12 days ago I commented that GDB's tsunami variant would be the WEF planned virulent Disease X plandemic when everyone else was asking what virus they were planning on releasing. I have to think they know he is right. They have always known. And they want him to be right. They are trying to kill us off. I got so tired, as a tin foil hat wearing vaccine denier, of being told that natural selection was coming for me. In the end, it is coming for them.

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Of course they know perfectly well that what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche predicted it's going to happen. How could they not know? I'm pretty sure that Bill Gates is reading everything on Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's website. Then he shares this information with the WHO. They decided to call it disease x hoping they won't get cut doing the biggest " gain of function" that can decimate humanity. Have you seen the farmer's protest in Europe? It was pretty violent today. That's nothing compared with what's coming. I don't see how people would just sit and watch how their families and friends are getting severly sick with covid and worse. When they will start realizing that only the highly vaccinated people are being affected all the hell will break loose. That's when governments will start panic and will happily distribute ivermectin for free! I would not be surprised if behind close doors some countries( the smart ones) are stockpiling ivermectin for their population.

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This is an extinction event.

This is why https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Well I agree that they have been lying. And I agree that they know Geert is right. So it is all on purpose. I find the reasoning about oil a little vague though. But I also agree survivors will be out for blood.

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It's quite simple -- we need cheap energy - particularly oil -- otherwise the global economy collapses -- starvation kicks in ... and 8B people rip each other to pieces and eat the body parts.

The men who run the world do not want that to happen - so they are exterminating us

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Give me the names of "the men who run the world."

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Call the Federal Reserve to find that out...

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials – see this https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/90966 https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/91036

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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People who do not believe in cause and effect must create another agent to explain why things work as they do, in this case "the Illuminati." Doing so means you don't need to study economics, history, science, religion, geography; you need merely be proficient in mental gymnastics.

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So who ordered every MSM outlet and every significant online platform to censor all negative information about the Covid vaccines?

Who has that power?

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Well said.

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There's an awful truth behind that: an ever-growing population is unsustainable long-term. The same constraints apply whether you are considering a large jar full of fruit flies or a planet with 8 billion clever primates. I don't have any magical solutions and neither does anyone else.

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Extinction huh? The problem with your kind is you have no memory. When the extinction does not come you will simply roll over to some other b.s.

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You are a great intellect Craig. Very impressive rebuttal

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The timing is good ... China is about to implode http://www.williamengdahl.com/gr16May2023.php

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The end is approaching for both east and west... buy guns and ammo..

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I just block people like Craig.... let him get back to inventing a warp drive or something.

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Better get to higher ground.

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Or in a bunker

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There will be nowhere to hide... this will be hotter than the hottest strains of Marek's... which has a 100% fatality rate...

I expect this will be more contagious than anything ever seen... and guaranteed fatal

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Get off the drugs Eddy.

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I do enjoy how ya'll get angry when someone gives you a truth that you do not like

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And bring a shovel...

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Disease x is this virulent variant Geert is referring to I believe.

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No, but perhaps the WHO is basing that idea on his research/prognosis. Geert is stating (I think) that this will both be a result of a mutated virus as well as the failing immune systems of vaccinees.

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yes. And they don't know exactly when it will arrive -- they just need to prop up the collapsing global economy until this horrifying mutation arrives


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You are 100% correct. They are already working on a vaccine ready to be deployed en masse. The trouble is that almost nobody will want to take it. I'm so curious what they will come up with.

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If I were to put all of this in motion (virus, mRNA vaccines, etc.), I wouldn't make a vaccine that fixes it all. I would make it a repeated shot. Want to live, take the shot. Step out of line, no shot for you.

What is 50-80% of the PO population then going to do? Answer: whatever you tell them to do

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There is just something weird with the news of this new super variant. A few days ago we were told that South Africa found it it from a sample taken at the end of Nov 23. A day later we were told it was actually 9 samples taken between mid-September and end of Nov 23. So, why did it take 2 months to report this news?

