Dearest Geert, can you please discuss the recent Swedish paper showing some reverse transcription shenanigans with the Pfizer vaccine on human liver cell lines? I know this is an in vitro study, not in vivo, but would love to hear your comments on the concerns of the researchers. Thank you so much for all you do for all of us truth-seekers.

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Geert, Covid ceased to exist on 24 February when Russia invaded Ukraine. We are pretending the last few years never happened. There were no lab created viruses, ineffective vaccines or vaccine injuries. You must be getting old and your memory is playing up.

Any future Covid mandates, including vaccine passports aren't real. Just keep worrying about nuclear war.

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dont worry about the nuc war it will fix the climate.

everything will be dead but it'll be frosty!

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ready to roll up your sleeve for a vaccine which stops world war?

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Yes - our muppet minds, not satisfied with irrational fear about a virus that only kills 2.5% of those it infects - bored with whatever our lives offer, are now entertained by the nuclear war fear which is equally unlikely to be the cause of our death - roll up roll up get your steaming pot of disingenuity and fear mongering at a social network near you - just a click away -

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Far less than 2.5% more like 0.5 or less

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but but.... all of those dead bodies stacked up in refrigerated trucks?

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Thank you Geert for everything you do! 🙏

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The Moderna story is telling so maybe someone could tell me why these scientists that came out very recently saying it was a wet market origin are not being held responsible for lying to the world? I'm OK with forgiveness after apology but without one I see them not as scientists but propogandist criminals.

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Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche. I always appreciate your voice on these matters and the news you share.

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Thanks Notorious GVB! 👍🏼🎤

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The disconnect between any logical assessment of the scientific facts at hand and the direction of government vaccination policies is astounding. Is it reasonable that these policies and decisions are only being implemented to hide profound incompetence; or is this really evidence of far more sinister intent on the part of elites and government? Either way we are in a heap of trouble.

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Molnupiravir - Now in pharmacies across Vietnam - get your EUA pills to go alongside your EUA vaccine and merrily live in ignorance

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Dear Dr. Vanden Bossche - Alex Berenson just posted this data from a New York state database.

"Six weeks after becoming “fully vaccinated,” kids under 12 are 40 percent MORE likely to be infected Covid than those who never received mRNA shots, a huge New York state database shows."


It's sad to see another data set like this in light of your recent excellent post warning young people to push through the medical ostracizing. It is unconscionable children are being tested on like this.

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This was predictable. The vax suppresses the immune response initially so the likelihood of getting covid during this time is high. If I understood correctly this is also a contributing factor to the mechanism by which vaccine evading variants are formed.

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Vietnam - November 2021 --> whole child population aged 12 -18 doubly vaccinated -- thoroughly indoctrinated -- but no-one gives a fuck about the third world or developing countries - just use the cheap labour and laugh all the way to the bank

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will the truth ever come out? will complicit people be held accountable?

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Truth may trickle out slowly over the years , but very likely will never become mainstream belief - the complicit (from the ruling classes) are NEVER held accountable -

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Dr. Vanden Bossche, referencing #4, I assume you strongly disagree with the notion that there's "broad natural immunity amidst waning strength of COVID-19 variants"?

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Yes - They won't be saying that after the new variant is a savage little fucker that spreads as easily as Omicron but is more lethal to all age groups (than Delta) .

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Countries like Uganda are dumping ground for the soon to be expiring jabs…The Gates Foundation is probably behind this vaxx law.

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