Thank you Geert. Got the IVM, but no needle is going anywhere near my arm.

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Apr 20Edited

Have you read the info from " A Midwestern Doctor? No vax sounds like a good idea anymore, I'm with you Craig.

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Google for ‘Dissolving Illusions’ by Suzanne Humpries and Roman Bystrianyk. Vaccines have always been a scam. The mRNA’s are the worst yet.

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Yes thank you was reading his Substack just yesterday 👍

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The measles vaccine is a SCAM (they all are) - here is absolute PROOF


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Thanks. Good info, although you can hear the bleating from the pro-vaxers "oh but look at all the suffering we saved in that remaining 2%". I know so many who remain gripped by fear of any temporary illness. Fear sells.

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The deluge of autistic children... was worth it!!!

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After the vaccine, case rates declined.

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Yeah it sounds crazy to challenge your immune system with more toxins and heavy metals!

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Geert is basically saying all the vaxxed are doomed. 5B people are about to shuffle off to Buffalo.

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Still waiting for this to happen 😪

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Geert said June, but ADE was always baked into this cake, inevitable. There’s nothing we can do except protect our families and prepare.

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Don't know where he said June. He did say "the coming weeks". Gotta take into account in his video of who's at risk, he said those with one dose and those infected prior to vaccination are not at risk. He also said in that video that the surge was going to hit in the summer/fall of last year. https://rumble.com/v2zt5n0-assuming-my-predictions-are-correct-who-will-be-at-risk-and-who-will-not.html

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I'm aware of that as well. I find him kind of inconsistent and personally only cling in case because I'm generally drawn to what scares me.

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For what it's worth, my view is, covid is over the only thing we need tonworry about is our governments and what they are planning to do

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The rest starve

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Hi Craig, I'm wondering where you got your IVM as here in Australia a prescription is required and finding a GP that is prepared to give a large qty script is not possible in my location. cheers Tony

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Take a look at Indiamart. They ship discretely from there.

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Thank you Craig. I have started looking - a very busy site and so many suppliers. Cheers

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Yes some would call that consumer choice, there are plenty of brands like CoviLife for example, they all appear to contain IVM which is what’s important. Yes plenty of suppliers too. You can get into an email / WhatsApp dialogue with them too, ask how they ship. As you’re clearly not a sheep, at some point just take the plunge.

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I appreciate what you are doing to warn the world but I would skip any vaccination (especially when sick!) There are tons of herbs and other natural remedies that can treat covid in addition to ivermectin. dandelion, propolis, andrographis, melatonin to name a few. There are many protocols that have been developed.

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A friend of mine has a pure bred dog. She has proudly proclaimed "she has every vaxx possible, even a dog flu vaxx." The first thing I thought was "you dog is going to die young."

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I just moved back into a city after 15 yrs living rural... so I am seeing quite a few dogs when I walk mine... in a one month span I have seen 3 relatively young adult dogs with missing front legs...

Two of the owners mentioned cancer was the cause - not sure about the third...

Cancer... 3 of them .. front leg... hmmm...

I am thinking that's where they get their annual vaccine shots year after year after year...

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From cancer

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Even though this pet owner has a brain, she only has a prejudice or fixed idea that "vaccine = good". She probably feels the same about herself.

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While I would focus on ongoing detox, immune boosting, anti-cancer, anti-spike and anti-parasitic protocols...combined with organic, raw foods...there is no way on God's green earth I'd line up for another big harma vaccine. Good lord.

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And here we are geerts mask finally slips as soon as he said vaccinate I'm out.

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Nick, he just has a different opinion of vaccines than you, and to me that makes him more believable. He believes in vaccine science and trusts some, yet he does not trust the cv or ebola ones. Clearly that means there is something really very wrong with them!

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Not all vaccines are bad. Some received the approximate 10 years of clinical trials. Nothing is 100% safe, but if you can't assess the cost benefit for specific situations then there's nothing more to discuss.

Life isn't all or nothing. Those who take that path usually end up with nothing.

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Tell that to the Amish. ZERO autism in the community.

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Michael, I respect your point here, and we can learn a lot from the Amish. I live and have worked for years near the largest Amish area in Ohio, interact with them at Lehman's Hardware in Kidron, so I am familiar with who they are.

