own. My husband thinks I'm crazy. I am seeing the accelerated aging happening around me. It is not just the vaccinated who will be disabled or subpar because there are many other ways we are being poisoned or having our health interfered with, especially through the air and food.

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My best friend (unvaccinated) is the same way. She doesn’t believe any of it will happen and refuses to let me even talk about it anymore. It is just too “out there” for her to believe I guess. Vaccinated folks are even harder to talk to. I would say almost impossible. I just told my boys that because they vaccinated during the pandemic, they created variants that continue to infect people. And there is a possibility that a variant could evolve that would go around their protection and potentially kill them. I told them if this happens they need to take the anti-virals that I will give them as listen to me if they want to be protected. They seemed to understand and agreed to do what I say if this happens.

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Well, that is a plus re your boys. I've followed Walter Chesnut for awhile and did not want to believe what he was saying about even the unvaxxed being affected. But now I do... I'm seeing too many go downhill... cancer showing up but I would say that is just because this bioweapon Wuhan thing is accelerating our aging so those illnesses that would not have shown up until later in life are now here. Very sad. How my grandkids will fare over the next couple of decades is too much for me to think about. I told my daughter to prep them to be independent, skip college, focus on real skills and critical thinking.

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College is for the most part a waste of time even in "normal" times. In the future.... worthless. I believe (what do I know) that all of them are dying slowly in different ways. And as time passes their dying speeds up until they are finally "bones in the yard".

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I feel your pain, my husband thinks I’m crazy also and pretty much refuses to talk about it. He was vaxed but not boosted so maybe in better shape than some.🤞This is one instance I hope I’m wrong and he can say I told you so, instead of the other way around. Good luck!

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"From what Geert (and others) have talked about, all **vaccinated folks need to take anti-virals every day**"

I'm probably missing something, somewhere. But, below is Geert from July 2022. His last sentence. He's stating, unequivocally, that the vaccinated should *not* take antivirals prophylactically. What am I missing?

Geert 7/2022: "Even though few people seem to understand the threat, I am convinced that we’ll soon have to deal with tons of cases of ADEI-mediated enhancement of C-19 disease in vaccinees, leading to enhancement of severe disease. We’ll need tons of antivirals. However, in order for antivirals to be efficient in these patients, **they should not be administered prophylactically**, but after the onset of first symptoms."

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Not sure about the quotes here and how his ideas have evolved. This is pretty current and will give you a good idea about what we/doctors will be facing. “Potential Clinical Implications of Geert's Viral Shift Predictions” https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thanks. I have read all comments below the video. I'm only part way through the vid.

I'll continue.

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mom and dad in Belgium had nr. 7 a few months ago. Dad who barely had been sick in his life, now has one 'cold' after the other, 3 lasting 5 to 6 weeks, an infection on his leg, and lately one in his nose... not dawning yet, fast asleep.

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Don't you understand the whole world supply chains WILL STOP? BE WORRIED FOR YOURSELF

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I think you should be worried. If this is correct, then a majority of the population in western countries will be removed (~75%??). Society will go into turmoil. Water and electric plants will not be manned and will fail. Food. Water.

The US, for instance, will not be left vacant. People from other countries (China?, Mexico, Cen & South America?) will come to pick out a free house and cars.

This will be unlike any fictional dystopia imagined

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So, I take it you're not an optimist, then?

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If 30-70% of the population in the US dies within a matter a a few months, it is going to cause a lot of really big problems.

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They might even demolish houses to gain agricultural land!

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Quite true.

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To be the contrarian, wouldn’t a 90 year old getting nine mrna vaccinations sort of disprove their poor outcomes? An interesting case study regardless.

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My grandfather smoked 20 fags a day and lived to 91.

Does that sort of disprove the poor outcomes of smoking?

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Im being contrarian in order to facilitate the discussion of why a 90 yo can have 9 jabs and yet we are here discussing the doom of ADE. Is that 90 yo just fantastically lucky? We must be able to have refutations for these things.

