As a former scientist and professor of Microbiology myself, NEVER have I seen a scientific argument so elegantly elucidated, and an exposition so TERRIFYING, as this one by Dr. Vanden Bossche.

It is akin to seeing a plane crash in the middle of a packed stadium, in slow motion, and NO ONE seems to be aware of it.

Peace and love to you reading this.

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Thank you.

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What does it mean that variant LB.1 is starting to take over?


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Thanks for the link, AJ.

A few days back, variant LB.1 was simply one of the "new kids on the block" that played second fiddle to KP.2 and KP.3 in terms of infections and disease manifested in the Western part of the US.

Now, it seems that LB.1 is growing in dominance. Virologists discovered that one of LB.1's mutations, namely a change named S:S31del allows this variant to spread even FASTER. What is odd is that, the KP variants and JN1 do NOT possess this change.

Based on what I see (which is limited), this change is primarily a change in the virus' glycosylation on a highly specific domain in its spike protein.

LB.1 is accelerating in its taking over as the dominant variant.

The recent wastewater studies verifies this. But not as fast as I see it, at least.

But only Geert can say if this IS the HIVICRON we are anticipating.

And based on the news article you have shared, one thing I have observed is quite uncanny: There is a SLOW DOWN in hospitalizations and deaths, BUT more and more conditions of Long Covid, seems to be lingering.

The steady rise of LB.1 and the slow down of hospitalizations... I can only hazard the guess that the pressure on the virus is too great now, and the delay due to immune refocusing going FAR too long, could LB.1 be the last mutation, or a NEW one is just about to hatch?

It's like the ocean is starting to recede far off-shore, beyond the beach.

A foreboding tsunami?

We can only best be prepared.

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Totally agree. The depth of analysis is unprecedented and has scared the pigeon scientists away from debate.

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How I'd love to see Dr. Geert debate with the likes of Dr. Offit and this ZDogg guy.

But it's a NO CONTEST.

His analysis on COVID and the Immunology behind it, garnered respect from other distinguished doctors like Dr. Philip McMillan, Dr. Rob Rennebohm, Dr. Marc Trozzi, among others.

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It will never happen these clowns (offit and zdoog) have too much to lose and their depth of knowledge is surface level only.

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That’s really interesting, your background I mean. And it makes me wonder; if you get it and I get it, me, without any degrees in science just the usual 6 years of school biology, chemistry etc and studies in the English Language but a good grounding in logic a healthy curiosity and a lifetimes reading widely with patience for reading myself out of ignorance of whatever subject matters I have no training in and into understanding and a grasp of the essentials, where the hell is everyone else? What are your colleagues in Microbiology saying? It’s so hard to persuade the people we love of the possibility of this when the scientists who get it and believe it are silent. What’s happening in your personal cohort? You must be discussing this amongst yourselves? I’ve practically fallen out with one of the most important people in my family because as a college lecturer her response is, “There’s no consensus for this”. And I’m saying, for heavens sake, consensus does not mean much of any good these days and historically speaking, most important scientific discoveries of the past were made by individuals or teams of two or three obsessively focused people. And a lot of them were not recognised till much later, often after they died. So please help me out here if you can. I need to counter her argument, persuasively to save her life and so far I’m failing her because my arguments are a solitary voice with no support. What do I do?

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Thanks. I long since left the profession, and just keeping in touch with what is happening.

The articles shared by Dr. Geert, stirred a ton of concern in me. I still have some colleagues who are still in the University, while many also retired and went on to other things.

I can share you this, Marie: YES, MANY Microbiologists (especially the young and ambitious types have CONFLICTS of interest and are figuratively willing to SHILL for the pharmaceutical industry for their '30 pieces of silver').

Yes, I often hear the trope of "...there is no consensus", even during my days in the University. I retort back, "Of course. Science MEANS debate and the analysis of Data. Data speaks the TRUTH." If there IS consensus, then everyone thinks...NO,...AGREES alike. Thinking stops and DOGMA and PROPAGANDA (especially for government "scientists") is all there is left.

Marie, we can only do the best we can to convince the ones we care about, I'm afraid.

And we have absolutely no control over the outcome of our efforts...even in the best of these.

One must go the lonely path of Truth. And this DOES mean pain.

But in the end, the ones who are AT LEAST willing to listen and more importantly, reflect on the value of what you think is correct, without RANCOR, could be friends WORTH keeping. Keep up the pressure. Keep the faith, Marie.

May the path you follow bring you inner peace and may in the end, give you the strength of integrity, EVERYONE would cherish and value.

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Thank you. Heartbroken here.

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Hugging you right now, friend.

Stay strong.

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Thank you for your kindness. It’s my beloved only daughter. I’m beside myself with fear for her but I have others to look after as well so I’ve got to find the backbone to keep going and do the best I can. It’s bloody lonely work though.

