There is compelling scientific evidence indicating that mass vaccination against COVID-19 (C-19) has led to growing immune evasion of SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2) from infection- or vaccine-induced neutralizing anti-spike antibodies (Abs), along with an increasing incidence of immune pathology (
Recap: C19 mass vaccination destroyed the natural immunity balance. Nobody can say to what extent - because the designers of the injectable product won’t admit publicly what and why they have done. Which means that they have gone full Musk against the whole world and now all professionals, experts, scientists and researchers can only guess what will happen next.
Why is this guessing wrong? Because it is done in the context of the known knowledge. Every month, new mechanisms of injury of the mRNA injectable products are being discovered. It seems that this Pandora box has no bottom.
What we know is that the injury from the spike (the same, whether by the virus or by the injection) is tragic in consequences, as proven by all adverse event reporting systems and their analyses. And we don’t know how to stop this continuing injury. We don’t even know whether this stopping is possible and - if it is - whether it may be permanent.
The question is, how injecting further artificial biochemical cocktails - of equally unknown long-term consequences - could be beneficial (in any meaning of the word) for the organism? MMR has never been properly tested (just like all other injectable savior preparations) even in itself.
There have been no real, true clinical studies of interactions of MMR injections with covid-affected or spike-vaccinated persons. Before declaring that this interaction could be helpful (what does it mean in this context? for how long? with what adverse effects?), shouldn’t medical professionals call for a full-scale true all-phases no-warpspeed clinical trial first?
Otherwise, we may be in for another mixing up of intricate body mechanisms after which nobody will be ready to step up and say, “I am responsible, I didn’t know, it was only another theory.”
After listening to an ecological garderner that turned around a cement based foundation on Long Island and the species that have been killed by the poisionings of the soils and land . And how even the flowers we buy( with no knowledge by the customer) if has been sprayed and grown with poisions if an insect lands on that to feed, it will ingest and eventually die off.
Now, the project of native plants and insects are thriving by observeing nature's way to live and humans hands off on intervening and grooming for us rather than the natural laws for the insects to thrive in.
Perhaps this time in history, we are awakening to what the native elders inhabitants wisdoms can teach us. Let's hope it's not to late.
Maybe our legacy could be it's how we lived and not how we died to pass on.
The paradox is that an average adult has about 1 hour of daily manageable time in his/her age window from 20 to 70. One hour a day.
With that little to make useful, we manage to turn these 60 minutes a day into a useless, pointless, inefficient, embarrassing collective lifetime tomb for everybody, including ourselves.
Frankly, a very very few of us deserve any respect. The more letters, degrees and titles, the smaller these chances.
I hear you Dan. Maybe the next time around we can be a butterfly and get our fuel from those surviors growing /bllooming in the cracks of those sidewalks~~~
Do a butterfly have a soul?. A soul is a non animal, not programmed kind of spirit. This soul energy only can be transformed (or eaten by demons), never disappears.
What if there is no another time? Or… What if you get an honor to make a decision on the transition where to go next?
Back here? Knowing what you know now, are you ready to come back here?
If not here, where else? Are you preparing to choose a different lifespace? Or only waiting cluelessly?
And no, this preparation is not about religion or faith.
It is about building the inner value, the set of inner criteria what you want to have in the next life. Or - the best how we can see this - by using this lifetime to make ourselves more than we were when we came here.
All those who disregard human values and make decisions for others, without even asking, will not be granted this honor. They will be stuck in what they are working on in this lifetime. Lies, arrogance, hatred of the nature, hunger for power, control trips, constant fear in which they live. Good for them. By the way, this also includes “benign” teachers, public servants, sales personnel, social workers… our friends and family members. And ourselves.
“Stupid” in Webster: (4) lacking interest or point. No offensive intention, as I stated clearly.
This question is completely pointless. Has always been. Why were we so easily moved when the authorities asked us whether we were C19-marked? What difference is now?
Also, why the question? Did the inquirer expect “yes” or “no”? Why? What for? Is she making an online poll or research? Or does she need it to fulfill her inner need to be informed about the vaccination status of unknown online presences? (real people or bots, she will never be able to tell)
What difference does it make whether you are C19-marked or not? Kind of initiation ritual into being a “better” person (as it was played by a lot of us bullying others)? Or a “worse” person? Worse why? Better why?
Webster (3): marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting.
As I wrote, a stupid question - it is a very civil description, because it refers to the question itself and its value (?), not to the person who is asking it.
We all make stupid mistakes, and it is perfectly ok when we are told so in direct terms. Otherwise, we will cover up our faces with masks ad infinitum.
Re: She wants to know this to analyze the primary source for optimal truth / relevance.
1) Primary source: CEO of the main manufacturer of C-19 injections stated on video that he is not vaccinated and will not be. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
2) Primary source: Key employees of the manufacturer of these injections have been exempt from C-19 injection mandate. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
3) Primary source: Robert Malone has been recently caught lying to the public about his C-19 vaccination status. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
4) All the above have been enormously personally and financially benefitting from the covid tragedy. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
Thus, highly public people who have not been C19 vaccinated are clearly entitled to impose their vaccination concept on everybody - which is a fact that you can check from numerous publications and videos. Is this truth optimal enough?
On the other hand, C19 vaccinated and injured people (who are not public figures) are routinely denied support and/or compensation - which is a fact verifiable all over the world from public sources.
Now, this is a stupid comment. In the same meaning of the word “stupid”, as provided by Webster. Calling it for what it is does not change its perceived value.
If this is a public forum, then everybody has the right to type in his/her view of the story. You have the right to type in a stupid question or comment, and I have the right to call it for what it is. If you don’t like this basic rule of public space, open a secret thread and be happy with self-censoring other readers.
Public space means that readers can provide their feedback to whatever you are writing. It does not have to be solely positive for your expectations. Unless you are advocating censoring views that are not in line with your preferences.
Commenting on the substance is 100% civil. If you cannot differentiate between the contents of the post and its author’s personal characteristics, we all have a problem.
As regards your reference to the question.
1. Just a few months ago, asked about vaccination status, people were offended and declared irrelevance and violation of private space or personal health data. How come, this question is now ok? Please, provide contextual reference which makes this question - identical in its contents - valid now? By the way, it still is an attempt at violation of personal data.
2. As you can see from the formulation of the question, it is specifically addressing a particular person called by a particular name. It is not a general “what if”. This means that its context is the personal vaccination (health) status of that particular person. A) The questioner has no legally authorized right to ask this question in this form - not even stating why she is asking it. B) Dan was not asking the questioner for any health advice or consultation - which makes this question very much over the top. C) The answer to this question can not be verified. It may be true or false or both or neither. Which makes the question both irrelevant and double stupid.
3. How do you know what the questioner wants?
4. How a 3-stroke keyboard effort can be “primary source” for anything?
5. How the vaccination status of a person (even if declared truthfully) can be measured as “optimal” truth / relevance? What does “optimal truth” means? What truth is not optimal? What relevance does vaccination status have to somebody’s opinions or views?
As I stated, what you have typed in is a stupid comment.
@Dan I think you misunderstand GVB's purpose of giving the measles vaccine. The purpose is to engage and train the innate immune system, which has been sidelined by the mass vaccination of so much of the world. It is not that the measles vaccine will directly fight COVID.
The body is already compromised by a) covid virus (viruses? variants? how many?) and/or b) covid vaccine - which is irrelevant because according to mainstream science both destroy the body’s natural mechanisms equally. In either case, we have no idea about the scope of the damage to the body as for now and we have no idea how the body may or will interact in the future with any other pathogens - just because the manufacturer denies to disclose the full and complete documentation of their toxic injection.
