Ignore Malone. I sensed from the very beginning that he did not/could not grasp the complexities of the science you were presenting. And as he went further down the rabbit hole of politics, conspiracy and drama and away from science, any respect I had for him vanished.

Please continue to give us your takes/warnings on where this is going. There are so many of us who are extremely grateful for your foresight, integrity and scientific insights.

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Ah, it's Malone. I only heard him dis Geert once. Shame on him.

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One of his tasks is to prevent people from getting at the truth - and because GVB has explained what is going to happen - Malone must ridicule GVB

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As Geert says, mRNA technique father Malone was supposed to be more intuitively and scientifically better prepared to not to be jabbed.

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I wish there was no such rift between these two. I don't know how much this colleague can or can't argue w doc Vanden Bossche, but I cannot discount his experience and knowledge of the deep state. However much more or less his experience is, Malone knows much more than I do regarding science and deep state politics and backstabbing, and so will keep my mind open to what he has to say.

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...and prepare accordingly for the worst predictions from either and both.

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How do you prepare for the world being shut down, millions dying, supply chains stopped, for probably years? etc?

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Hey, look, buddy.. we do what we can in steerage. I wish you and all of us the most amazing luck and the energy to live our lives right and maybe we won't hit that iceberg. alright?

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If Dr. Malone had presented a serious, detailed argument disputing Dr. VB's assertions then that would have been one thing, but instead he made shallow and defamatory, imo, attacks (see my response to Kelly for links), I believe for political reasons. I'm happy he has branched out into politics and I agree with him that political progress requires compromise, but that doesn't make Dr. VB's science incorrect so Dr. Malone needs to be called out and challenged, imo, with regard to what he said.

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Mar 23Edited

When are you going to call out Dr. Malone? I already questioned him, you're next, Jon!

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Yeah, I've been somewhat timid about it, he gets so caustic at times:) I'll try to find the courage!

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Jon, there is good reason for him to be caustic, he has been at the end of relentless accusations, threats to his family's safety and trolls that just won't stop. Other colleagues have turned on him first and viciously called for hanging etc. (Dr. Alexander) He is Irish and we both identify as scrappy.

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But Dr GVB has done NOTHING to warrant the kind of under-the-belt attacks Malone has launched at him. That is unforgivable, imo.

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I finally got up the nerve and commented under his Sunday Strip post today (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/sunday-strip-not-friendly/comments). We'll see if he responds.

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There has been much 'noise' about Malone from the beginning. Whispers of being a plant. I don't know if any are true. What I can say is that ridicule and ad hominem attacks are a tool of choice against 'antivaxxers'. I have not seen such explanation and supporting evidence from ANYONE as I have GVB. I am a hack after spending only 6 years of college in the biological sciences. I do recognize GBVs arguments and if there are those who which to dispute his arguments, please point out flaws IN HIS DATA AND HYPOTHESIS and not in him. If this is true it will be very hard to watch. I was on to this from day 1 with my very limited knowledge on immunology. Not shots for me. Cost me my job, friendships and partner. In the end my reward may be to help pick up the pieces but it will give me no pleasure is being proven right. I will even offer my stash of ivermectin to those who ridiculed me. We are all human beings worthy of compassion.

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I was wondering who the colleague was.I don't know what to make of Malone. He's everywhere.

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Malone is a DOD RAT. So is Kirsch. So is Sasha.

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I’ve never understood why Sasha does not believe there is a virus at all and says that it was a biological weapon sprayed or something like that. She believes all the Covid illnesses now are only from the vax.

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If you listened to her interviews or read her posts, you could say, 'something like that.' But you haven't, she doesn't, and commenters and detractors are prolific and vocal.

I've not read ALL her material so i can't say she's NEVER said what you stated, but she posts well researched, cited articles, learned a bit along the way.


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See my comment above. DOD RAT.

There are many of them authoring popular SSs.

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Excuse me? I read almost all of her posts and have had messaging conversations with her.

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You're still around Fast Eddy? I thought homo sapiens were supposed to go extinct.

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I can see that you're still at it F. E. Where do you get all your sources of info? Sometimes it takes one to know one...

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The thing is ...

I asked Sasha where she got the documents that implicate the DOD in the most horrific crimes against humanity ever.

She called me a homo - she suggested I was f789ing my dog... she told me that she travelled the world mountain biking and skiing -- she said she was in the Rockies drinking $400 bottles of fine wine -- that she owned a mansion in Bordeaux... I am not kidding - she posted all of this on her SS.

