However many deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection the mRNA inoculations might have prevented (if any), they have been overwhelmed by the deaths, as well as the pain and the suffering, these same inoculations have caused and continue to cause.
Trading life for life is neither good healthcare, good science, nor good policy. It is peddling flesh, nothing more.
However many deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection the mRNA inoculations might have prevented (if any), they have been overwhelmed by the deaths, as well as the pain and the suffering, these same inoculations have caused and continue to cause.
Trading life for life is neither good healthcare, good science, nor good policy. It is peddling flesh, nothing more.
However many deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection the mRNA inoculations might have prevented (if any), they have been overwhelmed by the deaths, as well as the pain and the suffering, these same inoculations have caused and continue to cause.
Trading life for life is neither good healthcare, good science, nor good policy. It is peddling flesh, nothing more.