As I understand it and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn last night, is that this is a novel virus manufactured in a lab. Historically, viruses are overcome by herd immunity, but Dr. Geert is saying herd immunity has been blocked by vaccines that contain mRNA that immobilizes the immune system and T-Cells. This combination of a bio-engineered virus and crippling vaccine/boosters is creating the environment for a super virus as a lethal strain emerges. This is all new to science. It's a new frontier. Other great Doctors agree with Geert. See Thailand Medical News which is quoted in this very short piece by Geert. TMN has been the frontrunner on this virus/vaccines. And Dr. Bhakdi and others warned from the beginning what these vaccines would do to cause this virus to mutate into a killer virus. Geert wrote the book on immune escape. Have you read it? Where are the scientists who have read it and challenge it and refute it? Where are they?

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Most of those sell outs are on the Big Pharma - Gates payroll..

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I don’t understand.

The official science says that we have trillions of viruses inside our body + trillions trillions of viruses outside. We literally drown in viruses. They all have ultra-perfect conditions to mutate all the time, 24/7, not break for the latest season of the favorite soap opera.

Considering the sheer number of these things, and the conditions: humid here and there, hot here and there, cold here and there, temperature varying from +60 to -15 C within 24 hours in some regions, continuously changing diet and digesting highly varied food to feed the mutations of these trillions of viruses…

How come ONE specific virus - and ONE specific variant of that virus is SOOOOOO dangerous? What about the XX-llions of other variants of other viruses?

Are they not dangerous because we are not looking at them?

And this one poor fellow, track and traced, hunted all over the world, with “wanted” signs everywhere… how does it manage to “escape” all the time, change clothes, change appearance, and reappear again?

This ONE virus is one and alone in a totally hostile environment, yet it manages to terrorize the whole medical community. How come?

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The key words are: " You don't understand!"..

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You too don't understand?

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It’s all so clear to me and has been from the get-go. In March 2020, I read Geert’s paper on Immune Escape and Antibody Dependent Enhancement. He provided educated and scientific reasons on why the mRNA shots would not halt the virus and would do great harm. My gut told me Geert was right so I avoided the shots at all cost. (And I’ll say right now that my gut is really God talking to me.) So why did the top doctors, virologists, scientists, etc. do something that’s never been done before and why did they not come to the same conclusions as Geert? My answer is....hubris. They were/are prideful and arrogant enough to mess with God’s creation and now the world is experiencing the consequences. And throw fear and ignorance into the mix, you have a very malleable world population, the sheeple, willing to do anything. You can’t underestimate what fear can do to a person. I saw it with my own close family members. I was an outlaw and still am.

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I saw Geert early on, but didn't pay much attention. But March of '20? There was no vax then. Think it was '21. Then I saw people like Charles Hoffe and read J Bart Classen on prions disease from the vax, which he published in February '21(actually writing it in December '20. ) I waited for the JNJ, but that was causing heart attacks. Then I bought ivermectin at Farm and Tractor, then for dentistry, went to Mexico, and it's OTC there. Anyway, been following Geert since maybe May/June of '21. Remarkable guy. Read his book. Tough read.

I don't think it's hubris with other doctors or scientists, but money and position. Charles Hoffe, Peter McCullough, and numerous others have lost their jobs. Almost immediately they lose hospital privileges. Charles Hoffe, who works in Canada, had a 2 week trial to keep his license. Not sure how that worked out. McCullough lost 5 jobs! Fear and greed. Pediatricians get $40,000 for the vax if they give it to 60 kids. It's horrendous. Yale got $600 million to mandate the vax for all students, but not admin nor faculty. Criminal. Those endowments are fair game for lawsuits, IMO. All the Ivies.

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Who provided the bonus money for the pediatricians and Yale?

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Your comment is much closer to reality than all those expert scientists combined say, as I see it.

Whatever theory they spin, demand peer-reviewed published papers. You will be amazed. It’s all fiction. Zero virus observation in vivo, in a living human being. Zero literature. All theory and fantasy.

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You have been played ... or alternatively you are trying to play people


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That's not the issue here. Something is happening. Whether it is a "virus" or something else, it is irrelevant. WHYs are the key to understand what is happening.

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I actually do understand. I followed Geert from the beginning.You should try to do the same or stop on your first sentense.

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If you understand, please step up. The whole world is waiting. None of the scientists or virologists understands what is going on - maybe you could enlighten them.

If any one of them understood, we would have already had reasonable, plausible answers. But there are none.

The main question remains open, please address it: why this one virus (with its several variants) is so devastating while the other trillions trillions of viruses and variants somehow don’t care about wrecking our life? Why this one?

A question which would facilitate the answer:

How has this virus managed to “evolve” and come to the surface suddenly, out of the blue, at one point in time?

The theory says that viruses mutate slowly, step by step, reacting in an instant to the changing environment. If this is true, and the sars virus followed this pattern, we should have had millions of consecutive mutation steps detected in millions of people over dozens of years. But the key point is that if this handbook mutation took place (which is the axiom of virology), we should have been sufficiently protected against it and truly immune to it due to earlier interactions.

Step up, make your understanding public and save the world. After 4 years of frantic science work, nobody understands this - you have a chance for a Nobel.