And finally she said Trump gave her the documents -- then followed up with stating she had very high clearance to be able to get these sorts of documents (to which I asked -- if she does then why is she not in a cell next to Assange? - no response)

Forgive me if I find it difficult to believe she is who she ... she comports herself like trailer trash who has won the lottery.

If she does have all this money -- why is she asking you to support her by paying for her SS content????

Wake the f789 up mate... she's playing you ...


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Agreed. I saw several errors and/or flip flops by him:

1. He claims he invented mRNA technology. Ok.

2. He claims it was too toxic, so they dropped it. OK.

3. He took the double Moderna shot. Huh? Why?

4. When Trump dropped out of the WHO, he said it was a mistake. OK.

5. He now thinks we should drop out of the WHO.

6. When Omicron emerged, he said it was mild, not to worry. Really?

He seems more bureaucratic than scientific, as that's what he now knows.

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Well maybe when the tsunami hits our PHA’s will let doctors practice medicine again.

Lawsuit Settlement Agreement

The FDA, which denied any wrongdoing, said it will remove content warning people not to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19 within 21 days. Plaintiffs called the settlement a big win for patients and the patient-physician relationship.


Thank you Geert for these insights!

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I bought IVM, HCQ, and other antibiotics from India during COVID in 2021. I refused to vax, and prepared to self-treat as my physician was sold-out to pharma.

I will never rely on formal channels for medication. The “medical model” is changed forever for those who research this. I still take IVM for preventive reasons.

Thank you FLCCC. Thank you, Geert for your perseverance and commitment to REAL science.

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If you’re unvaxxed why do you think you need to take it? Your innate immune system is being trained each time you encounter a variant. Over using IVM will inevitably lead to diminished effectiveness and the development of drug resistance

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IVM has many preventive values. It isn’t just for COVID. It has been in use -daily administration -in Africa since it was patented. The most recent research shows it is VERY effective against cancer cells. IVM is an amazing , multi-purpose drug. COVID was an “after-thought” for it, albeit, effective.

One example: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/ivermectin-could-be-a-powerful-drug-for-fighting-cancer-heres-why-5585682

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I can't agree more with you. Ivermectin it's a wonder drug.

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Geert has talked about this already in the past: exposure to variants by the unvaccinated will build an immune response to the variants. Any infection the unvaccinated get will be easily overcome. So in most case anti-virals will not be needed. (I am 72 and will take it)

From related sources: But the unvaccinated could be a transmitting of virus with an active infection or via asymptomatic injection. So it might make sense to use it in the unvaccinated.

From my own knowledge base: ivermectin is probably the safest most widely used drug in the world with NO known toxicity level. 200 million people have taken it and it is being used with other anti-parasite drugs to successfully treat cancer. So it will hurt no one if everyone on the planet takes it for awhile.

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I agree not to use Ivermectin prophylactically, but sure keep it on hand for emergency use. Probably good for you once in a while.

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Apparently diminished efficacy is not inevitable, drug resistance has failed to emerge with years of regular use in tropical climes.

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Anthony, to your point, you are 100% correct when you say natural immunity is the best immunity to the SARS covid virus. Unvaccinated individuals will remain the best protected and future evolved strains will not be a serious threat to one who is unvaccinated with natural immunity. Successive strains will continue to add immunity as they circulate through society.

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Excellent points Anthony. So true.

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Being Canadian I'm getting my Ivermectin at the farmer's co-op. Might it be safer source than India? No offense to India but people often say it's not a good idea to buy medication on-line.

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My India source was invaluable, effective, inexpensive and plentiful. Lab tested for accuracy. I trust Indiamart.com more than any pharmacy at this point.

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No so - I have bought from the Med Store in India for years. High quality but expensive. But horse paste is still the cheapest way to get ivermectin. I get it at tractor supply.

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My wife and I originally got Ivermectin from a US compounding pharmacy and we noticed immediate improvements in our body (not related to COVID). Then we moved and had to get some imported from India and no longer noticed anything beneficial, and perhaps it even hurt us. Surely it can't all be bad, but I don't know how to pick out a good supplier.

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What brand did you get? I've been getting Austro brand from AllDayChemist dotcom. I'm not 100% sure it isn't counterfeit but Dr. Kory did mention the site recently and many people seem to be happy with them.

