The anti-science deadly societal force was the overwhelming tide of propaganda designed to goad people into getting injections. "Nobody is safe until everyone is safe". Can someone please explain the "science" behind that? The science of blocking early treatment? The smearing of HCQ as a dangerous drug? The science behind masking? The science that only considers antibodies as proof of immunity and ignores the remainder of the immune response?? The science behind giving immune compromised people an injection which further weakens their immune system? How about explaining the science behind administering a very dangerous medication as standard hospital protocol and how that drug kills patients? Dr Hotez's book will only seem convincing to the true believers. I hope he is exposed and ridiculed as a fraud as well as a criminal. Much of the public is far smarter than people like him might think.

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"Much of the public is far smarter than people like him might think."


You are 100% spot on. There was an analysis that showed that "conspiracy groups" analyze data way more efficiently (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/four-lessons-that-we-should-have)

Regarding masking, again, one could clearly see that there was no science to masks, but it was more so a "ritual" to show you "believed in the science": (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-i-dont-wear-a-mask)

That's what this is all about. This is all about protecting the "religion of scientism" and Peter Hoetz looks to be one of scientism's high priests: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-religious-tenants-of-scientism

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Or one of Scientism’s biggest aholes !

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Your supposed evidence in your post about masks isn't evidence. It's flimsy editorializing, by a person who can't even write in correct grammar.

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Explain how it isn't evidence if you may...

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Your statement in your mask article, "Quite true as there are multiple studies that have shown how mask wearing increases your chances of sickness," contains a link that doesn't work. Thus, you provide no evidence to your claim there.

Also, you use the Japanese mask-as-ritual paper as an analogy. That study claims: "an international consensus recognises only some possible effectiveness in reducing disease transmission in healthcare settings." It lists some older studies. For instance, one of those studies states: "There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission...Further studies in controlled settings and studies of natural infections in healthcare and community settings are required to better define the effectiveness of face masks and respirators in preventing influenza virus transmission." This seems to contradict your position that "There is no science showing how masks prevent transmission of the disease."

I am still left genuinely curious: Could you point me to definitive studies that refute the effectiveness of N95 masks, worn correctly, by an individual, for respiratory viruses?

I'm not a mask expert. But I'd like to know more of the science.

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Oh, I guess that link that you give is your own writing. Sorry, I don't mean to be mean about your grammar mistake, but rather exacting. Although I am always skeptical about the orthodoxy, I also like to follow the evidence. Would be curious if you have definitive studies that refute the effectiveness of N95 masks, worn correctly, by an individual, for respiratory viruses.

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a swastika on ur face.

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We aren't safe until everyone is safe.

What an idiot.

First, the January 19, 2022 report from the CDC itself, here, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm This January 2022 CDC report on natural immunity, notes natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection provides stronger protection against the virus than the COVID vaccines. See also Independent Journal Review here. The data came from California and New York, with the study going from May to November 2021. Results? The vaccinated had lower rates of first-time infection by a factor of 6.2 in California and 4.5 in New York than the unvaccinated who had never before had COVID, the unvaccinated with natural immunity had infection rates 29 times lower in California and 4.7 times lower in New York. In California, the naturally-immune were less likely to be hospitalized (0.003%) than the vaccinated (0.007%). New York did not provide hospitalization data

Does "safe" means no one dies, ever? Can we be safe from the junk food Hotez chows down on, and is killing unknown numbers? Who determines safe, how and why? What if poeple would rather be free than safe?

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I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how a vaccinated person can catch Covid from me (an unvaxxed person) , and at the same time say that their vax works and is protecting them. I am open to all explanations.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

Um...... Scott? I think you left out a qualifier or two, mebbe something like "coherent" or "Logical."

Given that omission, I will share with you the "explanation" making the rounds here in the greater Babylon-By-The-Bay area.

Ready? here it comes....

"NOBODY ever, ever said it would stop transmission or that it would prevent illness. Of course you antivaxxers are spreading it and the whole pandemic is your fault. MY vaccine IS protecting me; without it, the disease you filth are spreading would be so much worse."

Sorry, but you asked. I didn't claim that it would make any sense, be coherent, have any sort of internal consistency or have any basis in fact. It is, however, an "explanation."

To be fair, I know a number of decent, sincere and honest people, people who were appalled at the mandates, who think this way. As the facts become too obvious to suppress any longer, that cohort will be the ones who will say "I was deceived." They just need a bit of time.