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I work with old people and believe I am seeing increasing infirmity in many who have taken the jabs. Of course, it is impossible to know, but it seems that any existing weakness is exacerbated. Some I believe died early on due to this, but for the rest it looks like a gradual degradation of health that can be dismissed as natural due to their age.

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Yes, my 91 yo mother, has had them all so far (my twin brother is making sure, you know, to be safe). I digress…😉

They live in another city, 4-5 hours away, so we talk on the phone every week. Mom declined with her dementia after every shot…to me very noticeable…😢

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I believe this too, I have several people around me who have been affected. My friend and neighbour has taken the injections, I have not, he is the same age as me and before the covid injections he could run rings around me in terms of his energy level. I don't know how many injections he has had but he attends for them every time he is called. Poor man is a shadow of his former self, no energy, very breathless climbing a few stairs and now has been diagnosed with multiple medical problems over the past six months. It is difficult to watch and I fear for him.

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If I understand Geert correctly, even though they have been "well" their innate immune system has been hijacked, such that it will not respond to the immune escape virus he speaks of. The response they will muster from their adaptive immune system will be insufficient to help them. It will be all lung related so think pneumonia that cannot be cured.

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Vaccines don't work as well in the elderly. The immune system does not respond as well to wild virus or to attenuated viruses in vaccines. Does that translate to gene therapy "vaccines"? I don't know. Someone please correct me if I misspoke.

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You're forgetting about the whole matter of immune pressure and selectivity. The evolutionary viral biology and it's interplay with the human immune system. Consider the bigger picture, however complex.

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Atilla-the-Hun Hivicron is expected but has not yet arrived. And like the Aztecs waiting for Quetzcoatl, our society will be devastated when it reaches our shores.

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Hyperbole. Isnt it more useful to be constructive vs apocalyptic?

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When a storm is coming, a warning is in order. If you're listening, the warning is constructive. They are simply telling you to prepare for a very bad shit storm. And I think Victoria's Aztec/Quetzalcoatl analogy is just about perfect. They expected something - from a prophecy - but all they could do was wait for it.

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A single case like this refutes nothing other than 100% instant mortality.

Confirmation/refutation of increased mortality or morbidity due to vaccination requires population or trial data which has not been corrupted. Good luck finding that..

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If he hadn't of smoked, Danny, he could have lived to 160! :)

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could it be these old people are so strong their system just withstands the jab?

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I suspect it is the opposite. A poor immune response. Maybe that is all part of the plan - not killing granny but killing her pff-spring?

Is there an adrenalin response - runners, footballers, etc - in younger people that is not there in the older jabbed?

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Apr 3Edited

For a while I have been wondering if statins are counteracting with the jabs. Also maybe the whole machinery of RNA translation and protein synthesis etc is down in the elderly as well, so less spike protein synthesis and less everything.

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they are probably non-responders to the vaccine or received Placebo.

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No, it doesn’t prove or disprove anything. It’s all about probabilities because there is neither a certainty that when someone gets covid dies, nor is it 100% certain that someone who gets the jab survives.

Add to that the ‘survivor bias’: someone who reaches 90 years without dying is in a different class of people as most (Western people) don’t reach that age.

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If you truly understand how complex Geert’s analysis is, you would not fault him for his timeline predictions. I have continually said to naysayers that he may have been early, but he is not wrong.

I’m actually grateful that he stuck with his hypothesis and was able to discern that immune refocusing (a new phenomena!) is the mechanism of the extended timeframe predictions. It is an adaptive way that the host immune system responded to maximally protect the most people (giving their immune systems time to train their innate immunity) as well as allowing the virus lifecycle to proceed as well. The emerging virulent virus is a re-setting of the energetic equilibrium between virus<==>population that was massively upset by the vaccination program rolled out during a pandemic of an acute self-limiting virus.