That said, I can't agree with your comment below where you say "All vaccines are death". Perhaps you aren't old enough to remember Polio, although there are still a few people alive who were the last to be stricken with polio in the '50s before there was a vaccine. Have you ever heard of an IRON LUNG? I'll include a link to it here so you can see the kind of life the Polio vaccine saved people from. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_lung

Extreme (all or nothing) positions are rarely - if ever - effective or correct. Yours is not correct.

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Here is a fascinating thread about polio and an alternative view as to what caused it if you care to read it (spoiler alert: pesticides):


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You should educate yourself on the historical polio vaccine scam.

In testimonies given at US Congressional Hearings in 1962, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Department of Biostatistics of the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified that not only did polio increase substantially (50 percent from 1957 to 1958 and 80 percent from 1958 to 1959) after the introduction of mass vaccination programs, but statistics were manipulated to give the impression of the effectiveness of the Salk vaccine. Dr. Greenberg gave the following reasons why it appeared that polio decreased after the vaccine was given:

* Redefinition of an epidemic: More cases were required to refer to polio as epidemic after the introduction of the Salk vaccine (from 20 per 100,000 to 35 per 100,000 per year) ·

* Redefinition of the disease: In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954 the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. “This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis,” testified Dr. Greenberg. ·

* Mislabeling: After the introduction of the Salk vaccine, “Cocksackie virus and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from paralytic poliomyelitis, whereas prior to 1954 large numbers of these cases undoubtedly were mislabeled as paralytic polio,” explained Dr. Greenberg.

Source: Intensive Immunization Programs, Hearings before the Committee on Interstate & Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 10541, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1962; pp. 96-97


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Wow, you are giving haughty lectures about quaxxxines and haven't even delved into the polio scam? Shameful.

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Haughty lectures? Are you on drugs or are you just a flaming emotional bimbo? I simply made reference to polio -OF WHICH I HAVE PERSONALLY SEEN AND OBSERVED, and the Iron Lung living of polio victims. That vaccine saved thousands from that fate. That is history and that is fact. What is haughty about that?

I am 100% against this COVID clotshot that isn't a vaccine. They changed the definition of vaccine so it could be "called" a vaccine. It is a bioweapon. The polio vaccine is NOT.

I don't seen ANYTHING cited or refenced by you Lame Brain that supports anything you say. Perhaps you'd like to contribute substantially to this thread instead of just lobbing your unqualified opinion about things you have no credentials to judge.

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Thanks for proving my point that you have done no research on "polio" and its quaxxxine.

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Read 'Vaccination: Examining the Record' by Judith de Cava.

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Correct. People say there isn't a control group to see if vaccines injure people. The Amish don't have any of the so called diseases like ADHD, autism etc.

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I think you will benefit from reading "The Moth in the Iron lung".

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I’ll check it out. Thanks.

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Thank you

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"Not all vaccines are bad. Some received the approximate 10 years of clinical trials. "

B.S. Do your homework. Not even close.

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Only DEN (dengue fever) has done placebo and 5-year observation.

BNT162b2 for Covid19 was sold with no vaccination setting within 14 days and other fake placebo.

The following have not done placebo or long-term observation!!!

Some are only 3, 4, or 5 days long!!!

HepB, DTaP, PCV, IPV, HiB, RotaV, Flu, MMR, VariV, Tdap, HPV,

Men4, MenB, PPSV23

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How could there be fuckin` viruses, if they have never ever been seen?

Ask Geert, he should be able to answer, right? He represents pseudo-science. Which is Not the Truth.

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The only question is whether it's a slow death or a fast death!

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I like him and respect him, but I agree with you. I’m 60 and I have had no vaccines, flu shots. And I never will. I’m an anti-jabber!

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He's only recommending the measles vax for the already vaxxed.

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Some people, like me, are passionately against putting foreign matter of all kinds into our bodies. I will never inject anything into my God designed body!

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Correct! If it's in your mouth you can spit it out, but once it's in your bloodstream you can't get it out.

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It's a recommendation! You don't HAVE to take it.

