I can’t understand how you are still not recognized as the leading authority in this topic.

It’s insanity.

Let’s hope authorities start listening to you before it’s too late.

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"This might explain why a small part of the unvaccinated population may currently see their relevant innate Abs being suppressed to an extent that makes them more susceptible to severe disease than the vaccinated. However, as already reported, this is likely to change when Omicron becomes dominant; high infectious pressure exerted by the predominantly circulating Omicron variant would primarily suppress poorly trained innate immune Abs in vaccinees (20)."

"Severe disease" can often be prevented by immediate treatment with Ivermectin at first sign of a health wobble. Also, some people have come off ventilators and walked out of Hospitals ALIVE due to court ordered use of IVERMECTIN (when the scuzzy hospital refused to administer it to deathly ill patients).

If there's one thing I've learned from all of this 'pandemic' not-so-merry-go-round, it's that I've gotten to be quite adept at reducing my colds/flu to a whimper.

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This article is also mistaking the pure transmissive power of Alpha and Delta that surpassed the innate immune defenses (reason why even children got Alpha and Delta infections when they could easily block Wuhan Ancestral strain) with immune evading omicron which is not able to suppress the innate Abs and therefore appears milder right now in vaccinnated and completely sterilized by unvaccinated who are not getting infected by Omicron (still Delta).

Though, it's exactly how Delta started too as a mild variant in October. People forget that B.1.617.1 was a mild variant affecting children in India in March. However, that was in the context of most seniors with just their first Jab. The second jab put pressure on the virus and B.1.617.2 took off like crazy in April. I expect something similar to happen with Omicron later when immunecomptent people are forced to vaccinate and they are temporarily immunesupressed but when they recover, they will likely select for a far more innate immune evasive variant which will be more severe. We have to prevent children from this experiment fast or their immune system will select viruses far more severe than delta ever was.

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Geert, could it be that in addition to suppression of innate abs that vax induced disregulation of immune response is at work? https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.03.21256520v1

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Is this a Christmas Magic – Dr. Bossche ends his article on a positive note? And on what kind of the note – arguing that S-directed vaccine may induce sterilizing immunity against SC2. wow

Most likely this is the finger of C.Harkin who tries to reduce the chronic stress level in a population by promoting empowering messages. Because Dr.Bossche would have added a remark that such a CTL inducing vaccines cannot be administered intramuscularly, but intranasally or orally to induce mucosal immunity instead of circulating Abs and T cells that hardly reach the mucosaa of upper respiratory tract – main platform for SC2 transmission.

but seriously, important and still not answered topic analysed in the article: what is the main effector against different SC2 strains? It may eventually turn out that neither polyfunctional SC2 specific memory CD4 T cells by promoting cytotoxic CD8 cells (https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiab543), nor dendritic cells by help of cytotoxic CD8 T cells (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41423-020-00624-1), nor Dr.Bossche’s explanation of NAbs+NK cells would be correct, because the main effector could be natural killer T cells, since they have both T-cell receptor and natural killer surface receptor – cytolytic and cytotoxic effect. The correct answer shall be found after overcoming SC2 ORF3a effectuate T cell lymphopenia, ORF8 downregulation of MHC-I, NSP1 antagonization of type I interferons and glycan shield suppression of dendritic cells and concealing of S located epitopes.

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Thanks for the great article. Merry Christmas and happy holidays. 🎄🎉🥂💕

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Thanks for speaking up Mr. Geert Vanden Bosche with knowledge and wisdom

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"Interestingly enough, she seeks supportive evidence from a reference which actually advises for caution in regards to the impact of population-level immunization (“As vaccine and naturally acquired population immunity increase further, the frequency of variants we have described should be monitored globally, as well as further changes arising within all immuno-dominant T cell epitopes"

Dear Geert,

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and perspective on this. Lot's to learn. I would like to know your opinion about how your specific vaccine suggestion would alleviate or perform against risks of viral persistence or reactivation. I was initially under the impression that you had an NK cell based vaccine idea which I find much more exciting because it bypasses the risk of productive infection and immune escape. It's been a fear of mine since I heard about the new disease in 2020 and now we have some preliminary evidence that SARS-COV-2 is not completely cleared from many tissues. This makes every single vaccination event a deadly risk for those who were asymptomatically infected because it might reactivate and recombine with variants in the current epidemic to cause severe disease or autoimmune response leading to very fast fatalities in the first few days.

"Overall, SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in respiratory tissue of 43/44 cases

(97.7%); cardiovascular tissue of 35/44 cases (79.5%); lymphoid tissue of 38/44

cases (86.4%); gastrointestinal tissue of 32/44 (72.7%); renal and endocrine

tissue of 28/44 cases (63.6%); reproductive tissue in 17/40 cases (42.5%);

muscle, skin, adipose, and peripheral nervous tissue in 30/44 cases (68.2%);

ocular tissue and humors of 22/28 cases (57.9%); and brain tissue in 10/11

cases (90.9%) (Extended Data Table 3).

We additionally detected SARS-CoV-2 sgRNA across all tissue categories,

predominately among early cases (14/17, 82.4%), as well as in plasma, pleural

fluid, and vitreous humor (Fig. 1, Extended Data Fig. 2, Supplementary Data 1).





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It is very disturbing that the Covid and non-Covid fatality rate is higher in 10-14 aged vaccinated kids in England's latest mortality report. This would seem to support your theory that children are primarily using innate immune defenses and some short lived S-directed antibodies which are getting messed up when they are vaccinated and allowing the virus to use this vulnerability period to cause severe disease. If this was not true and if vaccines were inducing some kind of t-cell memory so quickly, we wouldn't see this kind of fatality rate. See this analysis by Metatron. https://metatron.substack.com/p/ons-monthly-age-standardised-mortality

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By fast fatalities, I mean the death will happen so soon that unless a pathologist is doing autopsies and checking, we will likely never really see any evidence of infection in the regular oral, nasal swabs.

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