This is the most poignant and beautiful conversation I’ve ever seen on any message board. Your ability to understand and spread the gospel is a gift, Ari. God Bless You.
I'm very encouraged by that - thank you! I enjoy learning about how wonderful God is and how He answers our every longing - and boy, I sure need Him! And He's graciously given me the ability to communicate, or teach, these ideas to others. I'm so glad to have blessed you to some extent.
I had a friend who had your gift. Great guy. Member of the the Bill Glass prison ministry. He was fun to be around.
I never felt he was preaching (with all its negative connotations) as much as just explaining The Bible in a clear, logical and constructive way. That’s a gift.
You have that gift.
He and I shared similar career and hobby interests. Fun guy to hang around. Different jobs, a daughter born and other life circumstances got in the way and I lost touch with him. I always had it in the back of my mind to reconnect as I’d like my now teenage daughter to hear his words.
Sadly, I learned he passed away in March. Bacterial pneumonia. It was quite a blow to me. He was a weight lifter full of vitality and the picture of health.
I miss him and his wife and feel stupid for not reconnecting when I had the chance. Particularly with the evils wrought by the pandemic.
At any rate, your non-preachy non-judgmental non-off putting way of clarifying Christianity is truly something. You’re offering a level of clarity that people are free to choose or reject.
I see myself as a logical person who tries to control emotions with varying degrees of success. My hubris is my enemy. Or as the famous line from the comic strip, Pogo quipped,
“I have seen the enemy and he is us.”
God Bless You my friend. Don’t be discouraged. The fight is worth it.
Thanks a lot - you've made my month! I credit most of my way of presenting the Gospel to Pastor Jim Borchert of Fort Worth (died in 2021, unfortunately) There are a lot of his messages on that website. I'm into his older ones these days, from 1981, 1982, around there, near the bottom of the messages page. He had a very encouraging way about him because he emphasized resting in the unconditional love of God first, to set a strong foundation, before moving on to good works, which are vitally important, but not before setting a strong foundation of rest and joy in being accepted by God apart from our behavior. I posted his 12 teaching series on Basics of Christianity here on YouTube:
Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad to hear God led you to make the right decision.
This is the most poignant and beautiful conversation I’ve ever seen on any message board. Your ability to understand and spread the gospel is a gift, Ari. God Bless You.
I'm very encouraged by that - thank you! I enjoy learning about how wonderful God is and how He answers our every longing - and boy, I sure need Him! And He's graciously given me the ability to communicate, or teach, these ideas to others. I'm so glad to have blessed you to some extent.
Be encouraged. And, please keep it going.
I had a friend who had your gift. Great guy. Member of the the Bill Glass prison ministry. He was fun to be around.
I never felt he was preaching (with all its negative connotations) as much as just explaining The Bible in a clear, logical and constructive way. That’s a gift.
You have that gift.
He and I shared similar career and hobby interests. Fun guy to hang around. Different jobs, a daughter born and other life circumstances got in the way and I lost touch with him. I always had it in the back of my mind to reconnect as I’d like my now teenage daughter to hear his words.
Sadly, I learned he passed away in March. Bacterial pneumonia. It was quite a blow to me. He was a weight lifter full of vitality and the picture of health.
I miss him and his wife and feel stupid for not reconnecting when I had the chance. Particularly with the evils wrought by the pandemic.
At any rate, your non-preachy non-judgmental non-off putting way of clarifying Christianity is truly something. You’re offering a level of clarity that people are free to choose or reject.
I see myself as a logical person who tries to control emotions with varying degrees of success. My hubris is my enemy. Or as the famous line from the comic strip, Pogo quipped,
“I have seen the enemy and he is us.”
God Bless You my friend. Don’t be discouraged. The fight is worth it.
Thanks a lot - you've made my month! I credit most of my way of presenting the Gospel to Pastor Jim Borchert of Fort Worth (died in 2021, unfortunately) There are a lot of his messages on that website. I'm into his older ones these days, from 1981, 1982, around there, near the bottom of the messages page. He had a very encouraging way about him because he emphasized resting in the unconditional love of God first, to set a strong foundation, before moving on to good works, which are vitally important, but not before setting a strong foundation of rest and joy in being accepted by God apart from our behavior. I posted his 12 teaching series on Basics of Christianity here on YouTube: