Scientists continue to disregard Darwin's theory and incorrectly and vaguely attribute ‘immune suppression’(!) as the cause of the chronic shedding of evolving SARS-CoV-2 immune escape variants during this 'chronic phase' of the pandemic.
I am not a doctor, a scientist or an investigative journalist.
I am a daughter, a mom, an artist and a storyteller.
I have a story to tell about turbo cancer.
I will tell it to anyone who will listen.
On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.
I was her full-time caregiver.
In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience,and how her spirit refused to be broken.
I am currently in the process of editing and rewriting, on Substack.
My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.
Sorry for both you and your mum…for what it’s worth my own mother had two shots in 2021.. a pulmonary embolism and died right in front of me.. I resuscitated her and then spent six months nursing her back to health.. they put her on Eliquis (Pfizer drug) that thins the clotting process but also leeches calcium out of bone and teeth.. her remaining teeth fell out.. and then one day she stood up out of a chair and her leg broke in three places.. three operations to pin it all back together because the screws went into crumbling bone.. whilst in a recuperation clinic.. they have her another shot of Pfizer.. she died 11 days after… covered in great big purple blotches .. took photographs to show her recovery and demise at the hands of so called health professionals.
It is beyond me why anyone would seek advice from those sadistic doctors and hospitals. They are nothing but debilitating and killing centers. I'm sorry about what happened to your mother. That must have been hell for her. I cannot imagine that the staff would be so utterly stupid and to prescribe a drug that crumbles the bones. Unimaginable!
Jomico, that is just horrible. We all are seeing and or experiencing tragedies and nobody is paying attention. Instead of active data collection they’re hiding. This has been an unbelievable time. And quite eye opening. Most of us have lost all trust in our institutions, because even the media isn’t doing nothing.
I believe you. My sister-in-law who's barely 55 years old is dying of cancer. Her trouble started after the booster but not right away. She took the third shot in the fall of 2021. Then in June 2023 she's diagnosed with turbo breast cancer. And this wasn't the end of her misery. In January 2024, another bombshell: cancer lymphoma followed shortly by another devastating diagnosis: bone cancer. In a matter of three weeks after her last diagnosis, she becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Then, last week she ends up in the hospital with chest pain, when she receives another terrible diagnostic: pulmonary embolism. I warned my brother in law not to take any shots. But they decided that I believe in conspiracy theories and they believe in science. Telling them about Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche didn't matter one bit. They were smarter then me, have always been. What you believe in or who you believe, can save your life. Or it can kill you. That's what I learned in the last three years.
It wasn’t right away for my mom either. The vaccine shut down her immune system - giving these other things a chance to grow. Then, like your sister-in-law, it was one thing after another.
Hahaha. What science? Big pharma who isn’t in the business of health care, or the pharma funded FDA? Lymphoma is a known side effect. There are literally 1000’s of medical journals about the vast numbers of injuries despite them being partially funded by pharma.
My condolences on your mother's passing. It must have been and still must be treacherous to have experienced such a scenario. That should be high reason for you to make as much of a fuss as you can because people are still ignoring the millions of deaths than have happened through this bioweapon "vaccine" and if we don't speak about it, it will go on. I see everyday, advertisements to go get your covid shot. This is unconscionable but it will go on when people don't hear about it. We have to make those deaths be for something - to bring out the truth and stop others from going down that treacherous road.
Kevin McKernan genomics discovered contaminated plasmid DNA in the vials as well as SV40 which is a cancer promoter. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults molecular biologist and cancer geneticist Professor at the university of South Carolina confirmed the discovery but not the SV40. Many scientists around the world have confirmed the findings including two here in Canada. Dr. Buckhaults IRB has been approved and is now calling for tissue samples. Identities can’t be disclosed and no results to the donors.
Thank you for stating the truth! I do not know why he would say this about the scientists as it is obvious that there was ill intent among them. Many are of the Malthus school of thought and subscribe to eugenics by other means. We live in a sick care system not a healthcare system and it is by design. Rockefeller medicine has twisted real science into something dark and deadly. Vaccines are all dangerous period! There is no such creature as a virus. A farewell to virology proves this in the three videos the Baileys produced. If you believe in a virus, then why not a Unicorn. Neither have been seen in reality. If a medical system is corrupt in its beginning, then do you suppose it will morph into an honest system over time? Will Saten become a good angel again, will lead turn into gold. NO! The plan is to reduce the world's population, install a one world government and this will happen by crashing the entire economy, digital currency and digital identification for full spectrum control.
