Money and TIME is so blatant, now with variants BA4 BA5, SIX SEVEN COMING ? how ineffective these mixed shots will be with no study.
Here we witnessed first hand the mixing of astrazenica and sinovac and Moderna and sinovac and Astrazenica and Pfizer we had 7 deaths within 24 hours, all healthy young people, who made that decision to say it was all right? to administer such a cocktail, death but no come back on these people who said yes it will be fine. It is not fine , consequences are not understood and sure as hell 8 mice results to give the ok is so crazy the world has gone inept to have agencies approve such time deficient understanding of booster shots.
Best not to accept any vaccine, including for anyone you are responsible for, because they are worse than useless for any disease prevention, because contagion and vaccination have been scientism scams, for over a century, and similar for the supporting scientism cult, virology! The significantly more toxic C19 vaccines do have a good side effect, waking more people up and getting others off the fence to see, comprehend, and accept that all vaccination is evil.
No amount of testing can genuinely prove the safety of any vaccine, because they are all quite toxic, by design, and the more fraudulent and rushed acceptance of such a statistically invalid rat "safety" study shows even more clearly what a fraud vaccine testing has always been.
All vaccines are a "witches brews" of some of sneaky and nasty toxins, include nano-particles of metals, foreign tissue, and various other nasty adjuvant. At least since the C19 "vaccines", they now also include
(warned) highly toxic synthetic lipids, more metal nano-particles, and even worse, including rGO, as seen in optical microscopes and detected by Raman LASER material analysers, by "rogue" scientists, many of whom seek to stay anonymous to avoid persecution.
5. There is no reliable proof that Spanish Flu was caused by a contagious anything, and why extreme contagion experiments, not mentioned in the video, completely failed to prove contagion, and there was no sensible explanation why it suddenly arose simultaneous across huge geographical areas, including on ships at sea. Arthur Firstenberg in his book "The Invisible Rainbow" observed that many major, alleged, "contagion pandemics" just so happened to coincide with periods of abnormal (non-sinusoidal) RF, especially from sudden advances/installation in/of man-made RF.
Thank you for the information, I had no idea about the high rate of fraud (20% ) from supposedly high integrity members or society, truly shows how lack of check and balances have been allowed to fester and prosper from false trials. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be so far down a rabbit hole with this covid disease and find all these bad outcomes that have been perpetuated on society, so many have so much to answer for their complicit actions. If these people were entrusted to do mechanical work on my car I doubt the car would function as it should and become a danger to myself and other road users, that is where we are, as I see it, with these shots -boosters- tablets - my awoken skepticism is here till my end of days. Have a good Sunday.
Should be safe in Salt Lake City - interestingly enough, should be plenty of fresh salt there too!!
The are 2 schools of thought - your virology one, which I disagree with or my salt water one, which I do agree with, after all, why wait until there is an infection in the body and try and cure it with vaccines which obviously don't work and were never intended to.
So my salt water method means treating the infection in the nasal passages of the head, before it gets to be Covid/Pneumonia anything - you cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and therein is the Achilles heel of all Coronaviruses - kill them and nothing happens afterwards - this tried and tested by the author, who for the past 29 years plus, has never been sick from viruses or ill for that matter from anything external to the body.
At the moment, according to the news, Biden's vaccines are exterminating more people than both Hitler and Stalin managed to do combined, so much for these vaccines!!
Common Sense vs Big Pharma. 1) Kill viruses. 2) Kill injected nanotechnology?
"Basically" there are only 2 ways that we can get an external infection:
A) Virus B) Bite - like a mosquito for example. C) If you inherited Genes from a relative, then you have whatever/however they impact on your body and that is par for the course and bad luck.
1) So, why wait for a virus, to infect your nasal passages in your head and cause an illness in your body, which was completely avoidable from the outset, by "wasting" 3 minutes of your time to get the job done?
2) Don't tell me, you want to try out Pfizer's and other vaccine makers undisclosed Genetic Therapies, to see if they work, or do nothing, or do something else completely different to your body, which you cannot stop from occurring!! like Duh!!
If vaccinated Richard Noakes estimates a probable baseline of 2.22% per second for life, of you getting a 5G signal to the vaccinated injected nanotechnology in your body which orders your brain to have a heart attack which kills you or injures you, until the next time you get the signal - which then kills you.
1) 3 minutes from preparation to job done!!
Everything else you have read, or heard, is totally irrelevant - how simple is that?
Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any soreness at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.
My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure - that is, after you have been out shopping, or mixing with people with potentially, Omicron or Delta viruses, or any other unrelated virus.
It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and down the back of your throat, when sore.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 29 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either. I have never had a vaccine, I never had the yearly Flu shots (8%) effective.
Sure I get viruses, I had one a couple of days ago - a quick salt water sniffle/snort, killed it off really quickly.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, or you sneeze more often than usual, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible and monitor the results, to see if further salt water sniffles are necessary, but a couple of hours later - so far - I remain immune from potential Covid infections, by doing just this.
Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure. Obviously if you are allergic to salt, don't do it.
Richard Noakes
If mRNA Vaccinated:
2) Richard has also "suggested a possible one second cure" for those mRNA vaccinated, who now have a 10 digit number when holding an iPhone to the arm, in Bluetooth, that the way to kill the nanotechnology which was injected at the time of getting the vaccine, "might be" to touch a strand of an electric cattle fence with both hands and get the electric jolt (2 or 3 times?) - this might short out the nanotechnology and parasites which rely on the bodies electricity to function, restoring your body to it's original state? prior to mRNA vaccination???
If you don't have a 10 digit number after the jolt or jolts, then theoretically you have shorted out the nanotachnology and a way to monitor that is with your iPhone in Bluetooth - no number, no problem - right?
An alarming number of vaccine recipients suffered from severe and debilitating complications. Growing increasingly concerned, the physician decided to study messenger RNA (mRNA) and its effects on DNA. After speaking with colleagues and conducting numerous experiments, she made a startling discovery. When the Bluetooth setting was activated near immunized individuals, a "unique identification code" appeared on her smartphone’s screen. Each person seemingly contained an internal technological device. During an interview transcribed by Orwell City, Dr. Brandolino shared her startling findings: Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie? Dr. Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Dr. Kalcker. It’s clearly seen in the magnification: a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology-responsive devices. That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit, is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G. All that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor— in a device which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst and, as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna and the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain.
If mRNA Vaccinated – there are no mRNA in the shots and there never was, it all is a con to get you to have the vaccines with the intention of killing you, as quickly as possible:
There is an element of risk in everything and you must understand that, however, don't try it if you have a Pacemaker and DO NOT short your body out on household electricity as THAT will kill you, bearing in mind the Police Taser is much more powerful than an electric cattle fence, as a possible final resort
How lovely - mind you, I don't use a sea shell, don't have any here - or big enough for that matter - I could have said go down to the sea and sniff or snort sea water up into your head, because it is pretty much the same thing, but with pollution in the seas and all that, it did not seem to be a very good idea especially as sea water is usually, bloody cold!!
You still in Thai or married a foreigner to get out of that life style and into theirs? Could have done it myself, but felt their culture was much better than my own and I did not want them home alone, while I had my European background to keep me happy, so that never happened.
Saw some people who kept their married partners in the countries of their birth, sending them money from time to time and then visiting for free holidays plus sex - I thought that was a pretty low sort of thing for anyone to do, not me at all (shudder).
Best Wishes, Keep Safe, Be well - Long Life and all that, you and yours...
I use the table salt my point was those who swim and go underwater get their salt dose, I have been here 13 years married to a Thai , set up and invested it is a good life , whatever they say now I not listen their genie is out of the bottle and will not go back in for so many people who have seen through the complicit actions
Free choice to post absolutley must remain, you do not have to agree with those post but having difference of opinion from any standpoint needs to be shared and viewed from their shoes other wise no understanding is possible and no dialogue is shared when a one side argument , being removed from platforms as I have been (utube) for continued bashing and calling out about ivermectin, removing me or anyone amounts to censorship , if Richards posts bother you so much just skim past them, ignore them. But do not get in the camp of removal because of volume, have a good day.
Im not for removal, im against spamming and mindless sloganeering, which is what you are doing if you post stuff you cannot stand behind and talk about on your own.
If Richard has his own substack, you can easily refer to it and save us a lot of scrolling.
Dr. GVB, is this the famous scientist you mentioned last year who secretly agreed with you, but didn't have the courage to speak out like you did? He's from Belgium as well.
The deaths in Australia are massive. 10,000 excess above historical average (only 25 M in the country) from Jan-May 2022. Recall that some states had closed borders so no lockdowns or covid transmission. They aren't releasing the state data until 2023. It would be a fantastic experiment to see the state breakdown of the data but no one seems interested.
