btw, I saw the title's of the articles, blaming the "immunocompromised" for driving the infectious variants and I immediately just completely disregarded the articles all together. I didn't even bother looking at them. At this point, I think we all know bullshit when we see it regardless of the journal title it's published in. "Just like getting an A on an exam gives college student MI's." You Gert, on the other hand do very valuable work. Thank you. Please continue. We love you for it xx oo.

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So...why don't we address the causes of immunosuppressed people and fix it! Identify the root causes. Exposure to toxins. Deficient in key nutrients. Combination of the two. Detrimental lifestyle issues. All of the above. Rather than do that, we want to manipulate the cellular function which is extremely complex. Negative outcomes are demonstrated in Pfizers mRNA injection which is NOT a vaccine and

the extensive list (over 1000 different expressions of disease states) of ADR's including 28 deaths. Why can't we stop going down this path? If you have a whole vibrant immune system there is no need to fear!

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Lots & lots of immunocompromised issues are from childhood vax and flu vaccines.

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Yep. They bury the truth!

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I appreciate you making this challenging field more understandable to those of us with no science background. Sorry you've had to be a Cassandra, of course.

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Cassandra was correct - in the end.

As will be GVB... patience grasshopper...

The Bossche Mutation (deadly, highly contagious) will come.

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Many thanks Geert ,you have not been wrong it's not over "till the fat lady sings "to coin a phrase as we say in the the UK £££ Pfizer

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Til the fat lady keels over while singing.

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By immune dysregulation, do you mean that vaccinees recall non-neutralizing abs to the Wuhan spike, which enhances infection but prevents adequate creation of neutralizing abs to the new variant and leads to repeated infections?

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J.J. Couey does an incredible job explaining the biology & flagging the spin in official claims.. his most recent zeroes in on the immune system and jabs in a way the weakest science types among us can follow & understand even if we can't repeat it we can source Dr J calling it right from the stat of the pandemic & among the most gifted teachers ever.. big time fan!


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The immune system is an enigma wrapped in a conundrum surrounded by mystery.

I just want to know exactly what GVB means by immune dysregulation. It's a broad term.

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I was interested that you appear to make the claim that the gene therapies DO in fact protect against severe disease (and by extension, hospitalizations and deaths). In fact, the data from the few countries that publish data dilineated by vaccination status, show this NOT to be the case (At least in the present with Omicron BA4/5 as the dominant strains) even when (correctly) presented on a per 100K basis for each cohort.

Perhaps I am mis-understanding your statement but if I am incorrect in my interprpretation of the data as above, I would be very interested to heaar your views on the subject.

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This veterinarian is not too familiar with the mRNA false 'vaccines' methinks.

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Are you talking about Pfizer CEO or Geert? Both being veterinarians…

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Oh, I meant Geert. I don't think he's properly schooled on mRNA and the fact that all of the lab animals died in mRNA trials with that bio-weapon 'not a vaccine'. Geert seems to honestly confuse mRNA 'tech' with your average vaccines. 'Leaky vaccines' are bad enough but mRNA is far, far worse.

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Definitely not a vaccine..although the cdc and Webster dictionary changed the definition of vaccination in sept 21 to make it qualify as one...

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Yep. Stealth by Trojan needed a 'safety word'.

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What do you think about this new article? It seems like the first real proof of ADEI.

Shimizu, J., Sasaki, T., Koketsu, R. et al. Reevaluation of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection in anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic antibodies and mRNA-vaccine antisera using FcR- and ACE2-positive cells. Sci Rep 12, 15612 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-19993-w

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Sep 19, 2022
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Ok interesting. Unfortunately I am not interesting in buying the notion that the virus and everything is simply made up, since such a stance does not add any value to my personal decision making (i.e. if you know nothing at all because a problem does not exist, then you cannot do anything about it). On the contrary, it appears to be more valuable to understand Geert's theory since the correlation between my real world obserations of disease and his predictions is pretty good. Therefore, even if what he is saying is complete nonsense and his predictions just come true by chance, this correlation cannot be denied (from my point of view at least+various national statistics), and therefore there is a substantial probability that his insights will further prove to be valuable.

