Dr. Vanden Bossche - Keep on writing, informing. Few listen to what I pass on, but at some point they will be unsettled enough due to evidence, they will turn the page. I am 72, not vaxxed and have been skeptical of all actions taken - or not taken - since February 2020. So glad I found you....

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Dr. VB: Excellent answer. Either I am getting smarter (I doubt it) or your answers are becoming more accessible to the layman (likely). Thanks for your tireless work in pursuit of truth in public health.

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How can anyone say any vaccine is safe? Do these scientists not look and see what the heck they put into these injections? Since when is it okay to inoculate with heavy metals? Polysorbates,bovine, fetal, monkey, pig, dog cells? How do they not see the correlation/ causation... Cancer, Autoimmune disease, Autism? The more vaccines, more illness! I'm old enough to remember, few vaccines. We never had all the sickness that there is now, especially in children! These are my thoughts, my opinion! All I do is research vaccines and it's not good!

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This has been my experience in the past 50 years of professional practice.

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I was anti covid vax from day one...

But this situation has opened my eyes to the vaccine fraud... I will NEVER take another vaccine again.

Every injection is a roll of the dice... you never know when you'll be the one who ends up with one of the injuries --- for arguably no benefit.

And if there is benefit then fine - I will let the zombies inject all 70+ shots 'Staying Safe from Everything' and that will reduce my odds to pretty much zero.

Thank you zombies!

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As soon as someone starts hiding or censoring information or studies (like the vaccine industry does) it gets my attention real quick to focus on what was censored. So every time the vax industry censors something, it's like a giant spotlight shining on that, and I go read it.

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All vaccines are dodgy ... but the Covid vaccines are extra dodgy....

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There is no scientific basis for Germ Theory, thus contagion, thus common bacteria are not scary, and as many, like Stefan Lanka, have amply stated, viruses don't exist, at least not as undead gene-infection bags.

All vaccines should be classified as chemical weapons, and all use of them should be classed as war crimes! Any foreign tissue they contain will likely also cause similar harmful symptoms as organ transplants, especially as the tissue rots in the muscle/blood. Only a frigging idiot would think that was a good idea, especially since the complications of organ transplants became evident!

Many drugs are actually chemical weapons too, because they aren't even relatively safe for temporary symptom suppression, and use of those not useful like this should be classed as war crimes too; this includes off the shelf drugs like painkillers, which can kill life too!

We should be finding, preventing, and treating the actual causes of diseases, not fooling around with toxic drugs.

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These numbers stated by the person asking the question are insanely false!

There was NEVER a period where 2.5million children died due to measles in America!

At the peak of the measles pandemic, it killed at most 14 out of 100,000 kids. 14!

That number was charted from the early 1900’s. If we had about 100million ppl living in America at that time, then that means at best, 14,000 children died due to measles, NOT 2.5 million!

The charted data is available at a site called “Physicians for Informed Consent”

Everyone should download and read their info on these diseases and learn the truth. I ask that everyone also please help spread the truth by sharing the PDF’s and teaching others just how badly these propagandists distort the truth in order to promote their poisonous medical products!


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The Silent Killers

Chapter 5: The Immunization Fraud – Do Vaccines Work? – Measles

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

Sep 19

At a health symposium in Davenport Iowa on November 15, 1967, Dr. J. Anthony Morris reported that there were three major medical mistakes made in the development, use, and government regulation of the measles vaccine.

The first mistake pertained to the dead measles vaccine. (There are two types of measles vaccine, dead virus and living virus. This can be confusing because viruses are not living things. They are called “live” if the virus can be copied in the body. They are “dead” or “killed” or “replication defective” if they cannot be copied in the body.) In 1963, the dead virus vaccine was prepared by the precipitation of the virus particle using alum. Alum is an aluminum hydroxide gel that is used as an adjuvant. When it is used, it will hypersensitize the person who is injected. This was known since 1913, and the use of alum is only justified when you are trying to protect someone from a disease that will result in death. Yet this vaccine was permitted to be marketed in 1963. By 1965, physicians noted that children who were injected were manifesting “atypical measles”, far more severe than the measles nonvaccinated kids get. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7468641/


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"There are studies that suggest a link between naturally acquired measles infection and a reduced risk of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, as well as a reduced risk of atopic diseases such as hay fever, eczema and asthma. In addition, measles infections are associated with a lower risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Moreover, infants born to mothers who have had naturally acquired measles are protected from measles via maternal immunity longer than infants born to vaccinated mothers."


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I should add to my comment that the death rate is at most 14/100K PER YEAR. From 1900 to vaccine rollout in 1963.

The true number fluctuates but eventually reaches 1 to less than 1 per 100K (per year) by the time the needle is introduced.