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Indeed, he is a monster. In Australia, ignorant & corrupt medical administrators, gp's & chemist's banned scripts for Vermectin also. Of profound importance, demonstrating malfeasance, was the fact that no one, not Gov, public health proponents, or medical professionals ever recommended any prevention or early intervention treatments whatsoever!!! This is a crime, a complete give away as to their complete disinterest in helping people!!

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Hotez is a born liar who will say anything e.g. "the anti-vaccine movement... [has] the signature of an authoritarian regime". But the classic is "these groups ... say scientists created the COVID virus. I can’t think of a time when we’ve seen that before in US history". I guess that would be correct.

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But Hotez has an autistic daughter, probably damaged by the traditional vaccine.., disgusting.

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I think he even wrote a book explaining (excusing himself) for why the childhood vaxeens didn't cause her autism.

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This man is crazy. He has a vaccine damaged child. He absolutely denies it. He is just stuck, and I can understand why, it must be very hard to confess your own branch has damaged your child. And of course there is the money. If you love money that much, it must be very hard to bite the hand that puts it in your pocket. Thank you Geert for being honest even though it might hurt you.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

with a vaccine damaged child , the same as another vaccine zealot, naomi klein.

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oh really? I had no idea. Just a week or so ago I read an article about her but that was not mentioned.

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A pathetic laugh when I read the article, another head in the sand comment, when the issues that have been raised by very intelligent knowing people, who have concerns that are based on science, science knowledge and science testing. How do you learn if you do not question, and replicate such science findings, collaboration by many now labeled anti vaxers shows me that we have grown up and opened our eyes to science and the shenanigans that has gone on in the past and continues to this day.

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a former friend described me years ago that she studied science because science is a fact, never changing, so I asked why is it then, that scientists are still looking and studying and finding new things.... no answer to that. The science that does not change is a cult, a dogma. Science is a flowing river, continuously changing ! When someone states it is static, they are lost to real science!

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LoL medical science: doctors recommending smoking to pregnant women comes to mind...

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Scientific principles don't change. But our understanding of them does. Preferably, over time we get to understand the principles better. But we might forget or become confused. It also depends on what "we" means.

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A river that doesn’t flow...is a swamp. In this case Swamp.

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How do top scientists end up so enamoured by vaccines…all medications must have pros and cons. Immunology is surely a complex network that if one tinkers with one aspect, the repercussions spill over into another. Well…I can’t even explain it myself. ..though I agree with Geert’s understanding & explanations.

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We have to understand that these top scientist have undergone extreme amounts of brainwashing under what they taught was medical education:


The education they received formed strong narratives that is part of their reality


The narratives of vaccines being safe and effective is always going to reign as truth in their minds, even as they see numerous amounts of information that contradict that. Unfortunately, they also suffer from cognitive dissonance and it's incredibly hard to change a narrative.

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Thank you.

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You explained yourself just fine.....

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Thank u GVB for standing up and speaking out .

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In the middle ages when the Black Death was the number one killer the Priests ( who were that day's doctors) declared that cats were the cause of the plague. All cats were to be destroy because the "science" said so. Of course this allowed the rat population to explode and thus the Plague as well. So much for the "science". It appears some things in "science" never change. They still figuratively burn people at the stake as heretics. Some things never change.

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That Hotez - an obviously below average intellect - is a "leader" in "vaccinology" never ceases to amaze me. He is a gifted (grifted?) carnival barker.

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All they do is name calling. You might say it is pathetic and belongs in the playground but as far as I can see most adult behaviour does - I don't think we grow up as much as we imagine so maybe it is about time we came up with a new name slur for those who think they are above questioning.

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Lapsing into personal attacks is the most common tactic of someone who has lost an argument.

They cannot defend their position so they change the subject by personally attacking their opponent.

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Absolutely true but the slurs used against 'our side' like antivaxxer, conspiracy theorist etc are often sufficient to make an ordinary person refuse to listen. I myself, years ago, dismissed someone's views on pretty much everything just because I found out she was an anti vaxxer.

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Hotez is one of the prominent faces of the 1984 styled anti-science movement. Neil Degrasse Tyson is another. They appear to be without conscience, knowingly spreading harmful lies. Scientists/intelligentsia of the caliber of Dr. GVB, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Stephanie Senneff, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr Ah Kahn Syed, or even a non-scientist like RFK Jr. would destroy them in a debate and they well know it.