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God be with you, Marie and your only daughter.

Don't let fear stop you from doing what you have to do.

Do what you can, with what you have.

And do it all with love, a love that drives out the fear.

Sparing a ton of thought for you, right now.

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Yes, a cuppa, the go to, salve over here too.😊

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I feel the same war. I habe acquired my knowledge on m own. I warned my best friend about the vaccinations. I warned about side effects and autoimmune diseases and the whole family took it anyway. People know that I'm studying the subject , but at best they ask for a few homophatic remedies. More is not possible. I'm trying to find peace with it.

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Same here, Ilus. I would mention Ivermectin, and they would recoil like I committed blasphemy. I would then recommend ANY alternative anti-viral that may somehow work (though not as dramatically as Ivermectin), just to buffer their reactions.

I would recommend stuff like VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) whose research done with it showed promise as an anti-viral, as well as Black Cumin Seed Oil.

Your efforts are NOT wasted. Your integrity and inner peace has been vouchsafed. Thanks.

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This morning I came across a short film about Ivermectin and I wish to god that I had found it sooner, I think it’s very powerful. Still, at this point, most people have no trust left. They only believe what they want to believe. Can’t blame them.

Ivermectin film.



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Thank you so much, Marie!

All efforts made from LOVE is always a gift.

I will share it with others who has yet to understand.

Thanks again!

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I’m sure everyone here has seen this. But we’re the ones that don’t need convincing. It would have been most helpful, perhaps for opening up the minds of those that have been closed to it.

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You’re full of shit as well. No surprise there.

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It's amazing how you, a believer that viruses do not exist, are spewing your STUPIDITY in and around this Substack page, made by a VIROLOGIST, and our discussions of the pandemic using the VIRUS as its platform.

It's like a FLAT EARTHER who barges in a meeting of Geodesic Satellite engineers, EMBARRASSING HIMSELF in the process.

Worse, when people disagree with you, you DON'T provide alternative sources, you DON'T give reasonable arguments, INSTEAD you simply write SWEAR WORDS, like 'full of shit', 'fuck off', 'fuckwit' etc. (a trait you PROBABLY ACQUIRED FROM YOUR MOTHER).

You and your previously UNCIVILIZED comments have already been reported to Substack, and your attitude, reported to the Dunedin Council as well.

With all due respect, do YOURSELF a favor, PLEASE LEAVE.


Go to other sites where your IDIOCY would be better suited.

Your presence here only further stinks your image as a loser of the 2022 Dunedin mayoral/councilor elections.

In other words....(using the words you LOVE to use)... Fuck off.

Lest the people of Dunedin, who already know your character, would further DUMP your Candidacy for Mayor/Councilor FURTHER down the toilet in the next elections.

SPOILER ALERT: Any response you give after this, only REINFORCES the kind of SLIMY CHARACTER you are.

Get a life.

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Losing it arn’t you?

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And you fuck off.

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Also I don’t think that I lost in the last Dunedin elections, the old saying being it’s not the vote that counts but the count that counts.

Also now that I’ve scanned your missive I see that you also have a giant dollop of misogyny. FYI neither my mother nor my father was of the sweary kind. But I am because I interact with cunts more often than they did. You for example.

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Richard Seager @plebeianresistance

1 link

Candidate for Mayor & Council Dunedin 2025. Small business focus. Democracy, terrain theory, transport, equity.

I don't believe in viruses or pandemics.

Your health is your business.

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I rest my case.

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Do you mind summarizing the article?

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I'll do my best. Here goes:

Many would question regarding viral infection and diseases, wouldn't a highly deadly virus reduce its own spread because very sick people are less likely to transmit it to others?

Yes, normally they would.

However, during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the situation is different. The concept of "virulence" (how deadly the virus is) changes because vaccine breakthrough infections (VBTIs) reduce the effectiveness of certain antibodies that normally inhibit or put the brakes on virulence in vaccinated populations.

Even if a potentially deadly coronavirus already causes severe disease and death in some vulnerable people (those with lower levels of these protective antibodies), its spread is likely due to more transmissible variants like KP.3. As KP.3 causes more VBTIs, it adds pressure on the virus to become even more virulent, resulting in more severe disease.

The word virulence means "deadly" or "poison" in Latin. But virulence can ALSO mean that a virus simply replicates inside a host cell, and thus killing it. Therefore, virulence ALSO happens due to the ABSENCE of the host's typical immune response.

This situation worsens because: The concentration of protective antibodies in vaccinated people is decreasing.

The virus's infectiousness might increase due to antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI). This means the antibodies are helping the VIRUS and NOT the host! ADEI enhances the virus' infectiousness.

As more transmissible variants spread, they change the immune pressure dynamics, leading to higher virus concentrations in the upper respiratory tract. This shift means that the virus evolves to bypass the antibodies that usually stop it from causing severe disease.