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Thanks for sharing this important information Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏

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Yet WHO won't ring the alarm and warn the public in highly vaccinated regions. They won't recommend inexpensive antivirals. Continuing the tsunami analogy, the authorities know it's coming but won't warn people to get off the beach. Almost like they want people to drown.

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Well, they do. They’re trying to bring about a huge drop in population in the next few years.

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"But the tide's gone out, far more than usual. Let's explore all this interesting coastline that we've never had the chance to see. Look at all the interesting shells and driftwood here." [I've seen this as a theme in several science fiction stories. It IS my understanding, however, that the abnormal regression of water is in fact true of pre-tsunami events in many cases.]

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Pureblood here, but have friends and family that took the jabs. Question: Geert mentions ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; will these help the body get rid of the vax/spike?

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To get rid of spike in the body, Dr. Peter McCullough recommends (and has tested, with good success) a combination of nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin. Check out his email newsletter. I think he's on substack too. He has been working on this since the beginning.

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Sir, What do you think will happen in India? Even though they haven’t used mRNA vaccines, the country’s is highly vaccinated.

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They have used a mix of MRNA and viral vector vaccines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccination_in_India I can't say one way or another if the viral vector vaccines alter immune systems exactly like the MRNA vaccines but do know they are dangerous with the J & J being pulled from the market because of its problems. This could happen anywhere any time and in many places a the same time. We have billions of incubation chambers working day and night on this project.

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Thank you, Lawrence

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Thank you, Maria

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I don't think Dr. Geert will have the time to reply, but I can answer your questions. Taking only ivermectin won't be enough to get rid of the spike protein. Dr. Peter McCullough recommends daily doses of Natokinasse, bromelaine and turmeric, one capsule of each twice a day. There is also lutein and Nac but many other herbs and even mushrooms like turkey tail. Dr. William Makis has a much better list of all of them. But these ones are a good start. They also work remarkably well against shedding from the vaccinated. There is also a website where you can find the entire detox protocol. I think is a good idea to work with a naturopath for the full detox.

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Hey, What do you think about likely consequence in India? Country is highly vaccinated but not mRNA vaccines.

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They say it will but I don't know. He is referring to trying to prevent an infection that will be REALLY hard to stop once a vaccinated person get it. See this video for all the details: https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

This was published today... might help your family - detox from the vaccine https://open.substack.com/pub/tomasransom/p/spike-protein-detoxing-a-summary?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Just want to be clear on the implications for this. As I understand this, you're saying that the tsunami virus that could arise in this situation will be primarily a danger for those who have been vaccinated, but that those who were not C19 vaccinated will likely be better able to fight this infection. Is that correct? Or should those of us who were not vaccinated also be well prepared with ivermectin, etc?

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To be on the safe side, even if you are unvaccinated, having a strong regimen of daily vitamins it's going to help you no matter what. For example, not many people know that the average dose of vitamin D for every adult is 7,000 IU daily, but the vast majority need 10,000 I.U. every day. As for the vitamin C, the average dose is 7,000 mg( 7 g.) of vitamin C daily. However, the ideal dose is 18,000 mg. daily in divided doses. Then, you will need a good multivitamin. On top of that you will need vitamin A, E, magnesium, B100, Niacin( buy only the No Flush version) lots of B12, and zinc with Quercitin ( that's your ivermectin). For those who can't buy ivermectin there is a plant that has the same effect: Artemisia Annua. There is also another plant that is used for treating Sars Covid viruses: Lomatium, a powerful antiviral. It's available on secretshop.com. Amazon also has it but the quality is not great. There is a very useful article about Lomatium: google " The miraculous power of Lomatium" and you will find it. This plant saved my child from hospital in March 2020 when she had covid. I found out about Lomatium from a book "Herbal Antivirals" written by one of the greatest herbalist America ever had, Stephen Harrod Buhner. He also has a website and you can find there an amazing protocol for covid treatment based mainly on herbal medicine. I haven't shares this kind of information before, but extraordinary times like this requires extraordinary measures. It's my way of doing my part and helping others. I hope you will find it useful.