Here's an interesting article comparing different brands. Austro did better at neutralizing parasites in a petrie dish than Edenbridge, the American manufacturer: https://doyourownresearch.substack.com/p/not-all-ivermectin-is-created-equal

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Thank you for that info. Good to hear Dr Kory mentioned that, as I have purchased from AllDayChemist several times. (Austro) It is hard to know what you are getting but I am glad to have some on hand. If I have a known exposure, I will use it for prevention (I work in a healthcare). The IVM I took with my only covid illness in 11/22 was US made from a retail pharmacy. I got the Rx very early on before it was banned from being dispensed. I got it from a Dr with MyFreeDoctor.com

Most everyone I work with is vaxxed and getting Covid multiple times.

I am exposed to a lot of vaccine shedding (in healthcare its inevitable) and have considered using IVM on occasion for that. Anyone know much about that?

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The Midwestern Doctor covers shedding carefully and in depth on his Substack. I have a daughter that shows marked effects of it and his writing and research has been very helpful.

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You're very welcome. Dr. Kory has written numerous articles on his Substack about shedding, you could perhaps connect with him there, or with some knowledgeable person in the relatively new FLCCC online forum: https://covid19criticalcare.com/membership/join-now/#membership-levels Best of luck!

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My IVM from India was ZOIC Life Sciences. Has anyone heard of this formulary?

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I agree!! My first supply of Ivermectin was US made and was wonderful. The second came from Mexico and was also fine. Then I purchased from the All Day Pharmacy out of India and the Ivermectin they sent me has upset my stomach so I avoid taking it.😖

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That is my concern. I just looked at Indiamart - so many brands of Ivermectin, how do I know which one is a pirate product.

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Do you have any Friends over in India ?

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I live in Ontario, where did you get ivermectin?

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I use a veterinary product. I won't say anything more specific than that. It's perfectly safe but you need to be certain that the only active ingredient is Ivermectin.

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can you say where did you get it?

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Peavymart or any animal feed store.

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My India source was only during COVID when it could not be had in the US. Thankfully, that has changed now.

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Could you share how you get it in the US? Do you need a Dr’s prescription?

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Yes, it is a controlled substance and requires a prescription from a licensed source (a doctor).

I didn't buy it in the US, but there are a few options to try. First, your doc can write script and you may be ale to get it filled at your pharmacy. This was blocked during COVID. Docs had their licenses threatened if they wrote a prescription for it. If you were lucky enough to have a doc who would write it, most pharmacy chains would not fill it - again, threats from government to not do so. That may have changed so you can check it out with your own doc or nurse practitioner.

Because of the COVID censorship and control from our government and medical system, several companies were created to provide tele-health appointments and prescriptions by mail. They are based in the US.

One is called The Wellness Company https://www.twc.health/

Another is JASE Medical https://jasemedical.com/?utm_source=googleads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%7B%7Bcampaign.name%7D%7D&utm_content=%7B%7Bad.name%7D%7D&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q4RKxdzWpnnh086MbS5Y1Wyl9Lt9eSMOpFPlONf0THMC672s9WqKfYaAlLtEALw_wcB

A third option is FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/get-started/

These are the folks who developed treatment protocols during COVID. It was created by a team of health providers including Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Peter Marik. They can help you find a source for Ivermectin.

One final point: You should received medical advice about any medication you take from a knowledgeable source for use, dosage, and possible interactions with other meds.

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We got our prescription through an online doctor website that you can search for - and then got the Ivermectin from Honey Bee on line pharmacy.

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I wish somebody told me where it is possible and safe to order Ive online. John Campbell also on one of his videos told that he ordered it from India. But I cant find a reliable online store there.

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I went to Indiamart.com (India's version of Amazon I think). There were many sellers when I visited in 2021. You need to read about each vendor and make your choice from there. One thing you'll want to understand is method of payment and shipping time and detail. It takes several weeks or more to receive the package from India. I transacted repeat business via text message so they usually want your phone number. That has it's advantages due to the time difference between the USA and India.

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I good Call Indiamart also for Melatonin also

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I have used rxpharmamedicine.com and they sent me the brand Iverviral which seems pretty good.

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thanks for this info, it looks as a very good sign.

