If this change is warm weather dependent, wouldn’t the highly vaccinated populations in the southern hemisphere already be experiencing this?

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I don't think he meant that the pressure is weather dependent, but instead the warmer weather would accelerate things.

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The warm weather is normally when people are healthier and get more sunlight etc which means harder for virus to take hold. But perhaps for those whose systems are damaged or weak, the virus doesnt get cleared and hence sits there breeding new variants some of which will be able to spread despite the better weather. That could be the source of evolutionary pressure.

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Does it not, first of all, depend on where or in what country this the immune escape pressure is greatest that forces a new one to emerge? After it emerges, if there’s heat, we’re off to the races. Have I got it wrong?

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The heat is part of the immune pressure on the virus. So, the heat will help to cause the mutation.

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Very. Valid question

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Don't you remember that the "original" story was - comes winter time, comes "virus" time?!

These guys should keep their story straight ... well I have little hope anyone wanting to open their eyes!

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Good question. Are there highly vaccinated populations in the southern hemisphere? I do not think so, right? Geert is talking in this article only about the highly vaccinated populations.

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New Zealand and Australia had extremely high vaccination levels.

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Hey Spencer. Apparently I was submitting my response while you were submitting yours. That's a double whammy.

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But it's going into winter there now. Maybe they just beat the heat. JN1 relatively new.

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OK, if the theory of Geert is right, maybe the new variant will originate from that area? Normally, the hottest months in Australia are December, January an February.

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Ahhh YES, here in Oz they did a good number over the masses.

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"Are there highly vaxxed populations in the southern hemisphere?" How about Australia and New Zealand for starters?

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I think that easiest way to think about what is happening here can be summed up like this: This is a planetary gain-of-function experiment using billions of humans that appears to be on the verge of creating a completely new virus that will kill all the humans involved in it's evolution. A large part of the human race was used to create a bio-weapon that will cause a near mass extinction event.

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Beyond evil!

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Or maybe the Men Who Run the World and their minions realize it is a necessary action?


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Lawrence, can you explain in simple terms what is happening with the virus and how its going to kill many people. I am a lay person and trying to understand what is happening. I should also add Geert has many critics and think is research in this area is bogus.

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Consider how inappropriate use of antibiotics has driven the evolution of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.” In simple terms, inappropriate use of a vaccine just did the same thing, driving the evolution of a “supervirus.” But, at the same time as creating the supervirus, the vaccine also sabotaged the immune systems of the people who took it, rendering them defenseless against the supervirus.

It’s pretty obvious why people would try to discredit Geert. What he’s saying is beyond horror. I’ve never heard anyone actually debate his scientific rationale though, just ad hominem or superficial attacks. I hope he’s wrong, but I’ve seen nothing that disproves his theory.

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It's kinda like this https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous

Except far worse... because Marek's was an accident ... with Covid ... they are repeatedly deploying the leaky vaccines... endlessly....

Eventually ... a truly monstrous mutation will emerge.

Anyone who survives... will starve.

Why would they do this? There is a very good reason https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Your comparison to the over use/inappropriate use of antibiotics is of great help to understand what Geert is stating. Thanks again!

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This is precisely what is worrying me tremendously: that nobody, absolutely nobody in this big wide world was able or willing to disapprove his tsunami predictions. Why would this be? That should be enough reason to worry for all of us. And anyone who's telling you otherwise, is talking nonsense, they have no clue. The only people who might, just might, have a chance to disapprove his tsunami theory is a excellent team of doctors highly specialized in every single area where Dr. Geert is an expert. But as we all see, nobody has showed up so far. That doesn't give me much hope, on the contrary: that his frightening forecast will turn out to be right. Every single prediction that he made since 2021, turned out just right. And that is scary enough.

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Well... the virus is evolving to evade or not recognize ANY of the remaining vaccine induced immunity. So unless a vaccinated person was infected before their vaccination (and developed some innate immunity) their protection gates will be wide open to this new kid on the block.