The more time elapses, more and more mechanisms of injury from the covid vaccine are disclosed. The only safe conclusion is that we don’t know what is happening. Yes, yes, I know, the doctors have everything under control and so on… Clearly, it is not the fact when you check the growing bodycount and continuous denial.
Under these circumstances, adding THREE more pathogens + nobody knows what else is there in this injection will only compound and complicate the already dis-balanced body. Regardless of theories - because the proposed cocktailing of MMR with covid and with covid shot afterfacts has never been clinically tested (to my knowledge).
By the way, the “innate” word basically means that this system had already been “trained” and made perfect long before any scientist came up with some fancy ideas - never seeing the organisms to which these ideas refer. In fact, this innate system has been successfully trained for the last thousands of years. Had it been differently, not a single child would be born healthy and would survive further thousands of years to finally have us arrive here.
I admit, theories, explanations and cute charts and tables are persuasive. Systemic denial of vaccine damage (despite huge reporting database) and rejecting the recognition of the resulting human suffering say something different.
There is a simple way to go ahead with this one theory, though. We only need, say, 500 leading doctors and HC officials who advocate the use of untested vaccines and vaccine combinations (including GVB) to be publicly (live) injected with the suggested products and televised (including vital records monitored) live 24/7 for the next 12 months (one full year cycle). If they are so certain of their theories, they will be good. If they are good, the rest of the world may be offered the proposed choice. We will have a true, reality-based proof of the safe and effective concept.
If any one of them refuses to participate, they should provide a full scientific explanation of why. They have the knowledge, so it will be a great contribution to the science. No exemptions. The 500 cohort will more or less resemble the actual population demographics.
There isn't time for the kind of proof/testing you suggest. but there is an easy way to know if an individual's immune system is compromised by either COVID or the vaccines. A simple test of IgG4 antibodies will tell if the person's innate immune system has been sidelined. High IgG4 antibodies indicate that the person will need to take alternative measures to fight the newer strains of COVID19. An individual could also test IgG4 prior to taking a measles vaccine and then a month or so afterward to see if the IgG4 were lowered.
I, personally, had COVID in Feb 2020. I then had two employer forced COVID vaccines in Jan/Feb of 2021. I have made a lot of efforts, since then, to rebuild my immune system. I tested my IgG4 levels in Nov of 2023 and they were within normal range. I wish I had known to test them in 2021. I will never know if they were elevated or not.
Sadly, in the USA, a single measles vaccine is not available. In the UK and other countries you can get only the measles vaccine.
> There isn't time for the kind of proof/testing you suggest.
We’ve heard it before. What now, Ultra-warp Speed? Are you ready to take responsibility and commit yourself to pay in full for the rest of the lives of those persons who will be injured as a result of “unknown” adverse effects of this theoretical + untested + unproven concept?
Do you really believe that the complexity of your whole physiology (now and in all your future years of life) can be reduced to snapshot-reading IG levels? Really?
So far, all medical scientists, researchers, practitioners and doctors all over the world combined have not been able to properly explain the common cold mechanism. Or headache. Or blood pressure changes. Or changes in the functioning of the eye.
Somehow, miraculously, they now can explain all current and future interactions of a “novel” virus which they supposedly have never heard of or seen before in history. Every few weeks they come up with new theories and new proposed intricacies of this one. Then they combine these new revelations with each other and propose more explanations. All desktop science, no personal responsibility, no personal experience. All reduced to one size fits all inhabitants of the Earth.
I miss the true medical science which appears to have been extinct for a few decades now…
My husband has a stem cell transplant for myleofibosis and He received both chemo therapy and complete body radiation. He had 3 covid vaxes before (and he will never again), but he is also on a revaccination program and just had the first MMR. we are monitoring for symptoms but all seems well and we are skeptical about the list he was given since most vaccines were never properly testes or developed. There is likely a population of people like him who could be followed.
That is interesting clinicial study to follow. Please keep us informed. He might need to get the second MMR or see if he has a boost in his MMR titers after the first shot.
To all who are commenting about potential risks of the MMR vaccine:
It seems that many are misunderstandingnwhat GVB is saying. Geert is not suggesting the unvaxxed take the MMR. He suggests it for those who are vaxxed.
I think his opinion is that it cannot really do any harm. If one is likely to die from a coming strain of C19, the MMR can only potentially help. It will not hurt because that person has very significant odds of succumbing to the new C19. Even if it doesn't work, the vaxxed have nothing to lose by trying it.
But it's all a moot point. No one is going to follow this advice and no govt will suggest it.
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, a French geneticist specializing in RNA, describes 12 all failed mRNA vaccine trials since 2000 in her book for the general public.
Book title = The Sorcerer's Apprentice
She was also criticized by the mass media in the early days of Covid19.
Yes, I also understand him as trying to think of potential last ditch attempts to stop some of the damage and deaths which are likely to occur, and was thinking the same - that I can't see any governments or medical bodies which possibly have the means to initiate something like this, actually doing anything.
Something I'm not really understanding, though, is why, if the MMR might help the vaccinated now, the age group which has had the MMR (which has been in use for decades now) wouldn't have been more protected to start with. Plenty of younger people don't seem to be faring too well and there have been so many reported sudden deaths. I probably just don't understand the science behind what he's saying.
Having said that, I'd just add that if I was Covid vaccinated, no-one would be getting anywhere near me with more vaccinations of any sort. I really feel for those who are vaccinated, and can't begin to imagine how those who now know what's going on, are coping with that knowledge.
The point Geert is trying to make is that since measles
And Mumps virus share similar dna homology with covid virus, people whose immune systems have been dysregulated by covid vaccine could try this as a way to now train their innate immune system and when a virulent variant comes along, they theoretically may have some NK innate immune protection that gets induced by the MMR vaccine. Along with antivirals, PREVENTING initial infection (from a new
Virulent variant ) could save lives for those people whose innate immune system has been derailed . Once they get through the initial wave of infections, they have a chance at living to see another day. There’s a high risk:reward ratio for
people with a derailed immune system. And yes health professionals and public policy “experts” will need to embrace this thinking rather than locking everyone down and pushing the same old narrative as before.
Many thanks again for the reinforcement of the science! Can you explain, though, whether a pre-existing MMR would have been helping anyone's immune system up until this stage? If so, would its effectiveness now be gone, unless someone got another MMR now? Or is he saying that it might help at this stage, but wouldn't have done so at the time of the first vaccinations. Or is it the situation that it would have been too dangerous to add it into the mix at first sign of severe side-effects (even if it had been considered), but now it's worth a shot? Sorry for the barrage of questions but I'd really like to understand this better.
Think of it this way… if it hasn’t been utilized since childhood how robust can it be? a new shot with good seroconversion would re-populate those NK cells to be ready to respond quicker now to a new circulating variant.
My dad is vaccinated for Covid 5-6 times and had Covid twice with no severe symptoms. He had measles as a child as well as mumps and rubella. Would a measles or MMR shot help him with hivicron if he has natural immunity already?
So you're saying that the MMR loses - or may lose - efficacy over time? That would make better sense of it for me. I've actually just done a bit of reading up on this and it's getting clearer - thank you!
It would be great if the government actually researched medications that would help with treatment. That or allow uncensored research into these topics.
If the government did that, they would never have declared a covid "pandemic" in the first place. Of course, Pfizer, etc. and stockholders would have missed the opportunity to make billions of dollars in profits, and government officials would have missed the delicious opportunity to dictate to the masses!