Scientific inquiry is never neat and tidy or linear; it requires continual reassessment and reevaluation with many twists and turns to prove (or disprove) a hypothesis.

He is doing what “real” scientists are trained to do!


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The only thing that I question is the virus itself, not the vaccine the virus, because I've heard many claim this is not a natural virus. The virus was also a biological weapon just like the vaccine. In other words the virus was made made. If this indeed is the case how would this change Geerts final scenario if it would change it at all?

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Exactly the right question. As Dr. David Martin has documented, the so-called "virus" is a synthetic biology - a replication defective, chimeric "device" based on a computer simulation of a corona virus. How the heck does "immune escape" apply to a synthetic "virus"? Because it is replication defective, it can't evolve - right?

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It's a good question.

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Nevertheless his predictions for last autumn were wrong. I'm keeping an open mind about his latest ones. If the "next few weeks" prediction is wrong too, then people will justifiable become sceptical.

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Do you have a scientific background in this subject?

"...The emerging virulent virus is a re-setting of the energetic equilibrium between virus<==>population that was massively upset by the vaccination program rolled out during a pandemic of an acute self-limiting virus..."

How is a VIRULENT virus at the same time an "acute self-limiting virus"? Is that not a contradiction?

Also, please see my comment to TL Rodriguez.

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No contradiction; a highly virulent virus is self-limiting when it kills its host within

24 hrs, so no host, no virus.

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Except there never was an actual virus. It was all psyops and all other illness was re-classified as "covid". No one died from covid. They were killed by synthetic poison, neglect and intentional mal-practice. All cold and flu deaths of elderly people were classified as covid. The proof? All-cause mortality did NOT go up over baseline in the so-called teeth of the pandemic. All-cause mortality only began to climb when the weapon, uh, "cure", was deployed by the DoD and is still climbing.

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I disagree; of course it was a virus, though not a natural one (corona viruses are very real and everyone encounters them frequently), but a lab modified one. Therefore, it didn't and couldn't run its natural course, which would have silenced it in 6 - 9 months. What made the situation critical is that so many people didn't use their own discernment or at least curiosity to research what they were injected with. It was know from the start that nicotine was the antidote (the French hospitals were treating the Covid patients with nicotine patches) and smokers seemed to be immune. Why do you think that in the 80's or so there was the launch of a worldwide anti-smoking campaign which continues today? UK and ? recently announced that by 2030 the sale of all tabbaco products will be prohibited.

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And you have fallen for the psyop.

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🎯 Anthony V

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Yes! I always told my colleagues thet ‘Nature’ isn’t linear, complex systems never are.

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I really wonder when thr truth of it all will come out? It seems the efforts of so many good scientists, researchers, doctors, nurses, etc coming forward to sound the alarm and the masses can't hear it! I'm so grateful I never lined up for the shot, virtually everyone around me did. However it's devastating to keep seeing the effects of it coming to light and most people still can't see what's happening. I feel rather helpless as I see the tsunami unfolding. I do see fear in some people's eyes like on some level they know something is really wrong, but they still deny or can't face the truth.

Thank you, Geert, for never giving up on your research and telling the truth as you see it.

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The truth will finally come out when the vaccine takers will start noticing that it's mostly them who get severe ilnesses and deaths.

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No, they won’t imo. Cognitive Biases ‘are a thing’.

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I used to believe that people had some vague awareness that they'd been conned and that they were in denial. Now I don't even believe that. I feel that for most people, Covid is semi-ancient history. We all hung tough and followed our wonderful governments' excellent leadership, and took those wonderful jabs that Donald Trump so rightly pushed. I don't think they will ever wake up.

