The WHO and many countries public health bureaucracies has been captured by oligarch Bill Gates. Gates is no doctor, but is an investor in vaccines and pharma. He bragged about making over 10x and billions in profits by pushing covid mRNA vaccines with no regard for the the injuries and deaths he left in the wake of his programs. Until this psychopath and others like him are arrested and locked up, this ongoing global public health disaster will continue.

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The British Wellcome Trust and the Rockefellar Foundation are partnered in this capture of public health bureaucracies in the U.S. and throughout the world. The public-private partnerships (G3P in SDG16 (Sustainable Developmet Goal 16) are setting policy: WEF, CFR, Club of Rome, Chatham House,Blockrock and at the top of the food chain is the BIS and Central banks. Whitney Webb, investigative reporter, has produced a series of articles which I find very valuable in sorting out the psychopaths who are at the top of the food chain. Enjoyed reading your comment - thank you.

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he is evil

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A charitable understatement, if ever there was one.

Demonic entities exist. The proof is no longer elusive.

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Not captured. Masons built the UN system and have been controlling all agencies since inception, not the member states who only give 10% of the budget.

Who directs WHO?

The WHO director is not even a physician and not even elected by open vote by the WHO member states:

“The process of electing the next Director General begins when Member States are invited to submit proposals for candidates. The Executive Board reviews the proposals and nominates a candidate for consideration by the World Health Assembly, which then conducts a vote by secret ballot.” 1

Masons control the UN Executive Board: they only need to influence one country rep to propose their favorite mason candidate, to be picked up by the Executive Board. That’s how they got Tedros, who isn’t even a physician, but has a Doctorate of Philosophy in Community Health (2000).2

His pro-death credentials? As Ethiopian Health Minister, he disguised cholera cases in an epidemic, resulting in more deaths, and doubled abortifacient contraception usage (6 million more)3, he organized the 2015 pro-abortion depopulation Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) for African SDGs, Agenda 2063 of Africa Union and Ebola response.4

He was Bill Gates’ puppy as “chair of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; as chair of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership Board; and as co-chair of the Board of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH)”5, “a worldwide alliance of 700 organizations that addresses sexual and reproductive issues (pro-abortion) with the support of WHO”.

In January 2017, the executive board of the WHO shortlisted Tedros, nominated by his country Ethiopia, as the front runner out of 6 candidates through 2 rounds of secret voting.6

23 May 2017 Tedros, backed by Mercury Public Affairs, a US-based lobbying company7, got 133 votes out of 186 countries.8 One observer called it "a really nasty" election.9 His top priority: Universal Health Coverage as a human right, but only as depopulation services (contraception, sterilization, trans-amputation, abortifacients, abortion, euthanasia, IVF, haccines).10

21 Oct 2021 in spite of his cover-up of the COVID origins and his genocidal pandemic response, Tedros was the sole nominee for the Director position and “was nominated by Germany (a mason puppet country) after his home country, Ethiopia, rejected nominating him for a second term.” 11

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: it’s the definitions!


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The WHO’s ‘non-science nonsense’ ie., the pandemic treaty, follows on the heels of the ‘COVID-19 pandemic response fiasco’. The WHO and flanking bureaucrats (CEPI, DARPA within the DoD, the CDC and FDA within HHS) have failed to comprehend that one cannot use an adaptive immunity vaccine during an active pandemic, as it is TRAINED INNATE IMMUNITY which is critical to recovery/protection of the host and at the level of the population, establishes herd immunity against all subvariants and strains. Nature has retaliated against the ineptness of the WHO and bureaucratic colluders with turbo cancers, longer term risks of myocarditis and other serious adverse side effects (many neurological with little hope of recovery), increased risk of COVID-19 and other infections inviting the prospects of death, and the prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic related to multiple adaptive immunity boosters which promote the selection of variants. ‘In facto’ nature is our strongest ally, and for those at higher risk, assisting nature with early interventions (vitamin D and C, near infrared sunlight, genistein (isoflavonoids), ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight) is a much-preferred response over the calamity staged by the WHO. This leaves us with no alternative but to exit the WHO and to go with Mother Nature.

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Prospects of death....first hand experience. Helping to lift humanity to our next level will not be for the faint or lazy at heart. Let's keep rising to what we are here for.

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Excellent analysis and advice.

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Thank you for your expert opinion, there are not many vacinologists of your integrity and intelligence. The WHO Pandemic "Treaty" or "Accord" is definitely an exercise in bureaucic empowerment - world wide control, I am sure you fully understand all the implications of this instrument better than most of us. Trust you will continue to speak the truth. Thank you.

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We must not comply with WHO.