Not if they are in their 70's or beyond. They likely had Measles, mumps, rubella as children. That immunity seems to be long lasting, but is it effective in the present situation?
I am unvaxxed, thus having an MMR vaccine is considered an "overkill" and could lead to complications that are unwarranted. I would take anti-virals prophylactically instead, since I would be dealing with vaccinated people who might be affected with this new wave of the COVID scourge.
By the way, Dr. Philip McMillan had a new video regarding COVID sepsis, which may trace its roots from the new variant, KP.2.
I watched Dr. McMillan's interview yesterday. Now, there are many people worried about sepsis and asking what they can do in this matter. Here is the best article about sepsis called " How to Prevent Dying from Sepsis" that was written by Orthomolecular Medicine doctors. I read their newsletter regularly, and learn so much from them. Here is the link that will help you, and your family:
You are very welcome! In the last 10 years, I have acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge, and now I feel that I have a moral duty to help others by sharing what I have learned. But in the last few years, since 2020, I learned more than ever in my life. I created my personal protocol for treating and preventing covid based on many books I have read, and protocols writen by doctors from around the world. Based on my experience, the treatment protocol works very well.
NEVER have I realized how learning and acquiring knowledge could be a lifesaver. I did research on ivermectin and became a member of the FLCCC. I was lampooned, lambasted and had to get a new job. But thank God, I stood my ground.
I now feel morally responsible to share this knowledge with those who cared to listen (my Collège students, my colleagues, my friends etc.) I want you to know that you're not alone in this.
I found an old article from 2021 this morning that I had saved and it shows that sepsis was a side effect of the MRNAs when they were originally done on animals. So that may be what Dr. McMillan is witnessing.
why would you take any anti-virals if you are healthy and unvaxxed? Your system doesnt need it. You might however need the detox protocol to deal with spike shedding from the freshly C-19 vaxxed.
It's never a bad idea to take antivirals even when you are healthy and unvaxed. That's because those antivirals have many health benefits. This is like telling me why take vitamins, supliments, herbs and do acupuncture if I'm healthy and unvaxed? Let me tell you why: it's because it makes a lot of sense! After studying for more than 10 years, as a layperson as Dr. Geert likes to say, the Chinese Traditional Medicine and Orthomolecular Medicine, I can assure you that is the smartest thing to do. Not taking any vitamins, supliments, herbs or mushrooms just because you are healthy and unvaxed is the most foolish thing one can do. I am 100% sure that I'm right about that.
I disagree. You should not take antivirals when you arent under attack from intolerable viral loads, for the same reasons you shouldnt use antibacterials around the house or in your food:
1) Their use will encourage viruses to breed resistance. Viruses evolve much faster than human technology can develop new safe antivirals.
2) A healthy immune system, maintained by diet and exercise and supplements as needed, is more than enough to deal with temporary imbalances of viruses and bacteria. Why risk the cost and side effects of (usually inadequately tested) pharma products?
3) You contain a host of viruses and bacteria all the time and they work in harmony with your body to help you thrive. See the burgeoning research on the microbiome and on the fundamentally linked nature of viral, bacterial, and animal life forms on this planet.
I appreciate GVB's willingness to present a solution. But the political will to do so is not there. The unfortunate fate of millions of people has been decided.
That would be wonderful. But ALL of his predictions on the evolution of this virus and the population based immune pressures driving this evolution have been right so far. When immune refocusing in the vaccinated was independently scientifically confirmed, he knew for sure that he is right. We all did. There was no question anymore. All of the dominos have fallen exactly as he predicted. Would it be great if the final domino refused to fall? Yes of course. But it will fall because the forces of nature will make it fall. It can’t be stopped. Nature is driven to protect the species by creating herd immunity. Herd immunity will be created. But the cost will be mountains of bodies and oceans of tears.
It feels so weird knowing that only limited number of people are acquainted with this information. As for me, I am becoming restless on a daily basis to when it will arrive and will it be worse than second wave or it won’t arrive at all.
Right... information silos, censorship and stupidity make all of this possible. And... no one has ever been in a situation like this before. To know that this is coming is a very heavy cross to bear. I am personally enjoying every (last moment) of what is a normal life. When it starts.... it will be the beginning of the end of our modern world. So enjoy yourself while you can and prepare to set your clocks back 150 years.
Apart from my grandchildren, I am the ONLY one who is unjabbed.
I pleaded to my family NOT to take the jab, but they won't listen. My wife took the jab OUT OF SPITE, even. I begged my son not to have my grandkids jabbed against COVID, since it was unnecessary, and could potentially be dangerous. I would be damned of he and his wife did it still, without letting me know.
I have the same feeling. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, whether a wave of significant illness, another travel ban, etc.. If even a significant percentage of our population become chronically unwell, our lives will change in ways we cannot imagine. We are indeed in the beginning of a new dark age.
Almost all Cubans got 4 shots. Yikes. On the other hand, lots of African nations got almost none. Good time to relocate to Bulgaria with a mostly intact (unvaxed) population or better to move to Cuba where land may become abundant? (Really just a thought exercise for me; I can’t change my home based upon a hypothesis, however compelling).
I feel you, TJ. Restless for me is an understatement. I am unvaxxed, have a stack of Ivermectin (just in case), been taking thousands of I.U's of vitamin D3 daily, yet the feeling of anxiety is palpable. I have proceeded prepping for what disaster might accrue from this crisis.
I truly wish Geert is wrong, and MANY of us have that subconscious wish.
But after following him on his prediction of the spike in COVID cases in Israel, where there was a HUGE chance that he will be wrong way back 2021, he WAS PROVEN RIGHT!
Nowadays, I sometimes, I feel, like ARE WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO KNOW THIS?
If you know people who were multiple mRNA injected, then you can provide this as a means of mitigation against the predicted more virulent disease. For that, "political will" is not necessary. In fact it is probably counterproductive if you want to get your hands on live attenuated MMR or tuberculosis vaccine.
Although I have the deepest respect for GVB this article does not sit well with me. I do understand his great concern for the emergence of his coined HIVICRON, however his proposal to remedy (or rather mitigate) this dire situation with injecting yet another concoction with both unknown and well known detrimental effects is in my humble opinion a dangerous sidetrack as been pointed out by other competent members of this tread. I am sure his reasoning is solid and probably sound, so maybe it is time for revitalizing the measles party from the veil of history.
My thought is that Geerts point of view is that there's nothing left to lose. I think his position is that if someone has been vaxxed and has a significant risk of dying from the coming C19 evolutionary jump, there is little downside to taking an MMR shot. It's not going to kill anyone, the C19 will do that.
He is not suggesting this for those who haven't been vaxxed
Yes and to shut those up who say to him, "quit making dire predictions without some kind of remedy/help." I do see it as a Hail Mary on his behalf and this way no one can say he didn't try to offer a possible solution before it's too late.
Exactly. This is his "Hail Mary" pass. Something to try to mitigate the disaster he predicts. I will not willingly inject another substance into my body. I foolishly, foolishly took the shingles vax a few years ago, and succumbed to the flu vaccine pressure, but I've learned my lesson.
I believe you are right about this being kinda suggestion for the last resort. I am totally unjabbed, but if I were jabbed I would certainly consider encounter an infection with the wildtype measles virus if opportunity knocked on my door. But no way via MMR injection.
This idea of mmr Vax is not new. When they started covid shot a guy I know talked to his Dr friends and read some studies.. they recommended getting the mmr to prevent serious covid illness as better option than covid shot, which he did... that was in 2021. He got covid once in late '22.. who knows anymore what works and what doesn't cuz it's so individual, attacking a person's weak pts.
