Really wonder if you GvB has been threatened in some ways. It is a odd thing to add a mutant cancer gene, gp130 into the experimental injections if you do not want to harm. What would another cause be? Explain please.

And could you also please explain how dead debris ie the thing you call viruses can replicate?

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I would imagine GvB has been heavily threatened, look at the DOJ in the USA. California all have new laws to destroy anyone questioning the narrative.

David Brock w Soros funding, Media Matters. Has the 65 Project. Weaponizes our justice system against questions, destroy lawyers who question or represent. It’s F ing scary what the Globalist are up to.

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New laws are tried to be pushed through in every country.

Globalists has infiltrated thoroughly with stolen money from the taxpayers over decades upon decades. Look into the Global Shapers (a part of WEF), they have hubs in many main cities in the world where young people are picked to ‘shape’ our future in a way that is not in the best interest of the the public. People need to be non compliant on a massive scale and push back themselves. No rescuers are coming.

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Time to commit short feedback for those fascists (EU 'commission'). Thanks.

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