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I take extra vitamins. Your overall advice means well, but some of your doses may border excessive (e.g. D). Folks, remember the old rule that it's possible to get too much of a good thing. Some supplements are for all practical purposes non-toxic (e.g. Vitamin C) but that's far from true for all of them. Educate yourself -- nobody else is going to do it for you.

A final point: many vitamins and minerals require days, weeks, months to build up in the body (or, if you've taken too much, to return to saner levels.) What that means in practice is that (say) you can't just start mega-dosing when you get sick. To use my own example, I've been taking (say) 2 grams C and 5000 units D daily for a long time (in additon to other nutrients). This "in theory" gives me a level of protection.

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Yule Brenner was a mega dose vitamin user and died young because of it. Careful on Zinc, Vitamin A especially. Avoid any oxide form of minerals since they are poorly bio absorb. Also true of Vitamin D2.

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Correct! As long as unvaxxed are in good health and taking care of themselves. (Rest, fitness, nutrition, stress management, etc)

Remember too those who are vaxxed depending on what they were first primed with (natural infxn or vaccine) will affect their ability to train their innate immune system.

It’s not black or white either…there will be a gray area of those affected more or less by an increased virulent virus

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I beg to pardon. It won't happen. Only the highly vaccinated are doomed.

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Yes but when a pathogen that was created by deploying leaky vaccines during a pandemic involving chickens....

“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days."


If GVB is correct then deploying booster after booster during this never-ending pandemic ... will result in a deadly mutation...

Why would this be different from the chickens? Why wouldn't the unvaxxed die?

As I have argued... the vaxxed will die too ... because they will not be vaccinated against the deadly pathogen that is coming...

I am a huge fan of logic ...

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As I understand, the deadly virus is deadly precisely because the adaptive immune system of vaccinees has been compromised. The vaccinated will face significant disease while the unvaccinated will have a robust innate immune response (assuming health and exposure to previous variants). The disaster is mass vaccination during a pandemic that will have left the vaccinated with little protection.

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The way I understand is that when the vaxxed get infected with covid - due to the non-sterilizing nature of the vaccines... this causes new mutations to emerge ...

Eventually a mutation emerges that is deadly and highly contagious.

Of course the Vaxxers also have damaged immune systems so they will be more susceptible ...

But it does not mean the unvaxxed get a free pass.

The unvaxxed chickens all died... and that situation was caused by deploying leaky vaccines.


I suspect GVB is not telling us the full story -- perhaps because he does not want to alarm the unvaxxed.

In any event it is moot --- if a significant number of Vaxxed die ... the global economy will collapse - there will be no food -- so everyone will starve to death.

There is no way out of the trap. They have done a fantastic job of ensuring we all die without much suffering

It sucks ... but it is.. necessary https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Yes that's how I understand is the difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Geert has always stressed that the immune systems of the unvaccinated are constantly primed with each new variant to which we are exposed.

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Here’s an interesting tidbit from RFK Jr.’s latest: In Ch. 43 and perhaps elsewhere, we are told that Dr. Ralph Baric et al pioneered new techniques to not only “cut and paste” viruses, but perhaps more significantly, found a much better way to culture them. What this means, in practice, is that any desired virus can be created in any amount needed, with a level of purity far exceeding what was possible with earlier methods.

One feature of RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 is that they lack the “proofreading” that DNA has. What the means in practice is that there are a vast number of mutations, far more than DNA would, in each generation. This rolling of the dice guarantees that most offspring will quickly die off, compared to more stable genomes.

“In 2012, Shi’s peregrinations brought her to the so-called Mojiang cavern, a closed copper mine in the tropical province of Yunnan in China’s southern tip.30 Earlier that year, six miners exposed to bat guano while cleaning that cave became sick with symptoms resembling those later associated with COVID-19. Three died, but none of their families was infected.31 The bat virus clearly could be deadly when it jumped from bats to humans, but this “natural experiment” suggested that it could not spread from human to human. It was, in short, the perfect nascent bioweapon. Baric’s technologies for cloning these viruses enabled him to dramatically increase their infectivity, which showed promise that the Mojiang cave virus might fulfill its incipient weapons potential.”

