I'm not sure I understand the point of this. Does he agree with the article's premises? I was somewhat skeptical, then totally skeptical once I got to the bottom and saw the note about Donald Trump wanting to be authoritarian. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! As an unvaccinated woman who has spoken out as much as I can against the narrative, I'm feeling the authoritarian vibes from the current administration. If the Dems stay in control, I think covid will be the least of my concerns. How long before the FBI comes knocking (or battering)?
No, he doesn’t agree. re-read his comment at the end of the post. He changes it from vaccinated to unvaccinated. "Geert: I firmly claim that 'widespread SARS-CoV-2 infections will lead to increasingly mild disease that poses fewer concerns for a previously infected but unvaccinated population’ !” :)
I think that English is his second language and he is so detailed that it is more difficult for non phds, like me, to totally understand. However, his voice is very valuble to the conversation because no one person has all the answers. I do appreciate his sharing of ideas. Obviously, this is just my opinion.
He is promoting his private forum and letting aside and sacrificing this substack platform. Sadly, because now is imperative for us to be informed about the evolution of SARS-CoV-2.
Same here. I followed him for four years but decided to step away since his main and most scary predictions (the mortal HIVICRON tsumami which would wipe out 1/3 of the vaccinated population) did not come true on any of the timelines he proposed - and because he has gone MIA since then and hides behind paywalls.
I still have huge respect for the scientist he is and all the time, effort and hard work he put in to warn people and I can still see where he was right but a honorable scientist should also be able to fully admit the points they misjudged or overlooked.
What he overlooked, I guess, is ironically what he often accused the other side of overlooking: the complexity and unpredictability of what he called NATURE. In fact, it´s not *nature" but GOD. Geert is stuck because he overlooks und underestimates the power of GOD and his ability to intervene on a different level. With that limitation in his thinking ("it all has to be explanable biologically or scientifically") he obvioulsy went wrong. Mere humans can´t outsmart GOD.
To Geert: read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), a former scientist and intellectual atheist who shares his path to becoming a libertarian Christian after exploring all the relevant issues and intricacies of Christianity. He wrote his oeuvre in the 1940ies to 1960ies and it´s fascinating, especially for atheists. It will also give you peace of heart and mind: you did what you could and it was brave but it was nothing compared to what God can do if he chooses to intervene on a supernatural level.
Luckily Geert’s prediction of mass deaths hasn’t transpired yet and hopefully will not considering his time line from a year ago. We have 3 large hospitals in our area and between the 3 of them, our largest employers. I use this as a barometer for whats happening considering 95% of medical humans working for these hospitals got at least 3 jabs. No one is dropping dead that we know of, and in our neighborhood alone we have many employed with them, let alone family and friends that do too.
But they are seeing outrageous numbers of cancer, myocarditis and strokes. Most pretend it has nothing to do with the novel MRNA’s. They cant bring themselves to admit they got snookered.
Does it ever occur to you that the man has a career etc. to concentrate on to earn a living? If he hasn't anything new to say, why should he post? Because people still want some communication? Well, he does post from time to time and this is what happens - people complain he isn't saying the right things or what they want personally to hear him say. The guy can't win.
the are new things to be said, for instance XEC is conserving almost the same RBD structure than the previous dominant KP3.1.1, and is adding NTD altering mutations (glycosylation?) this is a crucial information that Geert mantains silenced even to us, being substack paying subscribers. This is not a way to gain paying subscriptions or earn a part or your living here.
In my country covid levels are elevated. By middle of nov xec will probably be the dominant strain. Geert has said that when the virus decreases it is mutating to stronger virus from the elevated immune pressure. I wondered if this will happen before the end of the year?
Remember all the jabs are not the same I lost 4 people already.. I’m worried about the HIVCRON that will kill millions. Geert is monitoring the situation at the moment he’s not God to determine the mutant variant speed. So pray hard that it passes quickly
BEWARE the who pandemic treaty is far from being dead in the water as many assume in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty.be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it which also applies to you tube and twitter..it currently has over 270000 signatures
hm, i dont get it completely. The article dates on oct. 2023, and it supports somewhat GVBs predictions on viral evolution and immune evasion. In the meantime most of the remaining readers of this substack have become "doomsday experts" in one or another way (irony off). As such we try to grasp ongoing developments like the speedy rise of KP311 followed by the recombinant variant xec at the same speed as well as ever rising base levels of our favorite illness each summer. Does GVB share the thought that viral evolution shifts from the "largely optimized" spike to other epitopes like NTD (thx to eizagirre/Melin: https://x.com/LongDesertTrain/status/1845093691670532332 )? Maybe i get it all wrongly.... Someone giving me a helping hand?
