Will be buying your book and no doubt re-reading it a few times. 🙏

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lol, exactly my thoughts too!! Will need to read a few times but the time spent will be worth it!

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: )

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We missed you A LOT! Glad you are back after this long silence. Can't wait to dig into your book. THANK YOU for all your effort, Dr.Geert.

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"Gonorrhea Strain"

omg - the CGG for this one looks like a pair of BURNING, HAIRY BALLS.

Visual pun made me laff.

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Misterkel... you made me laugh... I’m sure GVB is laughing too (I hope )... Anyway enjoyed reading your topics and waiting for your publication. Please discuss the various vaccines in the vaccine schedule and which would you give to your children and which you would not and why. God help us with this MRNA technology, they injected pregnant women without solid studies , phase trials ... nothing , nada , zero .

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2 boys, unvaxxed for anything. 12 and 10.

Super healthy. When they get sick, it's mild and brief and rare.

Friends vaxxed kids? Frequent, long, and moderate - not severe, but not mild either.

We do homeschool, however, so... grain of salt and confounds and all that.

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yes, my sister is fully vaxxed and she has had:

2 times covid

a herpes fungal infection on her left cornea (eye)

rashes at various parts of her body

swollen lymph nodes,

numerous other maladies.

she does not believe it is the vaxx causing all of her woes but.... who really knows

She is also, because she likes money, in a blood study "trial" of her former employer NIH Bethesda - Fauci and Collins.

I asked if she had to offer any information about her illnesses and such She said "no, they just take my blood".

So, she is just a specimen- kind of like a beagle puppy

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So much for good blood studies.

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I know. She said they do not ask you to fill out any forms about what meds you are on, OR what afflictions you are past or present being treated for.

She is taking a DMARD for severe eczema. It turns your immune system to shit.

she ran a fever and was sick for two days after her cat scratched her on her hand!!!

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I'm sure you have noticed what pharma ads almost always quickly say at the end of their ads. The drug could mess with you immune system.

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NIH is a "clinic" and they do "studies"

My sister used to work there as an RN. She has "good school skills" but no common sense at all. Never did. So, this does not shock me. I do not mess with her. She is in her own world

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Blessings to you all 💙

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oh, btw - Brandon IS my brother's name, so that made me chuckle.

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My kids made it up …Joe Biden themed from the game on TV

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Speaking of that "burn" thing. Check out Dr Malone's Friday Funnies


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agree. I nearly threw up hahaha

This was a really "vivid" image that I am not certain how I am going to erase it from my

brain picture folder. Aaaak

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Booze and pot can erase things.

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I heard long Covid can do that, too. LC can do Anything. anything bad.

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There is the Vanden Bossche - Yeadon - Bhakdi axis.

What more do you need?

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My thoughts exactly.

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See them in series:

Yeadon: No.

Bhakdi: Hell, no!

VDB: OMG what have you done!?

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cg … awesome 🌝😎

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And now the CDC has added Covid jabs to the childhood vax schedule. Even as low as six months. Currently they are recommended and not mandated. Unbelievable. No, actually criminal.

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Thanks so much for the outstanding work and contributions Dr Bossche looking forward to reading this so much

Kind regards Paul

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"They are so obsessed with intervening in the immune system that they have completely forgotten about the crucial role of our first line of defense, the innate immune system." So many people trying to play God these days.

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Yep. It is pure arrogance.

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You nailed it. And we fail at every turn.

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this is not a mistake or lack of understanding....

Merck’s oral antiviral pill for COVID-19, molnupiravir — marketed under the name Lagevrio — may be fueling the development of new and potentially deadly variants of COVID-19, according to the authors of a new preprint study. “It’s not a surprise that molnupiravir could cause [the] escape of mutant virus strains or substrains into the population,” said Dr. Harvey Risch. “Its main function is to get the virus to mutate faster.”


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How many budding, woke biologists, chemists, epidemiologists, immunologists, doctors, nurses and other health care scientists will be trained under the faucian "the science" method and who will flood the information-space with their gibberish. . .attempting to correct their misguided actions, papers, and speech at the end of the education-experience production line is an exercise in futility. . .the problem can only be fixed at the beginning of the production line. . .when they are young and can be taught, imbued with the proper skeptical, freethinking skills

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This is first, foremost, critically, and continuosly a parental responsibility. . .

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So true Bill. They enter their chosen fields thinking they will be given the most accurate information available. Little do they know that they will be given pharma-doctrine.

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Thank you Geert ! Blessing to you and all of us that have been vaccinated as well !

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Good comments today GVB .. we missed u.

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Oh my, you wrote an entire book on it!

I'm sure to buy it.

I modelled the Delta outbreak and displacement by Omicron based on what I learnt from you.

Thank you!


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Ok maybe I’m just dumb on seeing something here but why is a drop in fertility after *9* months important? I know babies grow over 9 months, but you can tell if you’re fertile or not before 9 months. And of course fertility drops are not good, but I see the 9 months mentioned for birth rate drops as well and wouldn’t we also see drops before then, too? Unless they’re extremely late miscarriages/stillbirths?

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How do i order the book?

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One correction - only three of the childhood vaccines (or combos) are live attenuated - the MMR, rotavirus and varicella.

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Aren't there some 70 required child vaccines now?

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Yes, most are from the killed virus.

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should have used the word pathogen instead of virus, since some are also bacteria.

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Thank you Dr.. You are are treasure to humanity.

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