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Well perhaps GVB could address this https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/did-the-death-rate-from-measles-decline

Cuz it's rather damning.

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Apr 20Edited

That's about measles death rates and the measles vaccine.

Dr GVB however is talking about how the Covid vaxed could be protected from the soon-to-appear virulent Covid variant by taking a live attenuated vaccine like the measles vaccine. Different purpose and different mechanism.

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I recall GVB recommending Paxlovid for protection....

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GVB never makes recommendations regarding specific medications/treatments, as he himself has admitted, he is not a medical doctor/physician. All he has recommended is for the vaxed to take "antivirals" prophylactically in anticipation of the virulent variant coming soon. He leaves the choice of antiviral up to the individual but has said that the best antiviral would be the one that meets all these criteria: 1. Is safe 2. Is effective 3. Is cheap 4. Is widely available.

You can guess which antivirals meet these criteria. Paxlovid is not one of them.

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I recall an interview where he recommended Paxlovid

I am keen on his take on this https://corespirit.com/articles/amish-dont-get-autism

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I also remember Geert introducing Remdesivir as a treatment in the very early days. Even I, an amateur, had researched this and found that 30% of people had severe side effects on the kidneys and liver. The interaction between the virus and the human immune system is extremely clear, but I have some doubts about other aspects.

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Wise choice given all vaccines are a scam

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Thank you.Already got my Ivermectin, but I live in Canada, so it is doubtful any physicians here would be willing to inject MMR as a preventative for Covid and the local Colleges have been busy taking away licenses for even trying to prescribe Ivermectin. We are all going to be relying on OTC horse medication for treatment...well not me, I never got vaccinated, but I am prepping for my kids, who were either mandated or did it so they could function socially.

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Sorry you live under Castro’s corrupt son of a slut mother.

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Unfortunately we have a prime minister in my opinion is doing what he wants without any regards for his constituents. Totally controlled by WEF

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I say, Go Truckers Go, and I live in Ottawa.

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Much, much deeper than WEF my friend. Much deeper.

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I betcha the Rolling Stones gang banged her

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They will never question why you want any vaccine. Will be thrilled people are actually asking for the MMR! 😂

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In Montreal there is a little shopping mall where a year ago they were giving their covid shots to people. Now I heard that the covid shots advertising at the mall entrance has disappeared. It has been replaced with the measles vaccines.

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MMR vaccine - you'd have to be out of your mind to inject more toxic garbage


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Okay, but it isn't for the measles protection.

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It's still a vaccine -- it's toxic https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-df8

Reject all vaccines. Every single one of them

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What is the formula to take for the ivermectin paste. I also live in Canada.

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This is the liquid ivermectin manufactured by SOLVET, a Calgary company.

I've used it since 2022.



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If you buy it there is a measurement tool right on the tube - it goes by weight. Given the difference in size between humans and horses you will be taking a very small size ribbon - like maybe half an inch if that much.

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Know your weight = the dosage

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Pencil Eraser size

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I buy the liquid syringe of ivermectin manufactured by Solvet, a company in Calgary AB.

Fill 00 gel caps.

3 or 4= 12mg

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Petite pois pea size. I measured 7mm lengths on the plunger for my 72 kilo weight.

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Don't get the paste, get the injectible liquid and mix with OJ. Dosage chart here:


There's a lot of good info on Vitamin I at the above site as well.

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Thank you that is so helpful. 😊

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I don’t know the rules in Canada, but I bought my IVM tablets from IndiaMart.com. There are some things like wait time for shipping if your country allows shipments from India, but that is the country that showed the efficacy of IVM for COVID.

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I get mine here, from India: https://www.rupapharmac.com/search.html?ss=Ivermectin+Tablets

Two shipments received so far (I'm gifting to my family and friends), and very affordable.

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I got mine from AllDayChemist.com (twice over the years) Took about 3-4 weeks to arrive in CA.

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Do you know where it is shipped from when you use that site? And was your package held up in California? (seems like everything I have ever shipped to CA gets held up for days and days!)

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Its from India. I don't think it was held up that I am aware of. Last package (several months ago) took 3 weeks. I feel good having some on hand, and I work in a medical office so exposed to a lot of people. I have used it at times with a known exposure. (Went to a party that turned into a super spreader event when someone came down with Covid the next day. 6 people got sick and most of them had been boosted within the month). (I also noticed this pattern with patients.)