Other writers (e.g. Ron Unz) speculate that such attacks have already happened, such as in Iran in 2020.

Note that the above by no means says that such a virus cannot continue to spread and mutate, as the SARS-CoV-2 experience for > 4 years has shown. What conventional wisdom says, about a virus tending to become less lethal, seems to hold true, however.

It’s certainly POSSIBLE that a virus will mutate into something highly lethal, but the problem of killing off the host too quickly limits how far the lethal virus could spread.

Granted all my knowledge of this is elementary, but that is how I see it.

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The sky is falling. Run for the hills. The human race is going to go extinct. So says Fast Eddy.

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Feel free to explain which part of this I have wrong

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No one is running, but the reality of this Covid crap ending well is never going to happen. It’s already killing more than you realise & the Vax damage is continuing. They screwed up & now we live with it

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I agree.

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I am Japanese. A Japanese commentary book for the general public written by Dr. Satoshi Omura, the discoverer and developer of Ivermectin, was published in November 2021. I will introduce the main points.

① Ivermectin molecules bind to the ACE2 binding site of Spike glycoprotein (preventing RBD cleavage), preventing SARS-Cov2 from connecting to ACE2 and entering cells.

Therefore, the binding of Spike protein by pseudo-mRNA vaccine can be prevented while taking it. It becomes impossible to connect due to an effect similar to steric hindrance in chemistry.

② Inhibit TMPRSS2 enzyme to inhibit SBD-RBD cleavage and prevent RNA injection into cells due to SarsCov2 membrane fusion.

③ Even if ① and ② cannot be prevented and Sarscov2 starts producing RNA in human cells after infection, it inhibits 3CL protease in the cells and prevents RNA replication of SARS-Cov2. Therefore, even if it invades by membrane fusion and endocytosis, this will not happen. You can prevent proliferation! 3CL-Pro is present in human cells and is present in all viruses.

(However, IVM does't work for HIV, the process is different because HIV uses a different method to enter immune cells rather than general cells.)

④ Normally, when a virus invades a cell, it injects a protein into the cell nucleus that inhibits the cell's defense function for viruses. Well, most viruses have evolved in that way. Enzymes called Importinα/β, which are present in human cells, are required for injection into the nucleus. The combination of α and β allows proteins to be transported into the cell nucleus, but Ivermectin binds to α and prevents it from functioning, preventing viruses from taking over the cell nucleus.

⑤It has anti-inflammatory effects unique to macrolides.

Inhibits the NF-κB transcription factor and suppresses the production of inflammatory cytokines.

⑥ Preventing proliferation through several routes (wide spectrum) also prevents the generation of mutant strains and maintains the effectiveness of protection against mutant strains.

If it acts as a single drug, viruses and bacteria are likely to become resistant to it.

→It becomes ineffective immediately due to resistant bacteria and mutated viruses.

Therefore, it is desirable to have a drug that works through multiple routes (the spectrum is said to be broad).

Ivermectin has almost certain therapeutic and short-term preventive effects

The preventive effect is definitely effective for 2 to 3 weeks after taking the required dose, but beyond that it is still unknown.

Although it is not 100% completely effective (according to Dr. Nagao who lives in Kobe, the effectiveness of Ivermectin is 498/500 people, and 2 people are too late to visit the hospital. 2021 year)

More than 3 billion people have taken the drug in the past, and only one to a few people in 100 million have mild side effects. On top of that, the patent has expired and it's cheap.

The actual prescription is detailed in Dr. Pierre Kory's FLCCC.