Protocol 7, the new film by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. The same Andrew Wakefield who blamed the MMR vaxx on gastric intussusection, autism in babies posted MMR vaxx. I hope many will watch this film.childhood immunisations continue to be dangerous and there is NO safety data to show they are safe.
Ich fürchte nur wenige Menschen werden diesem Rat folgen und womöglich den bald folgenden Ratschlägen aus Politik, Fernsehen, Zeitung und Radio folgen. Das heißt, Auffrischimpfung, Masken und die Grippeimpfung, ggf. auch Lockdown. Momentan ist für die Menschen kein akutes Problem erkennbar, daher werden sie ihre Chance zu spät erkennen.
Ich teile Ihre Gedanken. Der Vulkan ist noch nicht ausgebrochen, aber die Erschütterungen waren länger und stärker. Beginnen wir mit der Vorbereitung. Bitte bleiben Sie sicher. Alles Liebe von den Philippinen.
If the sarscov2 is a bioweapon vs a natural occurring “virus”, how is it possible to reduce severity of illness from the next variant by using more vaccines? Surely, MMR contains ingredients most of us do not want to put in our bodies. TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN clearly spells out the total lack of childhood vaccine safety testing. Most people my age have had naturally occurring measles, mumps and rubella as kids (1950).
It’s an attempt to retrain the immune system of vaccinated to refocus on coronavirus strains. At least that’s my reading. It would be nice to pretest this theory with volunteers who are highly vaccinated to see if the correct outcome occurs.
No matter what chance this might help the highly vaccinated, none of this will ever be even considered by the “authorities”. As millions die they will blame it on ________ (insert reason) and that will be the end of it. There is no way to even delay this coming “near” mass extinction event. For who the bell tolls? The bell tolls for every highly vaccinated human on the planet.
Mainstream media channel here in AZ just last week announced that an estimated 7-17 million immuno compromised people need to be concerned with KN2 variant and protect themselves. No mention of an higher virulent variant just that the uptick of cases is noticeable.
I would expect a lot of denial and cover up as this begins. The big indicator will be hospitals filling up and an increasing number of unexplained Covid deaths.
Based on the cashier I interacted with last week, she and many others are getting bacterial pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses that are filling up the hospitals. Alberta claimed to have a double vaxxed rate of around 81%. Around 17% continue to get the boosters that are now mixed in with flu shot. I'd imagine these are the ones getting sick.
Is this the new mRNA flu vaccine already being given? If so, it's seriously frightening to think what both together will do in the body. My husband used to have the flu vaccine due to autoimmune conditions. That finished last year as soon as he found out that it was being given out with the Covid jab, in case they accidentally gave him the wrong one. Now he'll never get it again, in case it's the mRNA one and they don't tell anyone. That's along with the anti-freeze - which he's allergic to) in the Covid one.
Yes they call them bi-valient. Double the trouble. I used to take flu shot when I cared for my sick Mom but usually ended up with flu anyway. Haven't taken anything in over 5 years now.
Yup.... 81% with damaged immune systems... I think we are just seeing the beginning of the problems and deaths with just the adverse reactions. I can imagine hospitals being overwhelmed soon with just adverse reaction patients. Add immune escape sick people and these organizations will be turning people away. When that happens... all hell is going to break loose.
Thank you for that link. Excellent source of information! Here in my western province of Canada there has been a heavy duty virus going around. A friend went to emerg for her persistent cough a few weeks ago and the nurse said "A lot of people are showing up with that cough. We X-ray their lungs and find they have pneumonia". I think the wave has passed. A seniors home in my town has an outbreak of Covid right now (10 cases). I don't know how ill the residents are. I hope it's a mild case. However, I know a number of people both vaxxed and unvaxxed, who seem to have tired immune systems.
Gee... that site is just a bundle of happy news... NOT! What a mess! According to one article we should not be eating meat due to sialic acid issues.. what to believe, what to believe...
Here is my family story: when my entire family got sick with covid, guess who had an easier time? The ones that were eating mostly plants based food. I eat very little meat( only 5 %), and although it wasn't fun to have covid, my suffering less worse than of regular meat eaters in my family. I also read some articles from other doctors who are saying the same: meat eaters are much more sick with covid than those who eat plant based food.
It's very individual.... I know plenty of big meat eaters who were barely ill.... I'm not much of a meat eater myself... in fact, I'm not very food motivated at all especially since smell/taste are still gone after 1.5 yrs :(.....arghgh!
The nicotine treatment suggested by Dr. Ardis is slowly fixing this problem for someone I know who has been without a sense of smell for two years since Delta.
Genetic engineering has developed abnormally with the motive of making money. However, if you read books by researchers, you can understand the basic, principled functions of various types of RNA, DNA, nonCodeDNA, and Epigenetics, but most of them are just a list of phrases like ``Maybe...'' and ``It's still unknown.''Even in immunology, there are still some things we don't understand. I think the current situation is similar to an infant conducting a chemical experiment. You never know when it's going to explode.
Hoping someone here will comment on this. Geert suggested that the inevitable HIVICRON will demonstrate O-Glycosylation where the virus hides its proteins from our immunity. Well, it seems like the GISAID folks watching the emergence of the new KP.2 and KP.3 variants that are displacing JN.1 are indeed noting glycosylation, but it's N-Glycosylation. What's the difference, and does it have any bearing on Geert's prediction?
Back in March 2022 Geert published a white paper(Pages 20-31) discusses N vs O glycoslation. Can you believe it?!
So far he hasn’t made a firm change about the O glycoslation prediction…”glycosylation of viral proteins is responsible for initiation of infection are well known to evolve as a result of immune pressure on the viral life” and right now ALL immune pressure is on the NTD of RBD. Unless these variants you speak of continue to dominate the scene, I would worry about them. It’s such a dynamic event going on..hard for me to see that far ahead
Anthony, you mean 'I wouldn't worry about them'? Still, what do you make of GISAID now tracking glycoprotein mutations? It seems they're seeing it as significant. Are they starting to think along Geert's lines?
Yes, Geert did say glycosylation would be the final stop before all hell breaks loose and even if he hasn't commented on this recent going on with GISAID. It is very interesting though that rather than simply tracking viral strains, GISAID are now tracking glycoprotein mutations.
Recap: C19 mass vaccination destroyed the natural immunity balance. Nobody can say to what extent - because the designers of the injectable product won’t admit publicly what and why they have done. Which means that they have gone full Musk against the whole world and now all professionals, experts, scientists and researchers can only guess what will happen next.
Why is this guessing wrong? Because it is done in the context of the known knowledge. Every month, new mechanisms of injury of the mRNA injectable products are being discovered. It seems that this Pandora box has no bottom.
What we know is that the injury from the spike (the same, whether by the virus or by the injection) is tragic in consequences, as proven by all adverse event reporting systems and their analyses. And we don’t know how to stop this continuing injury. We don’t even know whether this stopping is possible and - if it is - whether it may be permanent.
The question is, how injecting further artificial biochemical cocktails - of equally unknown long-term consequences - could be beneficial (in any meaning of the word) for the organism? MMR has never been properly tested (just like all other injectable savior preparations) even in itself.
There have been no real, true clinical studies of interactions of MMR injections with covid-affected or spike-vaccinated persons. Before declaring that this interaction could be helpful (what does it mean in this context? for how long? with what adverse effects?), shouldn’t medical professionals call for a full-scale true all-phases no-warpspeed clinical trial first?