Kristi, I’m sorry to hear about your mother’s suffering and eventual death. No one in government or health agencies seems to be concerned about the carnage these shots have caused including disabilities. It’s so frustrating and anger making that all of it is being hidden. I am injured from the one and only shot I got April 8 2021. Loss of vision, foggy vision and loud tinnitus. 2021 was a terrifying nightmare. I had bloodwork 5 months after the shot that showed a suppressed immune system including complement 3, high platelet count and flagged high monocytes. Normally I had a flagged high white blood cell count but that blood test showed lower part of the range. Also, never in my life in a 2 year period of time have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis, 5 are now dead. The massive failure of governments around the world including the health agencies is suspicious. Pharma funds most if not all which isn’t reassuring.
Along with intellectual laziness there also seems to be a complete disinterest and disdain for anything other than the narrative from the medical regulatory agencies.
To quote Geerd's most recent interview, if they diverged from the official party line to admit to any mistakes or wrongdoing, they'd be stoned in the streets, and probably quite rightly so! Which is why they will pretend everything's fine until the first hopefully metaphorical stone comes flying I suppose
The virus is not mutating itself. The intelligence within our cells is mutating the virus so that it can continue to spread with less virulence. The spread stops happening when the majority of us have trained our cellular immune response to recognize the virus even with mutations, and we stop getting infected. This can only happen in unvaccinated populations. Therefore, the spread will continue due to vaccinated populations retraining their cellular immunity to focus on what what injected, not what has mutated.
But is this not a corona virus, like the cold, which we continue to catch variants of throughout our lives? So is it not possible that we will from henceforth have to deal with this infection over and over the same as if it were a cold?
Great question. Yes, it is true that future major variants can break through natural immunity barriers. This could be necessary for our bodies to use natural viral genetic material to create new proteins to change cellular function so that we can adapt to environmental changes that we humans have done to ourselves. This concept is bold, but not new. It's like an update to the genome that can affect specific cell lines, or even affect germ lines for future generations.
Microbes, germs, viruses, toxins, whatever you want to call them are associated with disease symptoms, but are not the ultimate cause. We are constantly exposed to those things, some of us get sick, some of us don't. If they were the cause, we'd all be sick all of the time. It is obviously the condition of the immune system, or the "terrain" that is more important. Even artificial intelligence knows that, if you ask it. So yeah, it's a theory, and it should be taught as such in schools, or we'll end up raising a generation of germophobes, and maybe we already have.
Please describe a virus for us. Tell us how they are found by the scientific method. How much do you know about Unicorn horn infections? I know their horns harbor dangerous viruses. I know they exist because I have seen drawings of them as well as UFOs. I do wonder why an advanced being would need to have lights on the craft or even need to be seen at all. Why do they always probe the ass of an uneducated captive? It appears that these advanced lifeforms are verry interested in human anises more than anything else. Ok, everything above is false! None of these exist and this include a virus. I have a question for Dr. Stillwagon, are you a virologist? If so, this would explain why you are so confident about them.
You have it right I believe that it is our natural body that learns how to read any relative of an organism that has ever passed its way. However viruses need to be questioned more thoroughly because it seems like it is not the cause of disease but a result of dead or damaged tissue. I feel if we don't get these basic right we will be forever at a loss on how to treat diseases. We do ourselves a disfavor unless we take in ALL the information at our purview. And the word "virus" is not what we think it means. It is not the instigator but simply a "clean up crew" that our own bodies make to do the job. I wish everyone would speak up about this and not make out it doesn't exist. No "virus" was released from a lab, or was it? We need to know what the real nature of viruses is.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche latest interview is excellent, and terrifying in the same time. Thank you for posting the link for everyone. We need to send it to our friends and family who took the shots. But will they listen to us this time?
to Tucker's April 1 Encounter show, called The Indoctrinated Brain (50 min.) German MD, PhD Dr. Michael Nehls, explains very clearly what he has found from putting together peer-reviewed published research - that when vaccine mRNA enters the brain, which it sometimes does, it interacts with neurons (I think it was neurons) in some way as to cause the brain to have what amounts to Alzheimers. It results in these people having brain fog. He says it does more than that in our brain, though, and knowing this helps us better understand why all of the shots are pushed so hard, not just for money, and not even "power." He talks of it actually, physically, changing the brain. There is more. He says Vitamin D and even a very, very small amount of lithium (at roughly about 40:00 to 44:00 minutes) will help people. The point of the vaccine, then, would be to keep some of people's memories of normality at bay. This Tucker interview is one of the few behind the small paywall. I wish I could describe it better for you.
Amyloid proteins form Tau tangles.. it is those that gunge up the synapses…that was the pre Covid thinking… now what do you suppose would happen when you combine two or more Spike protein shots?… avalanch process called precipitins.. which form long chains of proteins similar to tau tangles… amyloid plaques if synthetic proteins which cannot be broken down by the body will clog up circulation and neurons alike.. starting to realise what is really going on.. they deliberately changed the uridine and made it pseudo uridine.. which is synthetic.. and the only thing that seems to even start to dissolve it are nattokinase and bromelain… because they are proteolytic enzymes that break down both natural and synthetic protein… penny dropped yet?
