I am peeing in my pants from laughing! Read this! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/health/coronavirus-evolution-immunity.html?smid=url-share (subscribe for free or read the article on my website as of Tue April 2nd)
Due to an astonishing lack of immunological understanding of the host’s immune system adaptation during this immune escape pandemic, leading institutes and scientists are now focusing on wastewater, human waste, and... rat droppings and dog poop! They are completely in the dark, not seeing the forest for the trees. What good is tons of money for an exotic expedition if you don't have a compass? But still, they are firmly convinced that the cause of the current mess is to be found among the immunocompromised! Yeah, of course, those folks must be the ones who are breeding all these new mutants and shed them by the buckets (super shedders)! And not only that! They also believe it must be those chronic infections with the virus that are responsible for the steadily increasing number of Long Covid cases! Why don't they read my LinkedIn posts, substack articles, or follow my course on the immune biology of pandemics/epidemics? They would save mountains of time and the state a lot of money.... Anyway, we haven't harbored illusions for a long time. Nature will surely provide the surprise and solve the stinky mess. As I always said: “Society (in highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries) will be caught by surprise!” and….”Africa will win!”
I have not read or listened to msm for four years. Because I know what I see. Dozens of family and friends permanently injured by the covid vaxxes, some died or are dying from cancers.
When you see many MSM outlets writing pieces on long covid and collecting animal poop you know that this is a carefully coordinated effort to find a scapegoat and “divide and conquer” the populous.