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Recognized epidemiologists suggested before Omicron: “So far as we know, vaccination-facilitated variants in SARS-COV-2 have not yet been reported and, depending on the available genetic variation. [..] So far, the SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern that have become dominant have been vaccination-inhibited generalists that would have spread regardless of vaccination.” https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.13680.pdf The vaccination could, therefore, only accelerate the selection speed.

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spurious notion about immunosuppressed people debunked. Geert Vanden Bossche to me is the leading scientist watchdog regarding all matters of vaccination. We are truly blessed to have his keen scientific mind studying the legitimate research, and then giving us an explanation.

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What is clear they guess and muddy waters from the lack of time now we see mixtures of vaccines tested on 8 mice who all had different titer results no human trials but now approved by the FDA if this is not blatant fraud to themselves as the supposedly caretakers of health then I come from a different planet pure arrogance to all of us if they think they can put the genie back in the bottle

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'Severe covid' isn't 'mild covid but worse'.

Severe covid is the result of the immune system switching into a hyperactive state and attacking the body ('cytokine storm'). Isn't it plausible that the 'dysfunctional immune response' is reducing the likelihood of this overreaction?

We really should be looking at the relative frequency of the four different intensities of covid infection -- asymptomatic, mild symptoms ('cold'), flu-like symptoms and 'severe covid'. It could well be that we're seeing the vaccinated more likely to get an infection resulting in flu-like symptoms, compared with the unvaccinated. This would then be a sign of disease enhancement occurring. It is very important to note that disease enhancement wouldn't necessarily result in more 'severe covid'.

If this is the case the important aspect to watch out for would be diseases caused by higher viral loads (ie, viral damage and the immune response to attacking infected cells) rather than the rare 'severe covid'. Given information we have about the consequence of other coronavirus infections this might involve increases in cardiovascular problems (and possibly other effects), the impact of which might only appear in the weeks and months following infection.

Information we have on the viral load following infection is biased towards reporting of viral loads in the upper respiratory tract, which doesn't necessarily translate into information about systemic viral loads, or higher viral loads localised to other organs.

Unfortunately, the data we have doesn't distinguish between 'cold like symptoms' and 'flu like symptoms' (they're both 'mild covid') and thus there's not so much information on whether we're seeing disease enhancement caused by higher viral loads in certain organs.

Also, chronic infection might only be seen in certain places in the body -- I'd be very interested to see whether there is a sustained viral infection in the gut, as this might explain some of what we are seeing .

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VAIDS Rising: COVID-19 Surge Starting In U.S. Despite Coverups. 29 States Report A Total of 98,500 New Infections And 832 Deaths In Last 24 Hours!

U.S. COVID-19 News: Despite attempts by the Biden administration to conceal the actual COVID-19 scenario in the United States, the degree of severity and mortality the new BA.4.6 variant and also the various BA.5 sub-lineages is causing, prevents the degree of seriousness the country is going to be in this coming fall and winter from being not reported.


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thereby leading to their enhanced susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and protection against severe C-19 disease, not the other way around! Now what does this mean? One is saying enhanced susceptibility and the other protection against C-19. huh????? what gives?

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If I may attempt to clarify, susceptibility to infection simply means susceptibility to actually getting the illness. Protection against severe disease refers to how serious the person's illness becomes. They are two distinct things.

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What has been being reported though is that the highly vaccinated populations [usually 'boostered'] are the ones hospitalized and dying in the highest numbers including 'sudden adult deaths'. I would say death would most certainly fall under the category of 'severe disease'.

Of course, a 'bio-weapon' is only a 'vaccine' in the most 'Trojan' sense of the word.

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So, you are saying it's an enhanced protection against C-19 which really confuses me after saying an enhanced susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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This sentence is unclear...

[...not expect that vaccinees continue being protected against severe C-19 disease and, more recently, are even less prone to developing C-19 disease all together.]

I guess that original 'not' implies 'NOT' less prone to developing C-19 disease.

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??? Pfizer has stated that the vaccinated will infect those who are not.

SO WHY ON EARTH GET JABBED? DON'T! Everyone should be taking natural meds

to protect themselves! I post publicly on MeWe.


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Thanks Dr. Vanden Bossche, again mass vaccination into a pandemic was disastrous.

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