I take bromelain and nattokinase daily. Serrepeptase and ashwaganda also, and others, like nigella sativa and quercetin. Dr. Been recommended ashwaganda on alzheimers podcast on FLCCC. I don't have prions disease, but all these good for blood pressure and general health.
Dr Nehls' book is the most important book about what happened. The truth is that a huge portion of the world is still dealing with ongoing viral infection from covid so it might not be easy for the unvaxxed either. "Prevalence of persistent SARS-CoV-2 in a large community surveillance study"
For me the best cure for intellectual laziness is understanding enough of what Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche reports, and get help with what you may not understand. That for me is to listen or read his report many times. Another way is to talk to someone who more clearly has a foundation in immunology who might help translate some of the more layered context. But, THE BEST method toward acceptance of his science is to learn more about who he is, what he is striving to do, and use what you DO UNDERSTAND as a leap of faith that ALL THE REST is also true, verifiable, and vital to what you need to know and follow. Every day I am grateful for his work and his ethic, and for his indefatigable research of what is happening with this virus and pandemic, and that there are protocols I can follow should his predictions manifest, and the human race must deal with a more virulent strain to emerge.
Darwin’s ideas have been disproven on many fronts. However the liars and pseudo scientists cannot escape the carnage that they caused. The emotional carnage will be the wrecking ball down the road. Many physicians and scientists who have been affected don’t want to discuss it while others keep plowing for the truth. We need faith in Jesus to carry us through the hold on the mind by the nefarious medical industrial complex. Keep plowing Dr. Geert.
I agree with the writer, in addition, new study results are showing that there is a high IgG4 response to ppl who have had 3 or more mRNA vaccines.
IgG4 antibodies are associated with autoimmune diseases and pancreatic disorders. I haven't read anyone blatantly state the obvious, so I will.... repeated mRNA injections CAUSE so called 'long covid'.
We're going to see an increase in autoimmune diseases, such as Lupus, and an overall weakened and ineffective immune response to various illnesses in those who took 3 or more vaccines. But, most ppl will still believe the deceit and lies being told to them and continue to self injure. I guess it's too difficult to face the reality of what's happening. But they can not deny that they have been told the truth.
You do realise Geert that if your tsunami forecast of jabbed people becoming ill and dying within 24 hours comes true that the authorities WILL blame the unjabbed: they will have the worldwide media blame the unjabbed and will have the wrath of the jabbed coming down on the unjabbed. There probably will be governments and corrupt doctors demanding forcing the unjabbed to be jabbed. Television presenters will be screaming for the unjabbed to be forcibly jabbed to save the jabbed because, IN THEIR MINDS, the deaths will be down to the unjabbed. Those in power will do this out of fear of the jabbed pointing the finger at them. They will rather poison the unjabbed also than face retribution from the jabbed. Western countries will become places of forced jabbing and probably lynchings of the unjabbed. You paint a frightening future in the coming months with your new super variant warning.
It will all happen very quickly, there won't be enough time to start any kind of hate or vaccination campaign.
Which vaccine should be used for the vaccination, a new one has to be produced first. Then there is the question of logistics. Could the military do this? No, I think even the military will no longer be operational.
Everyone seems to have moved on from the plandemic apart from a handful of diehard UNjabbed and, sadly, those who are injured / ill from the jabs. I am on 2 UK covid skeptic forums and the majority of unjabbed no longer post. Even most of the covid docs seem to be moving on as they deal with the carnage left by the jabs but no one, other than Geert, is warning of this apocalypse coming at all, let alone within weeks. I think Geert has been very brave during these past 5 years in speaking out. Dear Lord, I hope he is wrong again about this.
I hope very much that he's wrong this time. But the trouble is, he hasn't been wrong before. And that's pretty scary. I don't believe there is anyone in this world that understands these complex dynamics better than him. I have read his entire book, listen to every single interview, and read all his articles. And after doing all these, all I can say is this: may God have mercy on all of us.
I think this is the fourth or fifth time in the past 2 years that Geert has warned that a mass die-off was a matter of months away, if not just mere weeks. He has been wrong before. I am not having a go at him for being wrong. I am very glad he was wrong. I just wonder whether we are past the point now of Geert's worst fear actually ever going to happen. I suppose, quite simply, is it time for Geert to consider that he is wrong? Perhaps Nature or the Divine have interceded to save life.
In fairness, he hasn’t really been comfortable making timing predictions. He gives his best guess, but admits he really doesn’t know. He has also been very forthcoming on his incorrect timing predictions. It’s a whole new phenomenon, so he really doesn’t have case studies to refer to regarding timing events.
