Beautiful complement to Dr. Robert Malone’s powerful missive today: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/between-the-forceps-and-the-stone

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I am so grateful for your informative blog. Thank you for providing such important information that we can easily share with our loved ones. I can even break down much of your research and results to my 98 year old daddy. Yes, he has been vaxxed three times now, but he is 98 and he has a strong body, certainly already a very powerful immune system. He was a POW taken up in a razzia in Rotterdam Netherlands in 1944 to work in a camp "cleaning up rubble" which he does not tell me clearly what that entailed but I understand it was bricks and bodies

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Thank you for yet another powerful message.

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Here is a little dark humor for your holiday: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sqTd8LtViqI0/ it clearly names what is happening.

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Dr.Bossche has been explaining the phenomenon of innate immunity Abs’ suppression by the vaccinal Abs for some time, but I still can’t find supporting evidence (peer reviewed articles) in favour of his position.

There is evidence that vaccinal Abs outcompete innate Abs with regard to SC2 S-protein due to higher affinity.

There is evidence that vaccinal Abs outcompete innate Abs with regard to other alpha and beta HCoV S-protein due to higher cross-reactive affinity.

But I can’t find supporting evidence to confirm the out-competition takes place with regard to other influenza viruses or other childhood viral diseases.

I could not find supporting evidence to confirm that suppression is taking place. There is a difference between suppression and out-competition. In the first instance (suppression) the immune molecules lose their functionality in presence of specific antigen, while in the second instance (out-competition) the functionality is not employed with regard to specific antigen only but functional with regard to the other immunological processes.

Any ideas why no obvious article on this topic? Seems Dr.Bossche shall be attractive pecking target for the fact-checkers.

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Sadly... too many words, and too many technical details. I'm sad because I think that this information should be widely distributed. But in this presentation, it will not 'reach' many who need to learn about this.

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