Pfizer has consistently refused to answer questions regarding the mechanism of myo/pericarditis from the mRNA "vaccines". I believe their reason for doing so is not that they don't know but that the link to mRNA would destroy their future plans. Modified mRNA "vaccines" are incredibly cheap to manufacture once the basic technology is in place - especially if mGMP/QC best practices are ignored. They see the future of ALL "vaccines" as being mRNA-based as a source of enormous future profits and don't want to acknowledge problems which are largely of their own creation.

That's one issue. But the other issue is the rapidly emerging evidence of "Turtles all the way down" with ALL vaccines. It seems clear that the clinical support in place is inadequate and needs to be put in place (In this case Clinical QC?) to ensure that ALL vaccines are proven to be "safe and effective" by PROPER RCT protocols involving REAL placebos, not existing "old" vaccines in the control arm.

There is also rapidly evolving evidence of links between vaccines and autism, possibly due to adjuvants, but not necessarily. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence comparing outcomes in childhood vaccine regimens using paediatric clinics that avoid the use of vaccines and, for instance outcomes in the Amish community, which also avoids vaccines, to raise serious concerns. This is an important evolving issue which, rightly or wrongly, has grown with the backlash from the Covid "vaccines" and the denial of associated SAEs.

And it's an issue which is not going away and needs to be addressed urgently. I have the utmost respect for GVB and I hope that with his knowledge of vaccinology and Clinical best practices that he will actively get involved in the debate.

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Very true, something urgently needs to be done.

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Mechanism of mRNA jab Heart Damage


including Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis (EIM)


Geert mentions Endotoxin (LPS) in this article.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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There is historical evidence vaccines cause autism as well. Thank you for your observations.

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Agree 💯!

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Turtles all the way Down" is a great book. We do indeed need to 'ensure that ALL vaccines are proven to be "safe and effective" by PROPER RCT protocols involving REAL placebos', just as we do with other drugs and biologics. The industry will fight tooth and nail to avoid having to do this. They have already argued with Congress that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" when they asked for a liability shield in the 1980s in the wake of crippling lawsuits. It's very unfortunate that we simply cannot trust Big Pharma. The deal Congress made with the industry when it granted liability protection was that they would work to make safer vaccines, and report on the progress every two years. They have never reported. Indeed, safety concerns seem to have evaporated once the liability was gone. Millions have been adversely affected by the Covid jabs. Virtually everyone tested showed changes to myocardiocyte metabolism, and subclinical myocarditis. We MUST make drug makers liable again for their products, and we must no longer allow them to do their own clinical trials or keep the raw data a secret.

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At this point I feel very lucky that I've never been injured as far as I know from vaccines and knowing what's going on right now has caused me to make the decision to never ever take another vaccine ever again for as long as I live. These manufacturers can't be trusted we are in very dark times now. I don't see any way they can rebuild public trust after this debacle. There is virtually nothing they can say that would ever make me trust them again.

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I strongly share your feelings. Nobody in my family will ever receive any kind of vaccines ever again. These companies have lost our trust forever. I deeply regret giving my child the childhood vaccines. The only thing that gives me some comfort is that I refused all childhood vaccines after 2020. The only thing that I am proud of is that I refused to give the covid shots to my child despite enormous pressure. I don't even know how I was able to find enough mental strength to fight back. The only explanation is Dr. Geert and many other doctors that convinced me that taking these shots especially for children is a horrible decision. I will be forever grateful to all of them but especially to two of them: Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Brian Briddle. They were the very first ones making most of ''the noise" trying to warn us not to fall into the government and health authorities trap.

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I have been suspicious of vaccines for some time now but as I read "Vax/Unvax" it becomes apparent that many, if not most, chronic illnesses are caused by, or exacerbated by, these shots. I grew up mostly in the '80's and don't remember any friends having autistic siblings and now know several people whose children have autism or Asperger's. The "People In Charge" claim there is no causal relationship but the studies (too few) show a strong statistical correlation.

I appreciate you adding the caveat "as far as I know" because it can be hard to discern.