If 6 billion are sick and dying ... nobody will blame anyone ... cuz the supplies chains will collapse and we'll all be busy starving -- and eating each other
In order to blame the unjabbed you have to admit the vaccine did not work.. after all people took it in order to protect themselves from a virus.. that someone else was carrying… seeing as there are at 75% of the planet now jabbed.. you cannot blame 25 % of those with healthy immune systems for killing 75% with poor immune systems that got damaged by the safe and effective toxin.
In order to be registered as vaccinated you have to wait 15 days after the jab.. any that die before are classed as unvaccinated.. funny how most that did die .. did so in the first three days..that’s how quick precipitins clog the circulation.. antigen binding to antibodies and making synthetic strings of protein will mess you up big time.
Everyone assumed Moths were white. In industrial England people started seeing black moths and assumed they were covered with soot. A scientist then captured some of these black moths and found out Nature had selected for darker moths so birds could not locate them easily. The white moths died off as easy picking in sooty England.
Geert is a Virologist - perhaps he can explain how a vaccine injection in your arm, which goes down through all of your body's organs, to your Dentric Cells in your Lymph Nodes, cures a Covid infection in your head: Confidential Pfizer document (which Pfizer wanted hidden for 7 years) shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ and Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer! and it is the vaccines, by injection that create the illnesses which in turn kill those affected, deliberately.
Remember when you were told not to worry because this new mRNA vaccine would stay in your arm? You were patronizingly told that after being injected into your muscle, the mRNA would instruct the muscle cells to start growing the spike protein, you would have an immune response, you wouldn’t infect anybody…ever, you would be a hero, you wouldn’t die…of anything and it would stop there. Nothing to worry about.
It turns out that not only was it deliberate misinformation, it was an out and out lie. Not only was it known that the mRNA wouldn’t stay in the arm, they actually wanted it to go around your body. Clearly, we were all told the ‘stay in your arm’ lie to reduce vaccine hesitancy and increase big pharma profits.
Last year we learnt that BioNTech, the company that developed the mRNA vaccine with Pfizer, wanted the mRNA to travel around the body to the lymph nodes.
We know that the genetically modified are being prepared for The Bodyhack. Virginie Joron, a French MP, tweeted a picture from a presentation she was attending. The speaker was Özlem Türeci, co-founder of BioNTech and her slide was called ‘The Bodyhack - Bringing mRNA to the right cells at the right places’.
The image clearly shows that the cells BioNTech were targeting were dendritic cells in the lymph nodes. Robert Kogon reported that “A passage from The Vaccine, the book that Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, wrote with journalist Joe Miller, explains why BioNTech’s platform specifically targets the lymph nodes:
What Ugur learnt was that the location to which a vaccine delivers its ‘wanted poster’ really mattered. The reason for this, the couple’s team in Mainz later realized, was that not all dendritic cells … were created equal. The ones that resided in lymph nodes – of which the spleen is the largest – were particularly adept at capturing mRNA and making sure the instructions it carried were acted upon. These kidney-bean shaped organs, found under our armpits, in our groins, and at several other outposts in the body, are the information hubs of the immune system. (p. 98)
Indeed, Sahin and Türeci were so determined to get their mRNA into the lymph nodes that they had an earlier mRNA construct injected directly into the patient’s lymph nodes in the groin (p. 104).
Funny - I thought a viral infection in your head, would be targeted in your head and not your Lymph Nodes, after the Spike Proteins have passed through all of your bodies organs first?
👍👏👏😉🤣😂🤣😂🤣As far as "intellectual laziness" goes- there are entire industries, and sectors of academia that have bred that exact trait, and turned it into a gold standard prerequisite 😉🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
I believe there was and is malicious intent.
I am not a doctor, a scientist or an investigative journalist.
I am a daughter, a mom, an artist and a storyteller.
I have a story to tell about turbo cancer.
I will tell it to anyone who will listen.
On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.
I was her full-time caregiver.
In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience,and how her spirit refused to be broken.
I am currently in the process of editing and rewriting, on Substack.
My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.
Sorry for both you and your mum…for what it’s worth my own mother had two shots in 2021.. a pulmonary embolism and died right in front of me.. I resuscitated her and then spent six months nursing her back to health.. they put her on Eliquis (Pfizer drug) that thins the clotting process but also leeches calcium out of bone and teeth.. her remaining teeth fell out.. and then one day she stood up out of a chair and her leg broke in three places.. three operations to pin it all back together because the screws went into crumbling bone.. whilst in a recuperation clinic.. they have her another shot of Pfizer.. she died 11 days after… covered in great big purple blotches .. took photographs to show her recovery and demise at the hands of so called health professionals.