Otherwise, we may be in for another mixing up of intricate body mechanisms after which nobody will be ready to step up and say, “I am responsible, I didn’t know, it was only another theory.”
After listening to an ecological garderner that turned around a cement based foundation on Long Island and the species that have been killed by the poisionings of the soils and land . And how even the flowers we buy( with no knowledge by the customer) if has been sprayed and grown with poisions if an insect lands on that to feed, it will ingest and eventually die off.
Now, the project of native plants and insects are thriving by observeing nature's way to live and humans hands off on intervening and grooming for us rather than the natural laws for the insects to thrive in.
Perhaps this time in history, we are awakening to what the native elders inhabitants wisdoms can teach us. Let's hope it's not to late.
Maybe our legacy could be it's how we lived and not how we died to pass on.
The paradox is that an average adult has about 1 hour of daily manageable time in his/her age window from 20 to 70. One hour a day.
With that little to make useful, we manage to turn these 60 minutes a day into a useless, pointless, inefficient, embarrassing collective lifetime tomb for everybody, including ourselves.
Frankly, a very very few of us deserve any respect. The more letters, degrees and titles, the smaller these chances.
I hear you Dan. Maybe the next time around we can be a butterfly and get our fuel from those surviors growing /bllooming in the cracks of those sidewalks~~~
Do a butterfly have a soul?. A soul is a non animal, not programmed kind of spirit. This soul energy only can be transformed (or eaten by demons), never disappears.
What if there is no another time? Or… What if you get an honor to make a decision on the transition where to go next?
Back here? Knowing what you know now, are you ready to come back here?
If not here, where else? Are you preparing to choose a different lifespace? Or only waiting cluelessly?
And no, this preparation is not about religion or faith.
It is about building the inner value, the set of inner criteria what you want to have in the next life. Or - the best how we can see this - by using this lifetime to make ourselves more than we were when we came here.
All those who disregard human values and make decisions for others, without even asking, will not be granted this honor. They will be stuck in what they are working on in this lifetime. Lies, arrogance, hatred of the nature, hunger for power, control trips, constant fear in which they live. Good for them. By the way, this also includes “benign” teachers, public servants, sales personnel, social workers… our friends and family members. And ourselves.
Dan, are you C-19 vaccinated?
With all due respect, this is the most stupid question I have ever heard.
A bit naive Dan, but stupid is harsh and not called for. We need to be civil.
“Stupid” in Webster: (4) lacking interest or point. No offensive intention, as I stated clearly.
This question is completely pointless. Has always been. Why were we so easily moved when the authorities asked us whether we were C19-marked? What difference is now?
Also, why the question? Did the inquirer expect “yes” or “no”? Why? What for? Is she making an online poll or research? Or does she need it to fulfill her inner need to be informed about the vaccination status of unknown online presences? (real people or bots, she will never be able to tell)
What difference does it make whether you are C19-marked or not? Kind of initiation ritual into being a “better” person (as it was played by a lot of us bullying others)? Or a “worse” person? Worse why? Better why?
Webster (3): marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting.
As I wrote, a stupid question - it is a very civil description, because it refers to the question itself and its value (?), not to the person who is asking it.
We all make stupid mistakes, and it is perfectly ok when we are told so in direct terms. Otherwise, we will cover up our faces with masks ad infinitum.
Re: She wants to know this to analyze the primary source for optimal truth / relevance.
1) Primary source: CEO of the main manufacturer of C-19 injections stated on video that he is not vaccinated and will not be. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
2) Primary source: Key employees of the manufacturer of these injections have been exempt from C-19 injection mandate. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
3) Primary source: Robert Malone has been recently caught lying to the public about his C-19 vaccination status. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
4) All the above have been enormously personally and financially benefitting from the covid tragedy. Please analyze it for optimal truth / relevance.
Thus, highly public people who have not been C19 vaccinated are clearly entitled to impose their vaccination concept on everybody - which is a fact that you can check from numerous publications and videos. Is this truth optimal enough?
On the other hand, C19 vaccinated and injured people (who are not public figures) are routinely denied support and/or compensation - which is a fact verifiable all over the world from public sources.
How would you correlate these two conclusions?
What does it tell us all?
Now, this is a stupid comment. In the same meaning of the word “stupid”, as provided by Webster. Calling it for what it is does not change its perceived value.
If this is a public forum, then everybody has the right to type in his/her view of the story. You have the right to type in a stupid question or comment, and I have the right to call it for what it is. If you don’t like this basic rule of public space, open a secret thread and be happy with self-censoring other readers.
Public space means that readers can provide their feedback to whatever you are writing. It does not have to be solely positive for your expectations. Unless you are advocating censoring views that are not in line with your preferences.
Commenting on the substance is 100% civil. If you cannot differentiate between the contents of the post and its author’s personal characteristics, we all have a problem.
As regards your reference to the question.
1. Just a few months ago, asked about vaccination status, people were offended and declared irrelevance and violation of private space or personal health data. How come, this question is now ok? Please, provide contextual reference which makes this question - identical in its contents - valid now? By the way, it still is an attempt at violation of personal data.
2. As you can see from the formulation of the question, it is specifically addressing a particular person called by a particular name. It is not a general “what if”. This means that its context is the personal vaccination (health) status of that particular person. A) The questioner has no legally authorized right to ask this question in this form - not even stating why she is asking it. B) Dan was not asking the questioner for any health advice or consultation - which makes this question very much over the top. C) The answer to this question can not be verified. It may be true or false or both or neither. Which makes the question both irrelevant and double stupid.
3. How do you know what the questioner wants?
4. How a 3-stroke keyboard effort can be “primary source” for anything?
5. How the vaccination status of a person (even if declared truthfully) can be measured as “optimal” truth / relevance? What does “optimal truth” means? What truth is not optimal? What relevance does vaccination status have to somebody’s opinions or views?
As I stated, what you have typed in is a stupid comment.
I could not agree more.
@Dan I think you misunderstand GVB's purpose of giving the measles vaccine. The purpose is to engage and train the innate immune system, which has been sidelined by the mass vaccination of so much of the world. It is not that the measles vaccine will directly fight COVID.
The body is already compromised by a) covid virus (viruses? variants? how many?) and/or b) covid vaccine - which is irrelevant because according to mainstream science both destroy the body’s natural mechanisms equally. In either case, we have no idea about the scope of the damage to the body as for now and we have no idea how the body may or will interact in the future with any other pathogens - just because the manufacturer denies to disclose the full and complete documentation of their toxic injection.
The more time elapses, more and more mechanisms of injury from the covid vaccine are disclosed. The only safe conclusion is that we don’t know what is happening. Yes, yes, I know, the doctors have everything under control and so on… Clearly, it is not the fact when you check the growing bodycount and continuous denial.
Under these circumstances, adding THREE more pathogens + nobody knows what else is there in this injection will only compound and complicate the already dis-balanced body. Regardless of theories - because the proposed cocktailing of MMR with covid and with covid shot afterfacts has never been clinically tested (to my knowledge).
By the way, the “innate” word basically means that this system had already been “trained” and made perfect long before any scientist came up with some fancy ideas - never seeing the organisms to which these ideas refer. In fact, this innate system has been successfully trained for the last thousands of years. Had it been differently, not a single child would be born healthy and would survive further thousands of years to finally have us arrive here.
I admit, theories, explanations and cute charts and tables are persuasive. Systemic denial of vaccine damage (despite huge reporting database) and rejecting the recognition of the resulting human suffering say something different.