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Thank you and that is good to know! I really want to have a stock of it on hand for any of my friends and family that might need it (hopefully they won't!).

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I am 80 and partner is 93. He went to a political rally a couple of weeks ago. Three days later he was terribly sick and I looked after him. After he was well then I got sick. It was a combination flu/cold but hit us both really hard. I am today thinking I made it. Neither of us are jabbed.

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I heard about indiamart before, even had a look....not obvious how it works, was not confident enough to go ahead and order....

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It is basically Amazon but from India - one of the BRIC nations.

Don't know where you live (I assume in the US) so the payment may be a little different. The sellers I dealt with - all very service oriented and helpful - wanted your phone number because of the significant time difference. Much was transacted by text message. Each seller will give you the payments options - the processing of that may take some time because of the time difference - but after several transactions have had no issues, concerns or complaints. I still hear from the India vendors I originally contacted for IVM. Shipment takes some extended time, so be ready for that.

Everyone's experience may be different, but I saw another comment in this thread that provided their IndiaMart contact they used. Frankly, I'd rather deal with India than China - so what's the difference between Amazon?

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Top notch for you to so clearly answer the question that has been posed to you in your previous posts, Dr. Vanden Bossche. That takes more guts than being a lone voice in the predictions world, in my humble estimation. Thank you for your willingness to serve others with your knowledge.

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I am a doctor. An unvaccinated person can ALSO take Ivermectin prophylactically in case the "tsunami" happens, albeit in normal amounts. Please see the FLCCC website for this. I am also a member among its thousands of members. Besides, Ivermectin has PLENTY of benefits, not just as an antiviral. It helps against certain forms of cancer, an excellent anti-inflammatory and can help support heart health.

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I agree very much with what you said. For those interested in ivermectin as a cancer treatment one of the best Substacks if not the best, it the one that belongs to Dr. William Makis. He gives away an entire treatment protocol for cancer patients depending on the stage they are in.

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Who’s tracking the trajectory of these variants? How will we know

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I use the WHO's CoViNet and Public Health England. However, I am also skeptical of these sources. I just keep my eyes and ears out for any eventuality.

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In Japan, a book was published in November 2021 by Dr. Satoshi Omura, the discoverer and developer of Ivermectin, explaining its effects in an easy-to-understand way for the general public. Some private doctors have been treating Cov19 with Ivermectin since 2020.

The American medical system is collapsing. But there are many respectable doctors, such as Kory, Marik, Trozzi, etc. Moderna is planning to develop toxic substances such as the mRNA xxxx-Series. I hope that these respectable doctors will continue to do their best.

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I will look into Dr. Omura's book.

Thanks so much for sharing.

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Geert has said there is no need for healthy unvaxed to take ivermectin prophylactically in anticipation of the virulent variant. He suggests the healthy unvaxed take antivirals like ivermectin only if/when they show symptoms, not prophylactically.

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True. As a "Pureblood" I need not take IVM for prophylaxis, as Geert says. But by taking IVM prophylactically by health care workers and nursing home attendants (the healthy & unvaxxed type) such thwarts the virus within them, thus protecting the sick and elderly, as well.

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Isn't there a danger that if we all start using ivm prophylactically that it will become ineffective in the same way that antibiotics can become? Surely it is best to save it until closer to the time when Geert's prophecy begins?

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Thanks for asking. No, there is no danger, since we are actually trying to attain herd immunity by killing the virus, and preventing it's spread, thus buttressing our strength in combatting it. Taking IVM prophylactically by health care workers and nursing home attendants (the healthy & unvaxxed type) thwarts the virus within them, thus protecting the sick and elderly, as well.

IVM is not an antibiotic, hence it does not fall into traps and limitations that typical antibiotics make. Start stocking up and be on the lookout for the first signs of trouble.

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Prophecy?????? Or prediction!!!! For real……come on people!

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Practically speaking. The above short article has nothing to do with medicine. It is NOT a medical recommendation. It is a FANTASY suggestion.