Your poor mom. She didn’t deserve to suffer in that way.
It is a malicious attack.
How awful. I am so sorry for both you and your mom.
It is beyond me why anyone would seek advice from those sadistic doctors and hospitals. They are nothing but debilitating and killing centers. I'm sorry about what happened to your mother. That must have been hell for her. I cannot imagine that the staff would be so utterly stupid and to prescribe a drug that crumbles the bones. Unimaginable!
Jomico, that is just horrible. We all are seeing and or experiencing tragedies and nobody is paying attention. Instead of active data collection they’re hiding. This has been an unbelievable time. And quite eye opening. Most of us have lost all trust in our institutions, because even the media isn’t doing nothing.
Omg what a terrible evil for your mom and you to experience. I am so so sorry for your loss and what you have been through.
I believe you. My sister-in-law who's barely 55 years old is dying of cancer. Her trouble started after the booster but not right away. She took the third shot in the fall of 2021. Then in June 2023 she's diagnosed with turbo breast cancer. And this wasn't the end of her misery. In January 2024, another bombshell: cancer lymphoma followed shortly by another devastating diagnosis: bone cancer. In a matter of three weeks after her last diagnosis, she becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Then, last week she ends up in the hospital with chest pain, when she receives another terrible diagnostic: pulmonary embolism. I warned my brother in law not to take any shots. But they decided that I believe in conspiracy theories and they believe in science. Telling them about Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche didn't matter one bit. They were smarter then me, have always been. What you believe in or who you believe, can save your life. Or it can kill you. That's what I learned in the last three years.
It wasn’t right away for my mom either. The vaccine shut down her immune system - giving these other things a chance to grow. Then, like your sister-in-law, it was one thing after another.
Hahaha. What science? Big pharma who isn’t in the business of health care, or the pharma funded FDA? Lymphoma is a known side effect. There are literally 1000’s of medical journals about the vast numbers of injuries despite them being partially funded by pharma.
My condolences on your mother's passing. It must have been and still must be treacherous to have experienced such a scenario. That should be high reason for you to make as much of a fuss as you can because people are still ignoring the millions of deaths than have happened through this bioweapon "vaccine" and if we don't speak about it, it will go on. I see everyday, advertisements to go get your covid shot. This is unconscionable but it will go on when people don't hear about it. We have to make those deaths be for something - to bring out the truth and stop others from going down that treacherous road.
I am writing her story any trying to find ways to get it out into the world.
Listen to Dr. John Campbell lastest video on this. With professor Dalgleish. And some of the comments on turbo cancers with their loved ones.
Kevin McKernan genomics discovered contaminated plasmid DNA in the vials as well as SV40 which is a cancer promoter. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults molecular biologist and cancer geneticist Professor at the university of South Carolina confirmed the discovery but not the SV40. Many scientists around the world have confirmed the findings including two here in Canada. Dr. Buckhaults IRB has been approved and is now calling for tissue samples. Identities can’t be disclosed and no results to the donors.
Thank you for stating the truth! I do not know why he would say this about the scientists as it is obvious that there was ill intent among them. Many are of the Malthus school of thought and subscribe to eugenics by other means. We live in a sick care system not a healthcare system and it is by design. Rockefeller medicine has twisted real science into something dark and deadly. Vaccines are all dangerous period! There is no such creature as a virus. A farewell to virology proves this in the three videos the Baileys produced. If you believe in a virus, then why not a Unicorn. Neither have been seen in reality. If a medical system is corrupt in its beginning, then do you suppose it will morph into an honest system over time? Will Saten become a good angel again, will lead turn into gold. NO! The plan is to reduce the world's population, install a one world government and this will happen by crashing the entire economy, digital currency and digital identification for full spectrum control.
Kristi, I’m sorry to hear about your mother’s suffering and eventual death. No one in government or health agencies seems to be concerned about the carnage these shots have caused including disabilities. It’s so frustrating and anger making that all of it is being hidden. I am injured from the one and only shot I got April 8 2021. Loss of vision, foggy vision and loud tinnitus. 2021 was a terrifying nightmare. I had bloodwork 5 months after the shot that showed a suppressed immune system including complement 3, high platelet count and flagged high monocytes. Normally I had a flagged high white blood cell count but that blood test showed lower part of the range. Also, never in my life in a 2 year period of time have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis, 5 are now dead. The massive failure of governments around the world including the health agencies is suspicious. Pharma funds most if not all which isn’t reassuring.
I am so sorry and, yes, it is beyond suspicious. Why isn’t it being studied? Why is it still being sold?
My daughter had 2 jabs, 2 miscarriages, breast cancer and heart failure. I'm devastated and heartbroken, she'll never be a mommy either.