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I asked vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle to comment on Dr. Vanden Bossche's expectations in the comments section of his Substack at https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/introduction-to-immunology-and-infectious/comments and he replied as follows:

"I have reviewed Geert's theory. It could be correct. But, like any theory, we need hard evidence to either prove it correct or incorrect. This is usually done in the context of an experiment; ideally an animal-based experiment. Like Geert, I am concerned about what multiple doses of the COVID-19 shots have done to people's immune systems. There is mounting evidence of things like immunological imprinting and induction of tolerance through mechanisms like the inappropriate switching of antibodies to what is called an "IgG4 isotype". I reviewed a lot of public health data in multiple countries and multiple regions within countries. Combined with a growing number of publications, the sum total of the data suggest that those who received COVID-19 shots tend to be enriched among those getting diagnosed with COVID-19 as time progresses. Here is the main difference between what Geert says and what I lean towards: he has highlighted the nature of variants that could result in SARS-CoV-2 shifting from what is currently a relatively weak virus to one that is substantially dangerous (i.e., it could efficiently infect the lower airways where it would cause severe pneumonia and viremia [spreading through the blood]). I am simply looking at the natural history of the interaction of viruses with people. When following a natural course, most viruses become more contagious but less dangerous over time since this promotes their survival. Ebola virus is a good example of a virus that is so deadly that epidemics remain small and relatively contained because the virus renders itself extinct within the local human population (it survives in reservoir species). With that said, the sum total of the evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a naturally occurring virus, so the general hallmarks of natural interactions between people and viruses might not apply. Ultimately, predictions of how SARS-CoV-2 behaves in the future remain in the realm of theory. My concerns are greater for people who have received many doses because data suggest there may be a dose-response effect when it comes to potential immunological harms. Personally, I can never state anything about biological systems with 100% certainty. Biology is, by its very nature, an imperfect science with exceptions to almost every rule. I do recommend that everyone, whether they've taken the shots or not, work on optimizing their immune systems by ensuring they are in the best health possible, testing their vitamin D concentrations, etc. For example, when it comes to vitamin D, there is plenty of research suggesting that the historical risk of getting severe COVID-19 was extremely low for people with vitamin D3 circulating at concentrations >60 ng/mL. So, to make a long story short, I prefer to focus on the data that are accumulating. So far, the course for SARS-CoV-2 has been to predictably become more contagious but less pathogenic. Theoretical biology is important but, as you point out, it can also instill fear. Geert might be correct and I cannot say that he is or isn't. But one thing that both Geert and I agree on is that we both hope he is not correct in his prediction."

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Apr 5Edited

"I am simply looking at the natural history of the interaction of viruses with people. When following a natural course, most viruses become more contagious but less dangerous over time since this promotes their survival. Ebola virus is a good example of a virus that is so deadly that epidemics remain small and relatively contained because the virus renders itself extinct within the local human population (it survives in reservoir species"

I believe Geert has already addressed this. The reason why viruses over time tend to become less pathogenic but more infectious is not due from anything inherent in them that leads them to try to survive. It's more a consequence of our immunity build up against them. Herd immunity forces viruses to become less pathogenic but more infectious for them to survive.

Without herd immunity against a virus, all bets are off as to whether the virus will become less pathogenic, and Geert is saying that mass vaccination against COVID has led to poor immunity against it. Conceivable, mass vaccination against Ebola could also lead to poor immunity against it and leading to more infectious and deadlier strains being selected. Such a virus theoretically could also race through a large population killing and maiming unabated before it runs out of victims and extinguishes itself.

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Thanks, I quoted you in a comment under the article at https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/what-immunology-virology-and-evolution

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Sorry for the late response, Jon, but I don't want to give the impression that I am just another Geert cheerleader. I do agree with Dr Bridle that he should put his ideas to research test. Being more available to answer questions would also help. His overly cerebral ideas that constantly beg clarification also at times leave me wondering whether he is really nailing the science.

Still, I find his main thesis that nothing good can come from not building herd immunity to be sound. Actually, at one time the vaccine pushers were saying the same thing.

They explained that we had to vaccinate everyone to build immunity and guard against deadly strains. After the vaccine went bust in stopping transmission they then switched to singing about reducing sickness and deaths being the important goal.

