“His incompetence, hubris, awe-inspiring ego and commitment to being wrong in every possible circumstance is quite literally incomparable.” I've never read or heard a more accurate statement about Dr. F.

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Thank you Geert!

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shared Thanks for your work

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Faucxi= bernie maddoff fame, may he be put in the same cell for having absolute disdain for fellow humans. NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM NARCISSISTS AND THESE ARE THE CLEAREST EXAMPLES OF WHAT A NARCISSIST LOOKS LIKE, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Ole brandon on the red lighted stage murmuring absolute blithering fool threats is the most spectacular example of how they'll implode from their own self agrandized stupidity. Arrogant fools just get worse and worse until they self destruct. These vax's are a form of self destruction for those too deceived with arrogance to see the truth. If you posted a selfie of you getting a jab and shaming others to do so, that is a red flag to yourself that you are a narcissist! Get help and find humility b4 you get any worse.

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You may be so right! The jabbed victims may actually "explode" because of nano tech in the vaccines becoming super charged with 5G. Many more towers were built during the

lock downs. SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly on MeWe.


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Maybe it's more like "implode." DIABOLICAL!

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So Ivermectin actually works! And now, we are free AFTER so many deaths to proclaim it. And now, the PTB wish to get us to take another jab full of all the Covid Variant 'protections' AND one for the Flu (all in one shot mind). I don't think I'm going to fall for that. I don't think anyone else (or many) will either if they've been paying attention. I do have one question though: If Ivermectin is a good anti viral (and it works on many like 6 different pathways for humans), how is it at helping Corona Virus infections in other mammals? Just wondering if anyone ever looked at it. I tried a cat appropriate dose on my cat (the one of which sheds / has mild Corona every so often when stressed), and it shuts down the symptoms in less than 24 hrs. Was a very interesting finding. Now I wonder......

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They haven't proclaimed, studying it. Fauci will never allow its approval, as that will force the shutdown of the EUA. He pulled the same crap with alternatives to AZT re AIDS. The guy community pushed for an alternative, which Fauci finally agreed to put thru trials. This ticked Big Pharma off, as they were off patent drugs. But he told Big Pharna, "Don't worry, I'll make sure it fails." It's in RFK's book. Fauci's a criminal.

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Very interesting...

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What would be interesting to know is if the vet researchers were 'guided' away from this type of investigation? Since the vets are often involved in animal research with is combined with the human researchers in development of treatments and 'vaccines'.... I remember a novel drug they developed to treat FIV in cats. Results very very promising! Never made it to market. Squashed. Why?? Could it also have had applications for HUMANS?

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Yay!! Another post from the master.

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That horrible image of that beautiful little girl being surrounded by 'handlers' to lull her into a sense of security before they jab her makes my blood boil.

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Thank You!

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Knowing Fauci and the NIH….they will only approve Ivermectin studies , through the IRB , after the viral replication phase is done so it appears repurposed drugs like Ivermectin, don’t work .

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Yes, there have been "studies" that have administered IVM too late and also in too small a dose and for too short a time period, in direct contradiction to what had been discovered by that time about its proper application, all designed to "prove" that IVM doesn't work.

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When medical students, residents and attendings and scientists can sit down and have an open honest discussion/ debate with real studies regarding repurposed drugs , I will not trust our alphabet soup agencies. These new drugs cost the consumer a fortune and may not be as efficacious as the repurposed drugs. All leads back to big Pharmas’ pocketbook .

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Thanks Geert much appreciated this information thanks for sharing

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TLDR: Insane criminal avariciousness running riot, so sod safety and effectiveness!

1. Quite shockingly and revealing negligence/criminality violating long-standing vaccine safety rules, but then, as is more widely known again, no vaccine has ever really been safe, or even effective, because they are based upon multiple layers of fraudulent scientism.

2. I'm not surprised, I suspected dire consequences as soon as, the frankly criminal use of, mRNA was mentioned for vaccines in 2000, so malfeasance was clearly involved, what ever the far more toxic C19 vaccines actually contain. Those involved pushing and "authorising" this should be prosecuted and face severe punishment.

3. Fauci has clearly been a career criminal bureaucrat for decades now, given apparent far earlier abuses!

4. This seems like another brewing C19 scandal in the making.

5. It's a bit late now! It may have prevented a lot of deaths during the plandemic, if it hadn't been smeared by fake science, and corrupt mass media and authorities, and also banned by some authorities, including by avaricious hospital management! Like some other relevant and cheap generic drugs, it was probably smeared and banned because it removed all justification for the lucrative "emergency" C19 vaccines, and for more toxic, lucrative proprietary drugs. Ivermectin's antiparasitic nature may have also been rather inconvenient too, because someone may have been deliberately spreading parasites, like in the C19 vaccines.

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Do we need to read and hear any MORE lies? Not me! The whole COVID


Arrest Menglefauci and his evil cohorts! He SHOULD have been in the 1980's!



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Thank you sir

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5. NIH Finally Supports the Use of Ivermectin for COVID-19?

The website only lists ivermectin as approved for use in those clinical trials, stating that it "recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19" for any situation outside of those tests.


And, of course, there are no clinical trials of ivermectin in treating C19 in the United States.

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How long does it take to do a clinical trial of IVM. They have had over two years! They won't do a trial that "shows" it fails because then they would be open to prosecution. So IVM will stay in this holding place.

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BTW, unvaxxed, and got Covid almost 3 weeks ago. Nasty. Fever, hiccupped for 5 straight hours, too weak to stop them Finally fell asleep, woke up, and hiccupped for another day and a half, though now could stop them, if I could hold my breath 90 seconds. Brutal. Have ivermectin, was taking double doses some days. FLCCC recommends .6 mg per kg per day for 5 days. I took for 8 days, til symptoms gone, then tested negative. The first night it reminded me when Harry Potter first met the Dementors on the train. All dark, black, overwhelming, extreme weakness. Couldn't stand up. Collapsed in bed, then the hiccupping started. Surreal experience. Ivermectin, C, D ,Quercetin, Zinc did the trick. Followed FLCCC guidelines.

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