Keep screaming to the heavens Geert. The world does not see what is coming. Please don’t stop the interviews. I repeatedly watch every one that comes out. I wish Peter M. Or Robert M. Would interview you!!!!!

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Me too. Many times each. And I take notes - rewind, because Every word is meaningful.

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Those of us who attended The Better Way Conference were fortunate to see and listen to Dr Geert Vanden Bossche in person. It was a tonic. Is it possible the adeno vector experimental biologicals are responsible for the adeno41 hepatitis in toddlers, and now monkeyPox? Chimpanzee vector used in development of Astra Zeneca, not clear about the other non MRNA experimental biologicals. Why isn’t this even mentioned?

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The linked MSN article adamantly denies the possibility. Of course.

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Could you give your opinion on the monkeypox topic. Dr.? Why is the pox popping up everywhere at the *exactly* same time now? Isn't that kind of weird if the transmission only occurs from close contacts? Shouldn't the pox appear first in one or two countries and then spread to other countries slowly over time? Thanks for everything you're doing.

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It was planned.

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What's bizarre and crazy is that we have to put into law recognizing basic biology like natural immunity. That's how screwy we've become in our mental illness and hysterical state.

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That pic of Trudeau, triggered me so then I see this...From Lili Chili's substack: "PHAC Where is the follow up?" https://lilychili.substack.com/p/phac?s=r

I can't anymore....sad and desperate in Canada.... :(

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I feel for you StellaMaris - I feel exactly the same here in Italy. I'm sad and don't know what to do or think. I just never imagined this would happen in our lifetimes. My friends always used to laugh and tease me cos I was a bit of 'pessimist' - but by golly, I think now no-one is laughing anymore. I can't take much more of this insanity. How is such evil being allowed to continue so openly - how is no-one able to stop it ? How come people that have committed such terrible crimes (Fauci for one), are still out there spreading evil ? I JUST DON'T GET IT. 😪😪😪

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I keep saying that too, I just don't Get it. Why do the Globalists Want to destroy us? What will the planet be like if we are all sick, and destroyed by sadness, desperation at the very least. ** I hope these latest crazies (monkeypox), even big latest - financial market messes, war in Ukraine.. are showing the end of the line, the Desperate measures of the Evils. Because they realize they made Huge Errors and are being Found out by more and more each day. It's all unraveling. Most now, do not want the jabs. The world is turning against these bad Evil leaders, and quickly. And when what Dr. B just warned us about happens... it will Really be Over for them. Sadly many citizens too. So, Our Role - is to help the jabbed. I talk about treatments to everyone I know and don't know. God bless you, Stella in Canada, and Puffin in Italy. Comrades in a mutual battle, fighting together.

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Terri...thank you for your words and your heart....love you back! ❤

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Thanks Stella. I don't know how to add a heart here - or I would. :) Smiles, Hugs and Love from me to you.

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🫶🏻🫶🏼🫶🏽🫶🏾 To all

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Terri - I only just learnt, (but then again I have to live up to my reputation in the family as techno-disadvantaged Mum !) if you press your windows button and the full stop button at the same time it should bring up the emoticons 😋

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God bless you too Terri - although we are far apart, it lifts my soul to know we are fighting the same battle ❣

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Why do the global elites want to destroy us? Eugenics and unbridled greed. The elite do not support democracy, because it gives equal voting rights to everyone (regardless of how gullible or lazy or 'genetically inferior' - they are). They want to remove the right of individuals (whom they consider to be inferior) to have any say. Also, the less of us, the more for them. When the global population is halved (or quartered), they will own everything and we will own nothing and they will be happy (because we will be dead).

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In Italy too, fighting this, one day at a time!

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I’ve gotten past sad to flaming hot anger. Retribution worthy anger.

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Sending you love, too!!❤

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Hang on, cheer up and hold the line. It is not easy, but we all do it. We carried Canadian and Quebeque flags in the protests in Italy, we adore the truckers, we thought if people can protest at -20° there is no excuse for Italians not to do it at +10!

French people do the same, Romanians re-invented the concept of having balls, a tiny and oppressed country over the centuries decided to oppose this with unsuspected strength. We're with you, you're with us, no one's alone in this and no one is left behind - not even those that got duped or blackmailed into taking these poisons.

We are humans and we stay united.

Hugs from Italy!

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Feeling the love!!!!!!!!! I was born in Italy and moved to Ottawa when I was 61/2 yrs old.....love Italy and Ottawa and you!!! Thank you for your spirit and encouragement.....Viva L'Italia!! 🤗❤

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Viva Canada as well :) Lots of love!

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In case you have the patience to watch (and listen to Italian) - it is a recent event, with very interesting speakers:


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I am sharing with my mom, too! Thank you!!!

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Please do! I knew nothing about the subtitles, but please defuse! There is a video o the blood smears, part 4, 31:48 - I believe it is very interesting, one of the participants is a jabbed person that went through detox and now his blood is almost nomal.