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Ich glaube, viele Menschen haben ein Problem mit dem Begriff 'asymptomatisch Krank'. Wie kann man krank sein, ohne sich krank zu fühlen. Das veränderte Immunsystem, welches dieses Phänomen herbeiführt, wird mit Herdenimmunität verwechselt. Der Virus ist aber noch aktiv und versucht, dem veränderten Immunsystem des Menschen zu entweichen. Die tatsächliche Herdenimmunität, die eigentlich durch die angeborene zelluläre Immunantwort in Form von trainierten natürlichen Killerzellen eingeleitet wird, wurde in vielen Fällen außer Kraft gesetzt. Eine Krankheitswelle mit der Urgewalt eines Tsunamis setzt bei Umgehung der humoralen Antikörperabwehr in Form von erhöhter Virulenz im Körper eine gigantische Todeswelle in in Bewegung.

Das angeborene zelluläre Immunsystem wurde durch die Spritzungen und nachfolgenden Durchbruchsinfektionen durch eine immer leichter zu umgehende Antikörperabwehr ersetzt, die nun langsam ihrem Ende entgegen geht. Das bis dato ausgebliebene Krankheitsgefühl wird sich bald einstellen und somit ,symptomatisch' werden. Der Virus wird sich somit im menschlichen Körper ausbreiten und Zytokin Stürme (CTLs) hervorrufen, die letzte noch verbliebene Abwehr. Damit dieses verhindert werden kann, müsste großflächig antiviral im Vorfeld des Tsunamis behandelt werden. Danach ist die Welle einfach zu stark und die Herdenimmunität wird auf traurige Weise ein Gleichgewicht in der Natur schaffen.

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Outside of disorders and harm caused by the shots, I'm not sure about the doomsday variant scenario. Based on other sources the serum antibodies elicited barely have any effect on infection because those antibodies don't enter the mucosa to interact with a virus there. How can they put selection pressure on a virus if they cannot interact with it to any significant degree? That's why the shots (even regular intramuscular vaxxes) don't amount to anything useful since they have no effect on the mucosal immune response . I understand the desire for a revenge viral mutant but the biology surrounding poorly replicating RNA viruses and mucosal immune responses has me skeptical about claims of a highly transmissible, lethal covid variant, even for the vaxxed.

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Feb 2Edited

There was a doctor in one of GVB's latest videos who echoed the same sentiment in regards to the protection against tetanus offered by vaccination ( 2h22m mark of https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/videos-and-interviews/geert-vanden-bossche---ipak-edu-directors-science-webinar). I'm starting to suspect that all of these vaccines might just be a cash grab.

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I came to that conclusion a while ago. They don't work, they have side effects.

I would not get my dog vaccinated now

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Well-articulated doubt. Covid-19 is spread primarily via a respiratory infection. It's the body's job to defend against that. If it doesn't stop it on the front line, then it spreads into the body proper. This, as I understand it, was the "vaccine" best claim: that it would reduce the risk of serious illness (e.g. in the rest of the body). The Covid-19 vaccines provide little or no protection against mucosal infection; thus the "vaccinated" can spread a new bug as if they'd never been jabbed. Even granting that the immunocompromised may breed a lot of mutants in their bodies, to me intuitively, the case seems weak that the monster viruses will easily escape back into the air.

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What's interesting is that the claimthe shots prevented severe disease is based on the presence of serum antibodies, but that ignores the heavy lifting done by the mucosal immune system. Even unvaxxed folks with a decently heavy infection will get some viral spillover into the serum which can trigger igG recall or potentially new antibody production. But it seems more likely to me that this is merely a clean up crew for stray virions. Giving the covid shots the credit for preventing severe disease ignores the massive amount of infection containment done ahead of that point. It's akin to the one guy inside a fortress fighting off the last invader (who managed to get inside) and being hailed as the hero after an onslaught at the wall was mostly thwarted by armed guards on the outside. It's extremely presumptive.

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Interesting! When they were pursuing COVID vaccines, I remember Prof Ian Frazer from Queensland University cautioning the same thing. What is causing all the variants then? Why is our immune system having such a challenging time of gaining an upper hand on this virus?