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Thank you again Geert. We all appreciate you and your commitment to this. I have already had frank conversations with both my boys who are vaccinated about the possibility of what is coming to our world and the danger they will be in. Without going into the immense complex details, I have told them that it will be imperative that they take the anti-virals that I will provide for them when this immune escape variant emerges. They seemed to understand how serous I was and agreed to follow the protocol I will give them. I have read and listened to everything you have said since the beginning on this subject. You have given me the depth of knowledge that has allowed me talk to my boys with confidence and passion about what we will be facing. So you have already saved the lives of my precious sons. God’s speed to you… on your mission.

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Unvaxxed won't need the anti virals

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Correct for the most part. But..... being elderly and being keenly aware of how an immune system degrades with age.... I am taking it. What will be the harm? None. I think it is worth it. I could have get the immune escape virus and not show symptoms which would allow me to spread it to a vaccinated person. I don't want to do that. It is cheap and curing cancer now... so

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You're right, Lawrence. I have unvaccinated friends in their 60's who have had it twice. I took IVM early on and never got it. You probably know, but keep your D level to at least 60. Stay well.

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Do you take the recommended vitamins and supplements for immune health? I take D, zinc, calcium, magnesium, melatonin daily. I'm 62, very healthy no chronic disease exercise eat healthy, sleep enough. Never vacxed, ne er got covid and don't plan to. I will take ivermectin if I get COVID but at this point, am I going to get it? I don't think so. Others have made different decisions and anything I do is not going to help. They will get the virulent strain regardless of what I take or do. If anything they should be protecting ME.

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I take vitamins to enhance my immune system. If fact, I have been taking vitamin c since Linus Pauling discovered what it did in the late 1970s. So this is not my first rodeo. And I know that no matter what you and I do, age degrades our immune system. I am about to turn 73. Things change a lot once you get past 68. So I was last sick 19 years ago. With a flu. I’m going be safe. Not sorry.

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Those are all good and should see you through.

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Hopefully, Keven. If antivirals aren't needed or available, it's always good to take extra Vit C, D, Zinc and Quercetin to boost the old immune system. I have chronic asthma and a weak chest, but these kept me strong throughout the pandemic hysteria.

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Could you please answer these two questions :

1. Is Geert predicting that Countries particularly with mRNA vaccines shots are going to get impacted than other? 2. When should one start taking IVM preventive dosage?

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#1 No he has not talked about this, He just said/says that the highly vaccinated countries will be the most effected. His quote "Africa wins" sums this up. Now from what I can gather from what he and a couple of associates have said in the past: This will spread quickly and will be nearly impossible to treat in the vaccinated once they are infected.

Here is the best thing to watch about the clinical implications of the spread of the immune escape variant: "Potential Clinical Implications of Geert's Viral Shift Predictions" https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

#2 As far as when you should start taking a preventive dosage. Now would be a good time if you can afford it. It will not hurt you at all. At this point the variant could emerge somewhere tomorrow.

Here is an example of a site that reports about variants and infections pretty objectively. Here is a post from a while back. Just click on News for the their latest reports. https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/covid-19-news-worrisome-jn-1-indian-sub-lineage-jn-1-11-that-thailand-medical-news-warned-about-is-now-increasing-in-spread-across-india

They will probably sound the alarm pretty early on.

And finally... last year I wrote a fictional account about the start of his immune escape virus. It will make you think about how things might go down: "An Excerpt from the Second Dark Age of Man" https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/an-excerpt-from-the-second-dark-age-009?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Hope this helps... I have more if you are interested.

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Respectfully I think anything coming from Thailand Medical News is highly suspect. I did a deep dive and it confirmed my instincts. The guy presents his research and articles with loads of unprofessional !!!!!’s and histrionics-and much more. Watched him at X where he behaves like a drama queen imo and promotes more fear and confusion and was suspended several times. People over there have caught onto him.

These are just my opinions from the research I did and all info is available with quick searches online.

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Completely agree thailand medical news is a drama queen stated years ago wether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated that we will all be dead within 5 years, then states he can't wait till stupids in the world are all dead, winter after winter claims there will be mass deaths and every variant he updates on (is the one) says that every country is overcrowded and hospitals are overflowing when there is no evidence

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Right - I don’t care about anything they write about except news regarding variants and infections. And they have reported on things like hospitals in the US reaching capacity due to Covid injections. My checking of their news regarding this has always been easily verified by a non-Google browser. These stories are suppressed and are confined to local area news. They don’t get any national exposure. So I continue to look each day for the what might be the canary in the coal mine of doom. The MSN here will never willing tell you the truth about what is really happening anywhere. They will always protect themselves and the narrative.