PS. This comment is not directed against you personally. I only say that the whole covid virus story does not correspond to the official virology dogmas and theories. The alleged uniqueness of this thing is merely one aspect of this story which escapes medical and reasoning.

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You answered your own question. This is not a naturally occurring virus. It was genetically tinkered with in a laboratory.

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Please. If you are so certain of it, go public. Initiate legal proceedings, go, ask the manufacturers, and then you will "know". Such a blanket statement does nothing.

Anyway, you miss my point. I am not asking about particular properties of a particular pathogen. This is irrelevant.

My question is, “What is wrong with this story?”

Every step of the 2020-2024 development goes against all earlier virology. On the part of the virus, and - more importantly - on the part of the reaction of the supposedly top elite of virologists in the world. Everything has been done and interpreted wrong. Not a single step was done properly - according to official admissions (“mistakes were made” and other, more specifc).

The question is, if what we did was wrong, and we continue to lose this fight with an invisible enemy - what is wrong with US? Why cannot we understand what is happening?

I subjectively perceive Geert to be one of maybe 5 or 6 publicly speaking scientists who CAN understand this AND can translate his understanding into a message understandable to anyone. This is why I have asked this question to this article.

Again, what is wrong with these “mutations” versus all other viruses mutating (according to virology standards) all the time in a never ending cycle? If the mechanism is the same (mutation), why this one is so uniquely “bad”, while trillions of wild (uncontrolled, potentially very rogue and lethal) mutations go unnoticed by our body?

So far, nobody has answered publicly to this question.

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Dan - perhaps you just don't have the horse power up top to understand.

Cuz it is not that complicated

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If you say so...

If it is not that complicated, why not a single person in the world (from all brilliant scientists) provided a successful measure to harness this situation?

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It's the mass vaccination which has caused the more dominant strains to escape. Unprecedented. Read his book. Just look at the title. Give rat poison to 20 rabid rats, and let's say it kills half. Get stronger poison, but that only kills another half. Get even stronger poison, and 2 live through it, a male and female. You then have spawned super rabid rats.

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I refrain to be compared to rats. It’s a disgrace to their intelligence, survival instincts and collective cooperation.

Please, repeat this experiment on real humans.

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"The main question remains open, please address it: why this one virus (with its several variants) is so devastating while the other trillions trillions of viruses and variants somehow don’t care about wrecking our life? Why this one?"

Dan, I believe Geert would give you a one word answer here: herd-immunity. All the other trillions of viruses can't gain a foothold to kill us all with our individual immunity being so diverse. COVID however is different. Mass vaccination has led to an homogeneity of our immunity at the cost that we can never build herd immunity against the virus; unless it kills millions!

Despite my quibbles with Geert, this is the main point from his discourse that I get and that I agree with. It's this starting point that logically can only lead to one endpoint, and even if the road along the way that Geert is describing seems confusing and contradictory.

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This is an excellent answer! Thank you

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I hoped that Geert would say a few words, but limiting the context to “why this one”, without adding any other theories.

“Herd immunity” is a false theory, debunked by doctors themselves long time ago. It was fictional even in its prime time, when people did not travel as wildly as today.

If we travel a lot and mix with other nations, culture, habits, eating and hygiene routines, we are exposing ourselves to more challenging environments - thus strengthening the body and making it recognize many more pathogens. As you have returned home from a 2-week trekking in India, with plenty of dirt and little hygiene, and you are still alive, you must have gained better natural resistance. Folks in the military are training in most absurd conditions all the time, with sleep deprivation, sleeping outdoors on the grass, soaking wet in rain and freezing in heavy snow, all over the world, especially in harsh climates and with local food which is nothing like food. And they are the healthiest beings on the Earth - rendering all medical theories about immunity in challenging conditions meaningless.

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This is exactly my point, but you are seeing it from a different perspective, great.

Those scientists who speak out analyze this virus and the whole crisis in terms of “classic” theory of virology. They KNOW what may happen or what will happen, based on their learned theory and practice in the field. Or, based on other viruses and their mutations.

WHY their voice is deliberately kept unnoticed by their own colleagues? They all have the same educational background. They all were taught the same theory, attended the same courses, took the same exams, and got the same degrees and titles. Their knowledge base is IDENTICAL.

What is wrong with this situation?

Please, don’t say anything about “evil” - it doesn’t explain anything, and it only enhances the already high fear levels. This is not about evil. Specific people do specific things. Name this properly. No need to strengthen “evil” and make it the almighty power born suddenly in 2020.

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Read up on why it is a very bad idea to deploy leaky vaccines during a pandemic and you will understand


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> Killing people is evil

By all means, yes. We should immediately disband all armed forces, ban the manufacture of tanks, aircraft, warships, small arms and ammunition. Take away all weapons from all people, no matter what they do. Removing the tool of the evil will significantly reduce the problem of killing. Do you agree?

> depopulation. Once man starts messing with Gods creation there are going to be serious problems.

This is so obvious. Isn’t it amazing that WE consent to it? By being silent, avoiding public voicing of dissent, hiding in our homes until somebody else will do the work for us? By being rude to our neighbors? By not standing for our own family?

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Who is Satan? Samael is called Lucifer. Twin brother of ark angel Michaël. Samaël can think for him self, can make dicisions on his own. Theosofocally i speak. The Jews couldn't place this 'cause for them an angel is an instrument, like a desktop. Spread the message an waiting for further instructions. So that must be bad.