I am so sorry.
Thank you.
Along with intellectual laziness there also seems to be a complete disinterest and disdain for anything other than the narrative from the medical regulatory agencies.
To quote Geerd's most recent interview, if they diverged from the official party line to admit to any mistakes or wrongdoing, they'd be stoned in the streets, and probably quite rightly so! Which is why they will pretend everything's fine until the first hopefully metaphorical stone comes flying I suppose
The virus is not mutating itself. The intelligence within our cells is mutating the virus so that it can continue to spread with less virulence. The spread stops happening when the majority of us have trained our cellular immune response to recognize the virus even with mutations, and we stop getting infected. This can only happen in unvaccinated populations. Therefore, the spread will continue due to vaccinated populations retraining their cellular immunity to focus on what what injected, not what has mutated.
But is this not a corona virus, like the cold, which we continue to catch variants of throughout our lives? So is it not possible that we will from henceforth have to deal with this infection over and over the same as if it were a cold?
Great question. Yes, it is true that future major variants can break through natural immunity barriers. This could be necessary for our bodies to use natural viral genetic material to create new proteins to change cellular function so that we can adapt to environmental changes that we humans have done to ourselves. This concept is bold, but not new. It's like an update to the genome that can affect specific cell lines, or even affect germ lines for future generations.
Isn't germ theory still just a theory? It has not been proven, and this is why it is still a theory.
Microbes, germs, viruses, toxins, whatever you want to call them are associated with disease symptoms, but are not the ultimate cause. We are constantly exposed to those things, some of us get sick, some of us don't. If they were the cause, we'd all be sick all of the time. It is obviously the condition of the immune system, or the "terrain" that is more important. Even artificial intelligence knows that, if you ask it. So yeah, it's a theory, and it should be taught as such in schools, or we'll end up raising a generation of germophobes, and maybe we already have.
Please describe a virus for us. Tell us how they are found by the scientific method. How much do you know about Unicorn horn infections? I know their horns harbor dangerous viruses. I know they exist because I have seen drawings of them as well as UFOs. I do wonder why an advanced being would need to have lights on the craft or even need to be seen at all. Why do they always probe the ass of an uneducated captive? It appears that these advanced lifeforms are verry interested in human anises more than anything else. Ok, everything above is false! None of these exist and this include a virus. I have a question for Dr. Stillwagon, are you a virologist? If so, this would explain why you are so confident about them.
You have it right I believe that it is our natural body that learns how to read any relative of an organism that has ever passed its way. However viruses need to be questioned more thoroughly because it seems like it is not the cause of disease but a result of dead or damaged tissue. I feel if we don't get these basic right we will be forever at a loss on how to treat diseases. We do ourselves a disfavor unless we take in ALL the information at our purview. And the word "virus" is not what we think it means. It is not the instigator but simply a "clean up crew" that our own bodies make to do the job. I wish everyone would speak up about this and not make out it doesn't exist. No "virus" was released from a lab, or was it? We need to know what the real nature of viruses is.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche latest interview is excellent, and terrifying in the same time. Thank you for posting the link for everyone. We need to send it to our friends and family who took the shots. But will they listen to us this time?
Dr. Vanden Bossche
You may be interested in listening
to Tucker's April 1 Encounter show, called The Indoctrinated Brain (50 min.) German MD, PhD Dr. Michael Nehls, explains very clearly what he has found from putting together peer-reviewed published research - that when vaccine mRNA enters the brain, which it sometimes does, it interacts with neurons (I think it was neurons) in some way as to cause the brain to have what amounts to Alzheimers. It results in these people having brain fog. He says it does more than that in our brain, though, and knowing this helps us better understand why all of the shots are pushed so hard, not just for money, and not even "power." He talks of it actually, physically, changing the brain. There is more. He says Vitamin D and even a very, very small amount of lithium (at roughly about 40:00 to 44:00 minutes) will help people. The point of the vaccine, then, would be to keep some of people's memories of normality at bay. This Tucker interview is one of the few behind the small paywall. I wish I could describe it better for you.
Amyloid proteins form Tau tangles.. it is those that gunge up the synapses…that was the pre Covid thinking… now what do you suppose would happen when you combine two or more Spike protein shots?… avalanch process called precipitins.. which form long chains of proteins similar to tau tangles… amyloid plaques if synthetic proteins which cannot be broken down by the body will clog up circulation and neurons alike.. starting to realise what is really going on.. they deliberately changed the uridine and made it pseudo uridine.. which is synthetic.. and the only thing that seems to even start to dissolve it are nattokinase and bromelain… because they are proteolytic enzymes that break down both natural and synthetic protein… penny dropped yet?
Very interesting.
This is why no vaccine should ever be administered at all. They have been the problem not the solution.