There is a simple way to go ahead with this one theory, though. We only need, say, 500 leading doctors and HC officials who advocate the use of untested vaccines and vaccine combinations (including GVB) to be publicly (live) injected with the suggested products and televised (including vital records monitored) live 24/7 for the next 12 months (one full year cycle). If they are so certain of their theories, they will be good. If they are good, the rest of the world may be offered the proposed choice. We will have a true, reality-based proof of the safe and effective concept.
If any one of them refuses to participate, they should provide a full scientific explanation of why. They have the knowledge, so it will be a great contribution to the science. No exemptions. The 500 cohort will more or less resemble the actual population demographics.
There isn't time for the kind of proof/testing you suggest. but there is an easy way to know if an individual's immune system is compromised by either COVID or the vaccines. A simple test of IgG4 antibodies will tell if the person's innate immune system has been sidelined. High IgG4 antibodies indicate that the person will need to take alternative measures to fight the newer strains of COVID19. An individual could also test IgG4 prior to taking a measles vaccine and then a month or so afterward to see if the IgG4 were lowered.
I, personally, had COVID in Feb 2020. I then had two employer forced COVID vaccines in Jan/Feb of 2021. I have made a lot of efforts, since then, to rebuild my immune system. I tested my IgG4 levels in Nov of 2023 and they were within normal range. I wish I had known to test them in 2021. I will never know if they were elevated or not.
Sadly, in the USA, a single measles vaccine is not available. In the UK and other countries you can get only the measles vaccine.
> There isn't time for the kind of proof/testing you suggest.
We’ve heard it before. What now, Ultra-warp Speed? Are you ready to take responsibility and commit yourself to pay in full for the rest of the lives of those persons who will be injured as a result of “unknown” adverse effects of this theoretical + untested + unproven concept?
Do you really believe that the complexity of your whole physiology (now and in all your future years of life) can be reduced to snapshot-reading IG levels? Really?
So far, all medical scientists, researchers, practitioners and doctors all over the world combined have not been able to properly explain the common cold mechanism. Or headache. Or blood pressure changes. Or changes in the functioning of the eye.
Somehow, miraculously, they now can explain all current and future interactions of a “novel” virus which they supposedly have never heard of or seen before in history. Every few weeks they come up with new theories and new proposed intricacies of this one. Then they combine these new revelations with each other and propose more explanations. All desktop science, no personal responsibility, no personal experience. All reduced to one size fits all inhabitants of the Earth.
I miss the true medical science which appears to have been extinct for a few decades now…
My husband has a stem cell transplant for myleofibosis and He received both chemo therapy and complete body radiation. He had 3 covid vaxes before (and he will never again), but he is also on a revaccination program and just had the first MMR. we are monitoring for symptoms but all seems well and we are skeptical about the list he was given since most vaccines were never properly testes or developed. There is likely a population of people like him who could be followed.
What doctor in their right mind would give experimental vaxxes with no safety or effectiveness data. Unbelievable
That is interesting clinicial study to follow. Please keep us informed. He might need to get the second MMR or see if he has a boost in his MMR titers after the first shot.
To all who are commenting about potential risks of the MMR vaccine:
It seems that many are misunderstandingnwhat GVB is saying. Geert is not suggesting the unvaxxed take the MMR. He suggests it for those who are vaxxed.
I think his opinion is that it cannot really do any harm. If one is likely to die from a coming strain of C19, the MMR can only potentially help. It will not hurt because that person has very significant odds of succumbing to the new C19. Even if it doesn't work, the vaxxed have nothing to lose by trying it.
But it's all a moot point. No one is going to follow this advice and no govt will suggest it.
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, a French geneticist specializing in RNA, describes 12 all failed mRNA vaccine trials since 2000 in her book for the general public.
Book title = The Sorcerer's Apprentice
She was also criticized by the mass media in the early days of Covid19.
Yes, I also understand him as trying to think of potential last ditch attempts to stop some of the damage and deaths which are likely to occur, and was thinking the same - that I can't see any governments or medical bodies which possibly have the means to initiate something like this, actually doing anything.
Something I'm not really understanding, though, is why, if the MMR might help the vaccinated now, the age group which has had the MMR (which has been in use for decades now) wouldn't have been more protected to start with. Plenty of younger people don't seem to be faring too well and there have been so many reported sudden deaths. I probably just don't understand the science behind what he's saying.
Having said that, I'd just add that if I was Covid vaccinated, no-one would be getting anywhere near me with more vaccinations of any sort. I really feel for those who are vaccinated, and can't begin to imagine how those who now know what's going on, are coping with that knowledge.
The point Geert is trying to make is that since measles
And Mumps virus share similar dna homology with covid virus, people whose immune systems have been dysregulated by covid vaccine could try this as a way to now train their innate immune system and when a virulent variant comes along, they theoretically may have some NK innate immune protection that gets induced by the MMR vaccine. Along with antivirals, PREVENTING initial infection (from a new
Virulent variant ) could save lives for those people whose innate immune system has been derailed . Once they get through the initial wave of infections, they have a chance at living to see another day. There’s a high risk:reward ratio for
people with a derailed immune system. And yes health professionals and public policy “experts” will need to embrace this thinking rather than locking everyone down and pushing the same old narrative as before.
Many thanks again for the reinforcement of the science! Can you explain, though, whether a pre-existing MMR would have been helping anyone's immune system up until this stage? If so, would its effectiveness now be gone, unless someone got another MMR now? Or is he saying that it might help at this stage, but wouldn't have done so at the time of the first vaccinations. Or is it the situation that it would have been too dangerous to add it into the mix at first sign of severe side-effects (even if it had been considered), but now it's worth a shot? Sorry for the barrage of questions but I'd really like to understand this better.
As far as NK cell training via MMR,
Think of it this way… if it hasn’t been utilized since childhood how robust can it be? a new shot with good seroconversion would re-populate those NK cells to be ready to respond quicker now to a new circulating variant.
My dad is vaccinated for Covid 5-6 times and had Covid twice with no severe symptoms. He had measles as a child as well as mumps and rubella. Would a measles or MMR shot help him with hivicron if he has natural immunity already?
So you're saying that the MMR loses - or may lose - efficacy over time? That would make better sense of it for me. I've actually just done a bit of reading up on this and it's getting clearer - thank you!
It would be great if the government actually researched medications that would help with treatment. That or allow uncensored research into these topics.
If the government did that, they would never have declared a covid "pandemic" in the first place. Of course, Pfizer, etc. and stockholders would have missed the opportunity to make billions of dollars in profits, and government officials would have missed the delicious opportunity to dictate to the masses!
How about ivermectin over the counter!
Haven't most people already had the MMR vaccine?
Not if they are in their 70's or beyond. They likely had Measles, mumps, rubella as children. That immunity seems to be long lasting, but is it effective in the present situation?
Yes exactly !! Do they need a booster
MMR cannot prevent cardiac damage, neurological damage, heart damage post covid vaxx.
Hard pass on any and all vaccines, going forward
I am unvaxxed, thus having an MMR vaccine is considered an "overkill" and could lead to complications that are unwarranted. I would take anti-virals prophylactically instead, since I would be dealing with vaccinated people who might be affected with this new wave of the COVID scourge.
By the way, Dr. Philip McMillan had a new video regarding COVID sepsis, which may trace its roots from the new variant, KP.2.