This goes further than bible, thora, etc, it begins with the book of numbers. Interesting lecture.

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I agree Casey - this is a global genocide - Spiritual warfare - GOD/good vs evil. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny for I believe our Creator lives in the Light of TRUTH. I pray daily for humankind to be led to the Truth of what is being engineered. I knew from the beginning this was engineered - we stopped vaxxing our children in the early 90's. I continue to share with others who are open to listen. FAITH over fear - grateful to be on the side of our Lord ...

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See, the virus is mutating to get around the COVID vaccines. When it does,

Look out below.

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What's your thinking now Greg still months away to a year or sooner

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I’m not smart enough to know. I’m not sure geert even knows.

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Greg, I bet Dr. Geert knows way more than all of us will ever know. I would never bet against Dr. Greet. Because the chances of loosing is very high. The best advice I could give is wait and see. Patiently.

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Gabriella, without risking answering for Greg, it's not so much a matter of Geert being right. Personally I believe he is right although I have some queries about the extent that he is right.

What I think it's about is insisting that Geert accounts for his arguments, and especially when they appear confusing and contradictory. If it's just about trust, how are we any different than the lemme populace that trusted every COVID pronouncements made by the 'experts'!

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I appreciate your kind reply. Thank you for that. As for Dr. Geert, there is something else that makes him very special: his personality type. This is the biggest reason why I have every reason to believe him. There is a great book called" Personality Plus" by Florence Littauer. Once you read it, you will figure it out pretty fast what type of personality Dr. Geert has. Here is what I can tell you about this personality: they are perfectionists like no other you will ever see. Those type of personalities are what the book describes " close to genius". And there is something else special about them: they are rarely wrong, almost never. Thing about his track record: his forecast is one of the most accurate I have even seen. That is good enough for me to bet he will turn out to be right again. Unfortunately! Do you remember when he said that those unvaccinated who got the Omicron they will likely have long lasting immunity against covid? So, far it looks like he was right. I got covid in the summer of 2022, and no covid after that. Same for my unvaccinated friends, but not so for the ones who took the shots. It seems like they catch covid again and again. That's because they can't build that natural immunity like the unvaccinated ones.

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Nick, seems like we have another Greg. Maybe I will change my 'nym to Greg Greg if this other Greg sticks around. Anyway, I am sticking to my prediction that doom is several months away. I am also agreeing with Greg that know one really knows including Geert (I hope Lawrence doesn't get provoked by this). I see him hedging his bet with one minute calling for a new hyper metamorphosized variant, and the next minute sounding the alarm that we should watch out for JN1's evolution

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Hello Greg Greg to many Greg's yeah be carefull it you don't fully go along with geert or thailand medical news you are controlled opposition according to Lawrence

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There is also the possibility that they have designed a pathogen that exploits the damaged immune systems ... and that they plan to release this as the global economy is about to collapse.

(btw - it is close to total collapse)


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Thailand-Medical-News can also be all over the place. One minute he is an alarmist screaming that JN.1.11 and JN 2.5 are on the verge of killing us all, the next minute you get this from him...

My forecast & I could be wrong, but all the XBB variants will die off..the new BA.2.86 variants & JN.1 spawns(except for few that will be shortlived) will not cause disease severity or increased risk of deaths during acute infection phase but they are evoving for viral peristence"

That was just two days ago!

I really lament when vaccine skeptics become so much like vaccine pushers: so invested in being right that they will seize on whatever tidbits of evidence, and even when those tidbits are in contradiction.

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Agreed he is dramatic and every variant is the one and we will all be dead in 5 years according to him

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One day ... all will appear normal...

Then the next -- you wake up ... and all hell has broken loose...

You are like a turkey ... then Thanksgiving arrives

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Aha, AI virus, now I get it.

Isn't it strange that it waited with coming out for millenia?

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I get your confusion. Lots of scary things were going to happen and none did , yet…..Food shortages, diesel gone, dollar collapsed, markets tanked, nonvaccinated rounded up and brought to camps, all vaccinated dead within 5 years etc, 3rd WW on its way etc.

I stay tuned to reasonable voices and then live my day as I know it always comes until I am no more. Simple.

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This one virus has a leaky "vaccine" deployed against it. Leaky vaccines do not prevent or neutralize infections. Instead they can make the virus more lethal through immune refocusing and escape. In Mareks disease a mild respiratory virus affecting only older chickens has mutated into a 100% lethal virus through the actions of leaky vaccines deployed to all chickens at birth. Any unvaccinated chicken will die within 10 days.

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As always, read the study, and then draw conclusions.

“Marek’s disease (MD)… is a commercially important neoplastic disease of poultry which is only controlled by mass vaccination…” Sounds like covid, right? A virus causing cancer… interesting…

“…vaccines that can provide sterile immunity and inhibit virus transmission are lacking; such that vaccines are only capable of preventing neuropathy, oncogenic disease and immunosuppression, but are unable to prevent MDV transmission or infection, leading to emergence of increasingly virulent pathotypes…”

So we know the problem and we are not capable of producing a successful drug to solve it. Really? With unlimited budgets and millions of scientists working 24/7 all over the world? Isn’t the word “commercially” telling?