Actually, it should have a clear disclaimer or warning note - because it tries to persuade you into trying out an unproven “belief” medical intervention WITHOUT presenting exclusion criteria.

In other words, the “Geert” AI has just recommended that you self-experiment with a fantasy combo, WITHOUT giving you a chance of informed consent.

Here is a short list of warnings against using MMR vaccines by webmd.com:

“…Pregnant women should not get the MMR vaccine due to risks to the baby. Women who get the MMR vaccine should wait 4 weeks before getting pregnant.

Life-threatening allergic reactions. Adults who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin, a previous MMR vaccine, or a medication called neomycin should not get the vaccine.

Medical conditions. Adults should talk with their doctor if they: a) Have HIV, b) Have any other immune system disorder, c) Have cancer or are being given cancer drugs or X-rays, d) Are taking steroids or other drugs that affect the immune system, e) Have had a low platelet count (a blood disorder), f) Have had a blood transfusion or took blood products, g) Have a moderate or severe illness…”


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Thanks for your incisive input. It's good to know that you, webmd, and Geert agree. "On the other hand, vaccination against measles should be avoided in individuals who are ill, pregnant, or have a compromised innate immune system"

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“On the other hand” and “should [be avoided]” are interesting.

“As soon as any heavily C-19 vaccinated country…” is such a blanket statement… “Any” means even some exotic lands across the globe. How does it affect my Montana? It does not.

“country experiences a significant surge in cases of enhanced severe C-19 disease” - what does “significant” mean? Exactly what? Time? Percentage? Absolute numbers? Cases over time? Relative against other periods? What does “severe” mean?

Even as a fantasy piece, this one is so absurd. The real early Geert could not have written this. The massive vagueness in every statement is a tell sign that this content is generated by software. It would be interesting to know if Geert agreed to using his name to spread medical misinformation.

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Here is a clue for your question: what you will start noticing is people that you know or heard about, will start getting really sick and some even dying. Is anything like this happening right now? Very likely not.

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It has been happening since early 2020.

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I'm sorry, you were timed out.🤷🏻‍♂️

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he suggested something. he is not your doctor. why would he assist you with informed consent.

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1) Why? To protect himself from a lawsuit. The same reason why every book on innocent supplements has a disclaimer.

2) Read comments - how many people took this “advice” as a real advice. Even though the intro describes a highly unusual setting and the title is about “would”.

3) Not “he” - IT. This is a fake generated content, not human creation.

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Thanks for practical advice here. It is what many really seek since the true science may be more than they can process.

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This guy doesn't get it. Did he get the memo that covid hasn't been isolated or identified? The whole covid thing was a hoax. And he's saying get more vaccines? Oh boy, this man should not be listened to. He doesn't have the latest information. He goes by pop culture than scientific facts.

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You are on the wrong web page. This page is for people who actually understand science.

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What is science when in comes to covid? Luc Montagnier as early as 1990 had serious doubts HIV causes AIDS. Kery Mullis, who invented PCR testing, and was interviewed by Celia Farber for her book, also had doubts. There were over 6000 documented AIDS cases, where people never tested positive for HIV. Fast forward to covid situation it's basically impossible to say exactly what happened, the data was highly manipulated and inaccurate. Why there was no international committee of highly experienced scientists from multiple disciplines looking at what exactly happened? In 2019/2020 flue season in US we had around 36 million influenza cases that went to 16K the following year, how is that possible? What happened, where is science?

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Science is NOT "THE SCIENCE". They taught us the definition of science in grade school. It is the observation of a phenomenon, forming a hypothesis of the cause, then testing the hypothesis for its validity. It is that process. That is all it is. However, it takes an average person to notice the issue, a smart person to formulate the hypothesis, and an objective person to formulate the testing process, and a bunch of doubters who hope to prove them all wrong.

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😀 Brilliant!

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Only a very small percentage of doctors have the ability to think, while the majority only memorize what has been presented as accepted theory and judge whether it matches the patient's symptoms. The accepted theory itself is often distorted by the pharmaceutical industry.

It is true that in today's world, even for doctors in a single specialty, there are countless things they need to know and it must be difficult, but we ordinary people cannot trust them unless they take it a step further and develop their ability to think.

