It wasn't mismanaged, it was carefully planned and executed with intent to harm.

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Beyond a blunder ….. the ACOG still recommends the jabs to pregnant women . If they knew it was a blunder they would STOP it immediately and take it off the market. This is an evil crime .

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Mistakes were not made. An agenda was executed.

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What if........ what if, it wasn't incompetence? Just, what if..... it was all planned and orchestrated to look like incompetence. Research Dr David Martin. This medical event has been in the planning for some years and is the forerunner to the biggest power grab in the history of the world.

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Carefully planned execution of as many as possible. I wonder if this will wipe out a lot of white humanity. High % of the black community along with the millions crossing the border in many country’s were not jabbed…you have to wonder?

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From where these policies originated it wasn't mismanagement or a blunder. It was calculated it, was meant to harm, and to test a population as to how many of their rights that they would give up. Until we understand that those that started this meant to kill and maim, they will, no doubt, do this again.

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Geert, Our government has been on the wrong side of many medical/public health issues for decades and refuses to recognize legitimate peer reviewed research results (e.g. Ivermectin) that would have negated the emergency use authorization for the "shot". This is US politics, but it affected the whole world. They continue to advance gene therapy shots.

Their refusal to do what is right is intentional. There is no other reasonable conclusion.

Your writings have always been logical and based on science. As such, it threatens the US agencies like the FDA and CDC. Soon, we'll all have to answer to WHO.

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In Msrch of 2021 an interview with Dr Vandana Shiva in Common Ground Magazine came out. She had recently published her newest book, Oneness vs The 1%. In the article she cited a new patent issued to Microsoft on March 26th 2020, right when lockdown happened. It gave Microsoft (Bill Gates) the right to mine human body activity including radiation, brain activity, blood flow, organ activity, etc. You sit in front of your computer and he has the right to monitor everything about you. What can the computer really detect, I don't know. The nature and timing of it gave me chills. I told a number of people about it, even called into a radio show discussing technological advances. Nobody seemed concerned, are you? Here's a link to the article:


BTW Dr Shiva is amazing. If you don't know of her I recommend looking her up.

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What was known before it was public by weeks/months/years... blunder or deliberate?

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No se equivoque, no fue un error.

Las élites económica y políticas globales sometieron a la población mundial a un experimento biológico y social. Un experimento que representa un crimen contra la humanidad como nunca se ha realizado. Reconocer sus acciones, sería reconocerse culpables, y por tanto, ser juzgados de estos incontables crímenes.

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There was no pandemic.

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Who among here is going with full trust with June timeline?

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Mismanagement followed by incompetency followed by obstinacy followed by criminality.

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They weren’t blunders or mistakes. If you knew that it was bad to mass vaccinate during an epidemic then so did the people who decided to do it. Especially with non sterilizing gene therapy. Those who recommend that every person get jabbed have seen the serious adverse effects, but they are ignoring them. That’s NOT a blunder!

Why don’t you respond to comments? Do you just post, but don’t care what people say or the questions they ask you?

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Hey Geert.

Were those Ebola Ring Trials that you said were killing people also a giant blunder?

Did you ever sort out who designed them?

Hint: It's the dude who you acted like you didn't know on "Headwinds". Bob Malone.

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