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16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Thanks Dr Bossche for sharing this information kind regards Paul

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24 Essential points which need to be protected in the treaty

WHO asked: “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”:

1. The treaty should not be approved by legislative powers, so that it remains elective, not constitutional, and does not reduce sovereignty of nations, provinces, municipalities: it should only involve free cooperation without any punishment, retaliation or withdrawal of funding, for failing to follow guidelines. No UN agency or entity has the right to override national, provincial or municipal norms, laws and regulations.

2. Human, personal and health rights begin at conception, defined, not at implantation, but when a cell, usually the result of the union of the sperm and egg, has the natural potential to develop into a human body: there’s no right to murder an innocent human being (procured abortion).

3. All parties should swear and defend the Hippocratic Oath, respecting life from conception to natural death, committing to do no harm, rejecting abortion and poison (euthanasia). This implies the explicit rejection of the culture of death: abortion, abortifacients, contraception, euthanasia, artificial insemination, pre-born research (n.b. embryonic stem cell research), psychedelic drugs, surrogacy, transitioning, etc. All non-barrier contraceptives should be banned because they are, in fact, abortifacients. 1 A crisis is no excuse to violate local norms or to promote the culture of death, ever.

4. Doctors and people have the right to conscientious objection. This includes the right to refuse to obey a norm or order commanding to do or abstain to do (action or omission), which can damage a person (like telling where is the closest abortion facility or about false abortion rights).

5. Personal doctors have the right to override any hospital or government protocol, even artificial intelligence. Governments should abstain from regulating (like asking for a prescription) and hindering the commercialization of innocuous or non-dangerous drugs (like ivermectin), even it means repurposing. Pharmacists have the right to reformulate and sell wherever they want, even exporting.

6. No entity can prevent a doctor from applying what he and his patient agreed as treatment. Practice of any medicine can’t be declared illegal. Any medical school/tradition could be placed under oversight, public warnings or recommendations, but can’t be censored nor forbidden, just because it doesn’t follow the Flexner report, like traditional African medicine, Hildegaardian medicine, etc. Large Randomized Control Trials have no better weight than the addition of trustworthy small clinical trials to similar numbers.

7. WHO shouldn’t ever define what mis/dis information is and should never be involved in any discrediting or censorship, direct or indirect.

8. WHO could only make non-binding recommendations. Health agencies, institutions and doctors should always be free to follow them or not without any consequence.

9. The right to informed consent must include all the available data (including crude numbers of adverse events in all provinces and countries) of benefits, side effects, contents, of all available treatments, compared to the benefit/risk of un-treatment. People have the right to biometric, genetic and neuro integrity, which can never be tampered without informed consent, including stealth insertion of nano-chips.

10. People have the right to reject any treatment or health protocol and to choose the ones they want. Recognition of the right to refuse vaccines, foods and beverages tainted with abortion in either production or quality control using cell lines from aborted or dissected living human beings.

11. The international law age of consent is 21, unless mental disability. Parental rights rule until 21 years of age of their sons, unless exceptional circumstances. Parents have the right to educate their children according to their own ideology and religion, with the State providing supplementary aid, under the principle of subsidiarity. Until 21 minors have no right to choose treatments or procedures which could have long-lasting impact in their lives, like abortion or sex-change. The best interests of the child include the right of every human being to be born within heterosexual marriage, ideally for life and opened to life.

12. The anti-science and ideological program named Comprehensive Sexuality Education violates sexual and reproductive health and rights. Sexual health includes the right of virgin faithful marriage, which avoids Sexually Transmitted Diseases, being all other sexual behaviour unhealthy. Sexual rights include not being nudged or forced to nudity, immodesty, sexual acts, except procreation within marriage, and the right to innocence. Reproductive rights, exclude anything which hinders fecundity (abortion, abortifacients, contraception, overpopulation ideology, etc.).

13. Death is defined by both brain and cardio-pulmonary inactivity for at least than 3 hours, or at least 24 hours under suitable cold or hibernating conditions.

14. In order to avoid manipulation, health definitions should not be fuzzy and should not include risk or potential. Quarantines can’t be based on models.

15. The treaty should define a pandemic or epidemic with transmissible-pathogen proven deaths (especially autopsies) and ratio of deaths to hospitalizations (not testing, not cases, not death risk, but linkable deaths) within a municipality, not provinces or nations, involving an increase of at least 20% compared to the mean of the previous 5 years.

16. Human rights and civil liberties are inalienable and cannot be violated with the excuse of a sanitary measure like a lock down, quarantine, health passes, etc. Health measures can’t violate the common good principle, for example, by tolerating or promoting different degrees of slavery (abortion, surrogacy, prostitution, pornography, addictions), perversion (sexual intercourse outside real lifelong lifeopen marriage), etc.

17. Sanitary measures require approval by local municipal legislative powers.

18. Biometric, vaccination, treatment or lab analysis is personal and confidential data. It is discriminatory to ask or control for it, under any circumstance. It should never be laced to digital ID or currency.