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Dr. Bridle is an amazing doctor and a hero. It is thanks to both Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Bridle that I was able to save my family. Regarding the reply from Dr. Bridle, I'm afraid he doesn't has expert knowledge in every single area Dr. Geert has. So far it looks like Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is the only doctor who has expertise in every single area related to a pandemic. This is why I strongly believe that he's going to be right again. The more I read his articles and the more I listened to his interviews the more convinced I am that his frightening forecast is accurate. I also read his book. Once you read it, only then you can truly understand his forecast.

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This is exactly a question I just asked. Since this is not a natural occurring virus and was instead man made this scenario may not be correct.. we are dealing with two biological weapons the virus itself and the vaccines. I'm not sure if Geert is looking at this virus as naturally occurring or a biological weapon because there is a big difference.

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Sir, did you see the news about major New BA.2.75 spotted in France, it has major mutations.

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Imo, this proves that ‘science’ is mostly right in hindsight. The myth of the ‘Scientific Method’ is all pervasive. 99% of all great inventions did’t result from a systematic linear approach. In the majority of cases it is a (constructive) brew of observations, mistakes, trials, serendipity, and genius (in the classical sense, not in the cognitive sense). Think of Darwin, Plate Tectonics, Information Theory, Mendel, and last but not least Einsteins Relativity (Special and General). Each tens of years of thinking, trying, etc etc, not the linear people nowadays believe is the ‘correct’ process.

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Thank you for posting his response. Do you know what this means: "the data suggest that those who received COVID-19 shots tend to be enriched among those getting diagnosed with COVID-19 as time progresses" Does he mean the vaccinated are showing more of the IgG4 isotypes (which wouldn't be good?)?

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It means that people who are currently getting diagnosed with COVID are mostly vaccinated.

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Thank you~~I just can't figure out what they are enriched with? "tend to be enriched" ...with what?

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He might have meant predominant or that the percentage is increasing over time.

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I can understand why he is not fully with it, because it is mostly theoretical and has never happened before while Geert is totally confident of his theory.

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But it’s a shite theory. It relies on particles having agency.

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My understanding is the IgG4 isotopes in abundance can lead to cancer. Can anyone verify this?

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Yes, there is now research that suggests high titers of IgG4 can boost cancers. Check this:


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"With that said, the sum total of the evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a naturally occurring virus, so the general hallmarks of natural interactions between people and viruses might not apply. "

Geert's position is perfectly logical in the case of a naturally occurring virus: ie, vaccinating into the middle of a pandemic will drive immune escape virus for which there is no immunity.

Problem is, as documented by Dr. David Martin, there is no naturally occurring virus, thus there is no pandemic. It's all psyops. The "virus" is a "replication defective, chimeric laboratory creation of synthetic biology based on a computer simulation of a corona virus". In other words, it's a device, not a virus. But the key word is "replication-defective". It can't reproduce, it can't spread, it can't evolve, therefore it's not a virus. Therefore there is no pandemic. Anything that spreads would have to be more of the synthetic biology MANUALLY deployed into the population. Chemtrails come to mind.

So... Why is Geert treating this as an actual pandemic and why is he treating covid as a naturally occurring virus??? TPTB want to maintain the illusion, the psyops, of a real virus and a real pandemic. Given all of this, I have to ask is Geert "controlled opposition" to keep us from looking at the truth of the man-made synthetic biology they are calling a virus?????????????????????

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Time is proving it all … autoimmune diseases , cancers , turbo cancers , sudden death ☠️…. The jab is a Bioweapon.

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We could have two tsunami’s coming at us opposite each other if H5N1 takes off. There are documented cases of humans giving it to another human. We are in God’s hands and it is better to connect with Him than to worry or panic. Let Him guide you each day and set aside time to pray and hear His wisdom. 🙏🏻

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Praise God and pass the Ivermectin!

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You deserve a Nobel Peace Prize instead of the idiots that created MRNA.