Breakthrough infections in vaccinated people lacking strong cell-mediated immunity (CMII) can lead to poor immune responses. This results in chronic immune activation, potentially causing long COVID and other immune-inflammatory diseases. This IS the reason the jabbed are in a deep bind compared to the unjabbed who STILL rely on their natural INNATE immunity.

Despite this, KP.3 remains transmissible and exerts pressure on the virus to become more virulent. Think of it as a Steve Rogers getting more and more powerful as the environment he is subjected to REPEATEDLY, results in him becoming a stronger and stronger Captain America. (lame...)

This could lead to a surge in severe COVID-19 cases in highly vaccinated populations. The evolution of the virus also involves changes in its glycosylation (adding sugar molecules to its spike protein). These changes help the virus evade the immune system and could eventually lead to a highly virulent strain causing a severe pandemic wave.

In how I see this and as I summarize, high immune pressure on the virus in vaccinated populations can lead to the rapid spread and dominance of highly virulent variants, potentially causing a sudden surge in severe COVID-19 cases. Looking for these changes, especially in the virus's glycosylation patterns, is crucial to predict and prevent future outbreaks.

Hope this helps. Peace!

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Thank you for translating the highly technical post in layman's terms. It helps us to better understand his hypothesis. Hope to see you around in future posts.

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Not as young as I used to be. It took a lot out of me.

Thanks so much!

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Thanks a lot!

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Sucks to be vaccinated!

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But less and less so. At this stage, except for those idiots still taking them, their impact is likely to be minimal, fear mongering excepted. Fear mongering being the main point of such articles.

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Their main impact was intended to be fertiltiy I suggest. Which is a mind numbingly stupid thing to aim for.

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Thank you so much

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Yes. Faux complexity as bullshit from start to finish.

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Living in a very highly vaccinated society, that was mandated & had a 24/7 narrative of 100% effective droned into them, I can give this an observation. People are sick all the time with respiratory illnesses. It is in schools, work environments & social gathering places. People are sick.

What has happened though is that they still have a false sense of security. Being vaccinated is to them their “Linus blanket”. They no longer stay home when sick, they go to work, school, shops, restaurants. All you hear is people coughing & spluttering. Some wear paper masks but their useless.

Their psychological mindset is that we are vaccinated so we can do what we want in combination with we were lied to & I no longer care so if I am sick I am going out anyway. It makes for an interested dynamic.

What I can also add is that the remaining unvaccinated are not getting sick.

In my case, I spend time in large population social environments, travelling, surrounded by people all the time including when they are sick and am not getting sick. Last time I had anything was in 2022.

Reading the gov respiratory reports, people are no longer testing. The only testing is the elderly or very young which will be due doctors / hospital settings & also in aged care for the elderly.

There is no clear indication of rate in society.

The other observation is that vaccinated individuals are getting all different kinds of respiratory illnesses which tend to linger. They can’t shake them off.

People in this highly vaccinated society have become complacent no longer staying home when sick, no longer testing & no longer seeking medical advice with respiratory symptoms. As such any Government surveillance isn’t showing accurate information.

As to unvaccinated, at this point again from observation, you are right, we aren’t getting sick and our naturally acquired immunity is going its job incredibly well.

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Would have to disagree on the unvaccinated.... many are sick as well. Maybe not as much as the vaxxed but still getting frequent illness. If you've remained healthy, count your blessings.

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I got pretty severe long covid (totally unvaccinated), but I healed from it. My vaccinated counterparts aren't doing as well. Unvaccinated people do get sick (I'm a great example), BUT.... it's not the same.

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Yes - I think we're seeing just how individual we all are. I know max vaxxed people who are perfectly healthy and nary a cold. And unvaxxed who are frequently sick. If you think back before COVID I'm sure we all knew people who were frequently ill. Immune systems/environments are very individual.

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Well, some people think it is a gene-based bioweapon... and they have reasonable cause to believe it.

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What if...

The masters of deception inserted a range of nasty surprises in some of the Rat Juice shots... for the purpose of leading us away from the true intent of injections...

A bit of cancer here.. some brain tumours there... a touch of infertility ... and so on...

Confusing the scientists who are examining the Rat Juice and the effects of it on many of the Vaxxers....

So that they never discover what the end game will be

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Well, it all amounts to the same thing: fewer people. The end game is blatantly obvious.

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That's not what I see. With a few exceptions, it is clear that the unvaccinated are way better off!!!

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Me too Sadie. My spouse and I both unvaxxed in a closed tourist store with people from all over the world…have done this through the whole thing. (One of us got Covid traveling but, w/ IVM very light). Couple of observations:

Approximately 75% of the people coming to this location are “sniffling”. They sneeze. They hack and cough. (We just figure we are “training” our immune systems. But. We both got this current thing. One of us has never missed a day of work in adult life. Both over 70 no co-morbidities. ) a few people wear masks which I thought was ludicrous at first, but came to realize they were already sick rather than fearful And nobly (!) trying to protect us.