Many of us appreciate what you have done, and are happy to subscribe to your Substack.
May I suggest a way to provide more value? More frequent, and less formalized bits of info and clues would help quench our inquiring minds.
For example, small lessons about cases in the past. Weren’t mRNA (or whatever the heck they are) used on ferrets and they all passed away? How long did it take and was it due to immune escape? Were these
shots ever ‘successful’?
I think much of the info has been memory holed so hard to find much of substance, but understanding the basics would be great.
We also want info on what you’re looking at now. Does XEC, coming into prominence as many of us head into winter, appear to be of significant note?
Just some basic/quick/simple stuff that can inspire further learning on our end. There appear to be many highly intelligent folks on here.
We understand you’re under scrutiny and life has surely gotten strange/surreal, and we are thankful for what you have done and continue to do, and wish you the best.
I belive they gave the ferrets etc mrna that was coded for the hole virus. Then when they challenge the animals blowing in air with the same virus the results was catastrophic they all died. Thats why they only used one part of the sarscov2 virus, the spike protein for humans. (this is what i remember listning to dolores cahill/Ryan cole etc im not a scientist)
That's a theory and even if true, the dire implications thereof are also theoretical. It's very possible that in 1 yr, 3 yrs, 5-10 yrs, everything will be ok. We are acting as if Geert's predictions which are yet to be proven after years, are actually true.
I think he could be right. The arguments he's made sound cogent. But he's been off on the timeline several times and that presents a problem in that people who believe him develop some kind of indoctrination where they continue to believe in something without evidence, that may not happen. I also think there's a risk of a highly virulent varriant of covid with the Hivicron profile being created and released. But I guess such a varriant would not spread from person to person and would kill it's first hosts? But I don't know how that differs from Hivicron anyway.
The Plandemic isn't over yet, unfortunately, because these psychopaths are still simulating and still pushing the Pandemic Amendment Agenda again after most African Nations rejected it. They are preparing for something in 2025 and God knows how many sheep are going to comply and nor resist whihc would make it so easy for them to implement CBDC, Lockdown, ULEZ Climate Agenda and many other forms of control and depopulation.
We seem to be on a train that is racing forward on a track that was never finished and comes to an abrupt end ........the train flies off the track and the ride ends in a pile of crushed metal thrown in every which direction. It's not just what Geert is telling us to be true, but all the other falsehoods that are coming to the surface now.............faster and faster. Before most people realize the train is going to crash ................boom ...............it happens.
Looks like Winter will be the bitch. A bit like Delta times? Lots non-Covid sickness now or maybe the swab tests don’t work for the novel strains of SC2.
for a previously infected but unvaccinated population' ----------- what is this? are there unvaxxed and previously not infected people?
It looks like human immune system does not care about your theory as well, so you come up with "previously infected but unvaxxed" type of nonsense.
Assumptions, assumptions..... or a lack of understanding?
"This process messes up the immune response permanently, especially in people with high anti-spike antibody levels who get re-infected by more infectious immune escape variants and don’t have strong innate immunity"
I guess you have VERY strong innate immunity...and vaxxed people dont?? right?
"After a career in academia in Belgium and Germany, Vanden Bossche worked for several companies on vaccine development (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals). He then worked as a Senior Program Officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and as a Senior Ebola Program Manager for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). "
I just read Agenda 2030, the plan for saving humanity! It looks like saving humanity draws your attention, just in the wrong way, solutions, REAL solutions do help: like a clear theory everyone could understand and follow, for a start? Or admitting you do not know aLOT! and you can not predict future?