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Thank you so very much for your continued dedication to the truth. We found you, and another Greman doctor from, I think, Thailand, back in early to mid 2020. You were both telling everyone not to vaccinate during a pandemic. That was before you had time to actually look at the dangers of this particular vaccine.

We were researching and following all the doctors doing actual science and decided not to take a new, mRNA based, gene product. We are what most would refer to as elderly, in our 70s and 80s. We are very healthy, have taken supplements and have eaten as healthy as possible for 40 or 50 years. However, nearly all our neighbors and friends did take it. And, all but one son took the jabs also.

Unfortunately, the number of turbo cancers and chronic health problems we are seeing is horrific. And boy, don't say a word about the vaccine! No amount of facts and documentation will be tolerated.

We are resigned to the fact that all we can do is pray. We have all the antivirals you are speaking about. Now, all we can do is be there for our grandchildren and great grandchildren that were not jabbed. And avoid allopathic doctors and hospitals at all costs.

Please continue to speak the truth to lies. Prayers for all.

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You are so blessed that your children and grandchildren were not vaxxed! I have a mixture in my family I pray for. The doctor you’re talking about is Dr. Sukharit Bhakti (I’m not sure if I spelled him right). He and dr Geert and Dr mike Yeadon were islets of reason in a sea of nonsense and I thank God that I discovered them.

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Great article. I believe this will happen unless God intervenes. I love you, Geert. You saved my life at the beginning of the pandemic. As a Biologist who was looking at the dead ferret study, I believed you. I didn’t get vaccinated.

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You said, "The unvaccinated individuals who are in good health and have not previously suffered from severe C-19 disease will not be affected by this new CoV (I call it ‘HIVICRON’: a highly virulent CoV that will replace the entire Omicron family)."

I am confused by this statement because it suggests the unvaccinated population who has never had covid will have superior protection (immunity). Perhaps my knowledge of this aspect of science is lacking. I always thought the unvaccinated who had a bout of Covid would develop the strongest natural immunity which would continue to adapt as the person was exposed to newly developing strains circulating in society.

Where do the unvaccinated who have had Covid fall on the doomsday scale for the emergence of HIVICRON?

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If you are infection-primed, unvaxxed your cell based innate immunity is well trained at this point. Keep yourself in good health,rest ,nutrition,etc… you will be protected against virulent strain

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Take Ivermectin prophylactically.

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I do. Just not sure about the dose and frequency.

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Consult FLCCC website and look at protocols.

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I'm afraid just taking ivermectin may not be enough anymore. There are many wonderful herbs with antiviral properties such as Lomatium for covid. I learned about it in March 2020 thanks to a book " Herbal Antivirals" by Stephen Harrod Buhner. Imagine my surprise when I read in his book about the Sars Covid virus, and the herbal protocol for treating it. That was the moment when I knew the government and the media lied to us: there was no novel virus, it has been here for more than twenty years. I highly recommend the book. He also talks in his book about the most important things to take to treat covid: Lomatium, rhodiola, licorice, and Astragalus, and the two mushrooms that I mentioned above. The author of the book also has an excellent blog. Look for the article section and you will find a covid treatment protocol.

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Thanks Gabriella, for sharing it. In what form do you take Lomatium, rhodiola, licorice, and Astragalus and two mushrooms? I believe the father you referring to in one of your post is Lawrence Butts. He has several posts in this substack.

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Thanks - I don't see the mushrooms that you mentioned.

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What does he say in his book is the herbal protocol for treating SARS Covid-II?

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What about people who have isolated themselves and also didn’t get the vax? I worry for them that they have not trained their immune system.

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You are correct to be worried for them.

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That is how I understand the unvaccinated will be protected against virulent strains. I had COVID in 2020 and again in 2023. Recovered quickly in both cases. It is important to look after our general health in the meantime but it looks as though the unvaccinated are protected from serious illness.