Geert, I just watched the Better Way Vienna Conference and I have to thank you for your brilliant contributions to both the conference and the rally. Thank you so much!
Wow. Super shocked you have promoted a propaganda piece on a million suppositions on the spanish flu that of course fails to give one mention to the Rosenau study on transmission (or complete and utter lack thereof) that took place in the middle of it
With the reported disinterest of the public with the 'Omicron' booster, will the mild symptoms & recovery from the vaxxed populations still be able to play a large enough role to promote HERD IMMUNITY and end the spread of this disease as you once stated last December?
Research, going forward , needs constant surveillance and decent honorable people, that genuinely care about mankind . It’s turning into a bad sci fi movie.
Thanks Geert - Really enjoyed the video on the Spanish Flu. I am not sure about an oral nasal vaccine being developed developed for respiratory illnesses - it may certainly be better then a jab in the arm (as this does not work). One Dr informed me that one of the issues (whilst currently undertaken research is biggest issue is "close to the brain-barrier".
Stunning’: The Real Reason Health Officials Won’t Let Independent Scientists Examine mRNA Vaccine Vials
A data leak suggests the real reason health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists is that the vials are all different — and the mRNA in the shots is not intact !
Yes there doesnt seem to be mandatory random testing of the vials for quality control. This is unacceptable. Whether the product actually works and is safe is another question entirely.
Influenzas are very different than coronaviruses in that they undergo significant seasonal antigenic shift making the development of effective vaccines very difficult. I think it deserves discussion to consider if annual flu vaccines collectively contribute to a healthier population or a more vulnerable one. Despite an almost two decade campaign to push influenza vaccines with, in many states, as much as an 80% compliance, there has been no corresponding decrease in annual flu deaths.
2009's H1N1 influenza, another swine flu, spread even faster than the 1918 swine flu pandemic. Medical professionals feared for the elderly and infirm but it was not the elderly who were affected by H1N1 but the young; it seems the elderly had some cross protection from previous infection with a swine flu type likely in the 1970s. Vaccines for H1N1 came late after the influenza had been widely spread and were largely ineffective at preventing illness or decreasing influenza death. Ultimately we have not come far from 1918 where it was natural herd immunity that finally brought the 2009 H1N1 pandemic to a close.
As far as precautions with a coronavirus, social distancing and masking had little effect on ending the pandemic because the virus was always going to wait. Coronaviruses, like other single strand RNA viruses, mutate frequent because they lack an efficient proofreading ability but they do not undergo antigenic shift thus why measles vaccines (measles is a single strand RNA virus) do not need to be updated annually. Fear porn of some more virulent strain of SARS CoV2 is hyperbole and perhaps even propaganda because there is no reason to believe SARS CoV2 is more likely to become more virulent than any of the other four circulating human coronaviruses and in fact, when a virus is novel like SARS CoV2, while it does mutate more frequently as it adapts to it's new host, it generally becomes less virulent just as SARS CoV2 has.
Similar to influenza pandemics, SARs CoV2 pandemic only wound down when sufficient numbers of people became infected by and recovered from the disease. Whether "vaccines" for influenza or coronaviruses actually decrease death has yet to be proven but at best they are treatments not vaccines and at unknown collective affect on general health. With an increase in chronic illness, including multiple auto immune diseases as well as increase in cancers, one should be asking whether the collective affect of hundreds of "vaccines" including numerous new ones for adults that seem to not eliminate disease but by some theoretical claim "decrease risk of severe disease and death" making mandates ethical might be following a very established scientific law the second law of thermodynamics and increasing human morbidity and possibly mortality by an equal but opposite reaction on human physiology.
Money and TIME is so blatant, now with variants BA4 BA5, SIX SEVEN COMING ? how ineffective these mixed shots will be with no study.
Here we witnessed first hand the mixing of astrazenica and sinovac and Moderna and sinovac and Astrazenica and Pfizer we had 7 deaths within 24 hours, all healthy young people, who made that decision to say it was all right? to administer such a cocktail, death but no come back on these people who said yes it will be fine. It is not fine , consequences are not understood and sure as hell 8 mice results to give the ok is so crazy the world has gone inept to have agencies approve such time deficient understanding of booster shots.