19. No treatment, like vaccines, should be compulsory, ever.

20. To grant or reduce rights, to give incentives or disincentives, should never be tied to treatments or vaccination. Worse case, the vaccinated can never be recognized more rights than the recovered.

21. Every person has the right to feeding and hydration, even intravenously.

22. Presumed donor rules violate the right to supervision by relatives and promotes organ harvesting, which is immoral.

23. Codex alimentarious should reflect food rights, which include the right to refuse additives, chimeras or transgenics, which should never be compulsory and should be visibly labelled, and the right to raise and eat animals, plant, hunt, fish or collect in the wilderness. Animals don’t have human rights, even if added human organs or tissue.

24. Health measures can’t be tied to personal or regional carbon footprint.

A more in-depth analysis here (including how WHO changes definitions to get power over non-health issues):

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: it’s the definitions!


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Please consider nefarious intent , not stupidity on their part GVB.

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This was premeditated GVB . Thank you for all your work and speaking out .

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I do wonder as a non higher educated by someone's idea, but highly in tuned soul, if Gavi and it's threads of tentacles, Who, WeF, Gain of Function Frankenstein's Ego built system, war, destruction systems, will be apart of that natures clearing. Rome empire fell....in it's FUNCTIONING SYSTEM BUILT BY?????? I heard an enlightened Dr. say, the thinking consciousness(including history) that got humanity to this point, will NOT be the consciousness to get us out of this. Thank You Dr. Vanden Bossche for your ongoing enlightening of awakening us with your experience and expertise of science and the nature of things. Perhaps this is the Great Unveiling that is being shown, as the masses are waking from our long slumber.

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“Bureaucratic empowerment” – just the phrase I was looking for. Yet it is with a purpose to make some people and businesses extremely rich regardless of the fate of the majority of people. The argument of evolutionary fine-tuning is one I have made often over the years. When ‘nature’ bites back will people wake up or will they be bamboozled when the WHO says - clearly we did not vaccinate enough, lockdown long enough, have all people permanently masked?

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Thank you Dr. Geert for your very clear and understandable presentation 🙏

I have been reading and listening to your great information from when you first started warning the world.

I do have one question - should we not be experiencing a similar phenomena with those who were vaccinated for the flu shot late in the midst of a flu season? Should they not also have Antibody Dependent Enhancement, develop a weakened immunity to the real infection and have increased morbidity? I do understand that coronaviruses evolve more quickly than flu viruses but still they should be more susceptible as their antibody production is working on potentially the wrong flu virus. I would think that a study on this could quite easily be done with lots of existing public data.

This is of course a separate issue from the artificial spike protein induced from the mRNA shot being highly toxic and very strongly inflammatory. A very strong red flag for me was that the artificial spike protein was not simply produced and used as the vaccine if it was such a good antigen. Likely if they had done that they would have had serious inflammation in the injection site of the arm, and possibly many cases of anaphylactic shock. No, it would seem that the developers of this 'vaccine' (biocide) had other things in mind and were looking for slower lethality and many different pathologies, as we are seeing, that could be hidden behind plausible deniability.

Somehow my last similar comment was deleted and I didn't save my comment so I had to reformulate it.

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Right on spot: shots were designed for a slo-kill so people wouldn't notice. 5% of the vials explain 90% of deaths after the shot: the criminal intent was proven because those 5% vials had been especially labelled as the lethal ones: howbad.info

Also they use double-stranded DNA to hack the cell core and make it produce proteins no one knows what for... cancer, SV40, etc.


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s a Bio-BOMB, yet less lethal than like the vx ... not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


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Geert is a wise owl

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Geert keeps bashing the wall of the establishment, he has educated so many on the science of vaccines, I now find myself and my friends so much in agreement, we too rally against the captured establishment rhetoric.

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Side effects from a treatment , resulting in death, seems to be a pattern in the USA . Only fitting for any intelligent beings in this Universe to question and understand that kind of mentality thinking, realising other alternatives for evolving.

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The main purpose of the Pandemic Treaty (and international health regulation amendments) is to mandate digital vaccine passports in all countries associated with WHO. Such passports are a gateway to more general purpose Digital IDs which, when combined with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), will remove all financial freedom from citizens. This is the plan, which is already well underway. No financial freedom means no individual sovereignty. It means transition to a master/slave global totalitarian system. Forever. Bye bye USA, hello China.

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Thank you GVB. As always Sir right on point & right on the money too!

Waking people up to this is impossible. The huge majority were fooled, forced & coerced into allowing an untested, unproven, unknown substance into their & their children's arms.

Thus proving that the masses are too stupid to resist the current world take over

I have news for You People. WAKE UP. Although it may already be too late.


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