There is just one savior, and if you have theory you would not have to repeat those inconsistent sentences over and over again, for years
I have everything from Gerrt on this subject. He has always been consistent in everything. And no (unless they had an infection before vaccination) vaccinated folks don’t have or can’t attain ANY natural immunity to the original virus or its variants. Gerrt has said this many times before. The reality of what is happening is not going away. Variants and being produced in the bodies of billions of human perti dishes and the vaccinated will continue to get sick and die from some of them until their weakened immune systems finally give out. The evolution of true killer of the vaccinated can happen at any time. It can’t be stopped now. Mother Nature is going to achieve herd immunity. The vaccinated are a road block that will be eliminated.
what you say is pure nonsense, as many unvaxxed, previously extremely healthy people have died in their 40s,50s!! buisness of life and death is not predictable, but is God's will. And i am sure Geert nor you are close enough to know the Truth that well. He still has a lot to learn about human body, and most of all he is NOT talking from expereince but all made up in his head. For someone being a useful fool for that many years he can not become wise prophete over night. That is natural law as well.
bold statements need bold evidence, I was coming here for knowledge, thinking such a bold statements have huge knowledge behind them, then I realized this guy knows about human body waaaaaaaaay less than I do!! Why? Becasue it does not take a rocket scientist to fix any problem we have, what it takes is experience!! experimenting for that reason, and seeking solutions not predictions! I find him guilty for not saying what he knows! it took him months to admit that it all depends on the strength of innate immunity, mumbling this as an irrelevant matter!
Well, he is supported by Doctors like Dr McMillan and the others who do presentations with Dr McMillan - and plenty of others. Dr McMillan thinks it'll be more a (slower) storm surge than a very quick overnight killer strain. The end result will be the same. The bold evidence you seek will not be present until it's available, so how can anyone provide it beforehand?
I find a lot of people here guilty of being very rude and jumping up and down indignantly, simply because they made too many assumptions, latched on to particular statements whilst ignoring everything else said and they can't understand that nature doesn't always play ball according to the same set of rules each time.
Neither Geert nor any other professional is under any obligation to share his work and opinions with the public. It would be helpful if those who continuously complain - as opposed to politely discussing - would just leave and allow the rest of us to read and comment in peace. Thank you in advance........
Maybe it is the lack of evidence that is making you unease in your ideology and not the discussion when people seek the Truth. You are very welcome to be persuasive in defending your ideas, what other doctors think is not a theory but an opinion. And Aristotel or some other thinkers already concluded opinion is of no value....."Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding."
"And no (unless they had an infection before vaccination) vaccinated folks don’t have or can’t attain ANY natural immunity to the original virus or its variants."
Where are the actual data / replicable studies that actually prove this assumption?
I'm totally unvaccinated as an adult. I take no efforts to avoid human contact. I've had maybe 3 flu bugs in my 50 plus years of adulthood and recovered very quickly in all cases. They're seasonal infections. Live a clean healthy life and let your God given immunity system take care of things like it was meant to do. A few days of discomfort from a flu bug is far preferable to the side effects of these so called vaccines.
You obviously have not heard him from the very start and understood about the innate immune system in the context of COVID-19. Geert has been consistent and what he said has come to pass. It’s just timing that has been off. But the Covid experimental vaccination that was given to millions upon millions globally in the middle of a pandemic has never happened before. So we wait and see a while longer if Geert’s theory materializes fully!
Our whole family by the way were previously infected and reman unvaccinated. There are many like us around and we were ridiculed and treated very badly by some. The result is that our Immune system work differently than the vaccinated in regard to Covid.
how do you know this? you are only parroting someone else's ideas, people who DO NOT TALK from experience are mostly liars! every person that presents him/herself as an expert in something they have never experienced, so for me the knowledge would be if he can tell exactly how the response of innate immune system looks like, from your blood test, or whatever he thinks this is or is not! everything else is wild theory that may have nothing to do with reality! medicine is like cooking, either you can make a dish or you cant! its not a philosophy! nor theory nor predicting! When you meet a person that is in business of predicting the future, my advice is to run away!
If an experienced ship builder tells me the boat we’re on has malfunction that will likely lead to the ship sinking, which is a kind of future predicting, I will choose to listen to that person assuming his demeanor and approach is sensible.