Best not to accept any vaccine, including for anyone you are responsible for, because they are worse than useless for any disease prevention, because contagion and vaccination have been scientism scams, for over a century, and similar for the supporting scientism cult, virology! The significantly more toxic C19 vaccines do have a good side effect, waking more people up and getting others off the fence to see, comprehend, and accept that all vaccination is evil.
No amount of testing can genuinely prove the safety of any vaccine, because they are all quite toxic, by design, and the more fraudulent and rushed acceptance of such a statistically invalid rat "safety" study shows even more clearly what a fraud vaccine testing has always been.
All vaccines are a "witches brews" of some of sneaky and nasty toxins, include nano-particles of metals, foreign tissue, and various other nasty adjuvant. At least since the C19 "vaccines", they now also include
(warned) highly toxic synthetic lipids, more metal nano-particles, and even worse, including rGO, as seen in optical microscopes and detected by Raman LASER material analysers, by "rogue" scientists, many of whom seek to stay anonymous to avoid persecution.
5. There is no reliable proof that Spanish Flu was caused by a contagious anything, and why extreme contagion experiments, not mentioned in the video, completely failed to prove contagion, and there was no sensible explanation why it suddenly arose simultaneous across huge geographical areas, including on ships at sea. Arthur Firstenberg in his book "The Invisible Rainbow" observed that many major, alleged, "contagion pandemics" just so happened to coincide with periods of abnormal (non-sinusoidal) RF, especially from sudden advances/installation in/of man-made RF.
Thank you for the information, I had no idea about the high rate of fraud (20% ) from supposedly high integrity members or society, truly shows how lack of check and balances have been allowed to fester and prosper from false trials. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be so far down a rabbit hole with this covid disease and find all these bad outcomes that have been perpetuated on society, so many have so much to answer for their complicit actions. If these people were entrusted to do mechanical work on my car I doubt the car would function as it should and become a danger to myself and other road users, that is where we are, as I see it, with these shots -boosters- tablets - my awoken skepticism is here till my end of days. Have a good Sunday.
"Conclusion: Mucosal vaccines do not constitute a sound approach to fighting the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic."
And is anyone interested in an mRNA nasal vaccine? I know I'm not.
They don't need your consent to give it to you. They can potentially spray it in the air. They could likely start at public areas, like malls.
I am interested in traditional vaccine administered with nasals spray and oral tablet. Synthetic pesticides are ruining the GI mucosal layer.
Should be safe in Salt Lake City - interestingly enough, should be plenty of fresh salt there too!!
The are 2 schools of thought - your virology one, which I disagree with or my salt water one, which I do agree with, after all, why wait until there is an infection in the body and try and cure it with vaccines which obviously don't work and were never intended to.
So my salt water method means treating the infection in the nasal passages of the head, before it gets to be Covid/Pneumonia anything - you cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and therein is the Achilles heel of all Coronaviruses - kill them and nothing happens afterwards - this tried and tested by the author, who for the past 29 years plus, has never been sick from viruses or ill for that matter from anything external to the body.
At the moment, according to the news, Biden's vaccines are exterminating more people than both Hitler and Stalin managed to do combined, so much for these vaccines!!
Common Sense vs Big Pharma. 1) Kill viruses. 2) Kill injected nanotechnology?
"Basically" there are only 2 ways that we can get an external infection:
A) Virus B) Bite - like a mosquito for example. C) If you inherited Genes from a relative, then you have whatever/however they impact on your body and that is par for the course and bad luck.
1) So, why wait for a virus, to infect your nasal passages in your head and cause an illness in your body, which was completely avoidable from the outset, by "wasting" 3 minutes of your time to get the job done?
2) Don't tell me, you want to try out Pfizer's and other vaccine makers undisclosed Genetic Therapies, to see if they work, or do nothing, or do something else completely different to your body, which you cannot stop from occurring!! like Duh!!
If vaccinated Richard Noakes estimates a probable baseline of 2.22% per second for life, of you getting a 5G signal to the vaccinated injected nanotechnology in your body which orders your brain to have a heart attack which kills you or injures you, until the next time you get the signal - which then kills you.
1) 3 minutes from preparation to job done!!
Everything else you have read, or heard, is totally irrelevant - how simple is that?
Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any soreness at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.
My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure - that is, after you have been out shopping, or mixing with people with potentially, Omicron or Delta viruses, or any other unrelated virus.
It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and down the back of your throat, when sore.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 29 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either. I have never had a vaccine, I never had the yearly Flu shots (8%) effective.