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Thanks for the response. Going by the flccc early prevention protocol, it suggests 0.4mg/kg ivm for five days. Should the preventive dosage be the same in quantity and duration?

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No, they have I believe three different categories: 1) If you are sick, 2) If you have recently been exposed, and 3) general prophylaxis. With Omicron being so mild they may no longer be recommending 3, they haven't acknowledged Dr. VB's concerns as of yet. I would recheck their protocols. I'm 90 pounds and generally take one 12mg tablet twice a week for prophylaxis - but have been taking one every two days recently as it seems to be helping my digestion problem. On 2-3 occasions I've had a little pain on the left side of my chest afterwards but not severe and not sure it was from the IVM.

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It you are doing pills... I would go with the lowest dose available.

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Dosage of 12 mg are generally sold in my country. India is celebrating festival of Holi tomorrow and millions of people are travelling across the country, this is going to accentuate the situation.

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Get a pill chopper and cut the pills up. Yup - this will not be contained. People will go to the hospitals and spread it immediately to the vaccinated staff. The JN.1 is highly contagious. The immune escape variant will be the same way.

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Should be... But I am not qualified to advise you on this. With this "killer" it is better to be safe than sorry (and dead). If you are vaccinated your viral load will skyrocket quickly while your immune system watches (and does nothing).

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Unrelated but Geert despite being wrong on the timeline previously has put his neck out and given timeliness this time. What do you think about that?

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As with all his past predictions, it has only been when it will happen not if it will happen. No one in the planet is better equipped to assess this situation. I think that given just the sheer number of human perti dishes working 24// on churning out mutations that it will come sooner than later. He knows and sees more than I do… so he is probably pretty close. And I think that an immune variant is inevitable anyway. We must prepare for it.

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I wish somebody could tell me where to order Ivermectin. I live in Finland and havent been able to find a safe source gor it.

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Indiamart. They have a website and suppliers seem to be vetted.

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I am in the US and I have ordered from the Med Store in India for years. Top quality but expensive. Shipped by mail discretely. https://www.gen-supply.com/

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Thank you for repplying. I tried that link right away, but it doesnt seem to work. I also tried https://www.medstoreindia.in/ but the page looks a bit simple and they dont have Ivermectin. Maybe you didnt give the right address...?

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Here is the US distributor. I have not ordered from them but I know they are good. Not sure if they will ship to Finland https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product%2Fproduct&product_id=53&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Thank you, I will check on that.

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No that is not it - try this link... I have another place here in the US if that doesn't work https://www.gen-supply.com/?log_out=true

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Oh, I just noticed this second reply of yours. And true, that gen-supply doesnt work. Somebody in this chain also said that Dr Pierre Kory has mentioned AllDayChemist. They say they send in an discrete package so hopefully the customs wont confescate it. But the biggest problem I guess is how to know the quality...given they sell without priscription...

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Most likely the quality will be fine. Just get what you can get and don't worry about it.

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FYI - have ordered and received Horse Paste from Amazon in the past. It was reasonably priced.

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I'm 47, my vaccinated coworkers and a lot of friends are regularly ill. Neurologic and chronic headaches, depersonalization anxiety, sleeplessness and premature aging, liver, thyroid, retinal injuries... IgG4 maybe? Tolerance but still getting slowly autoimmune disease?

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I will put the very complex things that are happening to them in an easy to understand basket. Each one of them is dying in different ways depending on their preexisting health and their individual physiology. Their illnesses are the gusts of wind before a bad storm.

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I see this around me, even my mother, 77 old, she knows I am totally against this mass vaccination campaign, she got infected with pirola variant this winter and now she is suffering from long covid.... and I suspect she lied me and received the covid vaccine. She was allways under estimating my covid concerns....

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I also initially imagined autoimmune would be an issue with these injections because the lipid capsule as far as I'm aware was designed to evade detection by the immune system in order to avoid normal discovery of a foreign, non-self motif by the immune system. That way the mRNA could gain entry and exploit the cell protein machinery and produce the vaccinal spike proteins effectively.

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Thanks for all the open-minded coverage of the pandemic, and although I agree that the mass vaccinations only accelerated the virus' evolution, I hope you'll consider that what we're watching isn't the interplay of a natural virus and a vaccine - although it is very similar.