I will describe this to see if anyone has seen it. It starts with sneezing…you think it’s an allergy. Your sinuses get blocked and drain constantly. A few days in you get the cough which is unlike any cough I have ever had. Not severe; dry, not flemmy, but is triggered in a very specific place right at the bottom of the sternum. Like more at the base of the esophagus but not spreading to lungs. The cough is episodic, but generally is not too bad but, maybe you lie down and it is triggered. Like something moved inside and tickled and created the cough reflex. It’s just weird. Seems like the spot is in an exact place about a cubic centimeter.

You think it is a “common cold” but it is just different some how. No aches and pains but it hangs on for three weeks. The last week is just the sinus draining, but now it is thick and viscous not light and runny. Finally it goes away. Our symptoms were exactly the same in these details. very literally.

Is anyone else seeing this?

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Unvaccinaed, this happened to me in January this year. It lasted for a month. The cough kept me awake at night. Exactly as you said. Noting that some cough syrups contain sage, I started drinking sage and thyme herbal teas and it disappeared in a few days, but perhaps just ended naturally.

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Could not have asked for better validation for my observation then government sponsored media 😂 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-21/flu-whooping-cough-rsv-cases-up-as-covid-cases-unkown/104002964

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Concur four people I know from my social group have it one quite badly the mindset of others is they have been vaccinated four five times it's gone away it's just summer colds 😔

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Family of 5 here sick for 2 weeks, can't get rid of it and they still insist it is the flu. Fully vaccinated.

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In denial it hasn't gone away

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And they will simply blame the unvaccinated for their troubles. It's basically unwritten policy in places like Canada and the USA.

Very dangerous games we play.

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And it shall be named: Birdflu

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Geert puts to rest here the “traditional” concept that a more deadly viruses naturally burn themselves out because they kill the hosts. This is a totally different ball game with this virus and its evolution. And what he is describing here is essentially a global gain-of-function naturally driven event that WILL produce a killer virus that sweep across the planet causing wide scale death among the vaccinated. It cannot be stopped now. The bell is tolling for the vaccinated.

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It was hard for me to understand. How will the virus sweep across the planet while also killing quickly?

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I am not an evolutionary biologist but here is what I think is going to happen (based of what I have read from what Geert (and others) have said in the past. There are a number of possible scenarios to how fast this will kill. I will link a video that shows these possibilities. For example the first severe Covid cases would required hospitalization after about 2 weeks. This variant could take only 5 days (or less) to reach the same point. We could have skyrocketing viral load that will kill in a matter of days or cytokine storms that require intense medical management to prevent organ damage and death. All the scenarios for this virus lead to the conclusion that for the vaccinated “not getting it” is the only viable option for survival. So when I say kill quickly - I mean maybe a couple weeks after infection. It has already reached the apex of infectiousness and will spread quickly (asymptomaticly) too among the vaccinated with the highly vaccinated being the MOST vulnerable. Heath care workers, doctors and nurses (highly vaccinated folks) will all be exposed immediately and will fall ill soon after. In a short period of time the entire health care system will cease to function. Yes panic will ensue and people will start dying in their homes and apartments. The government will over react and then cease to function. Check out my Substack for more. https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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What I am wondering is what happens after billions die from Disease X ... are they going to let the rest of us starve when the supply chains collapse?

I am hoping we get large packets of cherry flavour fentanyl powder that can be mixed with water and consumed ... allowing us to exit before the serious suffering begins

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Don't worry. They will happily euthanize anyone who wants it. Death with dignity (hahaha).

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No they won’t. The euthanizers will be dead. Like all medicos. The medical system will fall first.

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If you think they all took it. Or that everyone who took any of it will certainly die within a given time frame. And why wouldn't there be others waiting to take their place anyway? I wouldn't imagine that everyone who participates in euthanasia also took the jabs. I also find it hard to believe that everyone who took them will inevitably die from them. These engineers of death aren't perfect and they are fighting a terribly complex system they don't fully understand-the human body.

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Yep - they are all heavily jabbed... they are doomed.

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There will not be a Disease X - the immune escape virus and the adverse reactions from vaccine will kill nearly all the vaccinated folks. At least that is my opinion.

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Well the HIVICRON might be called "Disease X" by the public influencers to confuse the masses.