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Well said, and I agree, so what should have happened to an average person, who was ever sick with a viral infection, it should have been obvious that pretty much most of everything that has happened in the last 4 years was a lie and a total fraud. Any scientist should spot the problems with what has happened right away, any parent who had their kids vaccinated and had to sign a consent forms should know "safe and effective" is not true. FDA and other regulators failed to release full clinical trials data on mRNA, which has never before passed clinical trials. CDC had a year before they started an experiment with jabs to put in place a surveillance peogram to monitor mRNA effectiveness yet nobody cared to ask why there wasn't one.

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So Mr Geert, you are recommending to Just get their next Poison Frankenshot!!! 🤔

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What I would do is to look into his recommendation and investigate if they would make sense under the circumstances. But as with all vaccines, unfortunately there are side effects. Based on my knowledge, you can treat measles differently. What I don't know is how well it would work on those who took the mRNA.

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It has become propaganda and societal control.

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You obviously have no clue what is presented in this post. If you were born in the US you ALREADY HAVE THE MMR VACCINE SWEETIE. Geert is suggesting that you add the LIVE version of that to boost your already DESTROYED immune system. Good luck

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No, he is referring to a specific quality of the measles vaccine that produces transient improved surveillance effect for a period of time post injection. He is suggesting you get it close to the outbreak...it is non specific immune boosting.

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And many of us are old and had the measles for real, and are therefore actually permanently immune to measles.

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Thank you. I just have a distaste for trolls who can't read or understand basic logic.

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Excellent explanation Ann. What would you say about this advice to individuals with family members with MS and other autoimmune diseases? I guess these vaccines wouldn’t be appropriate? Or what if they are not currently using immune suppressants? Any thoughts?

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How does anyone vaccinate their way back to health?

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No. The thinking is this: if your immune system is not going to work because the forthcoming variant will evade it and as a result you may die, is there anything that can be done? Potentially, yes...by calling up the innate immune system via live attenuated vaccine to respond to another virus (in this case Measles), natural killer cells may provide some defense where otherwise there may be none.

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I get that part but all the poison in the shots is what’s so toxic and causes so many health issues. Heavy metal toxicity.

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Thanks Denise for your insightful analysis. I think I will follow your advice because clearly you know what you are talking about! Your scientific analysis is spot on!

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Insightful KG? Are you a total idiot? That's what you just revealed to these readers.

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That was irony and I liked it for that!

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I think you mean sarcasm Rosemary. How does irony apply to KG's comment?

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I now looked up both words and it says that Irony means the opposite of what is said or writen. And that’s how I understood it.

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Could he have been speaking sarcastically? I hope so.

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Pseudo-Scientific bullshite!!!

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So denise ward, why are you hear reading his articles? Is there nothing else on the internet for you to take up your time, since you feel this is a waste?

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To warn the Retards like you!!!😂🤣🫵

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You do realize that the vaccinated are creating viruses, right? They are literally virus making machines.

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I'm not sure how viruses work. Apparently they are made by the body to come out and clean up damaged or poisoned cells. They are like repairers. But we're not going to find out anything while this same system continues because nobody is going to study it except perhaps private researchers. The entire virology field is in question because they have never seen a virus in the body. It's called Terrain Theory and when this becomes more well-known it will probably wipe out the current "science" that medicine is based on.

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Yes he has heard that. He most likely accommodates this technical problem with the understanding that there exists a predictive framework around the phenominon of viruses, build upon known proxies, to understand them. People understood atoms many decades before they were visible by any means and I'm not sure they've every been eye-balled. Either that or he is a puppet of the WEF or just really stupid or something, right?

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I concur Denise! CONvid is a cold/flu. It always was/is.

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Sars 2 is neither a cold and absolutely not influenza.

Was this scientific website assaulted by Qtardia? Sure looks like it. SMH

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Apr 19
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You can have mine. I suggest getting it right in the eyeball. Hear that is extra extra effective.

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I believe Geert may be referring to ADE.. Antibody dependent enhancement, so the jabbed are now dependent on jabs to boost their immune system that was otherwise disengaged. So without jabs they would have zero immune systems.. Look up ADE

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This, yes. Geert is simply walking us through how ADE plays out, how the key deadly variations of the common cold will be bred into existence inside 5B doomed people.

