Now this is a great example of a scientific discussion. Many thanks for sharing.

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This is EXACTLY what the humans of earth have been denied during this. A respectful back and forth discussion on science and educated opinions. Thank you both for doing that.

Dr X I have to do a review of what I just read but it doesnt matter if I agree with you or Dr. Geert. Thank you for being a professional and I respect that.

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This kind of scientific debate is illegal isn't it? Maybe some form of terrorism?

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According to Castros little boy and infected faeces brain Brandon, it is.

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Bottom line as I see it... If Dr G. Vanden Bossche is wrong...Life is good and no worries. Dr.X is wrong...probable catastrophic loss of life. I have been following Dr G since he started warning about the mass vaccinations. What is happening with VE is confirming his theories. I suspect that the huge increase in covid deaths in the vaccinated (name your country) are actually related to the vaccines. All the vaccine comments about how " it would have been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated" could probably be translated to..."It is worse because I was vaccinated". In any case shouldn't the debate fall on the side of the theory with the worst outcome? Or should we all just HOPE that Dr G is wrong?

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Tailoring policy to the worst possible outcomes from natural disasters (and SARS CoV-2 is now part of nature) is not a good idea. Think of all the harm caused by dire scenarios of CAGW (catastrophic anthropogenic global warming) via misdirection of funds and humongous opportunity costs. There is a small but nonzero risk that the Yellowstone Caldera will blow and kill us all. We can cater for this eventuality by immediately devoting 80 percent of global GDP to building heated underground cities. But then we will have nothing left to cater for countless other catastrophes with small but nonzero risks of occurring, not to mention that quality of life will diminish to microscopic dimensions.

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As long as the concept of "bioweapon(s)" is not applied, the debate will remain academic.

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Interesting conversation.

How about the hypothesis of a fundamentally iatrogenic epidemiology?

It has been observed anecdotally in numerous territories, best characterized in smaller population segments, that COVID "waves" of cases & deaths acompany the successive vaccination, inclusive per age cohort (Re2: Prof Fenton, UK).

=> Suggesting that the vaccination is the main motor of the pandemic, and of the generation of variants, ensuring both infection & immune pressure.


1-Innumerous graphs on Twitter, some animated, that tend to disappear representing date of beginning of vaccination campaign on a graph with number of cases. The phenomenon is reproduced at each dose, inclusive for Israel, the 3rd dose & current 4rth dose.




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Just wonderful to read this respectful discussion between people who are in their fields of expertise .

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Who is this DR. X? Please identify yourself.

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Must be imaginary person for the sake of a Good argument, which has been lacking.

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@ Dr. G. Vanden Bossche..which bio-lab did Omicron BA1-BA2 come from?? Bio-labs located in the Netherlands _ Denmark, Belgium, Holland. GAF experiments were being conducted in your neighborhood(s); all of the ferrets died.

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The last sentence says it all, in the discussion,-- Time deficient rush to make money

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Wow! That is quite a mouthful! Please continue to offer a summary for us lay people.

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Excellent discussion. Thank you for sharing this. Terrific to be able to be a fly on the wall of well-reasoned and patient discourse.

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Since two thirds of the world have already been vaccinated and are clamoring for "more please sir" in response to the fear tactics or threats of the worlds elite, it is no longer academic but a waiting game for the inevitable results of the grand experiment.

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Right from the begging of this discussion I read about 'CASES'. In short: 'cases' obtained by at best DUBIOUS rt-PCR tests represent huge dilemma and uncertainties/missinformation.

The topic of basicaly missleading / fraudulent number of 'cases' has been broadly discussed, but in official media sources. Kary Mullis stated the test was 'big something detecting big nothing'. The test is not for DIAGNOSIS of anything.

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Thanks dr. Bossche for providing this discussion for us. Reading about cells involved in immune system resembles science of 'partical physics' - ZOO of identified and suspectet 'actors' being involved.

The whole issue of 'VACCINATION' since it started in 1796, by physician Edward Jenner, is very controvertial. Just recently I encountered this great history "The smallpox pandemic response was eerily similar to COVID", that is easy to read and fodder for thought.


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Nope you're not right. I don't even bother reading anymore. The idea of immune escape is just cover for mass poisoning.

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