I watched Dr. McMillan's interview yesterday. Now, there are many people worried about sepsis and asking what they can do in this matter. Here is the best article about sepsis called " How to Prevent Dying from Sepsis" that was written by Orthomolecular Medicine doctors. I read their newsletter regularly, and learn so much from them. Here is the link that will help you, and your family:
It's not an interview, it's a video presentation about Sepsis. And Dr. McMillan's arguments are valid, and worth taking them into account.
Yes, I read the article from, regarding sepsis prevention. Thank you so much for sharing it here. Stay safe.
You are very welcome! In the last 10 years, I have acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge, and now I feel that I have a moral duty to help others by sharing what I have learned. But in the last few years, since 2020, I learned more than ever in my life. I created my personal protocol for treating and preventing covid based on many books I have read, and protocols writen by doctors from around the world. Based on my experience, the treatment protocol works very well.
My God, me too!
NEVER have I realized how learning and acquiring knowledge could be a lifesaver. I did research on ivermectin and became a member of the FLCCC. I was lampooned, lambasted and had to get a new job. But thank God, I stood my ground.
I now feel morally responsible to share this knowledge with those who cared to listen (my Collège students, my colleagues, my friends etc.) I want you to know that you're not alone in this.
Also homeopathy is wonderful and I have as a layperson used it for many different ailments for 30 + years.
I was just talking to my office manager about all the sepsis we have been seeing
Thank you so much! That's what we need - information on what to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones!
I found an old article from 2021 this morning that I had saved and it shows that sepsis was a side effect of the MRNAs when they were originally done on animals. So that may be what Dr. McMillan is witnessing.
why would you take any anti-virals if you are healthy and unvaxxed? Your system doesnt need it. You might however need the detox protocol to deal with spike shedding from the freshly C-19 vaxxed.
It's never a bad idea to take antivirals even when you are healthy and unvaxed. That's because those antivirals have many health benefits. This is like telling me why take vitamins, supliments, herbs and do acupuncture if I'm healthy and unvaxed? Let me tell you why: it's because it makes a lot of sense! After studying for more than 10 years, as a layperson as Dr. Geert likes to say, the Chinese Traditional Medicine and Orthomolecular Medicine, I can assure you that is the smartest thing to do. Not taking any vitamins, supliments, herbs or mushrooms just because you are healthy and unvaxed is the most foolish thing one can do. I am 100% sure that I'm right about that.
I disagree. You should not take antivirals when you arent under attack from intolerable viral loads, for the same reasons you shouldnt use antibacterials around the house or in your food:
1) Their use will encourage viruses to breed resistance. Viruses evolve much faster than human technology can develop new safe antivirals.
2) A healthy immune system, maintained by diet and exercise and supplements as needed, is more than enough to deal with temporary imbalances of viruses and bacteria. Why risk the cost and side effects of (usually inadequately tested) pharma products?
3) You contain a host of viruses and bacteria all the time and they work in harmony with your body to help you thrive. See the burgeoning research on the microbiome and on the fundamentally linked nature of viral, bacterial, and animal life forms on this planet.
Gabriella, when you note antivirals, what or which ones? Do you mean Paxlovid?
I think she means taking vitamins and supplements is good for you, not pharmaceuticals.
BCG vaccine
Yes. That too.
Who trusts anything in a syringe now?
I appreciate GVB's willingness to present a solution. But the political will to do so is not there. The unfortunate fate of millions of people has been decided.
You are correct.
What if Geeert is wrong and this thing never happens
That would be wonderful. But ALL of his predictions on the evolution of this virus and the population based immune pressures driving this evolution have been right so far. When immune refocusing in the vaccinated was independently scientifically confirmed, he knew for sure that he is right. We all did. There was no question anymore. All of the dominos have fallen exactly as he predicted. Would it be great if the final domino refused to fall? Yes of course. But it will fall because the forces of nature will make it fall. It can’t be stopped. Nature is driven to protect the species by creating herd immunity. Herd immunity will be created. But the cost will be mountains of bodies and oceans of tears.
It feels so weird knowing that only limited number of people are acquainted with this information. As for me, I am becoming restless on a daily basis to when it will arrive and will it be worse than second wave or it won’t arrive at all.
Right... information silos, censorship and stupidity make all of this possible. And... no one has ever been in a situation like this before. To know that this is coming is a very heavy cross to bear. I am personally enjoying every (last moment) of what is a normal life. When it starts.... it will be the beginning of the end of our modern world. So enjoy yourself while you can and prepare to set your clocks back 150 years.
Apart from my grandchildren, I am the ONLY one who is unjabbed.
I pleaded to my family NOT to take the jab, but they won't listen. My wife took the jab OUT OF SPITE, even. I begged my son not to have my grandkids jabbed against COVID, since it was unnecessary, and could potentially be dangerous. I would be damned of he and his wife did it still, without letting me know.
Sobbing right now!
Stay safe, everyone.
I have the same feeling. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, whether a wave of significant illness, another travel ban, etc.. If even a significant percentage of our population become chronically unwell, our lives will change in ways we cannot imagine. We are indeed in the beginning of a new dark age.
Interesting to think about most vs least likely countries to be impacted.
Almost all Cubans got 4 shots. Yikes. On the other hand, lots of African nations got almost none. Good time to relocate to Bulgaria with a mostly intact (unvaxed) population or better to move to Cuba where land may become abundant? (Really just a thought exercise for me; I can’t change my home based upon a hypothesis, however compelling).
Uh, don't think you or much of anyone else except some elites will be alive to experience it...
I feel you, TJ. Restless for me is an understatement. I am unvaxxed, have a stack of Ivermectin (just in case), been taking thousands of I.U's of vitamin D3 daily, yet the feeling of anxiety is palpable. I have proceeded prepping for what disaster might accrue from this crisis.
I truly wish Geert is wrong, and MANY of us have that subconscious wish.
But after following him on his prediction of the spike in COVID cases in Israel, where there was a HUGE chance that he will be wrong way back 2021, he WAS PROVEN RIGHT!
Nowadays, I sometimes, I feel, like ARE WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO KNOW THIS?
Enjoy stuff as much as possible because the world won’t ever go back to being the same after, like ever. It’ll be like the 90s vs the 2000s. 50000x
If you know people who were multiple mRNA injected, then you can provide this as a means of mitigation against the predicted more virulent disease. For that, "political will" is not necessary. In fact it is probably counterproductive if you want to get your hands on live attenuated MMR or tuberculosis vaccine.
just wait til thousands a day start dying
Although I have the deepest respect for GVB this article does not sit well with me. I do understand his great concern for the emergence of his coined HIVICRON, however his proposal to remedy (or rather mitigate) this dire situation with injecting yet another concoction with both unknown and well known detrimental effects is in my humble opinion a dangerous sidetrack as been pointed out by other competent members of this tread. I am sure his reasoning is solid and probably sound, so maybe it is time for revitalizing the measles party from the veil of history.
My thought is that Geerts point of view is that there's nothing left to lose. I think his position is that if someone has been vaxxed and has a significant risk of dying from the coming C19 evolutionary jump, there is little downside to taking an MMR shot. It's not going to kill anyone, the C19 will do that.
He is not suggesting this for those who haven't been vaxxed
Yes and to shut those up who say to him, "quit making dire predictions without some kind of remedy/help." I do see it as a Hail Mary on his behalf and this way no one can say he didn't try to offer a possible solution before it's too late.
Exactly. This is his "Hail Mary" pass. Something to try to mitigate the disaster he predicts. I will not willingly inject another substance into my body. I foolishly, foolishly took the shingles vax a few years ago, and succumbed to the flu vaccine pressure, but I've learned my lesson.
