Everyday I wait for an update from this man more than my dayly cup of coffee :-(

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I too...I go out into the world each day and look around me...and I feel like it willsoon be gone and no one knows or cares...it's very LONELY

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Dont feel lonely - this community is bigger than you realise! We will survive and we should feel the calm as we tried our best to help the others. We are strong and love spans the globe. Stay free, brother.

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so true, and all of you seem somehow sick! yes to clear the covid 19 one must get seriously sick! everyone! and this is what is happening now....some may die but there is very effective way to heal most of the people, you are all infected unless you do not live in woods. what this guy is doing, spreading fear and nonsense! becasue he does not know the basic stuff about BODY! he is picturing this as if we are one cell organism and we will fall apart from a parasite! no we will clear it through ilness first. and there is effective med to stop people from dying if only we want to do so, and Geert has no idea about that....he is not a problem solver but problem creator!

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He has written about the exact things you claim he hasn't.

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i doubt since he is not into solutions but predictions

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You obviously aren't interested in the truth.

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Oh please. There are eight billion homo sapiens. No matter what happens there will still be too many left.

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Same! If I wake up in the middle of the night and see anything, I don't read it but force myself back to sleep and know when my alarm goes off at 6, I will jump out of bed and not hit snooze!

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The last couple of weeks I have noticed a lot of sick people. This has been increasing since this week. Where I work (Belgium) many colleagues (99,9% vaxxed) have the same symptoms: cough, fever, nose blowing, etc. And it´s summer time, for crying out loud, not really the time to get a "cold".

Geert, I fear you are right and we are approaching the point of no return. Let the shit show begin!

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He is describing tho a COMPLETE change of symptoms...hyper acute AND death.. What you are seeing is the chronic phase which is also awful

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There is a medical clinic close to my house, and I noticed something strange: all winter and spring it was mostly empty. Now it's so full that there may be line up at the entrance if this continues.

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my 3x vaxx'd friends 21 yr old college kid had fever 2 weeks ago! every time they got the covid prick they all got covid. I finally got them to STOP the C-19 jabs but 'just to show me' they kept getting the flu jab...they are completely addicted to them. Remember, they've been doing mRNA in the flu ones since 2012 (not telling us)! AND putting H5N1 in it to stir up the illnesses. I truly believe the flu season was always caused by the vaxx'd shedding their sh*t onto society. 2nd neighbor died saturday from stroke...mid-70's vaxx'd with everything and Trump Syndrome to the max. I tell you, they've mur*dered their voter base.

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Keep up the good work. You are very appreciated.

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Well illness and pneumonia are rampant in Australia right now. That's the words of 2 MD's and several RN's I have spoken to personally in the last week. They are seeing it walk through the door every day so I am confident it isn't just hype being transferd along the grape vine of social regurgitation. People cannot clear the pathogen from their lower respiratory tract. It's like watching a car accident in very slow motion but it just does seem to be evolving as Geert has layed out in great detail. Australia will be a mess if it comes to fruition because everyone here was jabbed before almost anyone was infected which if my memory is correct is the least ideal type of immune training to face this with.

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Tell me about it from someone working in the nursing home! I can see the long queue to other side is imminent! And because I’m the only one who truly understands their immediate destination, it feels heavy in my heart. I don’t feel like working anymore in the nursing home, when you know you can’t do much about it. They just injected all of them of C 19 shot for their 7th jab! Too many dead unnecessarily and too soon! I’m not jabbed. I just return to work force after I got kicked out for 2 years.

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Sometimes it is impossible to help as the problem is too large for one person alone. Feel lightness in your heart as you continue to hold their hand or stroke their back. You have a caring heart which is a precious thing. Thank you for not giving up and for continuing to support those in need. Blessings. xx

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7? We now now the gene therapy injection was never tested for transmission....Biden chief liar in charge

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Ooh I kmow Australia and New Zealand are in trouble

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I know non vax kids that are getting pretty sick as well.

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Yes I have observed that too. Since the immune system of most of the population is exhausted, disregulated or sidelined due to the vaccine priming of the immune system, it makes sense that numerous pathogens are enjoying the plethora of virus freindly hosts to circulate through like we now see. NOT getting the vaccine doesn't make us impermeable. It just means we will deploy a comprehensive immune response and therefore cope better than those with a narrow anitibody specific response. Even their response to other pathogens may be disregulated due to iGg4 antibody class switch.

To date our family have only had covid the one time in early 2022 and it was a non event for us all. Conversely, many many vaccinated are getting it with alarming regularity as well as all the other pathogens in between and I suspect suffering new insult with every reinfection. 😔

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The vaxed can never clear the disease from their bodies. It just mutates within them. Geert said the danger at this point is intra-host where the immune system just collapses. He has said death will come very quickly. A neighbor's horse club friend went to the doc this past week for chest congestion. Said he had walking pneumonia. Got sent to the ER. Admitted. Died within 24 hours. Another neighbor's father died ten days ago. Good health. Got sick and died unexpectedly and quickly. Both these guys were in their 70s so no red flags. These events could well be coincidental and I'm certainly hyper vigilant. Also read that covid rates are high in California. Strange for summer.

