I’ll have to read this when I’m not so tired. Thank you, sir. You can sleep with a good conscience every night knowing you’ve done all you could to warn anyone and everyone. “He who has ears, let him hear.”

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Thank you Doctor! Do you have any thoughts on this article? https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.28.22274443v1

Are the unvaccinated being somehow sickened or even vaccinated by shedding? Is shedding dangerous?

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Greetings, Dr. Vanden Bossche. I've been following your work for more than a year (before Delta in the U.S. and Omicron worldwide), and have one question: At this stage of the pandemic, what is the potential risk for those who have NOT been vaccinated and never contracted any of the variants? I've had bloodwork done to detect antibodies, with negative results. Should I be worried about the next strains to emerge? (I am on your recommended regimen of Vitamin D3, quercitin, tumeric/curcumin, plus zinc, all daily.)

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I wish someone would take these articles and summarize them in layman’s terms.

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"In Newspeak there is no word for 'Science." George Orwell, 1984

Thank you, Dr Vanden Bossche...humanity thanks you, too!

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Dr Vanden Bossche - thank you. I took one Jansen shot, April 2021. Under duress both personally and professionally. I knew it was a bad idea and have taken health supplements to try to reduce any long term damage. I had a very mild cold in 2022 January, which tested as positive for Covid since my daughters were forced to test for it to stay in school. They are not and will not be given these shots, ever.

Question - what is long term health outlook for someone with one shot adenovirus vector concoction, and subsequent (nearly a year later) mild Covid infection?

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If one tries something and it doesn't work - clearly the "scientific" response is to just keep on trying "it" over and over again - NOT.

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Thank you Geert for a succinct summary of a very complicated issue.

Bottom line, if you're unvaccinated, stay so, and if you've been vaccinated, don't get anymore shots - particularly any Omicron specific shot.

Either way, continue to pressure your elected representatives to ensure freedom of choice. Cheers.

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You had previously posted that getting omicron can restore a vaccines' immune system to virgin status. What changed?

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It would be really valuable, if the author elaborated more on the thesis that SC2 virulence is S-NTD dependent, while infectiousness is S-RBD dependent.

It seemed to me that the virulence is S1/S2 cleavage site dependent feature because better cleavage of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein enhances viral fusogenicity, cell-to-cell fusion and syncytia formation, which results in increased pathogenicity. The NTD and RBD are parts of S1, but S1 is ACE2 dependent, and this can hardly enhance virulence. However, enhanced cleavage, better S2 to membrane fusion and dependence on TMPRSS2 shows no need for ACE2 or S1 interaction. It can rather be hypothesized that immune pressure on S-NTD and S-RBD promotes cost effective immune evasion mutation in S1/S2 fusion site since any mutations to S1 would be more costly to the virus. A least painful or more cost effective modification is even single introduction to S1/S2 fusion site, like P681R.

It would be also worth if the author introduced some more viral proteins in his analysis of virulence, because without Nsp1, ORF8, ORF3b, ORF6, ORF7a, ORF9b and ORF9c and glycans it is weird to talk about increased virulence when the major immune evasion proteins are neglected.

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Why shouldn't this be proven first in animal studies? What happened to the science steps where you first prove your hypothesis in animal studies? How is it that the sheeple are so eager to be the test subjects for a corrupt pharmaceutical system that is clearly not upholding the laws that were put in place. FDA has become a kangaroo court.

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I have followed you crom your first interview on Youtube!! I am so thankful for your updates! Please continue.you are single handedly keeping us in the loop as they WEAVE their story! (Retired RN)

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I don't know if Geert reads these comments - I have never seen him reply to any - does it matter ?

His best offering was the December 2021 reply to the child - that piece showed he can write in a non-scientific manner.

If I yell at someone that does not know English “the sky is blue!!” and keep doing so for months, they will still not understand it after 14 months.


It’s the responsibility of the truth teller to make that truth understandable to as many people as possible.

THAT is what a true teacher does - they find ways to communicate the same thing to as wide an audience as possible.

When you teach a class of 25 kids with a variety of needs and levels of education - you understand this.

Geert is talking to , not 25 , but thousands - he is a scientist NOT a teacher -

It is NOT my responsibility to become an expert in science so I can understand him - it is his job as a truth teller , to try to communicate his truth to as many people (of differing levels of education) as possible.

Parents expect that of teachers - why should we not expect that of scientists ? Geert is telling the truth , but only the elite can hear it -

I do not like elites holding the truth - it is no better than the the other elites fucking us all over for a few dollars more.

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Thank you.

I shared your first? Article about the shots and the variants.

I was amazed how friends just dismissed what you wrote.

I really appreciate all the time you have taken to share all your knowledge.

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I trust what you are saying. Please say “the vaccinated” or “vaccinated people.” In America we don’t use the word vaccinee. I want your message to be readily understood by all of us. Thank you for your immense hard work and dedication.

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Thanks GB! You are a gem. We are listening.

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