Sure I get viruses, I had one a couple of days ago - a quick salt water sniffle/snort, killed it off really quickly.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, or you sneeze more often than usual, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible and monitor the results, to see if further salt water sniffles are necessary, but a couple of hours later - so far - I remain immune from potential Covid infections, by doing just this.
Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure. Obviously if you are allergic to salt, don't do it.
Richard Noakes
If mRNA Vaccinated:
2) Richard has also "suggested a possible one second cure" for those mRNA vaccinated, who now have a 10 digit number when holding an iPhone to the arm, in Bluetooth, that the way to kill the nanotechnology which was injected at the time of getting the vaccine, "might be" to touch a strand of an electric cattle fence with both hands and get the electric jolt (2 or 3 times?) - this might short out the nanotechnology and parasites which rely on the bodies electricity to function, restoring your body to it's original state? prior to mRNA vaccination???
If you don't have a 10 digit number after the jolt or jolts, then theoretically you have shorted out the nanotachnology and a way to monitor that is with your iPhone in Bluetooth - no number, no problem - right?
An alarming number of vaccine recipients suffered from severe and debilitating complications. Growing increasingly concerned, the physician decided to study messenger RNA (mRNA) and its effects on DNA. After speaking with colleagues and conducting numerous experiments, she made a startling discovery. When the Bluetooth setting was activated near immunized individuals, a "unique identification code" appeared on her smartphone’s screen. Each person seemingly contained an internal technological device. During an interview transcribed by Orwell City, Dr. Brandolino shared her startling findings: Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie? Dr. Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Dr. Kalcker. It’s clearly seen in the magnification: a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology-responsive devices. That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit, is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G. All that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor— in a device which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst and, as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna and the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain.
If mRNA Vaccinated – there are no mRNA in the shots and there never was, it all is a con to get you to have the vaccines with the intention of killing you, as quickly as possible:
There is an element of risk in everything and you must understand that, however, don't try it if you have a Pacemaker and DO NOT short your body out on household electricity as THAT will kill you, bearing in mind the Police Taser is much more powerful than an electric cattle fence, as a possible final resort
Nothing ventured, nothing gained?
From Richard Noakes - posted by me - Christine
demographics of sea dwellers who use the ocean have low infections, from all my research.
listening to a sea shell while doing the salt treatment in the nasal passage brings the memory of beachside visit.
Re: brings the memory of beachside visit.
How lovely - mind you, I don't use a sea shell, don't have any here - or big enough for that matter - I could have said go down to the sea and sniff or snort sea water up into your head, because it is pretty much the same thing, but with pollution in the seas and all that, it did not seem to be a very good idea especially as sea water is usually, bloody cold!!
You still in Thai or married a foreigner to get out of that life style and into theirs? Could have done it myself, but felt their culture was much better than my own and I did not want them home alone, while I had my European background to keep me happy, so that never happened.
Saw some people who kept their married partners in the countries of their birth, sending them money from time to time and then visiting for free holidays plus sex - I thought that was a pretty low sort of thing for anyone to do, not me at all (shudder).
Best Wishes, Keep Safe, Be well - Long Life and all that, you and yours...
Much Laughter!!
I use the table salt my point was those who swim and go underwater get their salt dose, I have been here 13 years married to a Thai , set up and invested it is a good life , whatever they say now I not listen their genie is out of the bottle and will not go back in for so many people who have seen through the complicit actions
Why doesnt Richard Noakes post on his own substack instead of spamming everyone else?
Free choice to post absolutley must remain, you do not have to agree with those post but having difference of opinion from any standpoint needs to be shared and viewed from their shoes other wise no understanding is possible and no dialogue is shared when a one side argument , being removed from platforms as I have been (utube) for continued bashing and calling out about ivermectin, removing me or anyone amounts to censorship , if Richards posts bother you so much just skim past them, ignore them. But do not get in the camp of removal because of volume, have a good day.
Im not for removal, im against spamming and mindless sloganeering, which is what you are doing if you post stuff you cannot stand behind and talk about on your own.
If Richard has his own substack, you can easily refer to it and save us a lot of scrolling.
You are also free to ignore my complaints :)
Debate is healthy as your opinion is
Dr. GVB, is this the famous scientist you mentioned last year who secretly agreed with you, but didn't have the courage to speak out like you did? He's from Belgium as well.
When will the medicine man stop playing with the DNA of human life which will only end in a massive disaster?