Remain skeptical but also faithful. They are not mutually exclusive. Many people are taken in because they do not have an anchor. James 1:5-8

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A lot of ppl with autoimmune diseases too.

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I believe we've all been injured to one degree or another, sadly.

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" These manufacturers can't be trusted" ... our concern must expand far beyond Pfizer and other companies. Substack sources such as sashalatypova and bailiwicknews(by Katherine Watts) chronical how the US Department of Defense took over the manufacturing of what went in the vials for inoculating the millions. Watts and Latypova provide the documentation of how "EUA" entails a decades-long scheme that includes the policies that NO clinical evaluation is required, and good-manufacturing-practices is not enforced.

Also, please note that the fine work of Ed Dowd has now been surpassed by that of Canadian Denis Rancourt (totalityofevidence.com or denisrancourt.ca)

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I'm in the same boat with you, Kathy. Never injured, to my knowledge, but I'm not going to take any more vaccines. I'm a retired pharmacist, and I took my childhood vaccines over again in the wake of 9/11 when I volunteered for a disaster response team that was part of NDMS. I was never "anti-vax", in fact, I wasn't really aware that anyone was. I was very uninformed about that debate. But I was aware that many medical professionals won't take a new drug until it's been on the market a few years (7 years, some say) because it can take that long for problems to be recognized. And I became aware of some of the unethical and criminal actions of some of the pharmaceutical manufacturers. And when they rushed the vaccine development process, skipping the normal safety testing, I knew I would never take the vaccine. And what I have learned since then has convinced me that I can no longer trust the pharmaceutical industry for any vaccine.

[ALSO, and this is something that public health authorities are supposed to know, you should NEVER mass vaccinate a population during a pandemic. It will super charge the virus mutation rate and turn people into virus mutation factories, giving them suboptimal protection, making them asymptomatic carriers. That is precisely what has happened. That happens even if the vaccine is totally safe and 100% effective. It takes time for the body to fine tune the IgG antibodies to make them a perfect fit for the antigens. During a pandemic, it's inevitable that many will be infected while this process is ongoing, before the antibodies have matured, which means they will put suboptimal immune pressure on the virus. It is similar to what happens when a suboptimal dose of antibiotics is given; it creates selection pressure and resistant bacterial strains survive and multiply. This results in resistant bacteria, and the need for new antibiotics. The selection pressure we put on the SARS-2 virus (which is naturally a rapidly mutating virus) resulted in an explosion of new variants. It's worthwhile reading up on the immune system. Some of the processes may be a bit complicated, particularly the in-depth work on the interplay between the viral evolution and the effects this jab has on our immune systems, which isn't good in many ways. Dr. Vanden Bossche has a great book that explores and explains this in detail.]

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I'm with you sister. Probably, most of the other drugs out there as well.

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GVB your selfless dedication, passion, transparency and expertise is a GIFT to the " we the people." Your voice has served to bring hope to 🌎 the world, but there is more unfolding. The American vaccine schedule is devasting our children's quality of life and must be confronted. The influence and mission of the WHO must be abolished. Silence is deafening.........❤

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I've been following Geert from the beginning of his immune escape warnings. I'm glad to see him branching out into the corruption. I also recommend reading the 34 essays in

"Canary In a Covid World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World."

Chapter 18 by Dr. Paul Marik is an excellent summary of the corruption.

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Many Quality departments use the term Quality Assurance to describe their function. Like the definition of "vaccine", the word "assurance" has been redefined during Covid from "assuring quality products" to "assuring the public there's nothing to worry about". That's what Quality Assurance means now. ;-)

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As Gen. Buck Turgeson said in "Dr. Strangelove," "You can't condemn the whole program for one slip-up." As the Pfizer executive told the EU parliament, "We were moving at the speed of science."

Those who mandated this crap should be hung or beheaded.

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Yes you can condemn the whole programme, Pfizer put the SV40 promoter deliberately in the jabs, Pfizer should hang for that, the " vaccine" given during the trails is totally different to what the public later on got injected, they should hang twice over.