“…The natural route of infection is defined by inhalation of airborne cell-free virus particles within the contaminated dust and dander…, shed from infected host produced in terminally differentiated feather follicle epithelium…, into a naïve respiratory track…”

Aha. Has anyone tried to breed these chickens in healthy conditions? Plenty of sunshine, green grass to the horizon, everyday cleaning of the place and washing the birds, removing waste on time? Good company, joyous chickens, inspiring each other. You don’t need any virus to destroy these chickens. Try it yourself. Do a 2-week test, do not go out, close all windows, make the place where you are staying a 24/7 toilet with no water outflow, do not wash yourself, do not wash your food, do not use clean water. And invite 20 colleagues to stay in a 5-sq.m room.

What I am saying is the the “commercial chicken” organism is far more deviated from nature than any virus.

“…The ideal … vaccine is to control both the disease and viral shedding in the infected…” Which is impossible by definition, unless you lock down the poor birds and place them in separate cells…

And the “Conclusions” part of this article are a model for writing nothing about nothing to sound scientific. Read it, it’s eye opening: https://veterinaryresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13567-016-0404-3 The authors in essence say that we don’t know anything and we are surprised with this little thing, and maybe some time in the future…

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All vaccines are leaky be design. And all drugs in general. Because it is impossible to carpet bomb the patient with a chemical and be certain that you destroy exactly all copies of the virus or bacteria or whatever.

This approach is wrong from the start. And it cannot be made better or improved.

We know it does not work, yet we keep repeating it again and again. Stupidity or business greed, you decide.

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Not all.

But that is not relevant -- if you deploy a leaky vaccine during a pandemic you run the risk of creating mutations -- and potentially you get a Marek's-like outcome.

If you refuse to read this stuff then I cannot help you ...


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I have raised healthy chickens! And all of the neighbors, fed on old bread flocked to my yard and door every time they saw me- those who could get over the fence.

I took pride in my tiny hobby-like farm. The hens and rooster free ranked while I was out, mostly staying in my yard. Plenty of greens and sunshine & bugs. Plenty of tossing a good quality grain mix or peanuts.

First thing, before eating, I tended their coop. Had the best competition, therefore gardens I had ever seen. No chemical needed.

I'll do it again. One goes to bed w a feeling of satisfaction, knowing you did everything good you could at the end of the day. Never slept better ..my heart sings just thinking about it!

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Lovely and great.

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It's not a fun thing to watch either. All attempts to "save" them were met w a "good try".

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Viruses always mutate, but they are not always in a hostile environment(vaxxed individuals) where they get strengthened as the more dominant strains escape, and guess what? They get passed to another vaxxed individual who also has a hostile environment, so it strengthens again. Think of bacteria which an antibiotic can't kill. Don't we often here doctors/scientists are afraid of a superbug, caused by non neutralizing antibiotics? The vaxxed are strengthening it, spreading it and have lost their adaptive immune system, as the vaccines have pushed it out of the way due to its initial higher binding affinity.

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False assumptions:

How do we know that viruses a) always, b) mutate, c) are not in a hostile/not hostile environment, d) get strengthened, e) have “more dominant” strains escaping, f) get passed, g) to a hostile environment? None of these assumptions is either true or verifiable.

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It's not trillions inside the body, more around 20K. The reason, viruses and parasites need host to survive, therefore the more lethal, less chances for the pathogen to survive. Rene Dubos didn't think most viruses and bacteria were pathogenic in nature...and I think he was right. So what's so special about covid-19? Nothing, really, even as it was definitely developed in the lab. As we have seen now, the infection and death statistics were greatly exaggerated, it has been hard to gain any knowledge from data. So what happened? I am in the camp that doesn't believe HIV causes AIDS...I think something similar happened here, there was a co-factor that was missed. Mycoplasma? Something else? I agree with Geert on only one point, there should be no massive vaccination.

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It’s all theory. Numbers: how would you count something invisible? Absolutely impossible. How would you count these things at all? One by one? By volumetric density? Where? How would you know this density is the same all over the body? What about time dependence? How long a specific count would be valid? This single aspect shows that the whole virology is basd on assumptions and guesses. But… Big boys say trillions, let them believe this story.

The “host needed to survive, so they let the host live” is another theory. It sounds logical, but is there any proof? Nope.

The lab origin is another theory. We don’t know. Big boys won’t admit it ever. The CV of this one is weird, so they said many different stories, none proven. Equations and numbers in computers can prove anything you want. In vivo - zero evidence. Not a single peer-reviewed paper. Zero.

When you combine all this with zero reliable data from the years 2020-2024, you are left empty-handed. Not a single chart, table or paper is credible simply because we have no data. It’s all numbers games.

With the complete lack of in vivo observations, it’s all useless, anyways. And we get so excited about it…

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This will explain why this is different -- https://duckduckgo.com/?q=danger+leaky+vaccines&ia=web

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That's not the point. It is not about "different". The question is why this one, and not anything else.

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Nobody can know which one is going to be the 'human mareks' .... it's a numbers game ... at some point we'll hit the jack pot... if GVB had the power to predict this ... he could use that power to choose the winning numbers in lotteries ....

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We'll said! 🤣

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Dan, it has to do with mRNA mass vaccination. But your question is interesting, and I think a good one. Why exactly this virus and not another one? I don't understand this part either.