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I can say that based on what I have read/researched coronaviruses mutate because they inherently make copious frame reading errors across RNA strands. This naturally leads to a swarm of viruses with a basic backbone of similarity (the functionally constrained proteins) but differences in exterior proteins. PCR looks for certain protein signatures, it doesn't track every mutation within people. There are just far too many variants, the entire virus is only variants. As for immune issues, if people who are vaxxed are getting sick more often it may just be side effects from the shots. I didn't get the shot and have only had one decent cold in the two years since I got quite sick. I'd highly recommend watching JJ Couey on twitch to learn about some of this.

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".As for immune issues, if people who are vaxxed are getting sick more often it may just be side effects from the shots"

Granted that the rest of your comment is interesting, it's hard to see how this is the case. Vaccinees are getting sick in waves from vaccine side-effects and those waves are correlating with the prevailing iteration of the virus?

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What I meant is that the immune dysregulation caused by the shots could cause a variety of susceptibility to infection but I don't know how the pieces all fall into place. My point about the variant thing was that there really is no prevailing strain in that sense, it's a swarm of strains, each a little different so how they determine the variant that each person gets seems a bit suspect to me based on the fidelity of the RNA viruses.

(on a side note I know some vaxxed folks but they are not suffering from repeated infections anymore than usual.)

I wish there was a more honest discussion of the immune mechanisms at play. I'd like to see a thorough debate between Geert and some others who have alternate views. One thing that appears to be the big issue is that there is no evidence that serum antibodies can cross the mucosa, they are just too big. So if an infection does not progress to a systemic infection how do those antibodies play a significant role in susceptibility? I would like to know how exactly covid shots affect the innate mucosal immune response because that would be what is determining this increased susceptibility.

I obviously don't know but I sure would like to.

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Feb 3Edited

TLA, you stated....

"Based on other sources the serum antibodies elicited barely have any effect on infection because those antibodies don't enter the mucosa to interact with a virus there"

TLA, I did further digging and it's a little more nuanced than you are suggesting. Yes, as Prof Frazer said, there are essentially two separate immune systems. Yet, even if COVID antibodies don't go into the mucosa upper respiratory tract, the virus often doesn't stay there and will try to descend to the lower tract where it will meet those said antibodies. In a nutshell then, they are interacting and immune pressure is coming into play. The article below details this process.


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Thanks for the link! I knew there was some leakage into the system because people can be measured for IgG antibodies. it does make you wonder to the degree that affects the mucosal response. I think that's part of the problem. Immune systems are highly complex and variable and it gets simplified into "antibodies" and then they say "shots make antibodies so shots good."

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"Functionally conserved proteins" can also be called a "highly conserved" feature of the virus; it means parts of the virus that are important to critical for its life cycle.

RNA viruses don’t “proofread” their reproduction. Relevant to other living things that have better proofreading, that means that random mutation will occur more often in the RNA virus. Mutation is basically random. If it occurs the important bits, it’s far more likely to impair or even kill off the bug. On the other hand, if the error (change) occurs in a “don’t care” part – it’s of little or no consequence.

Natural selection will “select” for traits that are more successful ( = more of that pattern will survive to the next generation.) It is not in the bug’s “interest” if it becomes virulent and tends to weaken or kill its host. It IS in the bug’s interest to maximally exploit the host in producing new (imperfect) copies of itself and spreading them about. What that means simplified, is merely that the bug’s descendants over time will be selected to be infectious (successful at reproducing) but tend to not weaken the host any more than necessary to accomplish goal #1.

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Feb 4Edited

I disagree. The virus is not a sentient thing that will plot its survival and thinking, I better not kill my host. The virus exist to infect cells and mutations that serve that end are selected. As to virulence, it's our immune reaction to virus that determines that. Mutations that are serious threats to the host are more likely to be dealt with and leaving the virus no choice but to chart a less virulent path. Without a good functioning immune response, however, all bets are off as to whether the virus will become more virulent. Sorry, the bet is the virus will become more virulent because that is the only outcome of unchecked propagation.