Why it will kill so many is pretty simple. It will be as infectious as it can possible be. It will be spread by symptomatic and asymptomatic people. And since the vaccinated will have almost no immune protection, once they get infected they will be almost impossible to save.

The only chance vaccinated people will have is to NOT get this virus. They need to protect themselves with daily doses of cheap effective anti-virals. This of course will not happen because no one understands what is happening.

Now if you watch the following video you will see and understand the medical predictions of this on the human body. It ranges from bad to as bad as it gets.


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And they will scoff at you should suggest they be taking a daily dose of 'horse de-wormer'....

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Yup… but it REALLY suck to be them has their viral load skyrockets through the roof and all their organs begin to shut down. These will be horrible deaths. Shooting them in head would be a merciful act.

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Death will come to US ALL eventually and it usually ain’t pretty.

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I volunteer to shoot them in the head!!! Or how about to save bullets we crack them with a baseball bat?

Might not be such a terrible death ... they do call pneumonia the old man's friend... puts them out of their misery...

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No flies on you Eddy.

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Oh, my God! The way you explained it is much more frightening. Now I start to understand why Dr. Geert said that that those who are vaccinated and get infected with the virus will die in 24 hours after their first symptoms. I hope Dr. Geert will add on the front page of his website so that is perfectly visible, " the early treatment covid protocol". Lately, I have been seeing more and more questions about antivirals. But the term " antivirals" is too general and it doesn't help much. Most people can't name even 5 antivirals, and they will need much more than that. What people need is two protocols: one preventive, and one for treatment. They also need to know that if they can't get ivermectin there are two alternatives for it: zinc with Quercitin( I am taking myself 45mg. daily in divided doses, and two quercitin capsules) which is close to ivermectin. Then, there is a medicinal plant called: Artemisia Annua( there are several types of Artemisia but only this type is effective against the virus) that can compete with the ivermectin. When my family and friends started to get sick with covid I sent them the official protocol written by doctors. Then, I realized that is too complicated, so I wrote a simplified and more clear version of it. All of them got well, none of them died or ended up in the hospital. Vitamins, supliments, herbs, and mushrooms( like cordyceps and Reishi) based on my personal experience are powerful because I have seen great result. This is not advice but rather sharing my own personal experience. But the right dose is the key: how much to take, how many times a day and for how long. Let's say, you start the protocol and after 5 days, you start to feel much better, and you decide to stop the protocol or to lower your doses. That would be a mistake. When all the " hell will break loose" do you think you will be able to count on doctors to help you is the medical system will collapse as Dr. Geert is predicting? The time to learn as much as you can is now. Not tomorrow.

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The doctors (highly vaccinated) will all be dying or dead.

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The medical system will break down quickly as this killer spreads. I asked a nurse who writes a really good SubStack if her hospital would provide and mandate that their staffs should take cheap anti-virals like ivermectin. She said no - this is something they will never do. So we have highly vaccinated staff, no anti-viral protection, and immediate exposure to the virus as sick people come in. Within a few days everyone working in the hospitals will be infected and very sick. Hospitals will cease to function and turn away sick people. The dying will then begin at home. It’s a nightmare.

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Those who got COVID before vaccines are ok?

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Not really - remember - when billions die... the global supply chains and civilization will collapse.

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From what Geert and others have said I am going to say OK. They may be able to resist infection or at least have some immunity that will keep them dying. Watch the video I linked. It will help you understand this.

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They get to starve - and/or die from cancer

There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.

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You are right - who deals with the nukes when ALL the vaccinated operators are dead? Someone who stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night?

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There is about the same amount of radioactive materials in coal. One guy calculated that the energy available in the ppm of uranium in the coal was about equal to the energy from burning the coal. Those radioactive materials from coal are spread all over the environment. Very dilute, so not a threat unless you stupidly accept the linear hypothesis that low level radiation kills by that calculation. Not true, actual evidence indicates that low level radiation teaches immune systems to adapt to the free radicals created by low level radiation. Animals and humans exposed to low level radiation live longer.