This clarification to the first peer-reviewed look at this pandemic starting in a lab demonstrates that the H1N1 virus of 1977 was in fact engineered by passaging, pointing directly to the LAV programs being run by both the Soviet and Chinese militaries at the time: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.202100017

And of course OPV has been reverting all across the globe for decades, a phenomenon that's been accelerating in recent years. And, just like SARS-CoV-2, this reverting Polio virus is proving impervious to all attempts at vaccines: https://www.science.org/content/article/first-polio-cases-linked-new-oral-vaccine-detected-africa

The first paper I cowrote with my dad which was published back in August 2020 focuses on serial passage, since this can create the appearance of a zoonotic origin and hide more directed engineering, SARS-CoV's affinity for the farmed mink who are a sister species with the lab ferrets used to attenuate vaccines is the reddest of flags: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7435492/

I hope those breadcrumbs are enough to catch your interest since the full argument can't really fit in a comment here, but is expanded in this article: https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/a-grin-without-a-cat

Thanks again for pushing-back against the absurd mainstream narrative!!

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I've been so curious what you thought about Geert's take on this since this whole shit show started! Good to know you are aware of Geert's predictions and now I'm curious to know what he thinks of you and your Dad's theory on this deattenuating LAV. Ultimately, either way doesn't bode well for the vaccinated. Tick tock.

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We need to keep hearing your voice, Doc. Please don't stop sharing your work and predictions. There are many who listen and may not be able to obtain this kind and level of information anywhere else. I'm grateful for you. Best to you, Dr. Vanden Bossche!

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Dr. VanDen Boosche,

As a fellow veterinarian ( I’ve been in your court since day one & communicated with you in 2020 ) , I totally concur with your predictions. In my opinion, the time frame is simply unpredictable. But the eventual disastrous effects of these vaccines both on the human immune system & the virus’s mutational responses , has an extremely high probability of coming to fruition.

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You have proven yourself invaluable and distinguished so many times over the past 4 years. I salute you and your work. Thank you 1000x fir the will to keep going. Please continue! Thank you.

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I have my masters in molecular biology and we did study mass vaccination in virology class. But it clearly states general drawbacksof such an approach in a pandemic and it did not even get ibto parithclars such as viral mutation rate, potential bioterror, safety issue in high scale production and delivery, or other confounder in such a global effort. I was surprised how scientists suddenly became very risk friendly and totally disregarded even a basic analysis of risks.

I went to a pretty intense program and we also learned how dangerous mRNA and related gene therapies that are now suddenly being passed off as safe seemingly with so little safety controls.

It really troubled me how one sided most of the scientists became. It's like they totally forgot what they were saying previously.

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Once again, I am riveted by Dr. Vanden Bossche's assessments here. The chronicity of infection, i.e. "long covid," affecting other organs is already here. The lull between his predictions and their manifestation should give the world precious time to prepare, to research, and to be ready with enough supply of applicable anti-viral medications. The false assumptions that some of the scientific community are making is not evidence based. Dr. Geert gives reasons, and explanations, and does his best to summarize his more complex findings. Yes, one has to read and listen very carefully. Yes, it is helpful if one has some basic knowledge of immunology. But, it is all there in the believable evidence Dr. Geert presents. How could anyone as advanced in his knowledge, and in his scientific sharing, who is willing to offer a full-fledged course on the subject, has written a definitive book on the subject be denigrated without specific answers to the evidence Dr. Geert shares? I have to read his statements several times over, and often go back to them again. I am grateful that I have enough background to understand, and to absorb the information he provides. But, one only has to listen to him, to his dispassionate discussion (even though he IS passionate about what he is relaying), and tries to appeal to people's reasoning and rational ability. And due to his authenticity, I do not have to understand every ounce of the information in order to know and feel that here is an authority. Here is someone who sadly is part of the ranks of the ignored scientists who were vilified in the past even though they spoke the truth. James Calandrillo, D.C.

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Geert, I follow your work closely. I have a question. This past week Japanese virologists said their research shows that all the covid 'mutations' are actually lab created releases and not mutations. Is it possible that the people behind covid are creating new viruses in the lab with the intent to get more people sick and vaxed? If that's true it would explain why the mutations aren't following a predicted path. The last video on this page shows the virologist screaming at the public to wake up at what's being done to Japan.


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Well it’s curious that the us government is rolling out covid nasal swabbing at Miami airport and others for international arrivals. Makes me wonder what they are really doing.