The current predicament is much more complicated than a boat with a hole and there are very few people who both understand the various fields (vaccinology, virology, etc) AND have the courage to speak up.
lol, yeah Bosshe has built a ship, human body, he is not even capable of understanding the basic blood lab results properly!! as if he could, he would speak in such terms, and not his imaginationm omitting half the immune system. part of the immune system are even BONES! i bet you had no idea about that, hence osteoporosis in women!
Medicine may be like "cooking" but it is like cooking with a near infinite number of ingredients in a number of highly interdependent, multivariate systems all at once. Your willingness to distill it down so simply, without great hesitation displays how little you actually know. Lots of hubris with little ability to recognize your blind spots both indicate someone who isn't very smart, and someone who hasn't butted up against the hard limits at the edge of human understanding. Unlike you, Geert has seen, felt, and experienced those limits. This is why he hesitates.
number of ingredients are not infinite, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, never heard of that? google simplicity and you will find many great men had something to say about it :)
GVB's previous employers are not the definitive statement of who he is now. (This has often been the case with technical people who see the corruption only after decades buried in the weeds of their field. Mike Yeadon is another example, though he may have gone even further in denying viruses exist. ) Corporate and government health experts now ignore or dismiss what GVB says, despite growing evidence supporting it.
Original antigenic sin or pathogenic priming has been confirmed.
The risks of vaccinating into an ongoing epidemic/pandemic have been confirmed.
GVB's refinements of the theory on evolution of the variants and risks to the population are also gradually being confirmed. If they are not confirmed, that is good news for the vaxxed population and will prompt adjustments to his theory. No need to get your knickers in a twist.
that is called being a useful fool. Money is too much of a temptation for many. Juda is the problem in all of us, wanting to know the Truth but selling your soul for the money
i get where you come from, but a blind person stays blind for a while, it does not go from unable to see messing up with viruses is evil's business to saving the world in a matter of seconds! He has track record of completely blind person for decades not just few years. Its like i would not trust an alcoholic after 3 y of being sober he is out of the addiction. The thing is eyesight does not come back over night! He still believes vaccines do some good to people i.e. he knows very little in general.
Yes this is a widespread problem among researchers and doctors - vaccines have been the dogma for so long that people cannot conceive that they werent needed in most cases. This is especially true for vaccines on the childhood schedule - the death rate for the diseases they supposedly prevent was down 95% or more before any vaccination campaign even started.
thank you for the link! true there would be only 30% of infected, now there is 100% infected. Maybe he is right, but that will be the end of the world, noone will survive that the reasoning that there is some difference for anyone is foolish
not sure of that, they had the same kind of Astrazeneca vaccine? they certainly planned this all together, as the response was the same, this is called: leaving noone behind, from Agenda 2030, when in 2015 they all agreed upon. This "conflict" you see now may not be real at all!! I see no difference, lie is a lie, and China and Russia never cultivated the Truth. There is absolutely not a single world leader that wants to shut down the virus labs, and that tells you all.
I'm not sure I understand the point of this. Does he agree with the article's premises? I was somewhat skeptical, then totally skeptical once I got to the bottom and saw the note about Donald Trump wanting to be authoritarian. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! As an unvaccinated woman who has spoken out as much as I can against the narrative, I'm feeling the authoritarian vibes from the current administration. If the Dems stay in control, I think covid will be the least of my concerns. How long before the FBI comes knocking (or battering)?
No, he doesn’t agree. re-read his comment at the end of the post. He changes it from vaccinated to unvaccinated. "Geert: I firmly claim that 'widespread SARS-CoV-2 infections will lead to increasingly mild disease that poses fewer concerns for a previously infected but unvaccinated population’ !” :)
Maybe I am dumb, but Geert's writing is not straightforward enough for me.
That is why I canceled his subscription this week.
The man is such a poor communicator !
His submissions cause more confusion than clarity. Which is what I thought $8/month was buying me.
So disappointed.
I think that English is his second language and he is so detailed that it is more difficult for non phds, like me, to totally understand. However, his voice is very valuble to the conversation because no one person has all the answers. I do appreciate his sharing of ideas. Obviously, this is just my opinion.
Exactly. He doesn't need to do this and I'm very grateful that he - and others - do so.
He is promoting his private forum and letting aside and sacrificing this substack platform. Sadly, because now is imperative for us to be informed about the evolution of SARS-CoV-2.