I take bromelain and nattokinase daily. Serrepeptase and ashwaganda also, and others, like nigella sativa and quercetin. Dr. Been recommended ashwaganda on alzheimers podcast on FLCCC. I don't have prions disease, but all these good for blood pressure and general health.
Dandelion leaf is very important to protect the brain now as it dismantles the spike protein.
As a pill or fresh?
Either. I have the tinctures because its easier. Root is good too but its the leaves that break up the spike.
Dr Nehls' book is the most important book about what happened. The truth is that a huge portion of the world is still dealing with ongoing viral infection from covid so it might not be easy for the unvaxxed either. "Prevalence of persistent SARS-CoV-2 in a large community surveillance study"
PS You have the most interesting followers who comment of the stacks I read. Funny, smart and informed.
For me the best cure for intellectual laziness is understanding enough of what Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche reports, and get help with what you may not understand. That for me is to listen or read his report many times. Another way is to talk to someone who more clearly has a foundation in immunology who might help translate some of the more layered context. But, THE BEST method toward acceptance of his science is to learn more about who he is, what he is striving to do, and use what you DO UNDERSTAND as a leap of faith that ALL THE REST is also true, verifiable, and vital to what you need to know and follow. Every day I am grateful for his work and his ethic, and for his indefatigable research of what is happening with this virus and pandemic, and that there are protocols I can follow should his predictions manifest, and the human race must deal with a more virulent strain to emerge.
Darwin’s ideas have been disproven on many fronts. However the liars and pseudo scientists cannot escape the carnage that they caused. The emotional carnage will be the wrecking ball down the road. Many physicians and scientists who have been affected don’t want to discuss it while others keep plowing for the truth. We need faith in Jesus to carry us through the hold on the mind by the nefarious medical industrial complex. Keep plowing Dr. Geert.
I agree with the writer, in addition, new study results are showing that there is a high IgG4 response to ppl who have had 3 or more mRNA vaccines.
IgG4 antibodies are associated with autoimmune diseases and pancreatic disorders. I haven't read anyone blatantly state the obvious, so I will.... repeated mRNA injections CAUSE so called 'long covid'.
We're going to see an increase in autoimmune diseases, such as Lupus, and an overall weakened and ineffective immune response to various illnesses in those who took 3 or more vaccines. But, most ppl will still believe the deceit and lies being told to them and continue to self injure. I guess it's too difficult to face the reality of what's happening. But they can not deny that they have been told the truth.
Flooding the US with millions of illegals will mask the mass die off somewhat.
You do realise Geert that if your tsunami forecast of jabbed people becoming ill and dying within 24 hours comes true that the authorities WILL blame the unjabbed: they will have the worldwide media blame the unjabbed and will have the wrath of the jabbed coming down on the unjabbed. There probably will be governments and corrupt doctors demanding forcing the unjabbed to be jabbed. Television presenters will be screaming for the unjabbed to be forcibly jabbed to save the jabbed because, IN THEIR MINDS, the deaths will be down to the unjabbed. Those in power will do this out of fear of the jabbed pointing the finger at them. They will rather poison the unjabbed also than face retribution from the jabbed. Western countries will become places of forced jabbing and probably lynchings of the unjabbed. You paint a frightening future in the coming months with your new super variant warning.
It will all happen very quickly, there won't be enough time to start any kind of hate or vaccination campaign.
Which vaccine should be used for the vaccination, a new one has to be produced first. Then there is the question of logistics. Could the military do this? No, I think even the military will no longer be operational.
Everyone seems to have moved on from the plandemic apart from a handful of diehard UNjabbed and, sadly, those who are injured / ill from the jabs. I am on 2 UK covid skeptic forums and the majority of unjabbed no longer post. Even most of the covid docs seem to be moving on as they deal with the carnage left by the jabs but no one, other than Geert, is warning of this apocalypse coming at all, let alone within weeks. I think Geert has been very brave during these past 5 years in speaking out. Dear Lord, I hope he is wrong again about this.
I hope very much that he's wrong this time. But the trouble is, he hasn't been wrong before. And that's pretty scary. I don't believe there is anyone in this world that understands these complex dynamics better than him. I have read his entire book, listen to every single interview, and read all his articles. And after doing all these, all I can say is this: may God have mercy on all of us.
I think this is the fourth or fifth time in the past 2 years that Geert has warned that a mass die-off was a matter of months away, if not just mere weeks. He has been wrong before. I am not having a go at him for being wrong. I am very glad he was wrong. I just wonder whether we are past the point now of Geert's worst fear actually ever going to happen. I suppose, quite simply, is it time for Geert to consider that he is wrong? Perhaps Nature or the Divine have interceded to save life.