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I'm glad you pointed that out. "severe C-19" presumably means an infection with serious complications, such as stroke, severe pneumonia or some other significant organ damage. If you caught it and recovered without permanent noticeable impairment, you are good.

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It says "unvaccinated individuals who have not suffered from SEVERE covid 19 disease"...not unvaccinated individuals who NEVER had covid.

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How does one define having covid versus SEVERE covid? That does not seem to be a reasonable distinction that can be made. Having covid and having severe covid still requires the individual to be infected with the virus. How it manifests doesn't matter.

I had the delta variant and was sick for 5 days - all classic symptoms of upper respiratory impact and being very tired. I took ivermectin, HCQ, and continued the recommended vitamin regimen.

Was that severe covid? The Delta variant was the second strain and was circulating in mid-2020, so it was early.

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I know of someone who was mRNA injected, caught Covid 10 days later, and developed a persistent cough that lasted 6 months. I know someone else who was multi-jabbed and infected who developed chronic shortness of breath that never went away. Now these were injected people. But if you are injection-free and you had a bad case of Covid-19 infection, then developed shortness of breath that hasn't gone away (even if never hospitalized), that would seem to me as an example of severe Covid-19. In my example that might be indicative of the "fibrosis" that can damage organs permanently. Probably much more likely after injection, but possible from severe infection.

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I believe severe is if you had to be hospitalized.

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Kelly, I appreciate your thoughts on this question but I still think there must be a clinical definition meant by Geert. There were more severe people who didn’t go to the hospital and less severe people who did. What is the profile of “severe covid”? How is it measured and diagnosed as severe?

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Apr 3Edited

Severe means organ damage which caused lasting effects. Does not matter if people went to hospital or not. Some people were severely sick and stayed home and somehow recovered while others with less severe symptoms went to hospital. For example, memory loss, poor coordination thus brain damage. Reduced lung capacity which means lung damage. Damaged immune system - frequent sickness, cancer, shingles, herpes outbreaks or whatever weakness the person has. Anemia or some other blood disorders which means bone marrow was affected. People got cardiovascular and neurological issues after COVID - that's considered severe. If someone has organ damage they will have to be careful with viruses in general as they have a weakness that virus or bacteria can exploit.

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Excellent explanation! Thank you for that. Now there is no more doubt what severe covid means.

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You are absolutely correct! That's what severe covid means: hospitalization.

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Severe covid means that it was so bad that you ended up in a hospital fighting for your life. If you had covid and you recovered at home using the protocol, that can't be counted as " severe covid".

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I don't know. I was just remarking that Geert was taking about unvaxxed who had covid infection not about unvaxxed who never got covid (is that even possible at least in most western and western like countries? maybe if you lived alone in the woods or mountains for the last 4 years)

Maybe this link (shared by someone else in these comments) will help with your questions?


Edit: It's a video from Geert on rumble platform

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I think Geert means if you got Covid and was impacted severely as in needing medical care such as oxygen, etc. Most of us who caught Covid did not need medical intervention. If you've caught Covid, you should have built immunity like any other COV virus.

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If you need oxygen, that means you have a severe covid case.

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Thank you for pointing this out, I too am confused….hopefully Dr Vanden Bossche will elaborate

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The immune is modeled as innate and adaptive systems. This is a bit simplistic but helps broad understanding. You inherit innate as newborn and your adaptive is molded by environmental pathogens. The first line of defense is the innate system. If the innate system fights off pathogen your only symptom may be cough/sore throat. Your innate system is now trained. If the pathogen gets by the innate system the adaptive system kicks in with TCells modeling the antigen. If more is needed to control pathogen, then IgG antibodies will be created for long lasting control. IgG4 subclass is the tolerance antibody that tells rest of immune system to not attack. IgG4 will rise for often eaten foods so your body tolerates them; food sensitivity tests are BS. IgG4 is increased in heavily boosted; this is not good! This allows SC2 to constantly tests immune system boundaries. Some variants in host will strike upon a new attack vector by modifying its proteins.