Glen Seaborg calculated that the amount of radiation from spent fuel would become less than the radiation from the original mined material in 20,000 years. The fuel is burned up in reactors. Uranium has a half life of about one billion years.

Humanity has created pyramids lasting 4700 years. Those are above ground. We know how to bury stuff in stable geology that will last 20,000 years, only 5x the age of the above ground pyramids. Unlike the other sources of fuel, the radioactive waste from nuclear power is highly concentrated and is easy to contain and safely bury.

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Hopefully way more people got Covid early on that didn’t know it

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Not in Australia.

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The problem is at the beginning it wasnt very transmissible I had it end of 2020 bit at that point me and the wife were the only ones in our circle who had got it I know of no one who caught it before the jabs.

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I think what Geert has said before, if you got the disease before being vaccinated and then only had one or two vaccinations (less is better), then you may have natural immunity. Of course every case can be different because of individual immune differences.

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From what I have read, there never WAS any vaccine-induced immunity.

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Oh, how I wish you were right, and Dr. Geert was wrong! You have no idea.

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this is all doom and gloom, you should focus on the real thing! solve it!

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I fear you correct, but pray you are wrong!

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same here, every single day.

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i firmly believe you. i had one acute infection a year post vaccination. it caused a myriad of cascading chronic health issues resulting in severe MCAS. my prior infections were mild to say the least.

i feel my immune system has healed though, ever since i got in control over my chronic issues, i haven’t even had a cold. i feel like i should be getting ABC gas masks reading these articles.

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I think people need a drink to read these articles. Numb us up a bit. Again banality of evil. https://rumble.com/v4ny9r5-sg-anon-update-april-7-medical-murder-a-shock-event.html

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The following are legitimate concerns. You may see it as a joke or criticism, but it is not. I am asking questions about measurable causes which could be reliably interpreted. More than a theory, and more than an anecdotal observation. Otherwise, how are we to implement any reasonable (and, hopefully, effective) actions to contain this virus?

> I've learned that the virus had to slow down its spread and is now awaiting rising temperatures to be able to select a highly virulent lineage!

1) The virus is capable of managing its spread parameters? In terms of speed alone (“slow down”)? We know that it actively monitors spatial parameters and detects country and regional borderlines (2020: flourishing in selected areas of Italy, but avoiding neighboring countries). This sentence sounds like we have nothing to do. The decision has already been made. What does “rising temperatures” mean? At home, temp is invariably rising by 20-30% in the evening when more people occupy the same space and more appliances are in use. Will it do? This happens every single day, which is a perfect setting for the virus to learn our ways and bypass them. Should we cool down our houses?

2) The virus is monitoring temperature of the environment? What criteria does it use? Any specific temperature values for any specific duration (like >25C for more than 10 days)? How does it do this? Where is its brain, temperature detectors, adjusting mechanisms? Do we know HOW does it do this? Can we locate its HQ and render it useless? Does it take wind into account? When the air is moving, high temperatures are no longer felt as high and therefore the body manages far better than in static air. Does it take precipitation into account (cooling down air temp)? What numerical values do we need to be aware of the risk from the virus? Will cooler days separating high-temp ones disrupt the operation of the virus? Or is it following a model “once I start, nothing will stop me”?

3) “to be able to select” sounds like it has a catalog of variants and it simply assigns the most appropriate one for the most favorable conditions. Clearly, we cannot compete with this capacity, because our countermeasures (vaccines) are by rule always delayed against the development of viruses. The lottery assignment of outdated or guesswork variants for flu vaccines is the best proof of our extremely poor performance when compared with the virus. So… why bother? Why do anything if we know from the start that we will always lose?

