Thank you Geert. It is not an easy path you have chosen to tread throughout this pandemic. Not only have you received little appreciation for your accurate predictive analysis, but you clearly take no joy in being right.

Whilst you must surely be disappointed, and saddened, by the pathway taken by the global scientific and medical establishment, you should know your efforts have assisted many. You have given me the confidence and resolve to protect my four adult children (their partners), two grand children, wife, parents in law, sister, and sister in law, and five nephews and nieces from following the 'safe and effective' lie.

These are people you will never know, but they mean the world to me and to each other. They are but a tiny sample of those you have touched. Thank you.

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Just thinking about this:

The virus is now being controlled by non-neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated individuals, rather than T-cells.

Notice how there is not much of a push to continue boosting .... cnnbbc suggest an annual booster ... at most ... the messaging is that 'covid is over' -- I believe the WHO has said that... the Vaxxers are relaxed about Covid... they all believe that it's old news...

We know that what little protection the injections offered declined more rapidly with each shot.. now that the Vaxxers are not vaxxing ... that protection is waning and headed towards nil.

Meanwhile their immune systems are f789ed... without that next hit of Rat Juice... they are susceptible to very severe disease....

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Yes, it's like they're setting up for a big outbreak. Grounds for a renewed wave of oppression. The narrative will likely be a new 'superstrain' - nothing to do with the mass vaccination, and the subsequent destruction of the population's immune systems, of course.

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I'm thinking more along these lines https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Very well stated TSMe. Thank you Geert

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First I want to thank you for the work you are publishing and for the videos. I have been following you since April 2021. Can you please now write something how can we the unvaccinated and especially our little ones what to do to protect us from what is coming in the coming autumn.

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He said that the unvaccinated will mostly experience it as a mild illness.

Do the obvious to protect yourself and loved ones - eat healthy, get some exercise, keep to a healthy weight, take the recommended supplements. Plus don't worry and focus on the current blessings in your life. Stress and worry will lower your immune system. Learning to meditate and connect with the Divine can help with this.

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Another person in the comments here linked to this book which I am currently speed reading:


It talks about nebulizing hydrogen peroxide - I'm convinced!

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Yes, it works. Been doing it since summer of 2021, and when I finally caught Covid in March 2022, I was over it in 2 days with nebulizing and ivermectin, as well as the other usual supplements. But follow Dr McCullough's recommendation as to dosage. It is a lot less than Dr Levy's and is much safer and more easily tolerated. The usual saline capsule is around 3mls, with that size capsule, you take approx 3-4 eye droppers of 3% Food Grade HP solution mixed in. You can go as high at 7-8 drops and it is well tolerated, but his recommendation is for that 3-4 drops per 3mls. If your capsule is larger, adjust accordingly. Dr Levy's recommendation is far in excess what McCullough and most others recommend.

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Thanks so much for this. I was a little worried regarding dosage. I only have 3% HP from a chemist. It doesn't mention if it is food grade on my bottle but in Dr Levy's book it said it is preferable to be food grade but not absolutely necessary. Do you have thoughts on this?

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I read that from Dr. Levy as well, but others only have suggested food grade. I can't tell you if it is absolutely necessary, but I decided to go the safe route and bought Essential Oxygen brand's Food Grade 3% HP solution. It is available on Amazon. Given how little you use per dosage, it is pretty cheap, since the bottle will last forever. Get yourself an eye dropper and clean along with your routine nebulizer cleaning protocol. First time I nebulized I took Dr Levy's recommendation and nebulized the straight 3% solution, it is tough to take for sure. Burns and makes you cough. Right after, I met with Dr McCullough at one of his speeches and he was firmly stressing the highly diluted dosage I laid out. That dosage is a breeze to nebulize and it feels a lot safer. I am sure you saw Dr. Levy's regimen of once a week for maintenance for 5 mins, 2x a day for 10 mins if you suspect you may have been exposed, and 3-4x a day for 15 mins each if diagnosed with a positive test. I have found it depends on the nebulizer, but a 3ml saline capsule lasts almost exactly 15 mins in my unit. So makes it perfect for full timed dosage when sick. Hope this helps. Sorry I couldn't give you a definitive answer on the food grade vs not. But as I said, it is quite cheap when considering the small dosage with each use. I felt better safe and went with the food grade. One last thing, given how the virus settles in both the nose and throat, I alter my breathing in from nose to throat after each inhalation.