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I know that what Geert is predicting is true, but that does not prevent me from believing in a miracle from God that will bring a happier ending. I am one who is always prepared for the worst (as much as one can be if this scenario plays out), but hopes and prays for the best. Blessings to you, Geert! You have such a heavy burden to carry!

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was it Kassandra? the one who knew the truth but was never believed, and scorned for telling out? At least you have some who do believe you are right! Keep on telling the truth DR Vanden Bossche. There is quite a group standing behind you!

Luckily I live in a small rural GA town where less than 50 % is jabbed. The friends that got the jabs mostly are now alienated, and there is a small group of unjabbed, where we do not need to 'walk on eggs' when gathering. Only 2 jabbed ones remain in our group and one is very scared... the other still goes, but one has to forgive, as she is 93.

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Will this be the” Disease X” they are already planning for?

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nailed it!!

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Is Disease C, HIVICRON or another lab created GOF virus or a combination. It’s 2024 and something is bound to happen.

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Is there no data that can be used to corroborate this trajectory to convince other scientists/leaders so that steps may be taken to prepare?

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The scientists/leaders who forced the lockdowns, coerced vaccinations with the threat of being excluded from society if you don’t comply? What do you think that those leaders/scientists will do to help now that they have screamed for 4 years that not taking the vaccine was a horrible thing? If they now admit that what GVB & the conspiracy theorists have been saying is true, a good portion of the populace will be screaming for their heads. Another portion of the populace can’t admit that it could be true because for 4 years, they have been smug & nasty to anyone who disagrees.

The life insurance actuaries have shown an increase in deaths, an increase in disabilities. There are charts that show that since 2021 life expectancy is going down, that children are dying in greater numbers than they did prior to 2021. The diehard vaccine pushers deny all of this. You can show them the charts & they deny that that is what is happening.

I don’t think that they will ever take steps to prepare. We can’t overcome the leaders’ fear of punishment & the pride of those whose whole persona was based on being the better person for taking the shots.

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"The diehard vaccine pushers deny all of this. You can show them the charts & they deny that that is what is happening."

You just hit the nail on the head with this statement as it explains perfectly why they followed the leaders blindly into their own demise. They didn't want to know any details, causes, science, or risk. They have no capacity to analyze or understand trends, causes and effects. They just wanted other people to tell them what to do; tell them how to live.

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I worry that you are right. Ego, greed and pride, what a combination for denial.

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Don't know how the data is being collected, stored, and analyzed in the UK and elsewhere, but in the US, they are not storing data (or making it available) for easy analysis at the Federal level. They don't want citizens to be able to do that.

Luckily, that data is in raw form at the state level and a few enterprising people are delivering the results through obscure channels of communication because the mainstream news would never carry it.

The outcomes the data are showing is an EXPLODING rate increase of all major types of disease since 2022, increasing in 2023. The problem with the raw data is it is reported as a percentage of change from the previous year so if the exploding rates reach a peak and hold, the percentage change for the next year will be close to zero. My skeptical self will predict that the government and news industry will use that as "evidence" there has been no change in disease. Data can hide the truth depending on how it is used and expressed.

Here's the data I was referring to above. Very scary indeed:


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Geert. Been following you since day one. You have been 100% accurate on everything and my wife and I took your advice. 100% accurate in everything. The timing changes, I get it. Love you Geert. You saved our family from making a BIG mistake. Keep fighting! If you are ever out in the LA area I invite you to my home for dinner!

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First a HUGE thank you Geert!

I am absolutely understanding your predictions from your prior warnings and online courses !

Dr. Geert ignore the denialists as nature will open their eyes !

I am thankful that Geert’s well rounded renowned career which has given him the knowledge from many fields of immunology , vaccines and scientific cell based research !

For those with questions you can follow answers to many in his rumble channel here :


Or questions from his book here: https://braintrain.mykajabi.com/the-inescapable-immune-escape-pandemic

Or better yet read his book !


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