I have not read or listened to msm for four years. Because I know what I see. Dozens of family and friends permanently injured by the covid vaxxes, some died or are dying from cancers.

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When you see many MSM outlets writing pieces on long covid and collecting animal poop you know that this is a carefully coordinated effort to find a scapegoat and “divide and conquer” the populous.

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It's like a playground for the scientists involved they can hardly contain their glee, if they had left the virus alone, protected the elderly with of course their consent and just let the healthy populations and nature take its course. All of it was senseless, damaging and it caused untold misery for many people. The increased deaths and illnesses are on their hands, they are responsible for it all.

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Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche for standing steadfast and trying your best to reached anyone who would listen to you about vaccinations during a pandemic (let alone using mRNA). I am a high school graduate with some college. I have listened to you since your very first plea to the WHO in 2021 and even I can understand what you are saying (surface level anyway). The first red flag for me was “warp speed” because I had come to understand that it took at least 10 years to test a new medical product. I researched mRNA and saw all the animals died or were dead within 2 years. This information was not difficult to find. Your concerns and plea to the WHO (and the world) confirmed my unscientific research. I listened to you. I asked family and friends to wait. I am from a large family where out of 36 immediate family members 25 of them (children included) lined up for the jab…some of them had reached 5 jabs before saying they were done taking them. I am heartbroken.

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Time has already shown the results from early deaths after these toxic shots , we see the FDA have to remove their false information on ivermectin , truths and integrity are still missing as is the true science understanding of mutations . What I read and see is the common sense from Dr Geert, in the evolution of these strains, as I sure have been educated from his writings and for a layman to now understand that a flu shot is a waste of time given how quickly that virus mutates how any toxic mRNA can catch and overtake the Covid mutations is such blatant bull, what I do know is once burnt by the medical establishment it will take some one of Dr Geert’s standing to gain any future trust

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These are crazy times we live in. A slow motion car crash.

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I have to take your word for the content of any NY Times’ article. I quit reading that elitist, suicidal, unprincipled creative writing course years ago.

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I try to watch the MSM for a laugh. They get very dramatic about the weather every day...as if the weather was out there like a homicidal maniac. They repeat the same nonsense day after day. That is why I am convinced that there are some very serious things happening behind the scenes. WW3, and the West's relentless poking of the Russian bear has me very concerned. The US sent nukes to the UK and the royal family seems to be missing. I think that they are in a bomb shelter. I see that they are using leaky vaccines for the dengue virus in S America which has started another pandemic that the news isn't talking about. SC2 vax program getting ready to release the immune pressure while illegal immigrants are pouring into the US to replace the deceased. The printing of $1 trillion US dollars every 90-100 days looks like suicide for the fiat system while the most informed investors, central banks and countries have drained the precious metals from the exchanges. This is looking a lot like "The Great Reset". Still, you flip on the news and they are talking about a storm that is moving across the country. Modern society looks like one terrible version of "The Matrix". The bullshit exhausts me.

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During the Black Plague is was common for raging mobs to gather up people they thought were responsible (gypsies, Jews, etc.) into houses and set the houses on fire. I would expect when the mass dying really begins to see all kinds of crazy ideas emerging and crazy things happening.

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When exactly will this happen? The past few years you have raised the alarm on numerous variants, none of which lead to this catastrophe you are forecasting.

Which virulent variant will it actually be? Me thinks it's the gene jab killing folks - not "covid".

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Thanks for Sharing Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏

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The "no virus isolated crowd" wants you to get your knowledge about viruses from a GP. Not a virologist, or even a biologist that might have some credibility in explaining scientific concepts. Nope, they'd rather try to convince you not to think for yourself, but to embrace the teachings of their Goddess. Then they use platforms like Geert's to display their ignorance full on for all to see and repeat, ad nauseum.

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We noticed in 2020-21 ‘vaccine’ mandates were driven hard at Western democracies. Singapore and Japan were included. Israel, first fully ‘vaxed’ compliments of Netanyahu’s deal with Pfizer to have his Israeli citizens first fully ‘vaxed’ as “guinea pigs for Pfizer”, were first to show immune escape and negative efficacy. They didn’t vote for that. America and Britain have done poorly with these prototype countermeasure bioweapons. (Frances A Boyle was correct early 2020, “The vaccine is the bioweapon”). Japan has suffered horribly. Australia has been damaged, however, Aussie ingenuity and strong resistance is winning this tight race against the WEF installed Manchurian politicians.

Our Western civilisation and constitutions have been defiled. The middle class is too independent for their liking. They have seriously underestimated us and are experiencing a rude shock. Have heard it said by many that this ‘vaccine’ is primarily aimed to eliminate the Whites, 7-8% of the world’s population. Aren’t they the ones who are hard to control, being intelligent free thinkers, of Christian background, who invented Democracy, high art and architecture, explored and discovered engineering, science and invented most of the technology? Arn’t they the ones who are the victims of the latest craze, White bashing, (Asian bashing also, useful idiots hate cleaver people), which is more than often perpetrated by the UN sponsored highly entitled invaders?

Meanwhile, the useful idiots collect shit, you’d think they were more than full enough of it. They don’t know how to stop. It’s for them more serious than addiction.

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This article is a good example of how the MSM controls the narrative and will do so again - IMPO then blaming the unjabbed - if Geert's warning of mass deaths comes true.

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What is the quality of the water SUPPLY? Maybe all they are doing is checking the success of poisoning the supply.

Makes you wonder about the impact from stories like this:


"According to the latest data from the Environment Agency, there were just over 300,000 “monitored spill events” in 2022 in England.

Although still high, this was actually down 19 per cent compared to 2021, and 25 per cent lower than 2020.

But, it’s still nearly 24 times higher than in 2016 and more than nine times higher than 2017.

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Has the virus been truly isolated

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