Same here. I followed him for four years but decided to step away since his main and most scary predictions (the mortal HIVICRON tsumami which would wipe out 1/3 of the vaccinated population) did not come true on any of the timelines he proposed - and because he has gone MIA since then and hides behind paywalls.
I still have huge respect for the scientist he is and all the time, effort and hard work he put in to warn people and I can still see where he was right but a honorable scientist should also be able to fully admit the points they misjudged or overlooked.
What he overlooked, I guess, is ironically what he often accused the other side of overlooking: the complexity and unpredictability of what he called NATURE. In fact, it´s not *nature" but GOD. Geert is stuck because he overlooks und underestimates the power of GOD and his ability to intervene on a different level. With that limitation in his thinking ("it all has to be explanable biologically or scientifically") he obvioulsy went wrong. Mere humans can´t outsmart GOD.
To Geert: read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), a former scientist and intellectual atheist who shares his path to becoming a libertarian Christian after exploring all the relevant issues and intricacies of Christianity. He wrote his oeuvre in the 1940ies to 1960ies and it´s fascinating, especially for atheists. It will also give you peace of heart and mind: you did what you could and it was brave but it was nothing compared to what God can do if he chooses to intervene on a supernatural level.
I agree. I paid for an entire year, unfortunately.
The Trump bit isn't part of the article but is connected to the journal ( or whatever it is).
Luckily Geert’s prediction of mass deaths hasn’t transpired yet and hopefully will not considering his time line from a year ago. We have 3 large hospitals in our area and between the 3 of them, our largest employers. I use this as a barometer for whats happening considering 95% of medical humans working for these hospitals got at least 3 jabs. No one is dropping dead that we know of, and in our neighborhood alone we have many employed with them, let alone family and friends that do too.
But they are seeing outrageous numbers of cancer, myocarditis and strokes. Most pretend it has nothing to do with the novel MRNA’s. They cant bring themselves to admit they got snookered.
I disagree, now I am really scared of hivicron but , being Geert silent, looks like if he was mistaken all this time after his post JN.1 alarm.
Does it ever occur to you that the man has a career etc. to concentrate on to earn a living? If he hasn't anything new to say, why should he post? Because people still want some communication? Well, he does post from time to time and this is what happens - people complain he isn't saying the right things or what they want personally to hear him say. The guy can't win.
the are new things to be said, for instance XEC is conserving almost the same RBD structure than the previous dominant KP3.1.1, and is adding NTD altering mutations (glycosylation?) this is a crucial information that Geert mantains silenced even to us, being substack paying subscribers. This is not a way to gain paying subscriptions or earn a part or your living here.
What does this new information actually mean Antonio?
all Geert is predicting to end this pandemic is about to become true after XEC becoming dominant.
Biggest drop since omicron, something is about to happen?
In my country covid levels are elevated. By middle of nov xec will probably be the dominant strain. Geert has said that when the virus decreases it is mutating to stronger virus from the elevated immune pressure. I wondered if this will happen before the end of the year?
Remember all the jabs are not the same I lost 4 people already.. I’m worried about the HIVCRON that will kill millions. Geert is monitoring the situation at the moment he’s not God to determine the mutant variant speed. So pray hard that it passes quickly
BEWARE the who pandemic treaty is far from being dead in the water as many assume in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty.be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..that said dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it which also applies to you tube and twitter..it currently has over 270000 signatures
Thanks For sharing Dr Bossche much appreciated 🙏
Transfections in healthy humans is criminal. The covid shots are transfection. Go Fing look that up. All bench biologists know.
JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological
Yup… herd immunity and decline of the virus variants as a threat to the UNVACCINATED. But for those with refocused damaged immune systems from MRNA injections? Lots of pain, suffering and death. https://open.substack.com/pub/markcrispinmiller/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-e1e?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webJu
I think Jessica Rose begs to differ with this research update. Shedding & what is in it will catch the unvaccinated also !!
