The 'vaccines' almost certainly are acting to prevent the attainment of herd immunity. Once again, it is confirmed that those getting regular 'boosters' have an INCREASED chance of getting infected with the latest circulating variant of SARS-CoV-2.


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There would never be herd immunity to any coronavirus irrespective of any vaccine attempt. It's impossible to achieve due to constantly mutating S. We've known this for decades. Look at OC43, HKU1, NL63, etc.

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Yes, perhaps what I should have said is that the 'vaccines' are preventing Covid from becoming naturally endemic - by artificially enhancing susceptibility to infection and disease in sectors of the population.

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Jamie, congrats on successfully making it through the psy ops campaign! The idiots may have screwed themselves. Let's see how this IgG4 class switch plays out over the next few years!

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Yep, the mantra has always been that there won't be a vaccine against the common cold because it mutates too fast. But somehow that all changed in 2020.

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I'm confused. Why are you advocating for more frequent mRNA covid vax updates/boosters, or any injections at all? Perhaps I misunderstood?

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Vanden Bossche is decrying the mass vaxx because in abrogates natural herd immunity, traps the virus in a falsely vaxxed population requiring it to escape/evolve, leaving this immunologically damaged population helpless against an inevitably truly dangerous variant.

We pure 🩸 bloods are okay (relatively speaking), but in this nightmare scenario the vaxxes create an historically unprecedented cataclysm ... far worse than what’s already happened.

Happy trails to you❗️

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No, you misunderstood... Geert is talking about the risks of the virus to become more pathogenic in the highly vaccinated populations; the video explains it quite nicely...

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He isn't, on the contrary. The boosters as well as break through infections are no longer able to boost the antibodies, and as soon as they decline, which will inevitability happen, there will be increased likelihood that a highly virulent variant could emerge. He explains it in this interview: https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/covid-19-is-still-spreadingwhat-now

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I am confused as well. When other scientists are calling for a complete HALT to the experimental biologicals because they cause adverse events and deaths and are ineffective at blocking transmission and infectivity, it looks like you are suggesting an annual top up of influenza or the experimental biologicals as the answer? For ALL of us who continue to decline these injections, I am finding this extremely hard to accept.

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No, no. Dr. Geert is saying that the 'vaccines' did not kill the virus. Therefore it continues to exist inside human individuals, maybe forever. As the virus evolves inside human beings then, sooner or later, a very poisonous one must emerge. But every booster further weakens your immune system. This appears to be irreversible after the second mRNA jab, and gets worse with each subsequent one. We have become the breeding grounds for our own future illnesses. (And then they can sell us even more vaccines! Brilliant business strategy. Your customer is your innovator and one of your raw materials and your self-enhancing market!!!) SO NO. REFUSE ALL JABS.

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Thank you for that reply Maurice. Yes, I do understand now. I have not taken any experimental biologicals simply because they had NO safety data and No efficacy data. And after nearly three years everyone knows they do not stop transmission nor infection. What a joke. Sadly, immune systems have been destroyed, serious adverse events and deaths post vaxx, surround us🥲🥲

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Yes. And they keep doing it. Then they twist the data to make it look OK. ... Different topic, but I can't help but think of the Roman Army. Every so often they would decimate their own troops (kill every 10th soldier), put them to the sword. None of them had done anything, not necessarily. But pure fear kept the rest in line and obedient.

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No this is not at all what he is saying.

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GVB is not advocating for any shots, he’s been opposed to them altogether and is explaining how they are leading to a very dangerous scenario with the virus and the vaccinated being vulnerable to future variants.

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Of course this is nonsense. As I've mentioned previously on multiple occasions, the virus never caused severe covid. It was NOT a virally meditated disease. It was an antibody mediated disease. And since 60% of vaccinees apparently can never generate SC2 nucleocapsid antibodies, they will never experience severe covid, despite all the ongoing variations in S, due to N being highly conserved.

Instead, if the IgG4 class switch has teeth, the highly jabbed will suffer from systemic spike mediated pathologies due to immune tolerance (generated from an IL-10 upstream response) to systemic spike antigen.

Those of us who chose to remain unvaccinated are back to living life like it's 1999 despite nearly dying from our initial exposure years ago. We are done with covid.

And if they "accidentally" release the next one, we all should have IVM, HCQ, colchicine, clopidogrel, ASA, dex, cetirizine, famotidine, monteleukast, loperamide, and the typical quercetin/bromeline, zinc, NAC, vitC/D, etc on hand just in case.

*Use dilute PVP-I as a prophylactic to help innate mucosal immunity (NK cells and CTLs)

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Ralph Baric Said That "Gain Of Function"

Was "Poised" For Human Emergence. Seriously? Okay:

As I Stand, I Bend My Knees, And I Point To The Sky.

I Am "Poised" To Go To Mars .

-You Can Bet Your Ass I'll Get There Before Baric's

Gain Of Function Can Be Viably Sustained In Our Air.

There Is No Gain Of Function Pathogen In The Air.

That's The Hoax - And A Good One.

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Dr. Geert, I just read on your website voiceforscienceandsolidariy.org that your great friend John Heathco has passed away at the age of 41. God bless this must be a huge loss to you. Sincere condolences.

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much appreciated, Maurice. Yes, John was one of the most amazing people I ever met and my right-hand man. His support has been instrumental in helping me to convey my message. Without John, things will no longer be the same...

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You don't make antibodies to respiratory viruses.

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Yeah that's completely false LOL

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What Was Mao.

Is What Is Now.


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Thanks for sharing this information 🙏

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Thanks for Sharing Dr Bossche we are in very interesting times let's hope things don't get even more Worse

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They understand GVB , it’s all about the money 💰 and depopulation.

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What is interesting is Brandon is obviously a WEF loving Depopulation Eugenicist. A vote for Biden is a vote for slavery and death.

Yet they vote for him. Why do they want to be slaves or die?

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True Bull Dog

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Going hard on this theme Geert.

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Thanks GVB. Always grateful for your erudite posts.

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Tell me something we don't know. Surprise! Messing with the native immune system, shutting down the cancer fighting component, loading the jabs with SM120, nano particles and other cancer promoting chemicals, hijacking the cells to crank out only 1 part of a viral protein (one which is a weapon in and of its self!) such that no 'mutated' versions can be recognized... diddling the jabs with DNA plasmids that allow for encourage the transcription into the genome... well a day! There is NO good jab, NO good 'spike' and this technological platform is DOA. Should never get used. Oh dear, we are injecting the cows (wonder why they are dropping dead) the horses (see the horse races where horses are dropping dead!) and other animals - see the zoo deaths. I WONDER WHY??! No we know, I know you know and they know. Extinction level event occur. Psychopaths will try for Crisper, gene washing and 'artifical' conception (no sperm or egg needed just you know, stem cells - et voila a Replicant is born!!)

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