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There are even English subtitles, in case others would like to listen!!

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Ooh thank you so much Oona. I'm going to watch it now. 😊

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Thank you SO much OOna - I watched it all today and I am so glad. what a fabulous video and group of people. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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So glad I could help! Please spread the word!

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Cheer up, my friend🌼

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Thank you Geert as always !!!!!

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Fear not. They'll have a 'safe and effective' 'vaccine' for the Money Pox - whoops - Monkey Pox in no time. In the meantime, avoid bananas and picking the fleas off strangers.

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Nice collection of articles. Thanks.

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What happens to people who have damaged immune systems or myocarditis if the get the small pox vaccine?

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According to the 2017 version of Dr. Fauci, it can be deadly.

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According to a video I’ll have to try and dig out, Fauci said that the immune compromised and those with thrombosis, the small pox vaccine can be disastrous.

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Geert.. the two most important words in the English language are thank you. You are way beyond deserved of this. When I forward your articles and commentary to friends I always add from the smartest guy in the room in this space when referencing you. My partner with 45% lung capacity post a TB infection has not been jabbed and was infected and soldiered through aok. The instant age of sound bites from bureaucratic/entertainment/political/fake fact check, social media giants and supposedly "scientific" compromised souls has sadly interfered with real and pure science, nature's process and the credible scientists, doctors and voices of this world. Society is very sick when one man who has no medical degree has taken over a compromised WHO and the assorted health and regulatory bodies of the world. Fake philanthropy and compromised souls.... will have it or their day in or out of court. Please keep up your wonderful work and service for humanity.

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Unfortunately the immune system has been repeatedly down regulated by these “vaccines” to the point of the emergence of immune exhaustion. Antibody dependant enhancement appears to be also emerging. The only hope is to stop these “vaccines”.

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Apologies if this has already been posted, but it has shocked me and I wanted to make sure more people see it. Heres the link; https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf

Page 10 actually shows the start of their "simulated" monkeypox virus ast 15th May 2022 😪

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URGENT! Please vote! Health Canada doing a twitter poll asking true or false that vaccines prevent serious illness! https://twitter.com/GovCanHealth/status/1529114746951180295

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May 23, 2022
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I hear the Swiss are distributing a Tibetan de-tox remedy (through pharmacies) - I have no further info for now, some herb is not allowed in by the EU, but we are planning on going and getting them for family members who got jabbed. and are now terrorized by the possible consequences.

There are doctors working with NAC, bromeline, ozone-therapy and other clean things that got the blood smears of jabbed people to improve - no more looking at "coin stacks".

I'm not selling anything, nor am I in the medical field, but if I find out more stuff that works I will share it. Helping out is part of being human.

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If this the case I'm going over that border to get some. The only one who did the vax is my middle son and I so want to help him. 😌 Thank you Oona

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Fingers crossed, I hope he'll be perfectly fine!

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May 23, 2022
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Richard - it is even younger than 29 - even teenagers 13 upwards. It is so very sad and could have been avoided. And every time they write in the papers "no connection to the vax" 😡

( how the heck do they know, seeing as they refuse to investigate/do autopsies etc )

But, not EVERYBODY has been vaxxed. I haven't and I know lots chose not to.

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May 23, 2022
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So sad Richard - this morning I just read in an Italian newspaper, a little boy of 7 from Lodi, (immunosuppressed), has died of a heart attack. The article says he was was vaxxed. Of course I don't know for sure but that's what it says. 😌

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May 25, 2022
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Hi Richard - I am originally from the Channel Islands and there are puffins in one of the smaller islands. When I was young, the local TV had a puffin reading the children's birthdays at teatime 😄 Puffins are amazing.

On a more serious note, I am appalled to hear that Pfizer are pushing this on our innocent babies. Have they had EUA or full approval ? Once they get full approval,( their nefarious objective), it will mean they will be completely exempt from any liability whatsoever. (I think that's what I read somewhere. I am so upset about all of this. I watched the video that Oona sent and it was brilliant . only problem for non italian speakers, is that the English subtitles were only for about the first half hour or so. 😣

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19 mil people aren't jabbed in Italy (according to the official numbers), but those numbers include children and toadlers.

We're having a very weird heat wave now, 31-32°, while humidity is to the roof (84% this morning). Heat is the worse case scenario for people with heart problems as well as circulatory system troubles in normal times. Imagine breathing heavily, breathing water, and have your body at its last straw.

Besides, we still see people with ffp2 masks in the streets in these conditions - no wonder they drop dead.

And I'm afraid it is only the beginning, it is not even Summer yet :(

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same here Oona - so many still wearing masks. I ignore their dirty looks because I do not ever wear one. When my 6 year old grandson comes out of school, the first thing I do is RIP the mask off his face and screw it up. I don't care who's watching 😋

I despair.

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You're a Good Grandma.

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