In fairness, he hasn’t really been comfortable making timing predictions. He gives his best guess, but admits he really doesn’t know. He has also been very forthcoming on his incorrect timing predictions. It’s a whole new phenomenon, so he really doesn’t have case studies to refer to regarding timing events.
If 6 billion are sick and dying ... nobody will blame anyone ... cuz the supplies chains will collapse and we'll all be busy starving -- and eating each other
Eat a Vaxxer?? no way
In order to blame the unjabbed you have to admit the vaccine did not work.. after all people took it in order to protect themselves from a virus.. that someone else was carrying… seeing as there are at 75% of the planet now jabbed.. you cannot blame 25 % of those with healthy immune systems for killing 75% with poor immune systems that got damaged by the safe and effective toxin.
In order to be registered as vaccinated you have to wait 15 days after the jab.. any that die before are classed as unvaccinated.. funny how most that did die .. did so in the first three days..that’s how quick precipitins clog the circulation.. antigen binding to antibodies and making synthetic strings of protein will mess you up big time.
May I ask where you have seen or heard Geert say they will become ill and die within 24 hours? I must have missed that prediction. Thank you~~
He said this last Fri on the Kunstler podcast. Duckduckgo it and you'll find it. Cheers
Thank you~~I just listened to the podcast this morning. Absolutely horrifying to think people could get sick and die that quickly. :-(
I still had the tab open
Much appreciated. So grim.
Everyone assumed Moths were white. In industrial England people started seeing black moths and assumed they were covered with soot. A scientist then captured some of these black moths and found out Nature had selected for darker moths so birds could not locate them easily. The white moths died off as easy picking in sooty England.
Time to stock up on rice, water and tinned goods, things are going to get bad quickly.
Geert is a Virologist - perhaps he can explain how a vaccine injection in your arm, which goes down through all of your body's organs, to your Dentric Cells in your Lymph Nodes, cures a Covid infection in your head: Confidential Pfizer document (which Pfizer wanted hidden for 7 years) shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ and Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer! and it is the vaccines, by injection that create the illnesses which in turn kill those affected, deliberately.
Remember when you were told not to worry because this new mRNA vaccine would stay in your arm? You were patronizingly told that after being injected into your muscle, the mRNA would instruct the muscle cells to start growing the spike protein, you would have an immune response, you wouldn’t infect anybody…ever, you would be a hero, you wouldn’t die…of anything and it would stop there. Nothing to worry about.
It turns out that not only was it deliberate misinformation, it was an out and out lie. Not only was it known that the mRNA wouldn’t stay in the arm, they actually wanted it to go around your body. Clearly, we were all told the ‘stay in your arm’ lie to reduce vaccine hesitancy and increase big pharma profits.
Last year we learnt that BioNTech, the company that developed the mRNA vaccine with Pfizer, wanted the mRNA to travel around the body to the lymph nodes.
We know that the genetically modified are being prepared for The Bodyhack. Virginie Joron, a French MP, tweeted a picture from a presentation she was attending. The speaker was Özlem Türeci, co-founder of BioNTech and her slide was called ‘The Bodyhack - Bringing mRNA to the right cells at the right places’.
The image clearly shows that the cells BioNTech were targeting were dendritic cells in the lymph nodes. Robert Kogon reported that “A passage from The Vaccine, the book that Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, wrote with journalist Joe Miller, explains why BioNTech’s platform specifically targets the lymph nodes:
What Ugur learnt was that the location to which a vaccine delivers its ‘wanted poster’ really mattered. The reason for this, the couple’s team in Mainz later realized, was that not all dendritic cells … were created equal. The ones that resided in lymph nodes – of which the spleen is the largest – were particularly adept at capturing mRNA and making sure the instructions it carried were acted upon. These kidney-bean shaped organs, found under our armpits, in our groins, and at several other outposts in the body, are the information hubs of the immune system. (p. 98)
Indeed, Sahin and Türeci were so determined to get their mRNA into the lymph nodes that they had an earlier mRNA construct injected directly into the patient’s lymph nodes in the groin (p. 104).
Funny - I thought a viral infection in your head, would be targeted in your head and not your Lymph Nodes, after the Spike Proteins have passed through all of your bodies organs first?
👍👏👏😉🤣😂🤣😂🤣As far as "intellectual laziness" goes- there are entire industries, and sectors of academia that have bred that exact trait, and turned it into a gold standard prerequisite 😉🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
What does username mean?
It's a reminder.
That healing is something we all do, every single day.
That true "medicine" is NOT this complicated, mysterious, private, expensive club, that only those that speak the language can enter or heal others.😐
Plus, it makes a good t-shirt😉🤣😂🤣
COVID outbreak
Out of 630 new cases, 222 severe pneumonia and 74 endotracheal intubations. This was March 17th-23rd.