very true Mary. Agree with you about the vets too. My dear Miles, cornish rex tabby spent the day at the vet because I could not go in with him and assure him. That poor thing came home so traumatized it was indescribable. So, look at an innocent kitty with a tiny little silly adorable brain and how much it needed to endure and suffer. H…
very true Mary. Agree with you about the vets too. My dear Miles, cornish rex tabby spent the day at the vet because I could not go in with him and assure him. That poor thing came home so traumatized it was indescribable. So, look at an innocent kitty with a tiny little silly adorable brain and how much it needed to endure and suffer. Here are are, humans putting up with this horrible treatment. The New World order are savages
very true Mary. Agree with you about the vets too. My dear Miles, cornish rex tabby spent the day at the vet because I could not go in with him and assure him. That poor thing came home so traumatized it was indescribable. So, look at an innocent kitty with a tiny little silly adorable brain and how much it needed to endure and suffer. Here are are, humans putting up with this horrible treatment. The New World order are savages