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Rationalizing as medical experts do, if I were to bet on a specific virus in the race to dominate the world, I would choose one with long-standing tradition and expertise in being here, preferably a typical flu thing. But “flu” doesn’t sound as hostile as all those fancy variant letters…

We thus have another question: why a supposedly new virus dwarfed the efforts of all its elder and more experienced buddies?

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Please take a moment to run this thought experiment...

Presuming events unfold as Geert has predicted, what happens? People get very sick, many may die. Yes, but who? The most vaccinated. Yes, but who are they?

The medical profession. What will people do if hospitals and clinics fail, overwhelmed by patients and decimated by sick staff?

The elderly and those who care for them. Do you have loved ones lingering in care homes?

Teachers. Say goodbye to school and childcare.

First responders. What happens when there is no one to call when the riot or looters or fire is on your street? You are on your own.

Essential workers. Who will deliver groceries? Who will restock Walmart shelves? Who will process meat? Who will keep the tap water flowing clean? Are you prepared for supply chain interruptions?

Working age, mandated adults. Will we see business failures due to lost employees (and lost customers?) Also, these folks have kids, many who may remain unvaccinated. Will we see a flood of orphans?

Soldiers. Will they be able to respond to outside threats to a sick and dying nation on its knees? What about threats already within the borders?

If I understand the science as Geert presents it, this won’t be one wave and done. Mutations will continue until herd immunity is achieved. This may take an uncomfortably long time to burn out.

Think it through to all bitter ends. Then, make plans for how you can best protect yourselves from this disaster. Maybe you won’t need all your preparations, but it’s better to prepare and not need, than it is to need and not prepare.

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It is essentially the end of the world as we know it. The heathcare system will break down and infected vaccinated folks will have nowhere to go. These deaths will be relatively quick and horrible. Many will die in their homes. It will take years to reassemble a working society/economy again.

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We unvaccinated sit in the same boat, no place for us in hospitals ect. when we get sick with anything. That’s why I put my trust for healing in the Great Physician. Started to train and excercise my faith and trust for this matters already some years ago.

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Yup.... we will only have each other and the Almighty on our side.

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That is the most important preparation of all.

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Indeed. I also trusted healthcare that resulted in health loss many years ago. My trust is not in that establishment. They've been given a golden key to lob whatever experiment they want. Onto a whole world population, if they want

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Except for all the migrants flowing unchecked through open borders. Actively distributed into high vax urban areas. With Western so-called leaders striving desperately to keep those borders open.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

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Yep pile them into 95% vaxxed, disarmed blue cities. What could possibly go wrong?

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I agree that the open borders are a chess move by the sociopaths in power. The fact that the supreme court ruled so quickly on the issue is a tell. The question is why?

I hate to suggest this, but what have our banana republics done after we overthrough their government and installed a brutal dictator? They deployed the death squads. In the middle of the night, a black van would roll uo to a dissidents house and nab them out of bed. Then they would cause this dissident to disappear. Death squads are a tool of totalitarian regimes. It doesn't seem unreasonable to speculate that some of these migrants are military squads who will go after the red pilled in the US. Hope Im wrong, but it seems the most likely explanation.

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Could be. Let's keep digging.

One of them that was stopped and questioned the other day, about his identity said "you'll know soon enough".

A lot of lies floating around, but red flags keep appearing. Keep them in mind.

We know of only one that will stop this crazy migration. I don't believe the people being sent here understand what they are getting into. It appears as if the ollies are trafficking. Just 'cause one has a lot of power & money does mean it's not trafficking. It's sure easier ti cover that way.

And why do they want that rich, fertile, mineral rich land? 🤔

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Migrants will be least vulnerable, especially those who do not speak English well, do not go out to meet friends at restaurants, do not go to the barbers’, do not visit forests and national parks, do not swim in seas, and do not walk their dogs - these are the areas in which this virus excels and is most proficient, right?

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Still- "everyone must or you'll die and grandma will die".

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If they’re rioting and burning down cities in a mostly peaceful manner, the virus is rendered impotent for the duration of course. The vax, not so much.

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It is crazy to me..red flag waving. We'll figure it out- keep digging

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Well, I lived it. Everyone harassed into getting "it". I, having done some research on mrna and virology out of interest years beforehand, did not believe this was a good idea. Also, w vaxx injury in several family members, I stood my ground.

So, what really happened in hospital and LTC is we were told we needed to do this, as our residents and patients were told. Most complied.

We lined up twice a week to git our noses probed. Every week we seemed to have a couple positive results, but these people had no signs of illness. Our much needed staff: down 2.

With new regulations put forth by CDC, with every exposure and possible exposure, staff were out for 14 days-initially. Even if it was "within your family pod".

This did reduce to 10 days months later, as staffing became a problem everywhere. We couldn't provide the required provision.

From researching new sanitation and protocols, writing up procedures, trying diligently to get more staff (not even ladies from our church who wanted to volunteer were allowed to help).

I was one of the Nutrition & Food Services Manager- later the only one. I often worked 60 hours a week- for months! From staffing our department and being impacted from nursing shortages (I even renewed my CNA) trucking (more staffing), supply chain (more staffing), then having to go out to local groceries to obtain what we couldn't get- which we never knew until the last minute.