Good bye folks. I held on as long as I could. I am going to unsubscribe.
hm, i dont get it completely. The article dates on oct. 2023, and it supports somewhat GVBs predictions on viral evolution and immune evasion. In the meantime most of the remaining readers of this substack have become "doomsday experts" in one or another way (irony off). As such we try to grasp ongoing developments like the speedy rise of KP311 followed by the recombinant variant xec at the same speed as well as ever rising base levels of our favorite illness each summer. Does GVB share the thought that viral evolution shifts from the "largely optimized" spike to other epitopes like NTD (thx to eizagirre/Melin: https://x.com/LongDesertTrain/status/1845093691670532332 )? Maybe i get it all wrongly.... Someone giving me a helping hand?
article from 2023 waste of time.
why even comment on an article from2023? waste of time.
Dr Geert,
Thanks for the recent posts…
Many of us appreciate what you have done, and are happy to subscribe to your Substack.
May I suggest a way to provide more value? More frequent, and less formalized bits of info and clues would help quench our inquiring minds.
For example, small lessons about cases in the past. Weren’t mRNA (or whatever the heck they are) used on ferrets and they all passed away? How long did it take and was it due to immune escape? Were these
shots ever ‘successful’?
I think much of the info has been memory holed so hard to find much of substance, but understanding the basics would be great.
We also want info on what you’re looking at now. Does XEC, coming into prominence as many of us head into winter, appear to be of significant note?
Just some basic/quick/simple stuff that can inspire further learning on our end. There appear to be many highly intelligent folks on here.
We understand you’re under scrutiny and life has surely gotten strange/surreal, and we are thankful for what you have done and continue to do, and wish you the best.
I belive they gave the ferrets etc mrna that was coded for the hole virus. Then when they challenge the animals blowing in air with the same virus the results was catastrophic they all died. Thats why they only used one part of the sarscov2 virus, the spike protein for humans. (this is what i remember listning to dolores cahill/Ryan cole etc im not a scientist)
If that's the case, then hopefully most people will be ok as long as they don't get any more shots.
The problem is their innate immunity is bypassed and their adaptive immunity is derailed.
That's a theory and even if true, the dire implications thereof are also theoretical. It's very possible that in 1 yr, 3 yrs, 5-10 yrs, everything will be ok. We are acting as if Geert's predictions which are yet to be proven after years, are actually true.
What's your theory?
I think he could be right. The arguments he's made sound cogent. But he's been off on the timeline several times and that presents a problem in that people who believe him develop some kind of indoctrination where they continue to believe in something without evidence, that may not happen. I also think there's a risk of a highly virulent varriant of covid with the Hivicron profile being created and released. But I guess such a varriant would not spread from person to person and would kill it's first hosts? But I don't know how that differs from Hivicron anyway.
Have a feeling we are going to be in the same place a year from now.
Just like a year ago
So many people are going to die off… nothing is working for the vaccinated
The Plandemic isn't over yet, unfortunately, because these psychopaths are still simulating and still pushing the Pandemic Amendment Agenda again after most African Nations rejected it. They are preparing for something in 2025 and God knows how many sheep are going to comply and nor resist whihc would make it so easy for them to implement CBDC, Lockdown, ULEZ Climate Agenda and many other forms of control and depopulation.
We seem to be on a train that is racing forward on a track that was never finished and comes to an abrupt end ........the train flies off the track and the ride ends in a pile of crushed metal thrown in every which direction. It's not just what Geert is telling us to be true, but all the other falsehoods that are coming to the surface now.............faster and faster. Before most people realize the train is going to crash ................boom ...............it happens.
That’s the story of exponential growth and related impacts.
Looks like Winter will be the bitch. A bit like Delta times? Lots non-Covid sickness now or maybe the swab tests don’t work for the novel strains of SC2.
for a previously infected but unvaccinated population' ----------- what is this? are there unvaxxed and previously not infected people?
It looks like human immune system does not care about your theory as well, so you come up with "previously infected but unvaxxed" type of nonsense.
Assumptions, assumptions..... or a lack of understanding?
"This process messes up the immune response permanently, especially in people with high anti-spike antibody levels who get re-infected by more infectious immune escape variants and don’t have strong innate immunity"
I guess you have VERY strong innate immunity...and vaxxed people dont?? right?
"After a career in academia in Belgium and Germany, Vanden Bossche worked for several companies on vaccine development (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals). He then worked as a Senior Program Officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and as a Senior Ebola Program Manager for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). "
I just read Agenda 2030, the plan for saving humanity! It looks like saving humanity draws your attention, just in the wrong way, solutions, REAL solutions do help: like a clear theory everyone could understand and follow, for a start? Or admitting you do not know aLOT! and you can not predict future?