The deaths in Australia are massive. 10,000 excess above historical average (only 25 M in the country) from Jan-May 2022. Recall that some states had closed borders so no lockdowns or covid transmission. They aren't releasing the state data until 2023. It would be a fantastic experiment to see the state breakdown of the data but no one seems interested.
Geert, I just watched the Better Way Vienna Conference and I have to thank you for your brilliant contributions to both the conference and the rally. Thank you so much!
Thanks Dr Bossche much appreciated 👍
Does anybody want truth about 'Spanish Flu' ?
Go to page 27 (ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED) of John Sorensen/Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's (RIP) document "THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT"
Wow. Super shocked you have promoted a propaganda piece on a million suppositions on the spanish flu that of course fails to give one mention to the Rosenau study on transmission (or complete and utter lack thereof) that took place in the middle of it
most of YouTube 'science' is baloney / propaganda recently.
With the reported disinterest of the public with the 'Omicron' booster, will the mild symptoms & recovery from the vaxxed populations still be able to play a large enough role to promote HERD IMMUNITY and end the spread of this disease as you once stated last December?
Research, going forward , needs constant surveillance and decent honorable people, that genuinely care about mankind . It’s turning into a bad sci fi movie.
Thanks Geert - Really enjoyed the video on the Spanish Flu. I am not sure about an oral nasal vaccine being developed developed for respiratory illnesses - it may certainly be better then a jab in the arm (as this does not work). One Dr informed me that one of the issues (whilst currently undertaken research is biggest issue is "close to the brain-barrier".
Stunning’: The Real Reason Health Officials Won’t Let Independent Scientists Examine mRNA Vaccine Vials
A data leak suggests the real reason health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists is that the vials are all different — and the mRNA in the shots is not intact !
Yes there doesnt seem to be mandatory random testing of the vials for quality control. This is unacceptable. Whether the product actually works and is safe is another question entirely.
This is actually why not safe among many other reasons....different mRNA, HALF mRNA in each vial.
Half the amount of LNPs containing spike mRNAs, or LNPs containing broken/halved spike mRNAs? There will be quite a difference.
If it is just a reduced dosage of the intended product, all the better in terms of reduced damage to the injectee.
Influenzas are very different than coronaviruses in that they undergo significant seasonal antigenic shift making the development of effective vaccines very difficult. I think it deserves discussion to consider if annual flu vaccines collectively contribute to a healthier population or a more vulnerable one. Despite an almost two decade campaign to push influenza vaccines with, in many states, as much as an 80% compliance, there has been no corresponding decrease in annual flu deaths.
2009's H1N1 influenza, another swine flu, spread even faster than the 1918 swine flu pandemic. Medical professionals feared for the elderly and infirm but it was not the elderly who were affected by H1N1 but the young; it seems the elderly had some cross protection from previous infection with a swine flu type likely in the 1970s. Vaccines for H1N1 came late after the influenza had been widely spread and were largely ineffective at preventing illness or decreasing influenza death. Ultimately we have not come far from 1918 where it was natural herd immunity that finally brought the 2009 H1N1 pandemic to a close.
As far as precautions with a coronavirus, social distancing and masking had little effect on ending the pandemic because the virus was always going to wait. Coronaviruses, like other single strand RNA viruses, mutate frequent because they lack an efficient proofreading ability but they do not undergo antigenic shift thus why measles vaccines (measles is a single strand RNA virus) do not need to be updated annually. Fear porn of some more virulent strain of SARS CoV2 is hyperbole and perhaps even propaganda because there is no reason to believe SARS CoV2 is more likely to become more virulent than any of the other four circulating human coronaviruses and in fact, when a virus is novel like SARS CoV2, while it does mutate more frequently as it adapts to it's new host, it generally becomes less virulent just as SARS CoV2 has.
Similar to influenza pandemics, SARs CoV2 pandemic only wound down when sufficient numbers of people became infected by and recovered from the disease. Whether "vaccines" for influenza or coronaviruses actually decrease death has yet to be proven but at best they are treatments not vaccines and at unknown collective affect on general health. With an increase in chronic illness, including multiple auto immune diseases as well as increase in cancers, one should be asking whether the collective affect of hundreds of "vaccines" including numerous new ones for adults that seem to not eliminate disease but by some theoretical claim "decrease risk of severe disease and death" making mandates ethical might be following a very established scientific law the second law of thermodynamics and increasing human morbidity and possibly mortality by an equal but opposite reaction on human physiology.
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