What caused my body to finally stop working-literally- my muscles became so inflamed and finally froze up with painful contractions for a few days without letting up. There were no doctors to treat. 30 days to see mine-I fell and broke one ankle and the other twisted all the way around as I stood up. Over two years later, I'm still put of work. Desperate need for my position now.

As we saw, those w the shots had illness more often, more serious and often deadly. I don't know one person who died w the bug, but I personally know several who died after the injectable. Some soon after, a couple have had terrible problems with heart issues, slowly killing them. One our only solid charge nurse, the other is going through it right now- surgery after surgery to try to tame the tachycardia. She also had to quit her job. One was in acute systolic & diastolic heart failure for a year and a half, under care, with surgeries, to no avail. The second is having her second surgery very soon.

After trying to get back to work, but not being able to walk far (thanks, covid taskmasters, I'll never be able to return to my work-more staffing shortages) I worked indicates records. CIOX is collecting a lot of data on this epidemic of damage and miscarriages, and we aren't allowed to look at it. CMS and DHHS are also collecting data- we haven't seen their results..I wonder why? Gotta spin it?

So, as much as people want to say that it will leave crisis here or there, it did anyway- because of that criminally forced shot that caused family and friends to lose loved ones for months as they suffered and for the time to grieve, and for people who were distraught seeing all of the death all around after the mass vaxx clinics. And those who gave every ounce of energy to cover those shifts- how many have fallen? How many will never be able to go back to work or school?

These people who pushed those things with no safety data and many lies owe us. And those who continue to push it are complicit in the many maimed and dead. This will go down in history.

There is only good or evil- no in between

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The scenario you are describing, is a very real one, and it would be wise to prepare for it just in case. We can't exclude that such scenario may happen in reality. And just thinking about it is scary enough. But here is the most scary part: when it will happen it will be just like a tsunami; no warning signs, it will just hit us suddenly and aggressively. This period in which we are right now may very well be the " calm before the storm".

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Geert has stated in interviews that this will not be a prolonged event. He expects it to burn through very quickly (a few months).

The timeline from jn.1 to the emergence of a pathogenic variant is anyone's guess, it took a year for omicron to emerge after delta.

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A fascinating scenario, isn’t it? Hollywood will be the only sad party, their movies will be less interesting than real life.

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Is there any prove yet that all of the vaccines contained the same ingredients? If this is a bioweapon (which I believe it is) then it is likely they have a targeted percentage of the population ie. A controlled amount. Many of these vaccines could either contain saline or a similar ineffective to covid 18 yet non dangerous fluid (giving the taker perceived protection) There's no way to know if all billions of the vaccines were the same. And like any military operation maintaining control is imperative which would be impossible if millions/billions of people die within a short period.

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We do have the prove that not all batches are the same. We have three categories of mRNA shots: the " hot batches" which represents 5% of all batches released to the entire global population. These ones are the ones that kill and severly injure. The next category is 65% of them that cause minor and medium types of injuries. This is the reason why we all know at least one person that got in trouble because of the shots. Then you have 30% of all batches that are placebo! This explains why there are still so many people out there who didn't have even minor side effects.

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Hypothetically, the complete chaos caused by an event like this could further depopulation goals and lead down the road to a completely subdue-able USA, for example. The control is then achievable in a way that might be prevented by an awakening population during a slower die-off.

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Dr. Robert MacMillan is fearing/ predicting an IgG4 collapse. Maybe this is will be the "green light" Geert's talking about.

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Exactly what I am thinking about for months.

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No... he is talking about the completed evolution of the virulence domain.

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Yes, I know this. The IgG4 collapse may be the stimulus to the virus to lock and load.

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No - read this and you will understand. "How Has the COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Campaign Made the Natural Selection and Rapid Propagation of a HIGHLY Virulent Variant Highly Likely?"


IgG4 is a ticking immunological time bomb for sure. But is will not be what an immune escape virus targets or overcomes.

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Thankyou for posting this, it was genuinely helpful.

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I have saved everything - knowledge is power

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Chicken and egg then. Full stop.

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Read it -

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It's Dr. Philip McMillan (not trying to be *that* person, but in case anyone wants to watch his latest video where he discusses this: Vejon Health on YouTube). He seemed to be saying in that video that the heavily vaxxed will need to be on a lifetime subscription of the vaccines in order to survive...but over time even that won't work. Hope I understood what he was saying correctly.

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What is IgG4 and why would it collapse?

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IgG4 is an antibody our immune system makes when it has been causing too much damage to the body because of autoimmune issues. IgG4 basically tells your immune system to stand down and become inactivated for that antigen, (an antigen is a foreign protein.) If you have an allergy to pollen this is a good thing, but when you have IgG4 antibodies for a deadly virus, its bad news. You don't want your immune system to ignore corona viruses until its too late, (too many cells get infected).

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Sir, What do you think will happen in India? Even though they haven’t used mRNA vaccines, the country’s is highly vaccinated.

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It's hard to say, not knowing more about what vaccines were used, but if those vaccines used the spike protein as the basis of the vaccine then chances are good that many will have a hard time regardless of how virulent the new variant is, because the spike itself causes immune disregulation. The innate immune system is severely depressed in the vaccinated.