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I confess....even though I understand your reasoning for recommending the live, attenuated measles vaccine to the Covid vaxed, I laughed out loud at the irony of recommending the MMR to people who have most likely lost all trust in ALL vaccines after their experience with the pandemic and the Covid jabs! 😅

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You are right: many of us lost completely the trust in all vaccines not just in the mRNA ones. This is much more than trust. Do you know what people are telling me when I mention the word vaccines? " I hate all vaccines, and you can't pay me to take even one for the rest of my life". Millions lost their trust in doctors, health authorities, and mainstream medias alltogether.

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He is desperate to help. This isn't a political game. He may hold the key for many people. But yes, to many including myself, this would be a hard thing to do. I'm personally getting really spooked about what life would be like for those who remain alive. 2 months from now my family might be hosting 10 hungry kids who's parents were taken out, without access to fresh food, corpses everywhere, and not a living medical professional in the state.

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Stop calling it Covid everyone…..

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I feel so sorry for the people who choose this bioweapon. 😞

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GVB is clear we are in the chronic phase before the storm hits. If what I've been witnessing in my little world in Michigan is representative, reinfection soon after an earlier JN.1 infection is happening. These VBTIs reinfections are flu-like and not mild colds. This is not good folks.

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Thank you so much for your concern for all of us. I read your opinion at the beginning of this Covid stuff. You made sense to me. And you were right!

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There are some things everybody can take today, stuff already in common foods.

Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 One wants >40 ng/ml of vitamin D in the blood. People who got very sick from Covid had low levels of vitamin D, <20 ng/ml. It effects calcium and the K2 will direct the calcium to the bones.

Quercetin and zinc. Zinc in the cells inhibits viral reproduction. One needs an ionophore to transport zinc through the cell walls. HCQ is a strong ionophore, quercetin is a natural ionophore, and is readily available. I took these for over six months before a Covid infection. The virus was stunted, and my cell based innate immune system destroyed the infection. I awoke from an amazing fever sweat. I have no antibodies against covid. My adaptive immune system was not triggered, as it was not needed.

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Not always though. My calcifediol was 128 ng/ml (calcitriol was 74.6 pg/ml - all from sun exposure) and I nearly died from immunothrombogenesis with delta. But, absolutely, get in the sun and D up!

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What’s immunothrombgensis?

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It was the primary pathophysiology of severe covid - complement dysregulation leading to excessive neutrophil activation, hypercytokinemia, NETosis causing a doomloop of inflammation driving clotting via platelet-neutrophil axis.

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Resolved how? Steroid?

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Gary, you are right on with everything except the level of Vitamin D. Check out Dr John Campbell in discussion with a UK physician Dr David Grimes who is an expert in the research and practical application of Vitamin D. titled “ How much Vitamin D should I take?”. And his latest video on an Italian meta analysis of Vitamin D. His advice is to take the Calcifidiol form to quickly bring up your levels of Vitamin D. I believe that Dr Grimes proposes that a level of 100 plus, not 40 is essential. But do check these videos out on YouTube and make up your own mind.

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I based the 40 ng/ml on a substack graph that showed the benefit of vitamin D becoming pretty flat at more than 40. It was based on people hospitalized with the Covid virus. Yes, more was better. I don't disagree with 100 mg/ml. The marginal decrease in bad results was not large at levels more than 40 ng/ml. 50 was better, That graph did not show much improvement above 50.

Always be careful in health that if a little bit is good, a large amount will be better. Vitamin D can increase the amount of calcium in the blood. That can cause calcification, hardening of the arteries. Vitamin K2 helps put the calcium in the bones. Did Dr. Grimes mention the Calcium problem or vitamin K2?

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Gary, Dr Grimes has been researching and writing books about the importance to the immune system of Vitamin D, all his long professional life. What he knows and what he has to say, is an eye opener. So I encourage you to take a look at it.

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Why not check out the discussion on YouTube on channel, Dr John Campbell. The title of the video is “How much vitamin D should I take?”

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You need to mind the units of measure (ng/ml vs nmol/L)

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