Who the hell is the WHO?! I didn’t consent to be dominated by this organisation. How do we get it out of our lives, and this front for the vaccine industry brought to account for the ginormous damage it has caused in the world with its diabolical interference?

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World Human Organization to kill us , that’s WHO they are . Usher in the New World Order for control , power and money 💰.

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DIABOLICAL is right!!!!

I value Dr. Geert’s vast expertise, but I fear, in his collegiality, he generously misattributes altruistic intent to the WHO, who’s clearly colluded with international equivalents of the nefarious U.S. CDC to do all within their collective powers to undermine and DISABLE global health and wellness: restricting/prohibiting proven-effective, safe-profile curatives; utilizing wholly misleading testing methods/standards; ignoring early treatment; endorsing deadly hospital protocols; and supporting unconstitutional mandates around the world(divesting—in every instance!—all citizens of their unalienable RIGHTS)!

Is the WHO a rational or trustworthy global health oversight agency?

The WHO is to “health” what Zyklon B was to “hygiene”.

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Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche for your continued passion in getting this information out. I learn something new every time, and this video was no different. Your description of the ebola vaccine trials where patients were not included in the results until 10 days had passed after they'd been vaccinated, should sound familiar to everyone as public health officials claimed one was not vaccinated until 14 days after their covid shot. Those who perished within two weeks of their covid vaccination were claimed as "covid deaths". Same playbook.

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This was probably one of the clearest explanations I have heard from GVB yet.

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Anthony Fauci and co-authors acknowledged Covid and flu vaccine products are rubbish in an article published in January this year.

I’m astonished their article hasn’t cause more of a stir.

FYI, see below my email sent to Fauci and co on 27 April 2023 re the admissions in their article:

David Morens, Jeffery Taubenberger and Anthony Fauci, you admit influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine products are rubbish in your article Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 31, 11 January 2023.

You say: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

Really?!?!?! So what is this, just out and out fraud?

And now we've been inflicted with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine racket, products you admit "elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity"...but you also say "the rapid development and deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has saved innumerable lives and helped to achieve early partial pandemic control".

Based upon what evidence do you make that fanciful claim for efficacy?!

How have you gotten away with this utter bullshit for so long?

Because the scientific and medical establishment is captured by the lucrative Church of Vaccination, and incapable of calling out the gross exploitation of mass populations of people with defective and unnecessary products!

How many billions of people, including children, have been misled into having these unnecessary and worse than useless medical interventions?

How many billions of dollars have been squandered on the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines scam?

And these unnecessary and worse than useless products have been mandated in many instances, mandated medical interventions trashing the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent. And the medical 'profession' went along with this travesty.


Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy


Original email accessible via this link: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

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I read the paper by Anthony Fauci and while the beginning of it sounds like he finally watched a few of Dr. Vanden Bossche's videos, his findings are stated as though they are recent revelations rather than acknowledging the world was being warned about those outcomes by GVB from the beginning. However, by the end of the paper, Fauci's narcissism is evident, lacking any accountability for the thousands of deaths the vaccines have caused and rather taking a "we'll get it right next time, bummer it didn't work out" attitude:

"With the imperfections of these vaccines, it seems a public health imperative to aggressively

pursue better vaccines and vaccination strategies."

Of note was this section where he suggests a possible approach:

"Also to be considered are possible ancillary roles for prophylactic antivirals, including 'programmable antivirals' targeting conserved structures"

Programmable sounds like mRNA, and the reader will observe that the use of traditional antivirals three years ago as a tactic that would have negated the need for the vast majority of people to receive the vaccine is not mentioned in his paper.

I used to label that man a psychopath, but it was use of hyperbole as I didn't know his history three years ago. But that term today is a literal best fit as he continues to promote using the global population as a lab to conduct his obscene science experiments. What's insidious about that paper is that nobody would deny the overall conclusions which are factual. The vaccines did fail, and failed due to the reasons stated. But the paper can only be received with merit if read in isolation of the hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists that were warning everyone that these "findings" were inevitable from day one.

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Thank you GVB... this Covid debacle is beyond insane and incompetence. This was a US government order. Two different concepts. Comparing Polio with Covid.... absolutely NOT . This was a Bioweapon to depopulate. One of the biggest disgusting 🤮 evils ever ... from miscarriages , placental abruptions , stillbirths , hemorrhaging, heart issues , sudden death , turbo cancers ect , ect .... NO it’s very different, this was a Bioweapon.

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INDEED, it was!

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When we see that the WHO appointed Susan Michie as Chief Behavioural Scientist and Jeremy Farrar as Chief Scientist to lead the organization into the next declared public health emergency, both of whom were the biggest proponents of applying The Science (TM) of the pandemic, Behavioural Science, in the most abusive, coercive, manipulative, deceitful, manner possible, indulging the "Zero-Covid" fantasy even more than the CCP did, publicly stating that the world needs to do more of what China initially did, lockdown harder, punish harder, restrict humanity harder, do it all earlier being their lesson learned from CV you understand what the WHO has in mind for the world as a Coming Soon! blockbuster. Michie and Farrar are the biggest global proponents of The Science of Totalitarianism:


Which is why they were selected to lead the WHO's Science and pseudoscience (behavioural) response, directing us to follow the science - straight into totalitarianism. That's the agenda. Tyranny.