I believe this is because the spike (because of HIV inserts) can stick to any immune cell that has the GP120 receptor on its surface. These are the innate immune cells like certain kinds of macrophages, or cytotoxic lymphocytes like NK cells and neutrophils. A free floating spike protein that sticks to one of these immune cells, will also probably get an antibody that sticks to that spike. The antibody can trigger cell suicide, or tag the cell for destruction by other cytotoxic lymphocytes.

This is why the shots show increasing negative efficacy with each additional shot.

So to answer your question, I don't know for sure, but here in the US, potentially half of the most important people that keep everything going, and has to get the shots, will likely be wiped out by a more virulent variant. I hope Geert Vanden Bossche is wrong about that, he says it's very very likely.

So I'm prepared mostly for the inevitable collapse of supply chains, and services , communication, rule of law, and desperate neighborhs. I am resolved to try and help as many as I can but we have to do our best to survive. I think people are far more adaptive than most know, however, and in India, people know how to go back to basics and reform small groups. So many are already in place. I think India will be much better in many ways than the US. We have more stuff, but most lack the ability to adapt and become producers. Most are helpless consumers.

Good luck and thanks for the reply.

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Thanks for the reply. Given the paucity of sources regularly covering this topic, do you think the Virus will reach the stage by April-May or before?

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Mattias Desmet was right. Mass formation psychosis. Prepare yourselves psychologically and remember that the storm will pass.

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"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He maketh me lie down in green pastures- He restoreth my soul.."

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Hi, folks please correct if I am wrong!! IgG4 is an antibody in the innate branch of the immune system. When it increases it turns down the volume knob, so to speak, of an immune response to prevent an over-reaction. A good example are bee keepers. They become normalized to bee venom by being stung so often. IgG4 remembers that it's not a big threat and prevents a severe response. Another example could be the itchy-scratchies of hives. IgG4 calms the response so you don't scratch yourself to death. The vaxx danger is that IgG4, because of criminally negligent safety testing of the vaxx was an unknown side-effect of the vaxx. It is elevating IgG4 systemically which is like turning the volume of your entire innate immune system down to low. This means your body's ability to fight off pathogens (disease). AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Continuously elevated IgG4 from vaxx could be called VAIDS. Geert's green light is this like a robber waiting for the power to electric fence power to go down to very low.

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As far as I know the IgG4 dominance to spike protein only is from the third dose of the mRNA vaccines and this property is not shared with the adenovirus based C19 vaccines. It does not affect all antibodies just those to spike. Apparently according to the Cleveland Clinic data, this conversion of IgG1/3 to IgG4 spike antibodies does not occur in the upper respiratory tract, so that the highly vaccinated remain at higher risk of infection in a dose responsive manner. If there is an increased risk of severe disease in these individuals it may have more to do with the mRNA damaging the innate immune system via causing immunosenescence of macrophages and not levels of IgG4 (which no longer causes ADE and this mechanism for increased severity). Yes the loss of innate immunity would result in the explosion of 'turbo cancers' and also deadly pathogens (various pathogens of minimal pathogenicity gaining pathogenic potential, Strept A, RSV, influenza and so on ). This may be why there is discussion of disease X with high mortality. Unfortunately for the vaccine manufacturers, disease X = any pathogen not a specific pathogen, so they are shooting themselves in the foot. Make sure your vitamin D levels are up and take zinc, and isoflavonoids (60 mg) daily.

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I would add vitamin C. This is the only vitamin that you should not skip even for a day.

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Yes. A, C, E and zinc are the healing vitamins. Most often, we can get them from foods. When sourcing supplements, be sure to get those that are verified safe, like having the USP symbol. Have a health professional or Dietician help you know which ones you need, and at what level-they can damage organs.

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At this point, I doubt it was an accident. If it was, why not stand up and own it and stop pushing the garbage?

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So is the IgG4 slowing down the body from the need to attack the growing spikes - because it knows the spike cant be attacked. Because the spikes are growing from the body's own cells.

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This is the wind picking up before the storm. The acceleration in the creation of variants on this scale means one thing (and Gerrt knows it) that we are on fast track to an immune escape variant emerging.

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A virulent escape.

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Yes.... it will be a killer.... this will give you an idea of what it will be like: Potential Clinical Implications of Geert's Viral Shift Predictions https://open.substack.com/pub/philipmcmillan/p/potential-clinical-implications-of?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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My mom was hospitalized with a back injury two weeks ago in Florida. One of the Med tech told me the hospital is the fullest it’s ever been with Covid since the pandemic broke out.

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I totally appreciate that Dr. Vanden Bossche is my guide on the bike path of this troubling lab-released virus that is still in the process of mutating, since mankind did not do the correct things in helping it get to the endemic stage. Of course it is troubling that Dr. Geert is correctly assessing the situation. He has done so from the beginning. He has been condemned for doing so. He has not been heard by the people who call themselves "science." That these same people believe that this somewhat lull in the viruses virulence means it is in its latter stations is the most troubling part of where we now are. At this point I do not expect there to be accountability for what has already been done incorrectly. But I do expect that the people who messed up at least acknowledge it, and start looking at the WHOLE of science, and not just what pleases them and happens to also be in their self-interest. Make no mistake, this need for true science is oddly also a spiritual test of our desire to have our planet continue to survive and hopefully continue to thrive.