There is just one savior, and if you have theory you would not have to repeat those inconsistent sentences over and over again, for years
I have everything from Gerrt on this subject. He has always been consistent in everything. And no (unless they had an infection before vaccination) vaccinated folks don’t have or can’t attain ANY natural immunity to the original virus or its variants. Gerrt has said this many times before. The reality of what is happening is not going away. Variants and being produced in the bodies of billions of human perti dishes and the vaccinated will continue to get sick and die from some of them until their weakened immune systems finally give out. The evolution of true killer of the vaccinated can happen at any time. It can’t be stopped now. Mother Nature is going to achieve herd immunity. The vaccinated are a road block that will be eliminated.
what you say is pure nonsense, as many unvaxxed, previously extremely healthy people have died in their 40s,50s!! buisness of life and death is not predictable, but is God's will. And i am sure Geert nor you are close enough to know the Truth that well. He still has a lot to learn about human body, and most of all he is NOT talking from expereince but all made up in his head. For someone being a useful fool for that many years he can not become wise prophete over night. That is natural law as well.
GVB does not understand human biology. He studies viral sources.
He admits this lack of understanding as a reason his prediction deadlines ae never realized.
The issue to deal with today are the factors of the poisoning of the population and resulting devastating damage & accelerating death.
Cancer is gowing on steroids in all the heavily vaxxed.
Yes, natural herd immunity is coming......just not the way we expected.
bold statements need bold evidence, I was coming here for knowledge, thinking such a bold statements have huge knowledge behind them, then I realized this guy knows about human body waaaaaaaaay less than I do!! Why? Becasue it does not take a rocket scientist to fix any problem we have, what it takes is experience!! experimenting for that reason, and seeking solutions not predictions! I find him guilty for not saying what he knows! it took him months to admit that it all depends on the strength of innate immunity, mumbling this as an irrelevant matter!
Well, he is supported by Doctors like Dr McMillan and the others who do presentations with Dr McMillan - and plenty of others. Dr McMillan thinks it'll be more a (slower) storm surge than a very quick overnight killer strain. The end result will be the same. The bold evidence you seek will not be present until it's available, so how can anyone provide it beforehand?
I find a lot of people here guilty of being very rude and jumping up and down indignantly, simply because they made too many assumptions, latched on to particular statements whilst ignoring everything else said and they can't understand that nature doesn't always play ball according to the same set of rules each time.
Neither Geert nor any other professional is under any obligation to share his work and opinions with the public. It would be helpful if those who continuously complain - as opposed to politely discussing - would just leave and allow the rest of us to read and comment in peace. Thank you in advance........
Maybe it is the lack of evidence that is making you unease in your ideology and not the discussion when people seek the Truth. You are very welcome to be persuasive in defending your ideas, what other doctors think is not a theory but an opinion. And Aristotel or some other thinkers already concluded opinion is of no value....."Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding."
Calm down. Nobody said COVID can't kill.
"And no (unless they had an infection before vaccination) vaccinated folks don’t have or can’t attain ANY natural immunity to the original virus or its variants."
Where are the actual data / replicable studies that actually prove this assumption?
I totally agree with what you say. I am praying for my family and friends who took this clot shot
I'm totally unvaccinated as an adult. I take no efforts to avoid human contact. I've had maybe 3 flu bugs in my 50 plus years of adulthood and recovered very quickly in all cases. They're seasonal infections. Live a clean healthy life and let your God given immunity system take care of things like it was meant to do. A few days of discomfort from a flu bug is far preferable to the side effects of these so called vaccines.
You obviously have not heard him from the very start and understood about the innate immune system in the context of COVID-19. Geert has been consistent and what he said has come to pass. It’s just timing that has been off. But the Covid experimental vaccination that was given to millions upon millions globally in the middle of a pandemic has never happened before. So we wait and see a while longer if Geert’s theory materializes fully!