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Pfizer submitted a draft and got an ok and then did something else.

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The article was well written, especially for the lay person. Good insight from an "insider".

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Geert, the undeclared inclusion of SV40 promoter sequences goes beyond poor quality as it had to be deliberately included and is of no value in the E. coli bacteria based mRNA production process. What are your thoughts on this aspect?

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Great question. I've wondered "why" myself but not knowing the field I don't understand what its function was supposed to be.

By the way does anyone know what percentage of samples tested have e.coli DNA contamination? That could be polio SV-40 contamination on steroids. 90-100 million were exposed to that and we've injected 6-7 billion people with the current product.

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Not exactly "no value". A promoter is needed for initiation of transcription of the spike protein gene (DNA) to produce the spike protein mRNA in the E.coli. So Pfizer needed a promoter spliced into the plasmid, only question is why they chose the SV40 promoter and not some other promoter?

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I asked Kevin McKernan if the SV40 promoter had any effect on plasmid interaction with E. coli and he directed me to the paper linked below. Appears it does so I stand corrected. Thanks for prompting me to confirm this; much appreciated.


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That's great that he replied to you and sent you that link. Fun fact: I nearly posted that same link myself, but was not sure if links are allowed in Substack comment section, so skipped it :)

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Additional detail from Kevin indirectly:

Mr. McKernan said that because Pfizer's vaccines already contain an AmpR promoter similar to Moderna—which is used to drive the antibiotic resistance gene—the inclusion of the SV40 promoter was "completely redundant" and "all risk, no reward."

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My understanding is that this is only the case for mammalian cells. Is that incorrect?

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For eukaryotic cells (plants, animals etc.), not just mammalian cells.

Basically, what Pfizer did was try to get E.coli bacteria to mass produce the modified mRNA coding for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, to put into their "vaccine". To do this they constructed a plasmid made up of various DNA sequences and the DNA code (gene) for the spike protein. In order to start the transcription process (copying DNA into mRNA), they needed to insert a promoter next to the spike protein gene on the plasmid. Since E. coli is prokaryotic and doesn't have a promoter that could do this, they had to select a viral promoter to insert into the plasmid (see the paper that Kevin sent you). They chose the SV40 promoter sequence.

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"irresponsible business practices of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers" - And their "ho's" in politics, media and medicine.

"our public health authorities have no plan for when things are going wrong" - Yes they do. Blame "long covid" and insist they never forced/coerced anyone to get the shots.

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That would work if we didn't still have the 'receipts'.

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And our corrupt governments pump billions of tax payer money to these companies. They people at the top of these companies will walk away with fat bank accounts and vacation homes in the most desirable (although clearly under threat of destruction from "climate change" or better yet, "boiling") vacation homes around the globe, even if the company tanks. All of the "social justice" idiots are barking up the wrong trees.

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And yet, we have our souls entact! NO vacation home can give you this worthy souls lesson here in earth school! How blessed! Future vacation homes endless for us.

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So true Thank you Geert.

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I know all this. Known it for years. And I remember Geert Vanden Bossche, too, from back then. He knew it and tried to tell everyone years ago. There were voices shouting everywhere but no one who should listen would listen. I documented a lot of them. I put up a site: covidhonesty.com. You can find hundreds and hundreds of links there. It never was any mystery. So what? So that means all those who should have protected us, from Presidents and Prime Ministers on down all the way to your local doctor and even clinic nurse were and are culpable. They committed a crime.

And there's just so many of them just so guilty that I'd bet there's no chance of any justice being done. For they will all close ranks, clam up, non-cooperate.

Dr Robert Malone doesn't get a mention. He tried unremittingly at great cost to himself to tell everyone. No one who should listen would listen.

Dr Pierre Kory the same.

And that's not to mention Prof Ioannidis who put the sober truth up right there in the beginning.

It was never any secret. Never. Not if you wanted to know.