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Thanks once again Dr Bossche for sharing such informative information

Much appreciated thank you 🙏

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Is it incompetence or the fact that this apparent incompetence enriches some people hugely?

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Apparently in the side meetings at Davos there were discussions as to COVID being the most profitable event in human history.

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It is a fact of our current power structures, that they are simply unaccountable for their mistakes blunders or blatant corruption. No matter how badly an organization or individual has behaved, no matter the costs to society these powerful entities with their vast resources continue to expand their power. In many ways I think all the recent efforts s including the WHO power grab is desperate effort to maintain power in an unstable system of extreme wealth inequality. Despite the claims; such as the WHO claiming to care about global health, the real goals are not to improve anything but rather to cling on to and consolidate power. Entities such as the WHO WTO UN and world bank are the vehicles. They serve powerful interests not humanity or the planet. The rest is propaganda.

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I’ve been a strong proponent of GVB, it’s a shame he was worst than ignored. The fact that people such as him were not welcome at the table to manage our way through covid indicates to me the WHO , health authorities, etc never were looking for solutions.

One thing I would appreciate clarification on is Greet’s position that certainly the covid vaccines saved lives - perhaps he only meant in the short term? However his statement contradicts the results of Pfizer’s phases 3 clinical trial that resulted in more all cause harms on the shot side than the placebo side: 75% more adverse events that interfered with day to day activities 10% more hospitalizations, and more all cause mortality with the primary signal being cardiac problems. And this was in the short term, they collapsed the study by unblinding the participants and vaccinating the placebo side two months into what was going to be a study to May 2024.

Historically we were to believe what was observed in the trial is what we were to expect in the population once a drug was rolled out and that to suggest otherwise would be a very large task to substantiate, certainly data would be required. With this in mind we should expect that the covid shots resulted in more all cause morality. Continued excess mortality in all age groups in the highly vaccinated world along with off the chart adverse reporting systems, and significantly higher incident rates of deaths of professional athletes, etc, all support that the clinical trial results were in fact correct.

I don’t understand the argument that the covid shots saved lives.

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Thank you Geert. It just doesn’t seem to matter what the truth is anymore. Natural immunity is the best, don’t vaccinate into a pandemic - these are truths and always have been. But people seem to prefer emotional responses to issues like fear which as we have observed, paralyzes and bypasses the brain.

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, ad infinitum Dr. Vanden Bossche.

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I believe this Doctor and he has said this throughout the scamdemic. His frustration with the debacle of ignorance is tangible and many have experienced this willfull choice to ignore the problem with our family and friends. Our only hope is Jesus.

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Thank you Dr. Geert for your very clear and understandable presentation 🙏

I have been reading and listening to your great information from when you first started warning the world.

I do have one question - should we not be experiencing a similar phenomena with those who were vaccinated for the flu shot late in the midst of a flu season? Should they not also have Antibody Dependent Enhancement, develop a weakened immunity to the real infection and have increased morbidity? I do understand that coronaviruses evolve more quickly than flu viruses but still they should be more susceptible as their antibody production is working on potentially the wrong flu virus. I would think that a study on this could quite easily be done with lots of existing public data.

This is of course a separate issue from the artificial spike protein induced from the mRNA shot being highly toxic and very strongly inflammatory. A very strong red flag for me was that the artificial spike protein was not simply produced and used as the vaccine if it was such a good antigen. Likely if they had done that they would have had serious inflammation in the injection site of the arm, and possibly many cases of anaphylactic shock. No, it would seem that the developers of this 'vaccine' (biocide) had other things in mind and were looking for slower lethality and many different pathologies, as we are seeing, that could be hidden behind plausible deniability.

Somehow my last similar comment was deleted and I didn't save my comment so I had to reformulate it.

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Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche for your courage and determination to warn and to open up the eyes of medical 'science'.

I want to say to you however that at the top levels of organizations such as the WHO, you do not find ignorance and incompetence, rather you find individuals like Gates who are fundamental Eugenicists, who truly regard humanity as a pestilence on the Earth, and who have a stated hard agenda to drastically reduce Earth's population. Gates, Schwab, Yuval Harari and other superwealthy and powerful elitist non-elected rulers have clearly stated their demonic views and agenda.

Until we are willing to look evil directly in the eyes, and call out those infested with these demonic spirits and ideologies, they will continue to hide behind false science, and will happily declare that they were simply ignorant and not aware of all of the facts, that they were not wrong only that the 'science' has changed.

Until you Dr. Vanden Bossche, acknowledge and verbalize their evil intentions, they will even use your dire predictions and declare that their vaccination program was an ignorant, rather than an intentional failure. They will use your information to declare that people are dying from the return of 'Covid' rather than directly from the 'vaccine'. They will use your information to continue to hide deaths caused directly by the toxic, inflammatory, synthetic spike proteins that their 'vaccines' (biocides) continue to long produce within us, and use their false and deceptive 'gold standard PCR test' to claim that those they have poisoned have simply died of Covid and not from their poisons.

Until you directly call out their evil agenda Dr. Vanden Bossche, until you loose naïvety and stop calling them simply ignorant and incompetent, I am afraid that they will use you as controlled opposition.

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