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Thanks so much for your comment. It is very helpful. It is great to hear from someone who is nebulizing HP and how you are doing it.

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GVB writes a little about what you can do here:


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Monty Python has been uncannily portentous regarding our present times. Perhaps the unvaccinated recovered will eventually be recruited to play the grim role of the cart drivers in the "Bring out your dead!" scene. And there'll be nothing funny about it.

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omg! it's worth the 3 minute watch.... we need the humor just to survive the arrogance of the narcissists unleashed upon us! God be with us.......

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I disagree. I think it would be absolutely hilarious.

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so many of us are the only person in large families who did not take it

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Exactly. There is no joy in being right when your own children and extended family refused to listen to your concerns and listened to the fear mongering and followed the "science".

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I personally know two families in this situation.

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that would be a lot of driving.. and what, with the price of gas, or shelling out a bundle for a hybrid or over priced battery car (everything is over priced now, even old cars!) - yeah, a lot of bring out of those tragic loved ones

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In 2020 I did think of being a sandwich board man in our village in the UK. On the front it would say 'The end of the world is nigh, we're all doomed, bring out your dead' etc.

On the back it would say 'By one get one free at ..... (insert favorite shop). My wife wasn't keen and my energy wasn't up to it anyway.

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If this happens they will blame the unvaccinated…..theyll say if we had 100% vaccinated this wouldnt of happened. And of course the sheep will buy into this narrative. God forbid theyd take responsibility.

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I just pray they won't use that as justification to force us to get jabbed.

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That’s exactly what I am worried about! They are in a hurry to have the next booster on the market before September, but why if the WHO already declared that the pandemic is over? Maybe because they know what’s coming and that’s another opportunity to get people jabbed again and blame the unvaccinated for the next wave! And they will mandate the useless masks again!!

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It's certainly coming again: masks, distancing, mandates, the lot. They merely retreated temporarily.

But let's think about timing: it will be dependent on completion of the new vaxx super-factories, by Moderna and others, which will come on line sometime in 2024, not this year.

And they will try to rush things on us with the '100 days to a vaccine' plan.

I would say we have about a year to prepare, maybe a little more.

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Scary times! I am still puzzled why is it acceptable that a former terrorist is the head of the WHO. “Tedros's candidacy for WHO director general was opposed vigorously by several Ethiopian parties, due to his past membership of the Tigray People's Liberation Front.”

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If you understand and accept that real mandate of the WHO (and the CDC, etc.) is to reduce the global population of "useless eaters," then Tedros is actually the perfect man to lead the organization.

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We have criminals every where, in control. How did this happen?

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It happened because the west is full of self indulgent people with no ability to understand what has been going on for 30 years. Been voting for the party that gives them unbridled controls around all social issues. People don't vote on sound fiscal and monetary policies, they vote on social issues and supposed unlimited freedoms, that have not been true freedoms at all.

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The answer is China

“Tedros "was supported by a bloc of African and Asian countries, including China, which has considerable influence with those members" while "the US, UK and Canada... lent their support to... the British doctor David Nabarro." One observer called it "a really nasty" election.”

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Evil prospers when good men (and women) do nothing. I have slightly amended the quote. I was part of the problem, Now I am part of the solution.

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To see if people would notice. We did and we wonder why more don't. The mentally challenged think such things make sense but then the drugs and vaccine they take turn everything upside down.

Anyway his name is wonderful. It includes 'Satan' as a part anagram of his full name. I have yet to a post on him. One of my many tasks.

P.S. 'hardheartedness' is one of 2 longest single words in his name. You could hardly make this up but its true.

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they had a tabletop exercise in Brussels last year called Catastrophic Contagion, featuring a respiratory enterovirus that targets little kids, to be 'found' in Brazil in 2025. Same players as Event 201; Gates attended personally. After telling us "the next one will really get their attention".

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no way NOT in my world. I am not engaging in any of that ridiculous mania

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I hope that many people will say no to those ridiculous mandates, especially the healthcare workers!!

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Where is the new Moderna factory being built?

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One is in the UK, in Oxfordshire (Oxford University is a bio-research and innovation hub). There are others globally.

