It amazes me that despite all this data/papers that people and governments are still treating the unvaccinated as some dangerous species. When will we have peace and the decision to choose what we put in our bodies (or not)?

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We're second class citizens. One day though, we'll be able to look back and wear it like a badge of honor. We will be remembered as the last reservoir of pure uncompromised inate/natural immunity that saved everyone in the end.

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I hope so. 🙏😄

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(or not) .... shudddder

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Dear Dr. Please if you can, share with us an information you can find on side effects, bodily damage the pfizer vaxxes cause. I got the vaxx last Spring. I was very healthy before the vaxx. I cannot believe I did such a stupid thing.

Now my joints ache horribly and I wake up in pain every night. I also have many other problems. All of these effects revealed the morning after my second vaxx.

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What are 'innate antibodies'? I've just been searching the internet for innate antibodies and I can't find it. I find that there are 5 types of antibodies with different focus and functions but not anything called 'innate antibodies'. Are there general purpose antibodies that bind to many different antigens based on some common feature of the antigens? Everything I'm reading is that all antibodies, of all 5 types, are specific to particular antigens. I can't find anything about any general antibodies. Also you talk about training the innate immune system. If it's trained it's part of the adaptive immune system, right?

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