This info is according to the chart found at the website I linked. There may be other charts or figures showing different numbers but I am not aware of them as of yet.

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Isnt measles treatable with vitamin C anyway?

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According to the Physicians for Informed Consent in the link shared by Concerned Citizen in the opening comment, Vitamin A treats measles. If I recall right, 75 to 92% of children in underdeveloped country who get measles have vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin C was not mentioned. I'm sure it helps but if there is a driving deficiency wouldn't that have to be addressed?

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thanks i be corrected

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The best way to train the innate arm of the immune system is to allow the virus to pass through the epithelial layer naturally. This allows better training of T-cells and also produces secretory mucosal IgA antibodies that will provide future prevention of infection.

When you inject viruses, you are bypassing that epithelial layer and avoiding necessary exposure to the sentinel cells on the epithelial barrier, specifically natural killer cells, dendritic cells and naive T-cells. True, some of these cells involved in the innate immune response do get exposed by injecting the virus particles, but not with the quantity and quality of a natural exposure. And you do not get the protective secretory IgA response.

And, when you attenuate or weaken viruses in "live" vaccines, you run several risks. First, you cannot reliably control the strengths of these batches. This is due not only to manufacturing, but in the preparation of the product by the technician immediately prior to injection. Some will contain many times more virulent particles and will induce disease symptoms in almost everyone subjected to them. Others are so weak, they do not stimulate a meaningful immune response. Another risk is the presence of toxic adjuvants in the mix that are supposed to overcome the attenuation of the virus particle. Some people can eliminate these toxins quickly, others cannot.

Herd immunity can only be reached when enough of the population has the ability to NOT get infected. Injecting people with live attenuated viruses is "priming" their adaptive immune system to be able to react to the next infection. This procedure does not provide the protection of infection necessary for herd immunity to be attained.

The best way to counteract communicable disease is to promote methods to develop and sustain the innate immune system barrier, preventing the infection from happening. Therefore the ability to replicate and spread copied viruses will stop. Injecting something to create serum antibodies that can only react to infections, never prevent infections, is not the way out of the mess we have allowed ourselves into.

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"Injecting people with live attenuated viruses is "priming" their adaptive immune system to be able to react to the next infection. This procedure does not provide the protection of infection necessary for herd immunity to be attained."

Could you clarify this point? I thought the live attenuated viruses in a vaccine could replicate, which means that the innate arm of the immune system would be able to "do its thing".

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Yes, injected attenuated viruses can be replicated in cells that are inside the body. These would be cells that line blood vessels or cells that make up organ tissues. By injecting the viruses, you are bypassing the epithelial layer that separates the outside of you from the inside. The epithelial layer is where viral replication is most important as it directly involves and helps to train innate immune cells that guard that epithelial layer and will PREVENT future infections. The sentinel T-cells and other sentinel cells are not directly involved when injecting viruses, and this is a recognized problem that virologists have been dealing with for decades. This is why people who get injected with anything that stimulates serum antibody production will always be vulnerable to future infections. Those serum antibodies can only react to infections, never prevent them.

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Are oral/nasal vaccines possible?

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Yes, and that actually makes sense to allow the virus particle to enter the body through the epithelial layer. Same thing with ingesting or swallowing those that enter through the intestinal epithelium. The end game is the same though...create adaptive antibodies. Unfortunately they will spend billions of dollars attenuating the particles and adding adjuvants so as to not create the symptoms they are trying to prevent. These man-made alterations will not give them the perfect innate immune system cellular training necessary for future protection of infection and herd immunity. It makes much more sense to allow natural infections to happen. For people who are still afraid, build up that epithelial barrier for protection, especially in those who are vulnerable to infection.

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I thought the Peyers Patches in the gut specifically do convey virus templates to train the innate immune system and also trigger the adaptive immune system, while balancing allergic reactions.

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At first I thought you meant through skin contact (epithelial), then I read it can be respiratory tract.

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OK, I understand. Thanks.

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And of course there is more detailed info here

The Silent Killers


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You are a treasure Gert. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us 💕🙌

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Great information and understandable to a non-scientist like me, but good luck getting any blue hair Karens still masking their children to read that. Good luck getting anyone responsible for authorizing C-19 vaxxines and their mandates to accept that what they’ve done amounts to genocide.

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I send his articles and many others to my state elected officials, all 200 of them, and to the mayor and city council in Boston where I live. The more dissenting opinions they hear, especially from well qualified and credential doctors and scientists, the better. Lord knows they're not going to hear him from bought and paid for legacy media.