They are planned to be able to pump out 220 million doses annually, and to make 'a shot in every arm in 100 days' an achievable goal......

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The WHO etc can shove the masks where the sun don't shine. I have never worn one during the silliness.



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Reading these news article from Japan is like reading news articles from our lying media. Don't worry one bit. One of the commenters here said it was a "devastating" surge that is "ripping" thru Okinawa. The news there is creating a panic like they did here.

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Just expose it all in advance and don't be afraid. Stand firm to avoid what you fear coming upon you. Best form of defense is offense.

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This time they would stand no chance to blame the unvaccinated. And here is why: as people will start getting severly ill and dying, it will be imposibil for authorities to hide that this tsunami doesn't affect the unvaccinated people. Everyone will notice that and no matter what they say nothing will be credible enough. Just think about this for a second: how would they explain that mainly only the vaccinated people are becoming severely ill and dying? It will be imposibil to blame it on them. First time it was much easier, but this time around it's going to miserably fail. There is already lots of mistrust in the authorities and their covid injections. They won't stand a chance this time. Truth always comes out in the end. I wonder how the legacy media journalists will feel when they will see their parents, their friends their collegues becoming severely ill and dying? Will they be still be hiding the truth or will start a rebellion? You only need a sparkle to start a fire.

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except, that many of them won't be around to suggest that

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They may try. However, there are a lot of us non-jabbed - more than they think. We will resist.

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Thanks for this important post Dr Bossche much appreciated kind regards Paul

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A devastating surge of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations is now ripping through the island of Okinawa in Japan. It is the worst COVID-19 wave that the island has experienced, with hospitalization rates now at 48.39 per hospital, surpassing the previous peak reached in January 2023.

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What's your reference?

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And what does this signify?

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You asked for a reference for Paul's comment, so I provided one.

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well i suppose he wanted other evidence to debunk what paul said ...

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who the heck do we believe. Journalism is dead, the msm are part of the problem, using photos of completely unrelated stories.

I do not trust anyone anymore.

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Crap journalism.

"48.39 cases reported per medical institution"

Provides no base rate, so it could even be DOWN for all we know.

Maybe it was 47.25 cases before for a tiny increase.

Worthless Fear Porn.

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Thank you for this video.

This may be of interest:

MSM Normalizing Next Phase of VAIDS: What is ‘long vax’? Symptoms linked to COVID-19 shot Baffle Docs


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It's a bit like climate change, "scientists" talk about it and express all sorts of warnings but they never talk about geoengineering that is probably one of the major causes. And the UN never mentions that fossil fuel companies still receive huge subsidies, nor do they mention rapidly-renewable materials like hemp. Medical science is about to be debunked because it never mentions terrain theory. Most med people are not even aware of the term. It's like leaving out Nikola Tesla even though he worked with Edison. Think these are accidents? No, they want to keep us ignorant. But we don't have to.

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Take your vitamin D this fall : )

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Not only Vit. D3 (5000IU/Day) but also vit.K2, Magnesium, Zinc, Vit.C and Quercetin.

Besides that eat real food. No processed food. Do intermittend fasting. Go into the sun every day. Be active. Have a good social live. Don't get stressed. And last buy not least have trust in your own body and immune system.

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take it every day, starting asap 👍🏽👍🏽

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I understand viral virulence and agree... however explain immunosuppression side effects. God bless natural / innate immunity . Thanks GVB.

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You said it ...World Health Organization (WHO) is lying 🤥🎯.... please GVB , consider nefarious intent .

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Thanks Brandon 👍

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At the rate that we are going, a prediction can be made with a high degree of certainty that something bad will happen sooner than later along these lines

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Geert, the Southern hemisphere is currently in the middle of its Winter - why are we not seeing the more virulent covid, and resulting illness, in the jabbed in countries like Australia, New Zealand and across South America? The jabbed in the Southern hemisphere's current Winter are not dying in vast numbers.

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Contrary to what one might reasonably expect, this no longer has anything to do with the season. As stated above, Okinawa is in strife....mid-summer. Australia is a bit behind other countries as we weren’t subject to the vaccines as early...we’ll catch up 😕

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Yes, it is a strange one isn't it. Is it seasonal - bear in mind Geert in the above video says that it is because he expects what he forecasts is coming in the Northern Winter and is not happening now because it is the Summer - so that does raise the question of why not now in the Southern hemisphere?