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Jun 30Edited

do not drink muni water! it's an easy way for them to sicken everyone trying to gin up illness. remember dr ardis testing his own muni water in tx and full of venoms...like 20+, not enough to kill you, just low grade run down immune system, venoms attatch to same receptors and attack same organs as 'convid'. After the 2021 polar vortex freeze when our water came back on the entire block got covid! He says rem-des-ivir is snake venom and they mur*dered his father in law in hospital with that protocol (+vent) in 2020. My mothers best friend died the same way Aug 2020 the poor unsuspecting unlucky. God is still speaking to us, we just have to stay focused and fine tuned and alert to our inner voice.

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What country are you in?

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USA. Arizona.

"Both COVID deaths and emergency department visits have risen in the last week, while hospitalizations climbed 25% from May 26 to June 1, according to the latest CDC data."


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I had a weird virus’s last week. Went to the doctor in Colorado and there was only one other patient. Just fyi.

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Thanks for the info

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Translation of the title in Latin of this article: 'Sententia mox dicetur' means 'the decision will be made soon' (Google Translate). I suppose, Geert wants to say that soon we will see who is right or wrong?

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Thanks for the translation. I believe he’s referring to the laws of nature and the trajectory/evolution of the virus with this comment. A variant will be chosen to re establish equilibrium in this ecosystem (human=virus)

He’s not going to say “I told you so”. He has too much humility and class for this.

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Natural selection

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He is saying the decision HAS been made its just a matter of when it will go into effect

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I believe so. We are going to see who's right and who's wrong.

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I sent a 3-month supply of ivermectin to a jabbed relative. I am going to pay her to take it.

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That's the spirit.

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We dont know, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. But we are managed bu Eugenics and need plans for this.

If what you say is correct we will enter the dystopian times..

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What are the chances that they will blame the outbreak of sevete covid on it being the bird flu? They are storing up vaccines for it and of course faulty pcr tests.

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won't be long they'll be blaming the unvaxx'd again...no one learns what BS sounds like. Ppl who lose their calm and focus and who turn to panick/fear make terrible decisions.

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Years ago, when I had not learned much about the spiking of humanity, the what, the why and the who of it, you stood out in my mind as one of the first to PLEA with the world, the organizations (heavily invested in non-health delivery systems) ...to stop. Your precautions were intact; it was simply that an Orwellian state over-ruled it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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I work in the medical field and this past winter season in New England was uneventful for respiratory illnesses. However this past month respiratory infections have skyrocketed especially with those with Asthma and COPD. A nurse of 22 years I can’t recall this happening ever in the month of June. All PCR tests have been negative which has left doctors wondering what we are dealing with. Many of these cases are leading to pneumonia. Something is happening, my gut feeling is this is the next phase of Geert's prediction. I’ve told my coworkers things may get ugly.

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Scary. Scary. Do not be afraid of death! Focus on saving their souls before death!

Could it be something else causing illness? The media causing placebo effects? 5G? Poison in the food, water? Parasites? The shots containing parasites?


I have something here for you, Geert? They seem scientific (open and skeptic). I bet they would love Q&A with you too. I know I would love that.

"Pierre Chaillot is a statistician and author from France who has been exposing the data related to COVID-19 since early 2020. Using official French figures he meticulously demonstrated that even on their own terms there was no “infectious disease” pandemic and it was all a show. In his book COVID-19 – Decoding Official Data, he explains how the public’s perception was manipulated with the promotion of statistics, some of which had been completely disconnected from the concept of health." https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/interviews/pierre-chaillot-im-coming-out-no-virus/

Also, there will be a moderated virus debate soon with Steve Kirsch and Andrew Kaufmann.

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That debate happened a few weeks ago, but Kaufmann needs to debate a heavyweight like GVB, not Steve Kirsch who didn't come across at all well, as he isn't really on Kaufmann's intellectual level.

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Steve is an honorable man, but was in obvious cognitive dissonance. Who was never disturbed by evidence may cast the first stone! Have pity! Steve did excuse himself to his listeners. He did agree on a better debate the next time.

Agree. GVB would be great. Any scientific debate is fine. We all need them, or we will end in sectarianism!

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Very well stated Martin. Yes, Steve at least put his neck out there and created debate. He displayed courage enough to jump into the arena with a formidable gladiator, and I criticised him. I feel quite ashamed that I allowed all the negative comments attacking Kirsch to influence me. Thank you for your comment!

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Thank you Geert for this critical update, for those that want to criticize there really is no hope , very sad indeed !

Again you were right about Glycons!


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Thank you for all your work.❤️

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What about the spike protein shedding thing? How is that going? Proven? Increasing incidence? Or debunked, no incidences?

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Look to WMCresearch on substack - Spike slowly getting the body to decimate ACE2 receptors - then you die. (Walter M Chestnut)

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so the heavily vaxxed will be first then the unvaxxed?

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The unvaxxed do not have programming to create spike within themselves.

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What about the shedding?

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The main shedding to be concerned with is MRNA immediately after vax - The spike shedding can be countered if you use countermeasures. Research for what is best for you.

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The Norwegian deaths, Cv19 deaths and vacancies. Now we are in a recession. I believe the boosters has a substance that shred and make them jabbed people more sick.


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