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Could be... and they will just make up DX... either way... a deluge of death is coming... just a matter of when

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Yes - as Geert says and I agree, when this hits (whoever is in charge) will be totally blindsided by what is happening. At first they will try to hide what is happening. Making up shit to “explain” what happening. Once it cannot be hidden anymore they will start lock down and do stupid crap to slow the “spread”. And finally “authorities” will cease to function because of the death and dying among their ranks. Next is chaos and death. We then set out clocks back 150 years and begin to bury the dead. We begin survival mode in a massively depopulated world. The 2nd Dark Age of Man begins. The end.

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The self-proclaimed “Elites” needed a scapegoat for the tsunami of severe illness and death. Unsurprisingly, they blamed The Unvaxxinated, as they had already done several times since late 2021. Since then there had been a limited reckoning, but a significant percentage of the population still believed the narrative unquestioningly. The Unvaxxinated were placed under permanent lockdown, not allowed to go anywhere or do anything. Needless to say they were also banned from entering every store, including supermarkets. Initially, The Unvaxxinated were still allowed to order food online, but the supply chains quickly deteriorated, and very soon an electronic rationing system was introduced. The Unvaxxinated were now even banned from ordering anything online or getting any delivery. Some had stocked up food and other necessities, but most had not.

Some small convenience stores didn't care and were still selling to The Unvaxxinated, but for astronomical prices. Besides, even trying to get to the store was risky because it had been decreed that anyone walking outside without proof of the latest booster vaxxination had to be immediately transported to one the camps, falsely referred to as "quarantine facilities", that had been built years in advance. Some of The Unvaxxinated who didn't get caught went to the hills and forests. They tried some basic farming and started to build small communities.

With the die-off accelerating and civilization more and more descending into lawlessness, no one cared about vaxxination status anymore. Now it was just looting, but that didn't last long because the stores were running out of food. People started to turn against each other. This also happened in the small communities of The Unvaxxinated because very few people had actual survival skills.

In a last desperate attempt for revenge, the “Elites” decreed that The Unvaxxinated must be hunted down. At this point, there wasn't much left of the military except unmanned drones, so they programmed these drones to swarm over the forests and hills and immediately terminate any potential target. That went on for a while, until finally the power grid failed and the drones ran out of fuel.

Of initially 8 billion people on the planet, less than 50 million had survived. It was now up to them to build a new civilization.

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Still doesn’t make sense to me. Sounds like he’s saying the virus will shift all at once rather than from place to place over time. Maybe I need to read this a few more times.

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It most likely will evolve in the same way at roughly the same time across of planet. We don’t know if this will happen yet. But given the planetary nature of the vaccinated (petri dishes) it would make sense that the evolution will happen in many places at the same time. Regardless, this virus will spread quickly across the planet wherever and whenever it appears. This is in essence nature seeking race protection by creating herd immunity. Nothing will stop it. Unfortunately the deaths of millions will be necessary to achieve this.

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or billions....

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Virus is extremely infectious at present with many variants coming along because none can gain dominance, but suddenly there will be a major mutation (glycosylation) which will hide spike protein completely from immune system so no defence left and the new variant will sweep the field. I'm assuming that the really high infectiousness will be maintained, so that it'll spread like wildfire and spreading also internally, will kill very quickly.

The above is just what I've understood from both Dr Bossche and Dr McMillan. it's my take away in terms I understand. Not 100% sure about how infectious it'll remain, so may have missed something. I suppose worldwide travel etc.. will continue until people know what's happening, (won't be warned by authorities) but it'll already be too late. Interesting question just occurred to me, that the unvaccinated will presumably be able to transmit it, and since a lot of us won't be ill or not very, we'll carry on as usual and we'll be blamed, no doubt!

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Like Marek's... only far more virulent ... because we are repeatedly deploying the leaky vaccines... trying to make the virus more deadly


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You could read it a 100 times. It’s not supposed to make sense, only to flummox and impress.

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And as I say to those who will listen “Prepare to set your clocks back 150 years”

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There's a problem here... spent fuel ponds require modern tech to function

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We're not going fully back to the stone age. The goverment will manage its spent fuel ponds. There are contigencies in place. That's not the problem. The problem is that the unwashed masses are going to starve.

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My cousin is the head safety engineer at a nuclear power plant -- I have spoken to him about this and he insists that it cannot happen because they have even more contingencies in place since Fukushima.

When asked what those were he said -- bigger diesel storage and more pumps to keep the rods cooled until the emergency can be repaired.

I trust you see the problem with this....

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Is it killing quickly. I was under the impression we are looking for a incrementally damaging long covid type disease. Which would provide time for the infected to spread it around.

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This is important ... the unvaxxed all died quickly ... but with this covid thing.. the boosters are targeting the early strain ... so nobody will be vaxxed when the deadly mutation arrives ....

Andrew Read, who co-led the study, had heard about the severe effects of the hottest Marek’s strains before his lab started studying the disease about a decade ago, but even he was surprised when he finally saw the virus in action.

“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days,” said Read, who is an evolutionary biologist at Penn State University.