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Thank you for all your work Dr. Vanden Bossche! I don't share your confidence that pfizer or moderna will be taken down and bankrupted as a result of this malfeasance. Too many powerful and ultra rich people have been co-opted into this scheme and have gained in power and wealth as a result. From my vantage point nearly the entire "health" industry holds vaccines and "vaccines" sacred to the point I am surprised there aren't little shrines at every hospital. They may not wittingly participate in this evil but it will be nearly impossible to shake them from their stupor. Consider how many attorneys general and other non-federal legal entities have been given the evidence of willful harms and how few (if any) have done anything about it. Please pray for the safety of Dr. Ladapo.

On a related note, I am about half way through "Vax/Unvax" and it would make a great gift for expectant parents and the parents of young children. If our government "health" system really cared about health they would fund larger studies comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed populations. FWIW, I am not sure the Amish population is a great comparitor due to confounders like not eating heavily processed foods, not using plastic everything, and not having pollutants constantly assaulting their bodies. There are small but sufficient cohorts in cities and suburbs.

I suddenly have a craving for hand-churned butter on hot-from-the-oven homemade bread followed by a buggy ride!

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Excellent post.

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Thank you!

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Did Moderna also do the same thing or all of the other companies for that matter all in the name of Warp Speed?

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This was the first product Moderna had ever sold, which does not inspire confidence.

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There are some fascinating articles ( very long ones, like research papers) about what's going on inside Moderna. It's well worth reading them. After reading them all I asked myself: how can you trust a company like this? Well, you can't. This would be like trusting psychopaths with your life. Who in their right mind would do that? This is the question I asked a family member last year: Pfizer has paid billions of dollars in fine for fraud. What makes you trust them with their covid injections? Isn't that enough reason not to ever trust them? For me it was more than enough. But not for my family. Here is the answer that I got: " You believe in conspiracy theories. If the shots would be so dangerous 8 billion people would be already dead from the shots. But nobody is dead.". If that would be so simple. Evil people are not idiots. They know perfectly well what they are doing and everything is carefully planned. Of course they wouldn't have released the " killer shots" to the entire population at once because it would have been too risky. You can't give 8 billion killer shots in a single day. Because it takes time, imagine what would have happened if anyone who takes the shots is dead in maximum two weeks. Do you really think they would have been able to continue? Not a single chance. That's why they had different batches. They most probably hoped they nobody will ever discover their crimes. But they totally underestimated the brave doctors who risked everything to tell us the truth.

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Oct 14, 2023
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Yes we need it, but we probably won't get it. As I understand it the recent Government investigation in the UK was kind of a farce. Unsatisfying at the very least.

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Based on what I've learned through so many brave doctors and scientists like yourself, I wonder how the contamination got into the product in the first place. Some of those contaminates are poisonous to the human body so how did they get there? Pfizer has a bad history so the people who want to harm us chose them to do this deed because they obviously don't mind harming their fellow human beings. I believe there is more here than meets the eye. How does Roundup get into these products? That's my big question! Roundup shouldn't be no where near this product...so how did it get into the MRNA so that it would not be expelled by the body? That right there tells me it was on purpose.

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Here's something interesting you may find intriguing and ask yourself "why the surprise of researcher who have recently discovered DNA contamination in old vials of the Pfizer chemical concoction and the differences in process 1 and Process 2?"

When I post on their social media, contact their websites, the university they work at etc and point out that these 2 issues were discussed in-depth in the EMA’s original Public Assessment report released in December 2020 and on which every regulator worldwide issued an EUA then never answer or acknowledge it.

If they had read that report at the time or shortly afterwards they would not be surprised now. It is written quite plainly these 2 issues were known about.

I sometimes get the feeling I am the only person to have read this report in the world.


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You say prayer can't help, but that's because you either don't believe in God or do not believe that He is all powerful. Though it may not seem as if He is restraining evil, He is doing that all the time, or mankind would have destroyed itself long ago. This vaccine is a vivid picture of what powerful people will do if they can get away with it. God, who is not corruptible, is the One I trust.

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I don't believe in a god, but I also believe you can pray if you want to.

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