4) “a highly virulent lineage” - how do we know that it will be a full family and not a one-off kamikaze variant? “Highly virulent” would mean a suicide for the virus, removing its prospective hosts from the queue and contributing to its demise - contrary to what virology used to say before 2020 (new variants of viruses tend to be progressively weaker to push the setting close to conditions which would allow the virus to become endemic, effectively cohabiting the world with us and doing as little harm to us as possible).

In all 4 parts, the host seems to be completely irrelevant. How come? Why?

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Hi Dan great questions! I’ll genurnly try to engage this important discussion.

1.a. Locale at the beginning (although I agree there is something fishy there, like the theories about water contamination or purposeful release in various locations) is not relevant to current conditions, presuming we are dealing with an actual virus, capable of person-to-person transmission.

1.b. I think it is not temperature per se, but selection pressures induced by summer conditions, that he is talking about here. Like, higher vitamin D levels in a population from being outside in the warm sunny days will make it harder for the virus to replicate within hosts, but since they can’t clear the virus adequately, this becomes like a population-level crucible for the virus wherein only those variants which are transmissible and virulent enough to cope with the improved immune conditions of summer will survive - thus nastier variants will survive.

2. As 1.b, but also once a highly transmissible, highly virulent variant that also overcomes summer conditions gets rolling, nothing will stop it.

3. New mutations are happening all the time and those that survive (“are selected for”) the immune pressures they face are the ones that become predominant in the population. Yes, we can never keep up with the changes, and yes we never should have tried in the first place. The folly of vaccinating during an active pandemic has been Geert’s message from the beginning, and that we did so is the cause of this terrible mess we now find ourselves in.

4. Normal virus behavior doesn’t apply right now because normal population-level immune dynamics doesn’t apply. If we had done nothing, we would have herd immunity and the virus would be endemic. But the vaccine and the changes vaccination made to the population-level immune response have put intense selection pressure on the virus, driving its evolution and preventing endemicity. (See all of Geert’s past articles for deep details of how and why this occurred.)

Earlier phases of this evolution produced a highly transmissible group of variants, Jn.1 now dominant. Immune pressure on this already highly successful variant continues, and as viruses have no brain but just passively live or die in response to conditions, a kamikaze from this line is likely because that’s the only path still available to increase its replication (and the majority of the population is in a state where the immune system is weakened in such a way that they can’t defend against the kamikaze.)

Ok I tried. If I got anything wrong y’all please correct me. Grateful for the chance to discuss.

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Thank you for this contribution. I agree with your explanations every step here, and they are easily understandable. I tried to exaggerate my questions to slide the discussion from the virus to the medical professional. The virus is not a problem. People who grope in the dark, pretending to know something or to act for the good or the public - they are the problem. Like, you don’t let yourself be driven around by a kid who has never seen a car. Yet, this is exactly the story of the covid problem since day one until now.

My questions therefore arise mostly from the gigantic cognitive dissonance WITHIN virology, including practically all its speaking professionals. Here is why.

1) If we check Wikipedia, almost every virus has a file with all its history, connections, associates, family ties, photographs, even a cute colorful circle with equally cute sections of circles and lines, the supposed “map” of the perpetrator.

2) Whenever an “outbreak” occurs, all those experts on duty immediately rise and reply to all questions, even those not yet asked, with excessive detail, hermetic terminology, and a flood of assurances to the “we’ve got it covered” tune. “Just do what we are telling you, and you will be all right.”

3) These professionals routinely quote virus sins, a whole set of domino events from infection to breakthrough (which has never happened before 2020 - why?) to transinfection, refocusing, pressure, neutralizing or not, inhibiting or not, cell mediation, antibody, antigen, anti-everything, symptomatic, asyptomatic, you name it. They are sooooo educated, so knowledgeable, and suddenly boooom, “temperature rise” (which has not happened yet, so we don’t know if it happens or what it will bring about…) destroys their whole knowledge.