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😂😂😂meanwhile people are pouring in over the border. What is wrong with the cdc?

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The variants look unnatural because the virus is going through the unnatural evolution of a reverting LAV: https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/a-grin-without-a-cat

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Do you have anything new written regarding quasiswarms?

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Not yet, working on a piece that'll include a little bit of "I told you so," since there's more and more support coming out, but lots of irons in the fire so it won't be for at least a couple weeks.

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Thanks. A Grin without a Cat was new to me, I hadn't realized I had missed it. Your work is valuable.

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“It is well known that the U.S. Department of Energy, the CIA, and the FBI now recognize that there is a possibility that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab.” Well duh. They created them here and exported them to the Wuhan lab.

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I believe they were actually created in the Winnipeg Bio4 Lab by the two Chinese military scientists they "escorted" out. The lipid nanotechnology particles were made a University in British Columbia. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/winnipeg-lab-firing-documents-released-china-1.7130284


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Or reverse: created (financed by the USA) in Wuhan and exported to the Western world? as gain of function research was/is forbidden in the USA.

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I came to that conclusion Oct/Nov 2020 whilst reading about Ralph Baric..when the Fauci emails came out ?May 2021 it re-affirmed it in my mind.

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I have also heard that.

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The anecdotal evidence is compelling, something isn't right.. friends have had on going chest infections since October with multiple courses of antibiotics and steroids not clearing it, cancer & heart failure everywhere, fit healthy people dropping in the prime of their lives. The only person willing to give a plausible explanation for any of this is Geert. I salute him for his bravery, moral conviction and strength of character.

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I’m surprised that you say Geert is the only one speaking the truth. Many others have and do. Many have lost their jobs and licenses. Among them, Dr Peter McCullough. But there are too many to name who have been courageous and continue to speak and tell the truth.

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I have been following the account on Twitter that reports every few hours on the new mutations and the countries from where they come~~it seems there is now one called KP.2 that I don't see mentioned in your writing here and I am not sure, but it seems like the mutations are evolving rapidly and it feels like your predictions might come sooner than later.

I have been going to a fitness boot camp three times per week since the very beginning of January and in the last two weeks the class has dropped from 30 attending to half of that due to sickness. Just my little one-rat experience, but it sure seems like people are getting sick more often from all kinds of strange things lately.

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Sheree, can I get that Twitter account from you? That's helpful to know what's coming.

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So sorry, Carol, I never got the notification of your question~~in case you still need it:


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Thanks, Sheree, yes I still wanted it. Now if I can only figure out what they're talking about. 😁

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You're welcome. I think the SLippers are commonplace now, the FLippers less so, and it seems to be alarming when you see a FLirt (the latest recombination from what I can tell). So watch out for them to grow.

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As the saying goes: "Ihr Herz wird gegen die Wahrheit gewogen". As a fellow countryman, I have been following you since a long time, and your professionalism stands out. The fact that we didn't reach herd-immunity and we are hit with new waves all the time should at least raise red-flags even with the not-so-smart political leaders. But everyone chooses to ignore this. Also the excess mortality doesn't seem to bother anyone.

I'm not in the position to judge your scientific work, but everyone with open eyes can see what is happening in his/her direct surroundings. And it's bad. Young people with "rare" cancers, heart-diseases and cardiac arrests, being continuously sick or nauseous.... But people are also confronted with war and war-mongering politicians, and a very bad economical situation, so a lot of people stopped caring.

Your work and perseverance is greatly appreciated! Hang in there, Geert!

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I believe you, but people have lost credulity, in the absence of evidence that this is going to really happen or the long wait, when it was expected sooner. And yet, I kind of hope you are wrong. Things have been so awful for so long, that it would be nice if nothing awful happened again for awhile. In any case, I have my stock of Ivermectin from my double vaccinated children. Although they mostly seemed to have escaped harm from the vaccine to date.

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I think disease X is a hedge put out there due to Geert’s work - public health is reading his work and thinking there a distinct possibility he’s correct. Public health will attempt to steer the population towards believing a significant increase in hospitalizations/ deaths is the result of a fully new disease rather than the consequence of mismanaging the first one.

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All the while feeding the "no virus ever isolated" narrative to eager truth seekers so they'll avoid the cure that Geert says will be necessary to avoid harm. Of course, most of these people never took the jab to begin with so I'm not sure how potent the psyop will be.

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Spot on!

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I will never stop believing in you. Since the beginning.

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