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Das ist wohl die Ruhe vor dem Sturm. Es deutet sehr viel darauf hin, dass Geert Recht hat in seiner Deutung der Ereignisse, dennoch will man es irgendwie doch nicht wahrhaben. So wie ein weitentfernter Krieg und das Leben zu Hause geht ganz normal weiter. Alles erscheint irgendwie unwirklich.

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Es geht mir genauso. Obwohl ich schon lange alles vorbereitet habe (Medikamente, langhaltbare Lebensmittel und Reserve an Dingen des täglichen Lebens) denke ich immer wieder, das dies doch alles gar nicht sein kann. Mein Verstand glaubt es, mein Herz sträubt sich dagegen. Doch folge ich in dieser Sache meinem Verstand.

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Es ist hart zu wissen, dass man diese schlimme Zeit höchstwahrscheinlich überleben wird aber so viele um einen herum werden sterben. Ich frage mich, ob die Ursache vertuscht werden kann? Ich denke nicht, da es offensichtlich sein wird, dass die Ungeimpften nicht betroffen sein werden.

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Dr Vanden Bossche, would you mind sharing the plan you made to get through the coming disaster?

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That is a good question. Maybe I can offer some common sense ideas on how to prepare.

1: Food. You need a 6 month supply for everyone in your house and anyone else you might want to help. Dried food like rice and beans is the least expensive and can store for a long time. Spices, salt, cooking oil, can foods, dried fruit and nuts.

2: if you are on medication, get a supply of it, or find a natural alternative.

3: Get a water purifier like a sawyer (which only costs about $30 last I checked). Berkey water filters are also good but more expensive. Get four or more 5 gallon water jugs and keep them full.

4: How to books: Get books on gardening, medicinal herbs, raising livestock, first aid, etc.

5: Get a few guns and ammo, maybe some body armor.

6: get some down comforters, or sleeping bags.

7: Get some silver coins, pre 1964 US dimes are a good choice. You may need these for buying, or batering.

8: Get a good bike.

9: Meditate everyday, and get in shape. Try to evercome your fear of death. Fear is the mind killer. Having clear and calm thoughts is probably the most important thing to have when there is massive supply chain breakdown.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Keep in God's word..God provides if you call on Him

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Thank you very much for your advice. I never thought to have food supply for 6 months. But I think it makes lots of sense.

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One more thing I forgot to mention. Getting rechargeable camp lights or a lantern and rechargeable camping head lamp. I also recommend getting a fold up USB solar panel. They charge things cell phones, USB battery bricks, and lights. Anything that charges via usb. For less than $100 you will have lighting even in grid down situations.

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If the power stays on (no blackouts) we can rebuild very fast.

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Nah... 6 billion vaxxers die ... the supply chains collapse - everyone starves

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The biggest problem will be the dead bodies but humanity will survive.

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Community, community, community. Build it now. Thanks, for including "those who may need it".

There are those will watch and know who "has" the goods. Being friend instead of foe might help engage cooperation.

Everyone can do or grow something. You're communities are going to be important. Know you local farmer

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I would love to know about his plan too.

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I’ve Had Eight Shots

And I Want More !

The More Bizarre The Chemicals

The Better.


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If you get 10 you need to bring your punch card to my shop and I'll give you a free donut!!!

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You might be onto something,

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Yet the synthetically derived, DNA contaminated, lipid nanoparticle encapsulated genetic therapy continues to be pushed by insurance, physicians, and of course our discredited FDA and CDC! This scourge needs to be removed from the market now! All things point to UNC CHAPEL HILL in the sickening development.

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Sometime this summer? Or when school recommences in Sept or will the scariant come back out in November like it did this past season? Stock up folks on your ivermectin and other drugs. Dr. Peter McCullough The Wellness group sells an emergency kit. Well worth the purchase considering many gps and internists in the USA are refusing people antibiotic when they suffer chest congestion, often times suffering secondary bacterial infections. After four years we now know we cannot rely on a doctor for help. Prepare meds for you and your family now.

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No chance this goes till summer

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Hopefully not ... I am anxious to see the end game...

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Anybody here from Finland to give a tips as to where to get prescription for Ivermektin?

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For those that can't buy Ivermectin, here is a great substitute: take zinc and quercitin togheter and this is your ivermectin. It won't be as strong as the ivermectin but is the closest thing to it. It's almost as powerful as the ivermectin.

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The gift that keeps on giving . Then add the multiple mechanisms of action of the Bioweapon jab on those immunocompromised from their jabs and we have death and destruction on the human race .

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It’s called depopulation

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I think it's called mass murder

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Whats to say this will not happen with the unvaccinated?


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Who is saying this? Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche himself.

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Could be that the new pathogen that emerges will be hotter than the hottest Mareks (which killed all chickens within days)... killing everyone...

The vax has some short live efficacy against Covid... what if... the boosters they are now giving out ... are placebos.... ensuring that the vaxxed have zero protection against the Death Pathogen...

Ensuring that everyone dies?

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Relax, not everyone will die. It will be mostly the vaccinated ones and those who are already sick.

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The unvaxxed chickens died -- all of them https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous

But don't fret -- the Vaxxed will die too -- because the Vaxx provides very limited protection (it wanes quickly) and I suspect the more recent ones are placebos.

Everyone dies.

If you are unlucky enough to survive -- you starve to death

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