I thoroughly recommend checking out Dr Syed's substack (Arkmedic's blog) and in particular his impressive essay, 5 ways to skin a (genetically modified) cat. It's a wild and unsettling ride. In summary:

5 mechanisms that increase the risk of DNA going into the nucleus of your cells, thus modifying your genome.

1. The Lipid Nanoparticles

2. Linearised plasmid DNA

3. The SV40 enhancer

4. Spike protein nuclear localisation signal

5. Open Reading Frame in the PolyA tail

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Holding Them Accountable:

No one has made a definitive list of what they didn't do.

- What should have been done

- At each and every crucial step

- But was not done.

Everything they didn't do that the scientific method demands.

No one owns that.

It seems like something you could start very small with - and let it build itself.



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It is quite clear to me now what 'artificial' intelligence is all about. Attempting to turn centuries of careful examination, observation and deductive reasoning of 'real' science upside down with propaganda in order to control everything it means to be human.

The last four years of what has been done to this end demonstrates nothing but failure. Those responsible are failures as are the policies they endorsed that dishonestly masqueraded as sincere truth.

The only upside here is that we now know their MO (lame as it is) and that is all they have. The 'reset' I see coming looks nothing like 'theirs'!

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Won't happen -- it's authoritarian/totalitarian MO. Catch up on the polio and other 'scientific methods.'

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....and those shameful people that received the Nobel Peace Prize for their contribution to the nRMA Covid shots are of the same ilk as Hotez

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The Nobel Prize committee which awarded it is even more shameful.

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Indeed - and has made that whole award an irrelevant sham, devaluing those that have achieved great things

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"the author’s time would be more wisely invested in identifying the current shortcomings in vaccinology, which still remains a very empirical business"


Hotez is an example of someone who still believes in the narrative of the old paradigm. For more information about the power of narratives and paradigm, check out these articles:

Power of Narratives


A Paradigm Shift is Occurring


Vaccines being touted as "safe and effective" is an old narrative that is crumbling and we don't need the establishment to tell us this. They won't. Because to them, they chose to hold the narrative that the emperor has on clothes, even though we can all see the emperor is naked.

It is up to us to learn about the new paradigm and hopefully, educate our friends and loved ones, so they do not get caught in the crumbling of the old paradigm.

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Een pleidooi voor de wetenschap dus? Dit is wat er gebeurt als je kinderen NIET vaccineert

Emeritus professor Brian Hooker presenteerde tijdens een bijeenkomst van de Wereldgezondheidsraad een onderzoek waarin gevaccineerde en ongevaccineerde kinderen in de leeftijd van 6 tot 12 jaar met elkaar werden vergeleken.

Hoofdonderzoeker Anthony R. Mawson van Jackson State University en zijn collega’s deden een opmerkelijke ontdekking. Gevaccineerde kinderen werden significant vaker ziek dan hun ongevaccineerde leeftijdsgenoten, bericht Uncutnews.

Ook opmerkelijk: De studie werd al na een paar dagen van het internet verwijderd.

Dit is wat er gebeurt als je kinderen niet vaccineert: gevaccineerde versus ongevaccineerde gegevens


Mawson stelde vast dat gevaccineerde kinderen een grotere kans hadden om aan neurologische aandoeningen te lijden. Deze omvatten autisme, ADHD en leerstoornissen.

Gevaccineerde kinderen hadden ook meer kans om gediagnosticeerd te worden met longontsteking, middenoorontsteking en allergieën. Gevaccineerde kinderen kregen vaker antibiotica en medicijnen tegen allergieën en koorts, hadden vaker sondevoeding, gingen vaker naar de dokter en werden vaker in het ziekenhuis opgenomen.

De studie werd op 21 november 2016 gepubliceerd en binnen vier dagen 80.000 keer gelezen. Op 28 november werd de studie plotseling stopgezet.

Mawson zei dat het artikel niet was ingetrokken, maar alleen verwijderd. Hij mocht van zijn baas geen commentaar geven op de inhoud van de studie.

Niet afgeschrikt publiceerde hij zijn werk opnieuw in 2017, dit keer in het Journal of Translational Science.

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I hope you do not end up promoting sales of Hotez's book accidentally by linking to it! The guy has been grifting taxpayer money for a fruitless research program for decades, in addition to being wrong about the mRNA injections.

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