In recent years, experts have wondered if leaky vaccines were to blame for the emergence of these hot strains. The 1970s introduction of the Marek’s disease immunizations for baby chicks kept the poultry industry from collapse, but people soon learned that vaccinated birds were catching “the bug” without subsequently dying. Then, over the last half century, symptoms for Marek’s worsened. Paralysis was more permanent; brains more quickly turned to mush.


Leaky vaccines... hmmm....

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Yes. Most of us with a basic education in immunology, especially veterinarians who are actually interested in species other than human , had a grounding on Marek's and pointed to it as a sign early on that we are not supposed to use leaky vaccines. Eugyppius wrote an excellent dissertation on it to inform the rest of the public back in 2021. However, Dr VandenBossche has reviewed the Marek's comparison, and suggested he does not think that is what will happen here. It would seem evident that the unvaccinated have exposure and have created broad immunity which will stand them in good stead against continually evolving variants, while it is the vaccinated who have been bringing the wrong ammunition to the battle.

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He’s saying people will die in 24 hours once it starts.

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I imagine he thinks this is because immune defenses of the vaccinated are misdirected, and there is nothing to impede the entry of the virus.

The Marek's thing has always bugged me... Because, that model seems to suggest the opposite of what Geert is saying. It would suggest that a leaky vaccine (in chickens, in the case of Marek's) causes the vaccinated to generate a super virus that wipe out the unvaccinated. It was never the vaccinated. You know? I wish he would explain this. Is it immune refocusing? What is it that makes this event so different than it is in chickens?

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I would like to see the explanation too

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Euggy likely thinks this because to think otherwise would invite despair - and horror

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A quick relatively painless death... sounds good!

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I read 10!

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Precisely. This is exactly what he said. Will everyone die in 24 hours? Not likely, but some will.

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Ann, have you seen the new interview by Dr McMillan of Vejon Health with Dr Shankara Chetty? It’s here on Substack or on YouTube. I find his conclusions, after an NDE, utterly compelling. Check it out.

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What does LB.1 gaining ground mean?


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Weird - no evidence from any variant hunters that I can find. Maybe they are just making up shit?

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Hopefully Geert comments on it.

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We will see… they may be just renaming one of the existing variants.

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And still nothing has happened. It is the end of June people of becoming more sceptical of this claim that we get stopped by this deadly wave. I don’t think it is going to happen now. My mind is on two torn into two.

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The natural process of developing herd immunity will not not and cannot be stopped. Geert is just analyzing and documenting a process that has allowed the species to survive. When it happens makes no difference. It will happen because it has to happen. I am amazing that anyone who is knowledgeable on this subject would believe that “suddenly” the development of population based immunity would suddenly just “stop”. A killer virus (for immune altered) will emerge at some point - the process of protecting the species will continue. Until this virus runs out of hosts and disappears it will infect and kill what Mother Nature sees as a road block to herd immunity: the vaccinated on the planet.

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No idea - never heard of it. The only thing similar is the JN.1 but it has pretty much been replaced too.

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When did dead matter such as “viruses" (virii if you prefer, I prefer exosomes) suddenly get agency and life?

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They dont have agency. They still need host cells to replicate and exosomes to travel outside cells. Chemistry moves them around inside cells. There are so many of them doing the same things because some patterns are successful, and that looks like agency. On the other hand, people move around and cough and breathe and get more shots.

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That is rubbish and you know that it is rubbish.

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Richard ... just because Sam Bailey is perty... don't mean she's right :)

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I was there before she started pushing it Eddy. She is pretty though.

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I asked on her SS the following...

4 people living in our house ... Day 1 - first person tests positive for Covid ... sick .. mild flu-like symptoms... Day 2 - person 2 same story ... (lasts for a few days)... Day 4 - person 3 gets the same symptoms but a bit more severe -- lasts 5 days... towards the end of this I wake up not feeling great with a sore throat... unlike the others I take Hydroxychloroquine and start to feel better by that evening... totally gone within two days....

It would appear that something was passed from person to person within the house... call it a virus... or call it a widget... something was clearly passed along making everyone sick one after another...

I understand the terrain thing.. if you are healthy and fit you are less likely to be infected and develop symptoms of various diseases.... I can see that with organic gardening... if I feed the plants well they generally do not get diseases... (but it's not fool proof)...

Sam refused to answer. Which I find odd.

Reminds me of Sasha and Stevie Boy K https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production

And then we have a smoking gun https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/viruses-do-not-exist-was-a-psyop

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Do you believe DNA and RNA exist and all the theory that goes with their propagation and transfer? I am trying to understand, if you deny viruses and virology, which parts of biology would you consider valid?

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I don’t know enough about DNA & RNA but do understand that there is some denial of them around. I don’t take anything for granted anymore.