They have spent their lifetime supposedly “learning” about the viruses, first hand, but they won’t gather minimum courage to answer basic questions - within their own field (sic!). Instead, they recruit pseudo-journalists and “fact” checkers to provide more turmoil than from the virus alone.

My question is: if they know so much, why they DO nothing? No, “developing” a vaccine is not an answer. Actually, it would be a stupid answer because nobody cared about vaccines 152 years ago. The whole history of humankind did perfectly well without vaccines. It was only when we released them that things started to go systematically worse and worse, as virologists themselves admit…

We have highly detailed explanations for every situation out of our control: immune escape, pressure, temp rise… They never say “maybe” or “possibly” or “we guess”. They know. They talk in the way which imparts the impression that they know everything. They are always authoritative and eager to mandate their whims. But real life shows clearly that they a) don’t know much (which would be understandable considering the time spent on educating students about human immunology), b) don’t care (which is obvious from 2020-2024), c) don’t want to investigate anything that does not fit their learned narrative (which is obvious from their public statements).

Before 2020, they were getting away with it time and again. Now - it’s too late. Headlines every day knock on their doors: we are losing mothers, we are losing kids, we are losing pregnancies, we are losing everything. And the best they can come up with is “rising temperature will kill you all”? [Geert, it’s not addressing you personally - I highly respect your knowledge and commitment, but your article sort of spills out a lot of inconsistencies or gaps in the public image of virology, so I see it as a good departure point for a serious in-depth analysis of why this one tiny invisible virus has successfully destroyed the whole medicine, the whole healthcare system, the whole economy, and - it seems reasonable to infer this - the whole future.]

Everywhere in life, there is a rule: you try something new, and see how it fares. Problems? You are stopping immediately, re-analyze, modify, and re-test on a much smaller scale, just to be on the safe side. This sequence is literally everywhere in life. Except virology AD 2020 ff. This is the only exception - we have records of criminal manufacturer’s actions, wrong measures implemented in a wrong way, outright lies, unbelievable harm to health worldwide, a flood of side effects, including a record in killing recipients of this vaccine - yet, we haven’t stopped, we are sinking deeper in this. Where has common sense gone? Not in us, recipients - in the medical community who know everything, but the best they can do is trial and error, with a heavy emphasis on errors.

All in all, after 4 years of the biggest continued, successful failure in the history of medicine, isn’t it time to STOP literally everything relating to the covid war? We have 4 years of failures, zero successes, why don’t we stop for ONE year and see what happens? A “control arm”, if you will, to parallel the 4-year “experimental arm” which has been wrecking havoc for 4 years, and there is no end in sight…

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From the very beginning I felt it needed to be a survival of the fittest event and let the cards land where they may. But people thought that was cruel and so we were *all* punished. We *all* had to lose something for "the greater good." This approach of sacrificing everyone's freedom to save grandma appealed mainly to the bleeding hearts of the world (mostly liberal) and now we are seeing the repercussions. I guess we will now get to experience a true "survival of the fittest" event, but I don't know if "surviving" will be the prize once the world as we know it is destroyed.

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We would be a lucky civilization if this was the case. From the mainstream news around the world, we now know that it has been a “survival of the most cunning and lying” event. The fittest always walk among their own. They never fear of anything because they can overcome all adversities and therefore are proud to help their own. They never need bodyguards, lawyers or journalists. The fittest always appear in person and handle all matters without sacrificing their worshippers.

2020-2024 has been the greatest coming out in history. We now know 100% for sure whom we cannot trust, ever. They have been courageous enough to discard all veils. For all of us, it is a great beginning of a new stage in life, and each can and should carry on with it in their own personal life. Won’t be easy in the beginning, I guess. The good thing is that we have no other options.

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Very well-said. I enjoy your writing~~thank you.

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My personal opinion is that all of this has been done on purpose.