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Judging by their actions, those who authorize and/or mandate the mRNA vaccines are greedy sociopaths who couldn't care less about the well-being of the "unwashed masses". All they care about is the endless accumulation of their own wealth and power. By definition, they have no empathy for others and no guilt or remorse for the harm their actions bring. Further, I think some of the highest elite have been captured by an ideology that asserts only the "privileged" are smart enough to take humanity forward, to create a "paradise on earth", and to develop the technologies like AI and transhumanism that will be required. BUT (they think) the masses will certainly screw it up if they are not tightly controlled, again using technologies and within the context of a totalitarian state. Aren't we seeing moves in those directions? Strict authoritarian mandates during the pandemic? Freezing of bank accounts in Canada? Digital Yuan in China? Flagrant censorship on social media? The phenomenon of Mass Formation at work, taking us along a path to totalitarianism?

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The path to totalitarianism including digital ID, programmable digital money via the central bank digital currency and social credit system to ensure the masses comply and behave.

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They are too busy clapping and singing with the mentally ill trannies ... and giving their kids bills to slip into the gstrings...


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Sounds like you were there!

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Congratulations for this one! I can understand it!

And thanks.

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Winston Smith posted an article from a physician in 1899, titled the fallacy of vaccination. It was very insightful.


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Common sense that is so lacking from the start of this saga rears it’s ugly head yet again trying to muddy waters already churned up by media and Pharma and those who bow Dow to the dollar, sanity from Dr GVB is just a rock I need to swim to.

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The use of Live Virus Vaccines are 'Contraindicated' for use in Immunocompromised Immunodeficient Infants, Children and Adults. Because they carry the absolute Risk of causing the very disease they are supposed to prevent in an immunocompromised host after prolonged Replication In Human tissue. As is the case for Measles Virus Vaccine . On PubMed review the already Published, Peer Reviewed Scientific Research Article Entitled " Altered Virulence of Vaccine Strain of Measles Virus After Prolonged Replication In Human Tissue".

This is exactly the reason why all the relevant and available Scientific Literature states Live Vaccines are NOT to be used in 'Immunocompromised Persons'.

Our absolute failure as a Society is we have completely overlooked this Reality. We allowed a very Corrupt System Evolve in which currently nobody can be held directly accountable for any associated direct or accumulative viral / toxic injury. Not the Manufacturer, the Medical personnel tasked with administration, or the Government's that publically endorce and recommend their use.

"SCREENINGB4VACCINES" For Immunocompromised/ Immunodeficiency needs to become an Absolute Global Health Priority to reduce the current incident of accumulative Vaccine associated injury / AUTISM in this generation of infants/children born.

Parent of a Birth Injured and subsequently severely Vaccine Injured child who developed Regressive Autism , Demylinating Neuropathy and SSPE Post MMR Vaccine.

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Scientific research should be directed toward fixing the immunocompromised state, or preventing it from happening at all.

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The fundamental implication in this question is that children would die in large numbers from Covid19 if not for the vaccine. This is absolutely false. It has always been known to be false. The questioner is lying.

The parallel implied between Covid19, measles, and polio is entirely inappropriate. In fact it is blatant deception.

No surprise though. These types of arguments come from people who believe natural gender should be overridden by early medical intervention too. Dispicable is an understatement.

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I'd be interested in a debate:

See The Silent Killers series https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/ which is VERY convincing (note - a lot of vaccines target diseases that are generally not very nasty -- yet the side effects definitely are... also the odds of getting the nasty ones - and having a nasty outcome - are actually smaller than the odds of a significant vax injury)

I have not read this but it looks very interesting.... https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine

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Read: The moth and the iron lung and Crooked. Both well written, almost like detective novels. They put the pieces together on how we got to where we are with immunizations

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Amazed at how quick the response "well polio was eradicated with vaxxine" my 82 yr old neighbor said it yesterday when I was telling them "no more boosters, they never worked" I am sure they'll get another booster. How on earth did that dis-information about polio get ingrained into the minds of the masses? 5 ppl in my bible study ALL got boosted last week! They were SO proud and marveling at how they went ahead and got various other vaxx's at the same time, one woman showed her vaxx card! These are ppl obviously fear captivated. I was squirming in my chair wondering if they were all shedding onto me! The Doc's are 80% to blame b/c they blindly recommend any and all vaxx's regardless of real need...$$$ My shitty doc who thankfully retired 10yrs ago would always recommend vaxx's and STATINS, I always told him I do not do med's of any kind. He did somehow manage to talk me into 3 Dtap jabs in a 5-6 yr period, that should be malpractice. I never paid attention to the 10 yr protocol and obviously he wasn't either.

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Get the old fellow a copy of, The Moth and the Iron Lung. Tell him to have an open mind, there is another side to the polio story.

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Thanks again Dr Bossche outstanding discussion

Let's watch this as a reminder


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Interesting piece of history. Thanks for posting.

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Your welcome

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Like a modern made documentary and Fauci wrote the script with Bourla.

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