Dear Emily, unless you work for the alternative media, I would have no reason to trust you, and would kindly decline any interview if I would be a doctor. Ever since the pandemic started seeing what journalists have done and the horrendous amount of censorship forced on doctors telling the truth....I lost all of my trust in the legacy media. And there are hundreds of millions like me, I'm not the only one. If your intentions are sincere, why don't you call up Amazon, and ask them why is Dr. Geert V.B. the only book about pandemic censored? Why did they make it disappear? Is the evidence too powerful and to damaging for governments around the world? That would be my bet. If I were Dr.Geert I would want to see evidence of your true intentions before I would grant you an interview. But if you work for the alternative media, please accept my sincere apologies. Hopefully, some journalist from the mainstream media will read my message and think about it. Do you know how I found out that journalists all over the world were hiding the truth, and not doing the job they were supposed to do? It's because I was one of them, long time ago. I own debt of gratitude to Dr. Geert V.B. He was the very first one that put me on the right track. It is thanks to him that I started to do my own investigations just like in the good old days. I hope my message could serve as a wakeup call to other legacy journalists. Ask yourself one question: how would you like to be remembered by us, the people of your nation? I would like to close my message with a personal story that happened long time ago. I had the privilege to meet one of the most famous radio host for the evening news from Hungary. I will always remember his words: "when you hold that microphone you hold a great power in your hands. You can use that power to do great things, or you can use it to bad things to others. Never forget that."

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Right on spot: vaccination during an epidemic is useless, it creates new variants, while if it is contagious through mouth-nose mucosa, they'll never prevent spread.

Now, we should worry about the next phases of their plans:


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Next up - the deadly Bossche Mutation.

Tick tock

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yes because "real science" rules over woke stupid science that is used to control people, and freely terrorize them, then steal elections so they can escalate a war, and do their great reset thing. 🤡👿💩

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I see it on amazon.co.uk right now.

I have learned a lot from the book myself.

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His book is not available in U.S. and Canada anymore. But miraculously it's available in Europe.

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Who is Emily?

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Clearly, his depth and breadth of knowledge is lacking or he is being funded. Geert, your predictions, having played out inreal time, have been spot on for 3 years...this is undeniable.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

He is not being funded, he is a guy who has criticized mass vaccination almost from the beginning and is on "our side". Check out his posts in the past on his blog rintrah.nl. He has some interesting articles about what he calls immune fixation on the spike protein.

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I have not seen Geert's predictions play out yet. I am not saying they won't, but not yet.

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Immune escape and the potent morphology into variants. This seen in the vaccinated and one of the reasons why the vaccinated have been most prone to reinfection and increased mortality.

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He predicted the endless mutations... eventually we get a Marek's level death machine

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I believe he predicted an increase in mutations, and if so, he was correct. The one or ones that come along that are not only highly contagious, but also more lethal, has not happened. I am not saying it won't. Just not yet.

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Really not sure who you are witing too with both your book and your substack articles.

We your readers are the only ones trying to digest and champion your views.

But your content is written for men from Mars.

We, your substack readers are your only advocates.

Translate your science into layman English. Or what you do is all for naught.

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In fact, governments and health authorities around the world have already read his book, and are desperate to come up with a plan. Here is what we see in Canada: there is a new campaign in the mainstream media persuading people to get the booster. But the strongest evidence that these people in power are reading his book is Amazon censoring his book in U.S. and Canada. If they wouldn't care about his book they wouldn't have been so fast to make it disappear. They can't afford to let people read it. Can you imagine the panic? The trouble is, all they will achieve is the postponing of the panic. Nothing else.

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Yes - their response to GVB is more boosters - more paxlovid.

They are intent on creating the Marek's for humans

It's so obvious

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Translation would be helpful. Though I am going to link his post in my own latest post. I think it helps explain a question about SGa antibody against SEB toxin.

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I assume he is writing for the 'scientists' who he believes are making a huge mistake.

He is attempting to convince them of their mistake hoping they will see their errors and stop what they are doing.

They will ignore him -because they are hell bent on exterminating us.

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I don't think "they" will ignore him. They will read what he has to say, but only to determine what, if any, propaganda is needed to obfuscate the truth.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Sure is. I just bought it for my kindle, today.

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knowing Amazon.... they would probably soil the book, tear some pages out

and other stupid damages. Angry sobs

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Package arrived looking like Ace Ventura delivered it, but hardcover book was fine.

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This was hard for my barely above average mind to follow. Nevertheless, I know you have to talk/write at that level when dealing with people who talk/write at that level.

What really bothers me is the arrogance many people have. Scientists are still learning about the immune system. A system that was doing its amazing business at the time of the Pharaohs and before. What arrogance for man to think that they can come up with vaccines manufactured in a laboratory that are superior to the natural immune system.