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Unfortunately, it is not a matter of opinion. The purpose has been declared publicly in 2010 in direct words, no metaphors: https://youtu.be/DeHLNthYTSI

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Thank you for asking these questions~~honestly, this current post does not feel like it was written by Geert~~it seems kind of bizarre. How would a virus have that much intellectual capability? Very, very odd. Geert, please do a video to let us know you are still with us! :-)

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This one can do anything. If it can detect whether you are about to eat - so that it could have a short rest without being nasty, and you can regenerate in this time to be a better host for it… I thought it is called symbiosis, not “threat”, but so many things have changed since 2020…

We cannot forget that this virus can travel in time and space - as was proven with the “Princess” ship. Weird that none of first-line virologists commented on this.

These are the silent gaps in knowledge I am referring to. How are we to stand up against this tiny thing?

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haha, yes, the virus is actually quite polite to let us sit down to have our meal without disturbing us! So many questions, so few answers!

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And it's only 4 years and 3 months. What happens next? ...

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What do you think will happen next? Do you think Geert's predictions/warnings have merit? Are you preparing in any kind of way?

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No one can prepare because we don’t know for what. Since the end of 2019, we have been fed fairy tales and science fiction (SF at least is coherent). Plus forecasts which turned out to be completely wrong.

Virologists are now urgently making up new theories about new variant production methods. They openly admit that they didn’t know a lot of these things (Geert’s words).

I read a lot of texts by the leading people in the field and watch/listen to things like https://www.youtube.com/@MicrobeTV/videos My conclusion is that we know progressively less and less - and we cannot rationally align a lot of inference (theories) with real-life observations. Now and then, we find a new temporary victim (remember deadly Omicron, “asymptomatic”, viral load differences, PCR CT scandal or 2-week covid virus survival ability on dead surfaces?) and we cling to it until the subject loses traction.

Are any predictions worth a penny? None. Not a single one. Regardless of their author or promoter.

Why? Because we do not have ANY reliable data about covid or the virus. Zero. Since Jan 1, 2020 until now - zero reliable data. We only have random snapshots which are not organized or verified in any way. A lot of false data, wrong interpretations, redundancy. Even the data from the vaccine clinical trials are garbage, according to its provider, the manufacturer. We don’t even know what the “case” is. We don’t know how to time “infection”, when it starts and how this onset timescale changes depending on various variables. We don’t know how immune reactions work and why the observed results differ from theories taught in med schools and universities.

It’s all one huge guesswork. You can’t prepare based on it. You can’t do anything, indeed.

I wrote a little bit on this in https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/it-will-stay

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Has anybody any data on ethnic demographics of vaccine uptake? What will the UK population look like next year after the tsunami? If 'Africa wins', as GVB keeps saying, then migrants coming from the developing world, or those from war torn countries, might see living in a 15 minute city somewhere in Britain as a great improvement to their life situation, while most Europeans would not want this. Buzz words like sustainability and diversity are presented to white Europeans as positives but of course it's not really about our well-being and future at all.

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UK is a tricky one the majority was astra zeneca so adeno before MRNA for the booster, we may be later down the line than MRNA like europe and America

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Type of vaccine doesn’t matter in Geert’s scenario. MRNA causes some additional problems, but the corruption of the immune system happens from any of the vaccines.

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I hadn't considered that, good point. According to this 2022 article, the uk ordered 89 million more doses of Pfizer than AZ, although I couldn't find any data for percentage of jabs adminsitered by brand. This article does state though, that ethnic minorities are less vaccinated than whites. www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55274833

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I had to read this three times to understand it.

Higher temperatures will increase immune pressure…. Presumably because of more outside time, more sunshine/vit. D, better ventilation? That part is not clear. But, summer making transmission more difficult for the virus intensifies immune pressure on virulence even further, on top of the immune pressures he has previously described, such that those variants which are (intra- and inter-host) transmissible enough to propagate in the summer will emerge as big, bad bastards we will have to face as we roll into fall and winter.