I believe you are right about this being kinda suggestion for the last resort. I am totally unjabbed, but if I were jabbed I would certainly consider encounter an infection with the wildtype measles virus if opportunity knocked on my door. But no way via MMR injection.
This idea of mmr Vax is not new. When they started covid shot a guy I know talked to his Dr friends and read some studies.. they recommended getting the mmr to prevent serious covid illness as better option than covid shot, which he did... that was in 2021. He got covid once in late '22.. who knows anymore what works and what doesn't cuz it's so individual, attacking a person's weak pts.
I love Geert but my brain hurts from all the suffering in the world today so I'll just accept the fact the VAX is killing people.
Yes. Radical acceptance is the key to finding a sense of peace with this state of affairs.
The thing is ... I will never shoot another vaccine ... ever.
Vaccines are bullshit poison
Protocol 7, the new film by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. The same Andrew Wakefield who blamed the MMR vaxx on gastric intussusection, autism in babies posted MMR vaxx. I hope many will watch this film.childhood immunisations continue to be dangerous and there is NO safety data to show they are safe.
Ich fürchte nur wenige Menschen werden diesem Rat folgen und womöglich den bald folgenden Ratschlägen aus Politik, Fernsehen, Zeitung und Radio folgen. Das heißt, Auffrischimpfung, Masken und die Grippeimpfung, ggf. auch Lockdown. Momentan ist für die Menschen kein akutes Problem erkennbar, daher werden sie ihre Chance zu spät erkennen.
Ich teile Ihre Gedanken. Der Vulkan ist noch nicht ausgebrochen, aber die Erschütterungen waren länger und stärker. Beginnen wir mit der Vorbereitung. Bitte bleiben Sie sicher. Alles Liebe von den Philippinen.
Da haben Sie Recht, leider.
If the sarscov2 is a bioweapon vs a natural occurring “virus”, how is it possible to reduce severity of illness from the next variant by using more vaccines? Surely, MMR contains ingredients most of us do not want to put in our bodies. TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN clearly spells out the total lack of childhood vaccine safety testing. Most people my age have had naturally occurring measles, mumps and rubella as kids (1950).
It’s an attempt to retrain the immune system of vaccinated to refocus on coronavirus strains. At least that’s my reading. It would be nice to pretest this theory with volunteers who are highly vaccinated to see if the correct outcome occurs.
No matter what chance this might help the highly vaccinated, none of this will ever be even considered by the “authorities”. As millions die they will blame it on ________ (insert reason) and that will be the end of it. There is no way to even delay this coming “near” mass extinction event. For who the bell tolls? The bell tolls for every highly vaccinated human on the planet.
Mainstream media channel here in AZ just last week announced that an estimated 7-17 million immuno compromised people need to be concerned with KN2 variant and protect themselves. No mention of an higher virulent variant just that the uptick of cases is noticeable.
Follow this site - click on news - they will at least report about variants
I would expect a lot of denial and cover up as this begins. The big indicator will be hospitals filling up and an increasing number of unexplained Covid deaths.
Based on the cashier I interacted with last week, she and many others are getting bacterial pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses that are filling up the hospitals. Alberta claimed to have a double vaxxed rate of around 81%. Around 17% continue to get the boosters that are now mixed in with flu shot. I'd imagine these are the ones getting sick.
Good to hear someone from a fellow Albertan who is seeing this first hand. The increase in illness of course is not being reported by the media.
Is this the new mRNA flu vaccine already being given? If so, it's seriously frightening to think what both together will do in the body. My husband used to have the flu vaccine due to autoimmune conditions. That finished last year as soon as he found out that it was being given out with the Covid jab, in case they accidentally gave him the wrong one. Now he'll never get it again, in case it's the mRNA one and they don't tell anyone. That's along with the anti-freeze - which he's allergic to) in the Covid one.
Yes they call them bi-valient. Double the trouble. I used to take flu shot when I cared for my sick Mom but usually ended up with flu anyway. Haven't taken anything in over 5 years now.
Yup.... 81% with damaged immune systems... I think we are just seeing the beginning of the problems and deaths with just the adverse reactions. I can imagine hospitals being overwhelmed soon with just adverse reaction patients. Add immune escape sick people and these organizations will be turning people away. When that happens... all hell is going to break loose.
Thank you for that link. Excellent source of information! Here in my western province of Canada there has been a heavy duty virus going around. A friend went to emerg for her persistent cough a few weeks ago and the nurse said "A lot of people are showing up with that cough. We X-ray their lungs and find they have pneumonia". I think the wave has passed. A seniors home in my town has an outbreak of Covid right now (10 cases). I don't know how ill the residents are. I hope it's a mild case. However, I know a number of people both vaxxed and unvaxxed, who seem to have tired immune systems.
Gee... that site is just a bundle of happy news... NOT! What a mess! According to one article we should not be eating meat due to sialic acid issues.. what to believe, what to believe...
Here is my family story: when my entire family got sick with covid, guess who had an easier time? The ones that were eating mostly plants based food. I eat very little meat( only 5 %), and although it wasn't fun to have covid, my suffering less worse than of regular meat eaters in my family. I also read some articles from other doctors who are saying the same: meat eaters are much more sick with covid than those who eat plant based food.
It's very individual.... I know plenty of big meat eaters who were barely ill.... I'm not much of a meat eater myself... in fact, I'm not very food motivated at all especially since smell/taste are still gone after 1.5 yrs :(.....arghgh!
The nicotine treatment suggested by Dr. Ardis is slowly fixing this problem for someone I know who has been without a sense of smell for two years since Delta.
Thanks for sharing the site. Just read it and it does look dire... and just around the corner before this "tsunami" heats up. Stay safe.
Genetic engineering has developed abnormally with the motive of making money. However, if you read books by researchers, you can understand the basic, principled functions of various types of RNA, DNA, nonCodeDNA, and Epigenetics, but most of them are just a list of phrases like ``Maybe...'' and ``It's still unknown.''Even in immunology, there are still some things we don't understand. I think the current situation is similar to an infant conducting a chemical experiment. You never know when it's going to explode.
Thanks for this Timely update Dr Bossche much appreciated and Best wishes
Hoping someone here will comment on this. Geert suggested that the inevitable HIVICRON will demonstrate O-Glycosylation where the virus hides its proteins from our immunity. Well, it seems like the GISAID folks watching the emergence of the new KP.2 and KP.3 variants that are displacing JN.1 are indeed noting glycosylation, but it's N-Glycosylation. What's the difference, and does it have any bearing on Geert's prediction?
Back in March 2022 Geert published a white paper(Pages 20-31) discusses N vs O glycoslation. Can you believe it?!
So far he hasn’t made a firm change about the O glycoslation prediction…”glycosylation of viral proteins is responsible for initiation of infection are well known to evolve as a result of immune pressure on the viral life” and right now ALL immune pressure is on the NTD of RBD. Unless these variants you speak of continue to dominate the scene, I would worry about them. It’s such a dynamic event going on..hard for me to see that far ahead
Anthony, you mean 'I wouldn't worry about them'? Still, what do you make of GISAID now tracking glycoprotein mutations? It seems they're seeing it as significant. Are they starting to think along Geert's lines?
Have they started to track the glyco ?
Apparently! And, they are even giving a color coded modelling of the glyco as it evolves. It's changing by the hours.
So things are going as per Geert’s theory?
Yes, Geert did say glycosylation would be the final stop before all hell breaks loose and even if he hasn't commented on this recent going on with GISAID. It is very interesting though that rather than simply tracking viral strains, GISAID are now tracking glycoprotein mutations.