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We as a species have come to worship the technology god. All problems are best solved through technology. All advancements come through technology. The faster they are adopted the better. No time for proper regulation. If a technology causes problems, simply throw another technology on top to make things better and move on.

And what is lost in worshiping this god? Application of the timeless values and principles that truly make us human. Each technology takes us one step farther away from our surroundings and our humanity. Whether you call it spirituality or something else, the basis of humans living together must be the ethics and morals that have served for centuries, not technology.

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Well said.

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Dr G’s work and message is important, and like any important message needs full explanatory underpinning to convince the professional class in his field.

To disseminate his work to a lay audience perhaps Dr G needs to team up with a qualified populariser writer / editor who understands how to educate. If “Turtles all the Way Down” can do it so can this book.

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I can summarize... they are deploying billions of doses of a leaky vaccine into a pandemic + throwing paxlovid on this inferno...

This is driving the mutations - at some point we get a deadly mutation that is highly contagious.

In layman's terms - we are f789ed.

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I don't disagree with you. It just has not happened yet. I like your line, "throwing paxlovid on the inferno." Changes/mutations are indeed being driven and at some point we may get a deadly changed virus that is also highly contagious. Time will tell.

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There is no guarantee of success...

Failure though... will unleash hell on Earth

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Dr. This is Emily Barsh who wrote to you about a media appearance, via your website. Just wanted to say hello here. I hope to hear back soon(ish). Thank you

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He has said it a number of times. He doesn't do TV interviews. His (correct) assessment is that most interviewers have a primary goal of making the interviewee look bad. Doing that is what sells in today's sick world.

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Got it. I don't disagree. I'm not with corporate media per se. I'm with one of the narrative-busters. But I had no idea about the above. I try to know everything about everything because my other non-compensated gig is fighting the war on We The People. Thank you Russ

p.s. My colleagues are on his side/this side/the right side. BUT AGAIN, I get it. - Emily

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Tee Vee? I don't watch Tee Vee.

Tee Vee is brain poison.

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Eddy, I took the handle in 2009. I despise the corporate media. Go look at my Twitter feed... GEEZ

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Do not trust her Dr Geert

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Why? I'm a white-hat! Geez...

You and I have exchanged comments (friendly) on other threads??

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I’m in the US—can’t buy it.

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Almost made the wrong call on this one.

I was one of the first to receive a digitized Amazon copy of the work. Still reading. So far I consider the manuscript a scientific work of art.

Sending for hard copy for my library. It is a historic work.

Humanity must recognize his work.

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Geert, Thanks for all your work and worry. The article is a little over my head but, as I try to understand it, there are a couple acronyms not previously defined in the article. I've noticed you've done this before in previous writings and articles. To help laymen like me understand your expertise, could you use the full term before you start using the acronym or just get rid of the acronyms altogether? Keep up the great work.

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Well, it would be great if we here in the USA could actually get a hold of the book, so we could follow/understand the review! Amazon cancelled my order of this book and I tried to get it on Kindle from Amazon UK, but even that doesn't work. No idea how to get it.

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Sorry to hear you couldn't get his book. The day I found out it will be available on Amazon I stayed up until midnight to get his book. Then I couldn't put it down because it was too interesting. Having read his book, and understanding only half of it, this is what I learned: the evidence Dr. Geert V.B. brings and the way he explains everything, persuaded me 100% that a great tsunami of severe ilness and death is coming. I have been thinking a lot about it: I read and watched all his interviews, and presentation, and I honestly don't know how will be able to avoid this historic event. I simply don't know how that would be possible. Once you put all the pieces of the puzzle together, you have no choice but to admit that he must be right. Didn't he turn out to be right about everything he predicted since 2020? Yes he was, because I closely watched every prediction he made. He's success rate as a forecaster is I would say extraordinary! It's the most impressive I have seen so far. And here is my bet: if I could, I would bet a million dollars that he will turn out to be right again. Dr. Geert V.B. will be in the history and medical books for generations to come. He's one of a kind...a great doctor that history will remember kindly.

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I pray that a great tsunami of severe illness and death does not come.

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Why not? Wouldn't a major reduction in the only species that harms the earth and its other species be a good thing?

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Possibly, but only if the culling were the result of natural forces. For a cabal of ruling elites to manufacture such a culling -- well, that is not a good thing. It is simply evil.

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I agree.

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YES. Absolutely.

Name a problem on the planet that has not been caused by humans.

And there are these nightmares that we inflict on a daily basis:



Wanna solve the problems? Exterminate the humans. Very simple

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I am not for exterminating our species, but a billion of us is more than enough.