Our whole family by the way were previously infected and reman unvaccinated. There are many like us around and we were ridiculed and treated very badly by some. The result is that our Immune system work differently than the vaccinated in regard to Covid.
how do you know this? you are only parroting someone else's ideas, people who DO NOT TALK from experience are mostly liars! every person that presents him/herself as an expert in something they have never experienced, so for me the knowledge would be if he can tell exactly how the response of innate immune system looks like, from your blood test, or whatever he thinks this is or is not! everything else is wild theory that may have nothing to do with reality! medicine is like cooking, either you can make a dish or you cant! its not a philosophy! nor theory nor predicting! When you meet a person that is in business of predicting the future, my advice is to run away!
'my advice is to run away'-- please take your own advice!
You are correct in that blood markers are the key to both understanding & predictions of health outcomes.
If an experienced ship builder tells me the boat we’re on has malfunction that will likely lead to the ship sinking, which is a kind of future predicting, I will choose to listen to that person assuming his demeanor and approach is sensible.
The current predicament is much more complicated than a boat with a hole and there are very few people who both understand the various fields (vaccinology, virology, etc) AND have the courage to speak up.
lol, yeah Bosshe has built a ship, human body, he is not even capable of understanding the basic blood lab results properly!! as if he could, he would speak in such terms, and not his imaginationm omitting half the immune system. part of the immune system are even BONES! i bet you had no idea about that, hence osteoporosis in women!
Medicine may be like "cooking" but it is like cooking with a near infinite number of ingredients in a number of highly interdependent, multivariate systems all at once. Your willingness to distill it down so simply, without great hesitation displays how little you actually know. Lots of hubris with little ability to recognize your blind spots both indicate someone who isn't very smart, and someone who hasn't butted up against the hard limits at the edge of human understanding. Unlike you, Geert has seen, felt, and experienced those limits. This is why he hesitates.
number of ingredients are not infinite, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, never heard of that? google simplicity and you will find many great men had something to say about it :)
GVB's previous employers are not the definitive statement of who he is now. (This has often been the case with technical people who see the corruption only after decades buried in the weeds of their field. Mike Yeadon is another example, though he may have gone even further in denying viruses exist. ) Corporate and government health experts now ignore or dismiss what GVB says, despite growing evidence supporting it.
Original antigenic sin or pathogenic priming has been confirmed.
The risks of vaccinating into an ongoing epidemic/pandemic have been confirmed.
GVB's refinements of the theory on evolution of the variants and risks to the population are also gradually being confirmed. If they are not confirmed, that is good news for the vaxxed population and will prompt adjustments to his theory. No need to get your knickers in a twist.
that is called being a useful fool. Money is too much of a temptation for many. Juda is the problem in all of us, wanting to know the Truth but selling your soul for the money
i get where you come from, but a blind person stays blind for a while, it does not go from unable to see messing up with viruses is evil's business to saving the world in a matter of seconds! He has track record of completely blind person for decades not just few years. Its like i would not trust an alcoholic after 3 y of being sober he is out of the addiction. The thing is eyesight does not come back over night! He still believes vaccines do some good to people i.e. he knows very little in general.
Yes this is a widespread problem among researchers and doctors - vaccines have been the dogma for so long that people cannot conceive that they werent needed in most cases. This is especially true for vaccines on the childhood schedule - the death rate for the diseases they supposedly prevent was down 95% or more before any vaccination campaign even started.
Volgens Dr Paul Alexander, medewerker van Trump, is er helemaal geen pandemie geweest!
Als dat juist is, komt de voorspelling van Dr Geert hierdoor niet te vervallen? Link naar Dr Paul Alexander: https://palexander.substack.com/p/a-crime-it-was-a-crime-covid-was-5bc
thank you for the link! true there would be only 30% of infected, now there is 100% infected. Maybe he is right, but that will be the end of the world, noone will survive that the reasoning that there is some difference for anyone is foolish
China (+ Russia?) refused the western kind of 'vaccines'.
not sure of that, they had the same kind of Astrazeneca vaccine? they certainly planned this all together, as the response was the same, this is called: leaving noone behind, from Agenda 2030, when in 2015 they all agreed upon. This "conflict" you see now may not be real at all!! I see no difference, lie is a lie, and China and Russia never cultivated the Truth. There is absolutely not a single world leader that wants to shut down the virus labs, and that tells you all.
Pfizer offered China 'vaccins' for free, China refused them. The position of China is explained in this link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-65036474