Is it, as you say, because the Aussies and Kiwis are behind the North in terms of how long they have been jabbed? If so, then is it a question of seasons or of Time jabbed?

But travel is now open to Oz and NZ with plenty of jabbed people from the Northern hemisphere now travelling to Oz and NZ regularly - why are they not the 'Typhoid Marys' for Geert's theories? For example, some British NHS medics first jabbed in December 2020 and second jabbed in February 2021 now visiting Oz or Nz - wouldn't some of them be the first to potentially mutate the coof when away from the sunshine in a Oz/NZ winter?

Just thinking out loud?

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Great question. I think the answer is that the big “moment” has more to do with the virus mutating in a way to surpass the type of weak immune protection in vaccinees, and that just hasn’t happened yet. If it had, the countries you mentioned would be getting this next dreaded wave first. I think GVB thinks it will likely start in the Northern countries that were vaxxed first, heavily, repeatedly, so therefore will likely be the leading edge of the storm, so to speak. Another way to say it, is that these heavily vaxxed Northern countries will likely be the location where the virus will jump over weak vaccine protection because they have put the most pressure on the virus to mutate, for the longest period of time, and their vaccinees immune systems will be exhausted first, unable to be helped by any additional “boosting.” Perhaps GVB has another reason - this is simply my deduction.

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I hear not all batches of vaccine were created the same...does this play a part as to how many are truly vaccinated?

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Unlikely even though I wish this were the case. Read Jessica Rose’s substack on vaccine lots

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I hear you. My understanding is that it is more an internal, individual battle going on now...with the level of NNA s etc versus merely the level of exposure. Japan are really going for it..up to 7th jab is not uncommon.....this is what is rendering people vulnerable...not so much the external exposure (though that would still obviously ‘boost’ the NNAs)

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I’ve been following Geert from the beginning. I’m no expert obviously but I am trying to understand it. I feel I do....just not very succinct in the relating of it. I wish I knew what the best study book to learn the very basic stuff of virology/immunology was. Sometimes it goes over my head and I feel it’s just some simple fundamental thing I’m missing. If anyone had any suggestions I would appreciate it 🙏

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In hot countries people live indoors with air conditioning in the summer, driving infection. In cold countries people live indoors in the winter with heating, driving infection.

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maybe it has something to do with where a particular population is in the infection waves, and what variants they had before, and what they have now

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Because they get more sunshine than the northern hemisphere. I worked this out in 2020 and have been trying to point this out. Sunshine, if you do the right things, gives vitamin D a vital protector of the body. D for Defense.


Of course we have no idea what is in each vial anyway. They could use saline and nobody would be any the wiser.

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Geert explained why in one of his last videos. A suboptimal phase of immune pressure still remains to be seen, non neutralizing antibodies must drop below optimal levels, which go down slowly due the previous very high titers. In winter you expect more viruses foster, and higher levels of innate immunity in the population. So after SUMMER (less activation of innate inmunity) is when probably this next immune escape event will happen.

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I'm wondering if the various governments are obscuring the data, as in this example below.


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I wish Dr john Campbell would listen to these videos

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Good point I would say that John likes to go with official sources for his info - where as Geert is theory based - on his experience - Geert predicts where John looks at what has been released officially - . And Geerts predictions have huge implications - I am sure John will look at Geerts theory if it comes to pass - which it hasnt yet but doesnt mean to say it wont,

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Campbell is firmly behind endemicity now. Even though the alarm has been raised by many of his followers that it's likely not the case but rather a brief lull. He was slow to acceptance of the harms of the vaccines. I applaud him for keeping us informed and staying open to all possibilities when he's clearly been firmly western medicine ideology. I imagine he'll get on board here too when the signs are no longer possible to ignore.

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I drew his attention to it after GVB's first video; he acknowledged my messages with a heart but never said anything about it.

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Keep trying and I will do the same!

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SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses wane profoundly in convalescent individuals 10 months after primary infection

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The simple English word “No!” is going to become more popular and more emphatic in coming days. My prediction

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Thank you for your work and advice etc ... So glad I discovered you in 2021. God help us all!!!!

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