12 days ago I commented that GDB's tsunami variant would be the WEF planned virulent Disease X plandemic when everyone else was asking what virus they were planning on releasing. I have to think they know he is right. They have always known. And they want him to be right. They are trying to kill us off. I got so tired, as a tin foil hat wearing vaccine denier, of being told that natural selection was coming for me. In the end, it is coming for them.

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Better get to higher ground.

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Disease x is this virulent variant Geert is referring to I believe.

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Thanks for sharing this important information Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏

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Yet WHO won't ring the alarm and warn the public in highly vaccinated regions. They won't recommend inexpensive antivirals. Continuing the tsunami analogy, the authorities know it's coming but won't warn people to get off the beach. Almost like they want people to drown.

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Pureblood here, but have friends and family that took the jabs. Question: Geert mentions ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; will these help the body get rid of the vax/spike?

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Just want to be clear on the implications for this. As I understand this, you're saying that the tsunami virus that could arise in this situation will be primarily a danger for those who have been vaccinated, but that those who were not C19 vaccinated will likely be better able to fight this infection. Is that correct? Or should those of us who were not vaccinated also be well prepared with ivermectin, etc?

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Ich glaube, viele Menschen haben ein Problem mit dem Begriff 'asymptomatisch Krank'. Wie kann man krank sein, ohne sich krank zu fühlen. Das veränderte Immunsystem, welches dieses Phänomen herbeiführt, wird mit Herdenimmunität verwechselt. Der Virus ist aber noch aktiv und versucht, dem veränderten Immunsystem des Menschen zu entweichen. Die tatsächliche Herdenimmunität, die eigentlich durch die angeborene zelluläre Immunantwort in Form von trainierten natürlichen Killerzellen eingeleitet wird, wurde in vielen Fällen außer Kraft gesetzt. Eine Krankheitswelle mit der Urgewalt eines Tsunamis setzt bei Umgehung der humoralen Antikörperabwehr in Form von erhöhter Virulenz im Körper eine gigantische Todeswelle in in Bewegung.

Das angeborene zelluläre Immunsystem wurde durch die Spritzungen und nachfolgenden Durchbruchsinfektionen durch eine immer leichter zu umgehende Antikörperabwehr ersetzt, die nun langsam ihrem Ende entgegen geht. Das bis dato ausgebliebene Krankheitsgefühl wird sich bald einstellen und somit ,symptomatisch' werden. Der Virus wird sich somit im menschlichen Körper ausbreiten und Zytokin Stürme (CTLs) hervorrufen, die letzte noch verbliebene Abwehr. Damit dieses verhindert werden kann, müsste großflächig antiviral im Vorfeld des Tsunamis behandelt werden. Danach ist die Welle einfach zu stark und die Herdenimmunität wird auf traurige Weise ein Gleichgewicht in der Natur schaffen.

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Outside of disorders and harm caused by the shots, I'm not sure about the doomsday variant scenario. Based on other sources the serum antibodies elicited barely have any effect on infection because those antibodies don't enter the mucosa to interact with a virus there. How can they put selection pressure on a virus if they cannot interact with it to any significant degree? That's why the shots (even regular intramuscular vaxxes) don't amount to anything useful since they have no effect on the mucosal immune response . I understand the desire for a revenge viral mutant but the biology surrounding poorly replicating RNA viruses and mucosal immune responses has me skeptical about claims of a highly transmissible, lethal covid variant, even for the vaxxed.

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This is a terrifying topic, but reading Geert's work gives me goosebumps. The man is brilliant.

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Message to the people orchestrating this génocide; I think members of your staff will kill you when they lose someone they love.

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The slow build of the Tsunami is already here. I know of NO OTHER virus that can infect you multiple times a year, year after year, raising your stroke, heart attack risk, cause / make dementia worse & more. The vaccine I believe will be doing the same. There is no real “ winning”. That is why it was important to know exactly how, when & who let this lab enhanced virus into the world. All we can do is watch the long term effects unfold.

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Viruses continue to mutate since the beginning of time! Today fear is being pushed to control!

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If you have not seen it yet watch Tucker Carlson's new interview with Bret Weinstein today about the border and Covid. It is as stunning as it is alarming. You have talked about what could happen naturally as a mutation, but why does it have to happen naturally? Could the mutation you fear not be created in a lab and released intentionally? The Chinese population did NOT take any mRNA vaccines and they are invading through the southern border. Just saying... (what Weinstein and Tucker are now openly discussing)

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There were not several immunocompromised individuals that caused this huge jump of more than 100 mutations almost at the same time. They know this. This lie must be exposed.

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