I clicked on the link you posted and I see it is into animal rights and being vegan. Wolves will kill coyotes and coyotes will kill foxes. Not to eat, but simply because they consider them a threat to their food source. Some humans have a conscience, but no other species do. It is a dog eat dog world out there. I have often seen raptors eat their prey alive, one piece at a time. Brown bears will take one bit of a migrating salmon and let it fall into the river. Then take more and more. No conscience out there.

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Does a coyote keep billions of animals from birth in a horrifying gulag ... where they can barely move --- feeding them hormones so they grow more quickly than their bones can handle so they cannot even walk?

Does a Coyote inflict nightmarish agony on other animals so that it can have tear-free shampoo and cosmetics?

Does a coyote pave over the plan and celebrate that as progress?

We are complicit in acts so disgusting that even Hollywood could not dream up a horror flick that comes even remotely close.

And let's not forget how we have tortured one another through the ages... often just for kicks.

The only solution is the FINAL solution. Remove the problem. And the planet will heal.

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The only solution is extermination. Extinction.

I am the founder of Club Misanthrope

The decision has already been made :)

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Does he sell it on his website? Most authors sell their books that way also. Not just Amazon. Y hubby thinks I’m nuts. Given me grief about some books I’ve gotten. He sees the order as Amazon is in his name. Sometimes I just buy the books on authors websites then.

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I had to read the book three times before I felt I understood the main points. Please hire an assistant to go through any new manuscript and write out every single acronym. Please, pretty please with cherry on top.

Still, even in the first pass, I learned something very useful to me. The moment Fauci showed his dumb insolence toward HCQ, I found quercetin was a naturally occurring alternative, another ionophore for zinc. When I was exposed to Covid, version 1, in February 2021, I had been on Vitamin C&D, quercetin and zinc supplements for eight months. I never felt sick, had one conscious symptom. I awoke from an amazing fever sweat, absolutely drenched. Later on I had two antibody tests, both were negative. I was concerned that I had not developed any immunity to Covid.

Thanks to the book, I now understand that my cell based innate immune system, boosted by my supplements, activated Natural Killer cells and wiped out the Covid infection before it became productive. No antibodies were developed as the infection was wiped out by the quick response that caused the fever sweat. I have not had any symptomatic sickness since then. People I work with, jabbed, have had the the Omnicron virus. That means my cell based natural immune system has been further trained against new variants. Great book despite being hard to read. I'm feeling much better about things right now. (Well except for the prediction that Covid will end when the virus can not reproduce in the unvaccinated nor in the vaccinated due to their High Mortality Rate in the Immune Escape Pandemic.)

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Hello to you all! On May 13th there will be an international event for all of those who suffered from this horrendous last few years. The most visible victims are the ones dead or maimed by the shots and those who died from untreated cv or other infections and diseases, who did not fit well to the narrative.

But there are many of us who suffered in various ways - discrimination, insults, being outcast from the workplace, public life and places, or simply put in repeated lockdowns.

Could you please share if there is anything planned in your country / region / town? It would be interesting and we still have the time to use and improve creative ideas, so that it could not get silenced and would not go unnoticed.

Thank you all!

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Dear Dr. GVB, I just purchased your book from Amazon. I want a permanent record of your brilliant analysis. I believe that your book will be part of the historical record of these dark times. I encourage other supports to purchase your book.

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The virus has completely escaped the vaccine induced neutralizing antibody response and now it’s evolving towards overcoming the other branches of immunity humans deploy, as those are now its main opponents.

Trained innate immunity has the capacity to grow increasingly variant independent over time, as a subset of NK cells have the capacity to recognize patterns based on viral glycoproteins seen in viruses in multiple families: Herpes viruses, influenza, corona viruses etc.

SARS1 was more virulent than SARS2 and it has been found that it’s better at suppressing the interferon response. As this virus now evolves to become better at suppressing the interferon response again, you would expect that virulence is going to increase again too. The authors write: “Resilience towards interferon-mediated innate immunity is a hallmark of virulence and pathogenicity in coronaviruses and many other viruses.”

Without the social distancing and the vaccination experiment we would have had a wave of disease followed by herd immunity. This was possible because genetic diversity of the virus was very low. In addition the virus was not optimized for human infection, it would have to compete for hosts with viruses that are much better at infecting us, as they have been infecting us for generations.

The vaccines gave rise to new variants, apparently as soon as the vaccination trials began. Eventually the vaccines developed negative efficacy against infection in late 2021, followed by provoking a tolerogenic IgG4 antibody response, with some people even showing signs of T cell exhaustion following repeated boosting.

We now live in a brave new world where people constantly get reinfected by this virus. There is no good reason to expect it will eventually behave like a hCov. To illustrate this, I will show you the number of COVID patients admitted to the hospital:


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Is there any way to purchase this book in Australia??? Having great trouble 🤷‍♀️

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It's back on USA Amazon! Just ordered my copy! Keeping fingers crossed they don't cancel it again like last time.

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