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From Geert Vanden Bossche's Twitter feed:


Don’t pay too much of attention to the details of the timeline as the objective of proposing a concrete date has been to make people aware that the threat is imminent and that recess is coming to an end. Of course, most people think this is a complete non-sense as C-19-hospitalization and mortality rates are still relatively low in most countries.

However, the virus continues to evolve as it is pressured by suboptimal population-level immunity. High collective immune pressure on viral transmissibility (instead of herd immunity) can lead to natural selection of a highly virulent CoV beast overnight.

So, please, give me the benefit of the doubt and be prepared with trained innate immunity or effective antivirals!

Our PH authorities have no plan B, except for the usual stuff, which we know has been the very cause of this evolving IMMUNE ESCAPE pandemic. They’ve wasted a huge amount of time, money and li….., running around in ever more complex & dangerous circles w/o solving the underlying problem.

I completely admit that it’s very difficult to believe my predictions.

That’s why I keep saying that society in highly C-19 vax’ed countries will eventually be caught off guard…

6:35 PM · Jun 16, 2024

Thanks, Geert.

Pureblood here, well prepared. Always on-guard.

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This is the level of sophistication and nuance where I’d like to see one or more of Geert’s detractors step up to debate him.

None of the counter-arguments I’ve heard even come close!

And “viRuSEs DoN’t eXisT” doesn’t cut the mustard.

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Oh yes it does.

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You guys are beyond retarded.

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And you are a fuckwit.

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Sounds like it

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I gave Ivan a bit of a blast for that post. He deserved it as well.

Viruses are the psyop.

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I am of no science caliber, an ordinary person who reads everything in the vaccine space since discovering Geert in March '21. I am the gleeful person sucking up every detail waiting for Godot, err the truth, the shoe to drop, the reckoning. I follow everyone. I can do good impersonations of them at this point. I don't have to explain what that means in terms of my time and how it has isolated me from the "normies". The no virus thing is not new to me as it was often said in my raw vegan community for years...no diseases, just terrain, inflammation etc etc.. Its an open file in my brain with no way to verify but all the dissenting experts in our community disturbs me. Who do I believe or trust? My head on constant swivel. No virus? What is Herpes then? Why do people contract after sexual contact which can be clearly traced. I am not talking about who is more or less susceptible based on their immune system or had just good or bad luck/timing, but the fact that it exists and there is actual physical proof. That many of my friends got infected in their young adult days and still experience outbreaks at times. It was communicable yes? If this is faulty thinking and its not a virus, please explain.

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Shells the truth is that no Herpes virus has ever been found, only postulated.

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It’s personal.

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Still waiting for someone to explain how respiratory diseases spread within a household...

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Does this mean it has started?

Sorry, I must be too thick to understand this Geert.

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The sign of the beast is evident when you speak to someone and they are desperately trying to suppress a cough. This is because they have had that cough for many weeks and they cannot understand why their immune system does not clear it....

When I encounter this (as I often do) I lose my train of thought and am unable to focus on the discussion because I am thinking ... here we have a Hard Core Vaxxer MORON... with a f789ed immune system... who is likely taking every booster on offer... and will soon be dead.

And if I suggested that the Rat Juice injections are causing his never-ending cough... he'd call me crazy and walk away.

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It will not be televised. Geert is just speaking in code saying that the peasants are going to chop off a few heads. And while doing that he has highlighted the origin, HIV, which is Fauci’s baby. Why? Not sure if i can be bothered figuring it out.

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GVB didnt say anything about HIV. Perhaps you have some biology knowledge on the details how it is related?

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He highlighted it.

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HIV is Hilary Kaprowski's baby. You should read a book called "The River". It will blow you away. It is one of the best-researched and most compelling books I've ever read, and it exposes vaccinology, naked, for all to see. Fascinating book.

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I’m having trouble reconciling this recommendation with you calling me and another poster retarded elsewhere.

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I called the guy who said 'viruses aren't real' a retard. Not sure if that's you, but if it is, then you definitely don't want to read that book, becasue it is about viruses and vaccines for them.

I'd usually be willing to engage in debate, but I'm not going to debate the existence of viruses with anyone. It's simply too late in the hour.

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It’s like the transgender crowd “no debate”.

An admission that there is no supporting evidence.

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He’s so smart.

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of course glycosylation as an immune escape mechanism has started

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Any updates on how virus is evolving?

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while I won't pretend to understand the minutiae of all of this, I do know what I see with my own eyes.

people repeatedly sick, some getting 'weird' infections that ratchet up quickly to fatality.

could this be a reason for near record rates of disability, for instance, in countries like the U.S... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/us-disability-approaching-new-all?utm_campaign=reaction&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

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Just spoke with urgent care doctor in south USA. "There is just no doubt: what the people have now is worse than omicron. Omicron was just a runny nose. A lot of the patients today were diabetic."