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This is a terrifying topic, but reading Geert's work gives me goosebumps. The man is brilliant.

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RFK Jr.'s books (at least Fauci and Wuhan, the only two I've read) make Geert sound like a teller of children's bedtime stories in comparison.

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I like great science. Robert O Becker has a good book as well. RFK's book...I've heard great things about it.

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Message to the people orchestrating this génocide; I think members of your staff will kill you when they lose someone they love.

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Ah yes, the Achilles' Heel of all would-be rich and powerful plan for sitting out the end of the world in their yachts/bunkers/remote island fortresses/remodeled volcanoes: Even in normal times, just how trustworthy are your employees? And in a disaster, precisely how long will you be able to hold out, when the outside world no longer supplies what you must (eventually) have? Have you noticed how hard it is to find good help these days?

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The slow build of the Tsunami is already here. I know of NO OTHER virus that can infect you multiple times a year, year after year, raising your stroke, heart attack risk, cause / make dementia worse & more. The vaccine I believe will be doing the same. There is no real “ winning”. That is why it was important to know exactly how, when & who let this lab enhanced virus into the world. All we can do is watch the long term effects unfold.

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Viruses continue to mutate since the beginning of time! Today fear is being pushed to control!

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So the rapid evolution of this virus is no big deal because viruses have evolved since the beginning of time? Right? So all of this is fear porn and should be ignored? Right? Ok - I have a challenge for you. I am sending a link in which highly qualified experienced (two are practicing) doctors are planning treatment for an immune escape variant that is soon to evolve. I want you to watch the entire presentation and then return here and tell me why you think they are just spreading fear porn. https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Interesting scenario. Yep. viruses evolve to survive. The chronic RNA injection push has contributed to the dysfunction of immune systems over the last 3 years which makes more humans more susceptible to the evolving virus. Their intention is not to create fear, but to warn everyone we must stop the injections NOW!

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What scenario? I sent you doctors talking about the clinical implications of dealing with vaccinated folks with altered immune systems? And stopping the injections in already highly vaccinated individuals really makes no difference now as the virus (which has been prevented from moving the population to herd immunity) continues to evolve to defeat the artificial vaccine induced immunity. If you want know more I have everything on this subject.

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Not sure you agree or disagree with stopping the RNA push to inject all of humanity for treating disease states. Root cause is the RNA injections that have interfered with normal cellular function. No doubt there is heightened risk that a mutating virus will decimate the vaccinated.

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It doesn’t matter anymore. 1 injection or 8 will result in the same outcome. No unvaccinated folks are suddenly going to line up for euthanization. So let the vaccinated speed up their deaths if they want. Who cares? They are the walking dead anyway. We (the unvaccinated) just need to think about how we will survive the chaos of the coming mass extinction event. Buying guns and ammo is a good place to start. I bought a gas siphon yesterday. So..

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If you have not seen it yet watch Tucker Carlson's new interview with Bret Weinstein today about the border and Covid. It is as stunning as it is alarming. You have talked about what could happen naturally as a mutation, but why does it have to happen naturally? Could the mutation you fear not be created in a lab and released intentionally? The Chinese population did NOT take any mRNA vaccines and they are invading through the southern border. Just saying... (what Weinstein and Tucker are now openly discussing)

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They, China, ordered a billion MRNA vaccines & then NEVER injected them into humans. It’s very concerning when you have been following all the moves China has made & both past & present

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There were not several immunocompromised individuals that caused this huge jump of more than 100 mutations almost at the same time. They know this. This lie must be exposed.

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Still not yet.

"Despite the fact that this variant probably emerged sometime in September to November last year, it does not seem to have been able to compete with the other predominant circulating variants such as JN.1."

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Yes - I don’t think the BA variants will be the mother of the killer. I just thought it was interesting and a bit amusing that they are attaching Gerrt’s name to it. Kind of a sign of the times in a way.

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