Thank you so much for continuing to give interviews. They are very important for us laypeople who are constantly exposed to contrary advice from the mainstream media.

For example, The Irish Times, supposedly the highest-quality newspaper in our country, this week published renewed advice from the chief clinical officer Dr Colm Henry, saying:

"the outlook for this winter is uncertain. “There’s been a lot of talk about twindemics; while this is possible, it’s far from certain that will happen,” he told a media briefing on Tuesday. He urged people to “play their part” by “embracing” the vaccine programme in time for winter."

The vast majority of our population trust the words of people in positions like this. Our covid injection rate is sky-high. Thank you for keeping me sane and healthy against the odds 👍🏻

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The indiscriminate mass vaccination programs have harmed all life on this planet. Profits for the few have led to misery and death for the many.

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Geert’s introductory bio here fails to mention that he also holds a doctorate of veterinary medicine in his long list of accomplishments. I mention this only to illuminate his ability to think and evaluate medicine from “outside the box” of medical & pharmaceutical tyranny in which we now reside.

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Thanks so Much for this Dr Bossche much appreciated thanks for sharing 👍

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As long as there are men like this in the world, the human race is not DOOMED, they are just a little lazy in the thinking department and rather supine to authority. I'm a BOLSHIE GIT !! and never bow the knee to ANYONE.

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THANK GOD, for men like THIS !! There HAS been a conspiracy, all right. That conspiracy is dedicated to preventing and PERVERTING the truth about THE CV19 HEALTH HOAX, and the TOXIC, and UNNECESSARY VACCINE, FROM COMING TO THE ATTENTION of the PUBLIC. We have been following this CHARADE for TWO AND A HALF YEARS. The scare tactics, the bullying, browbeating and general VITUPERATION towards those who DON'T FOLLOW THE ''narrative''. Dr Vanden Bossche has put his head above the parapet !! And for this, he has my LIFE LONG ADMIRATION and RESPECT. With profound regards, Mrs. Michelle Williams

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Doesn't take much to say 'my body my choice' does it? Who wants to be the human trial as we are now discovering. Why would you let someone inject you with something you know nothing about?

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Cheers to you Geert Vanden Bossche!

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Have you a prediction for what might happen to the unvaccinated who have NOT been exposed to the virus but who are vulnerable because of health and/or age? Your prediction about the emergence of many new omicron variants, some of which are increasingly infectious, is currently being realized, and reported on in non-US sources. Seems it's just a matter of (not much) time before a totally immune variant appears, and I wonder if my over-the-counter drugs will provide adequate protection should I become infected.

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Thank you!

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The the vaccine spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells, is reverse transcribed into DNA (apparently the liver) and is also manufactured in the cells to produce more spike protein. We don't know for how long. The innate and adaptive immune system has been subverted and down regulated resulting in immune refocusing which will be no good for the highly vaccinated when the next immune escape variant, not ruling out more virulence, occurs. The evolutionary dynamics has been hugely accelerated by immune refocusing. These repeated, non sterilising vaccines have produced negative efficacy resulting in antibody dependent enhancement of disease. The multi vaccinated are more prone to infection. Anti virals, fresh air, good diet, exercise and sunlight etc will be very helpful for the vaccinated.

Any info on vaccine shedding?

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Thank you so much for all you do, and for fighting for our health and for the truth. I remember your warnings when they started the jabs, and all your predictions came true.

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◎ It is a cheap way to manage the public with information.

BillGates and KlausSchwab are Vaccine Funders www.kla.tv/23682: 20220923

German news magazine 'DER SPIEGEL' reported that from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation he received a donation of $2.5 million in 2018 and another $2.9 million in October 2021.

The GuardianIn total 14.000.000 Dollar 2 billion yen

BBCIn total. 50.000.000 Dollar since 2005 16x 7 billion yen

CNN 3.600.000 Dollar 2020 Single year 500 million yen

To other media 250.000.000 Dollar Until June 2020 35 billion yen.

BillGates donates over $1 billion to WHO


DerSpiegel ← $2.5 million (2018), $2.9 million (2021): Bill & Melinnda Foundation

TheGuardian←$14 million: Same as above

LeMonde ← $4 million: Same as above

BBC ← $50 million: Same as above

CNN4 ← $250 million: Same as above

Microsoft entered the Facebook advertiser exclusively in the 2000s.

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Elevated ATG13 in serum of patients with ME/CFS stimulates oxidative stress response in microglial cells via activation of receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) - PubMed

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Your thoughts?



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Bless you Geert for continuing the uphill battle


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