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In a nutshell, my understanding this is all the result of injecting a suboptimal vaccine as a weapon to

billions of people during an outbreak of the disease and thus creating closed system/ factory farm-like scenario. It's exactly what can happen in an industrial poultry operation that a virus got out of control. Geert has his veterinarian hat on.

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And he was mocked by so many for being an unqualified veterinarian!

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The amusing thing is that many scientists involved in virology ... have veterinary backgrounds

Dr. Bourla is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and holds a Ph.D. in the Biotechnology of Reproduction from the Veterinary School of Aristotle University.


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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Our belgian television virologist Steven Van Gucht, is also a veterinarian, but he was not mocked at it.

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Dr. Geert pointed out the "Grey zone" where those who took the jab, may be spared from the Coronageddon that may arrive.

Please add to this list or make corrections as you see fit. Thanks.

Those jabbed who could weather the storm:

1) Took only 1 shot

2) Got COVID-19 but recovered well enough and took the jab afterward

3) Healthy individuals who took measures to get rid of the spike proteins in their bodies

4) Those who LUCKILY got saline solutions

5) Those who took the jab containing poor quality and/or adulterated mRNA components.

6) ...

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He said spike protein isn’t the issue. It is immune refocusing which is not reversible. That’s why he’s criticized other doctors for focusing on selling supplements for “detoxing” the spike protein. He says they don’t believe his predictions.

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'immune refocusing'

Is that where IG4 comes into play? The body can no longer fight infections?

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From what I gathered, IG4 is only one of those factors where the body's immune system is severely compromised. CTL responses, the collapse of SIR created antibodies and the dwindling of PNNABs also count.

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I'd imagine J&J recipients along with Astra-Zenica recipients are in the zone with unvaxxed. Just a guess though.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

I believe the outcome of Astrazeneca and J&J is the same as Pfizer it's just that the process is different. All 3 highjack cell protein building machinery to create the spike. Astra and J&J use an adenovirus to accomplish the task.

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My daughter had one J and J. I am sick about it. Nobody really knows, what camp do you think she falls into, safe or not?

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No. Those who took the mRNA jabs have additional serious issues, but the alteration of immune function was caused by vaccination with a leaky vaccine during the pandemic. Any vaccine that produced high titers of poorly-matched antibodies that allowed VBTI will lead to this outcome. Asia is not spared.

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My daughter to one J and J. I am sick about it. Is she doomed, outside of heavy doses of Ivermectin or does the single dose offer hope do you think?

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Good question. Would be good to have a definitive answer.

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I truly hope so. I got friends jabbed with them.


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Ya I told my Sister to get the J&J otherwise it was job loss for her. I do also think they exaggerated the extent of J&J to get it off the market because as you can see they clearly want mRNA used going forward.

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UK at risk of new Covid summer wave as hospitalisations jump by 24% in a week

The Covid rise is thought to be due to a combination of waning immunity and the rapid spread of an emerging variant🤔

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Do you have a link to this story? Thanks.

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Yes, LB.1

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My wife now has CV. She has been sick for 8 plus days and it hasn't been easy. Terrible cough, vomiting, fever. I believe it is the LB.1 variant. Still not improving. Both of us unvaxxed.

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Worried this will be a long Covid variant

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It just gets worse doesn’t it? That’s why it’s far better not to contract the damn thing at all at this stage because more and more studies are showing that there are consequences, for every episode of illness and with every assault, the immune system finds it much harder to fight. What about Vitamine D, the fast acting kind; Calcifidiol. I had a friend whose husband was in the same situation and took that form of Vitamin D when he was able to get it from abroad about 2 weeks into the illness. He was really unwell. Of course he needed antibiotics as part of his treatment but once he got on both and an inhaler he was well again in a week. And please forgive me if you have that covered already. Dr Grimes, in conversation with Dr John Campbell has done a lifetime of research and is very compelling in his laying out of the necessity for high levels of Vitamin D in order to resolve bouts of this illness. I try to spread the word wherever I can. Best wishes to your wife David.

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My vitamin D levels are on the 60s. My doctor is not happy about it. She says they need to be in the 90s. Yet, since I've been working to get those levels up, I have not gotten any infections.

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Thank you Marie!

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Why do you believe in “long covid” if you didn’t get the jabs?

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Keep some Ivermectin handy‼️

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Have been following Dr. Vanden Bossche since the beginning when he raised a qualified alarm before anyone else. This also was a very good piece from another doctor that sealed the deal for myself and my family to not get the jabs. Very balanced but very sobering.


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Brilliantly written!

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Thanks for sharing this important and timely information Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏

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For anyone who is looking for antiviral sources and considerations, see this shared document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xzbv3sD_LccNKIirD4SsP98wvBUWdNNQ7h14DYqjl80/edit

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