Do I have that right?

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To top up your spirit and gird your loins to face the next 10 months. Dr. Scott Atlas interview:


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Thanks for posting this link.

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If I am understanding this correctly I believe we are seeing this in our highly vaccinated state. In the past 8-10 weeks we keep encountering people reporting recurring illness plaguing them with fatigue and respiratory symptoms that occasionally result in ED visits with no answers. Without exaggeration we are hearing this wherever we go. It is notably different than the turbo cancers and awful neuro injuries we saw after the roll out of the vax. It seems like what we are seeing now is Geert's description of 'long covid' symptoms. It is very pronounced and in light of these recent posts pretty horrifying. Of course I pray he is wrong but the puzzle pieces appear to be fitting here. Prior to the last few weeks I hadn't heard anyone complain about long covid or ongoing illness.

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Until lying FRAUDCI mixes up another"special" batch of infectious agents birthed from his contracted Ecohealth Alliance - "gain of function" minion's laboratories, uhm err ahem, I mean from the "naturally occurring pangolin, or err ahem "wet market"

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Boston gain of function virus


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Do you still think the ADE wave will be 99% sure to hit us by the end of June, or have you revised your prediction?

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In the Video with Dr. McMillan on April 7th WILL GEERT’S FEARS BE PROVED CORRECT?

So Geert, final words as we close out.


"Well, yeah, final words.

As I was saying, Philippe, I mean, I myself am in a state of alarm.

I think this is going to happen pretty soon.

Let's be very open.

And I will not, I promise, I will not change these timelines.

Of course, I don't know exactly, but I'm focused on this thing.

taking place before the end of June.

And I can only recommend, we have to do this, is that vaccinated people who think they are really at risk, that they soon, as we see the first signals, in whatever country, because if it starts in one country, it will spread very, very rapidly, to take antivirals prophylactically.

And of course, I'm praying myself that I'm wrong."

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Let’s hope he’s wrong.

Have followed Geert since the beginning of this pandemic, and I really hoped he was wrong when his Christmas predictions didn’t happen. He seems even more worried now.

In January I spent lots of time thinking about the impact of the breakdown in society and all the children who would be left behind. It’s unimaginable.

It’s also unimaginable when you look around and everyone is just living their lives as normal.

Have everything crossed that people have much more innate resilience than Geert has considered.

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Thanks! I guess that answers it - brace yourselves!

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It’s nearly the end of May, have we seen the mass die off yet?

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As I understand it Geert predicted 99% probability it will start by the end of June which doesn't mean everyone will die in June. There have been something like 30k deaths in Singapore in 5/6 days from a "new wave" and a rise in Australia too if you can trust MSM. I think what Geert predicts is still a definite possibility. Time will tell...

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“The End of World As We Know it” will soon be our reality. This is going to rival the Black Plague of the Middle Ages. If you are not preparing… you should be.

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“Bring out your dead!”

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Bring Out Your Dead - Monty Python And The Holy Grail. Remastered [HD]


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How to prepare?

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yes, that would be my question too.

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I don’t understand the link with higher temperatures. Can someone explain this? Btw, I hope Geert is wrong although I fear he might be right…

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I think, even though flu typically occurs in the fall, with failed immune systems and people going out more in summer it’s expected to transmit more easily with any immune response left to counter. This is the gain of function breeding ground. Although if there is no immune pressure than wouldn’t you not likely get the fittest virus coming out?

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*without any immune…

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Not every vaccinated person is destined to die. There is a continuum of no risk to those at risk with a large gray zone in the middle.

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I don’t like to sell the drama but putting all the elements at work now……Mass Vaccination, Highly vaccinated populations, Immune escape, Immune refocusing, the virus/variants learning and now higher temperatures, I don’t feel optimistic that’s all I can say.

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I’ve Got $100 That Says :

If Enough Doctors Die

We Can Cure Cancer.


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That is a great line. I love it.

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